D . M F

Surname: Formosa
Name: Marvin
Citizenship: Maltese
Date of birth: 17 April 1972
Place of birth: Malta
Office address:
European Centre for Gerontology,
University of Malta,
Msida MSD 2080, Malta
Tel (++356) 23403103/79634015
email: marvin.formosa@um.edu.mt
Report writing - based on quantitative and qualitative programme evaluation
Social gerontology - multidisciplinary analysis of social/health care policies for older adults
Educational gerontology - policy evaluation and good practice in late-life education/learning
PhD in Gerontology, University of Bristol.
Masters in Sociology, University of Malta, Classification: Distinction
Post Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Malta
Bachelor of Psychology, University of Malta, Classification: Second Upper
Dr. Formosa is in receipt of various academic/professional appointments and designations.
He was appointed as an international lecturer by the International Institute on Ageing (United
Nations - Malta) on its missions to Thailand (1998) and Qatar (2008). Dr. Formosa also held
the post of as a member of Scientific Committee of 19th Congress of the International
Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (2005-2009), as well as Visiting Scholar at
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (20092010). In 2012, he was also invited to join the editorial board of Research on Ageing and
Social Policy and International Journal on Education and Ageing, as well as the executive
committee of the International Association of Education and Ageing.
Dr. Formosa’s primary interests are social gerontology and educational gerontology - on
which he contributed to many journals including Educational Gerontology, Mediterranean
Journal of Educational Studies, Lifelong Learning Institute Review, Recerca, International
Journal of Education and Ageing, Journal of Transformative Education, International
Review of Education, Journal of Maltese Educational Research, Ageing International, and
BOLD. Recent published and forthcoming books include Social class in Later Life: Power,
Identity and Lifestyle (The Policy Press, 2013 - with Paul Higgs), Lifelong Learning in Later
Life (Sense, 2011 - with Brian Findsen), and Class Dynamics in Later Life (Lit Verlag, 2009).
Forthcoming publications include ‘European Union policy on older adult learning: A critical
perspective’ in the Journal of Aging and Social Policy, and ‘Late-life learning in Europe:
Issues for social and public policy. Aging in European societies (Springer, edited by
Formosa, M. (2012), and ‘Positive ageing in an age of neo-liberalism’ in The ages of life:
Living and aging in conflict? (Lit Verlag, edited by Kriebernegg et al.).
1999 -
Resident academic, European Centre of Gerontology, University of Malta
Appointments on boards, committees, etc
Member, Board of Studies (Masters in Gerontology and Geriatrics)
Member, Board of Studies (Doctorate in Gerontology and Geriatrics)
Member, Board of Studies (Masters in Adult Education)
Member, University of the Third Age (1999 - 2004)
Syllabus Panel Chairperson, Examination Chairperson, Paper Setter, and
Marker, Matriculation Secondary Education Certificate
Courses taught at the University of Malta
Undergraduate level:
SOC 1001 Understanding sociology
SOC 2001 From small groups to bureaucracy
NUR 4410 Community Care of the Elderly
Postgraduate level:
GERO 5031 Quality of life in old age
GERO 5034 Research and evaluation
GERO 5039 Fieldwork in elder settings
GERO 5040 Social interactions in later life
GERO 5041 Inter-disciplinary gerontology
GERO 5042 Dissertation
EDU 5880
Teaching older adults
EDU 5882
Practicum in adult education
Masters of Gerontology and Geriatrics (both ongoing) (2), Masters of Adult education (both
ongoing) (2), Masters of Sociology (ongoing) (1), Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontology and
Geriatrics (13), Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (1), Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
Administration (1), Diploma in Social Studies (Gender and Development) (1), Diploma in
Labour Studies (Health and Safety) (ongoing) (1)
Masters Degree in Counselling (1)
Masters Degree of Gerontology and Geriatrics (3), Masters Degree of Arts in Sociology (8),
Masters Degree in Education in Adult Education (1), Masters Degree in Youth Studies (1),
Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics (9), Postgraduate Diploma in Lifelong
Career Guidance and Development (1), Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (4), Bachelor of
Education (1), Diploma in Social Studies (Gender and Development) (1).
4 books
Formosa, M. & Higgs, P. (eds.) (2013). Social class in later life: Power, identity and
lifestyle. Bristol: The Policy Press. (180 pages)
Findsen, B. & Formosa, M. (2011). Lifelong learning in later life: A handbook on older
adult learning. Amsterdam: Sense. (190 pages)
Formosa, M. (2009). Class dynamics in later life: Older persons, class identity and class
action. Hamburg: Lit Verlag. (160 pages)
Troisi, J. & Formosa, M. (2006). Supporting family carers of older people in Europe: The
national background report for Malta. Hamburg: Lit Verlag. (175 pages)
15 Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Four decades of Universities of the Third Age: Past, present,
and future. Ageing & Society
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). European Union policy on older adult learning: A critical
perspective. Journal of Aging and Social Policy,
Formosa, M. (2012). Education for older adults in Malta: Current trends and future
visions. International Review of Education, 58 (2): 271-292.
Formosa, M. (2012). Education and older adults at the University of the Third Age.
Educational Gerontology, 38 (1): 1-13.
Formosa, M. (2011). Universities of the Third Age: A rationale for transformative
education in later life. Journal of Transformative Education, 8 (3): 197-219.
Formosa, M. (2011). Critical Educational gerontology: A third statement of principles.
International Journal of Education and Ageing, 2 (1) : 317-332.
Formosa, M. (2010). Older adult learning in Malta: Towards a policy agenda.
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 15 (1): 61-85.
Formosa, M. (2010). Lifelong learning in later life: The Universities of the Third Age.
Lifelong Learning Institute Review, 5: 1-12.
Formosa, M. (2009). Renewing Universities of the Third Age: Challenges and visions for
the future, Recerca, 9: 171-196.
Formosa, M. (2007). A Bourdieusian interpretation of the University of the Third Age in
Malta. Journal of Maltese Education Research, 4 (2): 1-16.
Formosa, M. (2005). Feminism and critical educational gerontology : An agenda for good
practice. Ageing International, 30 (4): 396-411.
Formosa, M. (2002). Critical gerogogy: Developing practical possibilities for critical
educational gerontology. Education and Ageing, 17 (3): 73-86.
Formosa, M. (2002). Homage to Pierre Bourdieu. The Mediterranean Journal of
Educational Studies, 7 (1): 117-124.
Formosa, M. (2000). Exposing Ageism. BOLD, 11 (2): 15-23
Formosa, M. (2000). Older adult education in a Maltese University of the Third Age: A
critical perspective. Education and Ageing, 15 (3): 315-339.
8 Chapters in edited books
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Positive ageing in an age of neo-liberalism: Old wine in new
bottles? In U. Kriebernegg, R. Maierhofer & H. Mörtl (Eds.), ‘The ages of life’:
Living and aging in conflict?. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). The Labour Party and Maltese ageing policy: Past, present
and future. In J. Chircop (Ed.), Revisiting labour history,
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Late-life learning in Europe: Issues for social and public
policy. In C.N. Phellas (Ed.), Aging in European societies. New York: Springer.
Formosa, M. (2012). Older persons and green volunteering: the missing link to sustainable
futures. In S. Rizzo (Ed.) Green jobs from a small state perspective (pp. 33-43).
Belguim: Green European Foundation.
Formosa, M. (2010). Social and cultural implications. In M. Formosa (Ed.), A sustainable
development strategy: Dingli 2020 (pp. 13-36). Malta: Dingli Local Council.
Formosa, M. (2010). Sustainable development. In M. Formosa (Ed.), Sustainable
development strategy: Dingli 2020 (pp. 7-11). Malta: Dingli Local Council.
Formosa, M. (2009). Population ageing. In G. Cassar & J. Cutajar (Eds.), Transitions in
Maltese society (pp. 185-202). Malta: Agenda.
Formosa, M. (2004). University programmes for the third age in the creation of an
Education Higher Education Area. In C. Orte Socias & M. Gambus Saiz (Eds.), Los
programas universitarios para mayores en la costruccion del Espacio Europeo de
ensenanza superior (pp. 99-110). Espana: Universitat de le Illes Balears.
10 Monographs
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Towards age-friendly communities in Malta: The Dingli casestudy. Malta: Dingli Local Council.
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Supporting and mentoring mature learners: A training course
programme for community leaders. Malta: Malta Communications Authority. (73
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Supporting and mentoring mature learners: A training course
programme for leaders in the business community. Malta: Malta Communications
Authority. (59 pages)
Formosa, M. (forthcoming). Turning age into a resource: Volunteering among older
people in Malta. Malta: Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations &
Parliamentary Secretariat for the Elderly and Community Care. (77 pages)
Formosa, M. (2010) (ed.), Sustainable development strategy: Dingli 2020. Malta: Dingli
Local Council. (210 pages)
Formosa, M. & Arrigo, P. (2007). Employment challenges and opportunities for persons
experiencing social exclusion and poverty. Malta: European Anti-Poverty Network.
(75 pages)
Troisi J, Formosa M, Navarro M. (2004). The role of the family in caring for Maltese
elderly relatives. Malta: European Centre for Gerontology, University of Malta. (50
Formosa, M. & Troisi, J. (2001). Older women in Gozo. Malta: European Centre for
Gerontology, University of Malta. (106 pages)
Formosa, M. & Troisi, J. (2000). Our perceptions of older persons in Malta. Malta:
European Centre for Gerontology, University of Malta. (42 pages)
Formosa, M. & Calleja, J. (1997). Triennial report 1995-1997: United Nations
International Institute on Ageing (Malta). United Nations International Institute on
Ageing (Malta): Union Print. (210 pages)
1 Conference proceeding
Formosa, M. (2011). ‘Rethinking empowerment: A postmodern appraisal of critical
educational gerontology’. In E. Veloso, P., Guimarães, F. Martins, D. Silva, & M.
Maria (Eds.) Elderly, Education, Intergenerational Relationships and Social
Development. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Education and Learning of
Older Adults (ELOA), pp. 84-87. CIED - Centro de Investigação em Educação
Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.
4 Other publications
Formosa, M. (2011). Social exclusion and later life: A Maltese case-study. IDEAT, 3: 1823.
Formosa, M. & Rizzo, S. (2008). Malta: Collective Bargaining and Continuous
Vocational Training), European Industrial Relations Observatory On-line, available
at http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/eiro/studies/tn0804048s/mt0804049q.htm
Formosa, M. (2008). Working Time in the European Union : Malta, European Industrial
Relations Observatory On-line, available at
Formosa, M. (2008). Telework in Malta, European Industrial Relations Observatory On-line,
available at http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/eiro/2007/12/articles/mt0712019i.htm
5 Book reviews
Formosa, M. (2009). Book review of Mayo, P. (2008). Adult education in Malta.
Germany: DVV International. In Mediterranean Journal of Education Studies, 13
(2): 159-160.
Formosa, M. (2007). Book review of Loretto, W., Vickerstaff, S., & White P. (eds.) (2007)
The future for older workers: New perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press. In Journal of
Social Policy, 38 (1): 185-6.
Formosa, M. (2004). Book review of Antonnen, A., Baldock, J. & Spila, J. (2003) The
young, the old and the state : Social care systems in five industrial nations.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. In Ageing and Society, 24 (6): 977-978.
Formosa, M. (1999). Book review of UNESCO, (1998) Adult Learning and the Challenges
of the 21st Century. Proceedings of Workshops held at the Fifth International
Conference on Adult Education. In Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 5
(2): 123-9.
Formosa, M. (1997). Book review of Schembri, A.M. and Aguis, G.J. (1996) (eds.)
Education and the elderly, Malta: University of Malta Press. In Mediterranean
Journal of Educational Studies, 3 (1): 157-62.
1 Translation of my works in foreign languages
Formosa, M. (2011). Pierre Bourdieu elméletének értelmezése a máltai Harmadik Kor
Egyetemén [A Bourdieusian interpretation of the University of the Third Age].
Gerontoedukáció [Gerontology Education], 2 : 49-59.
University of Malta Scholarship to read for a Doctorate (2001)
Āieħ Had-Dingli 2010, Local Council of Dingli, in recognition of the coordination of the
local study titled Sustainable Development: Dingli 2020 (2010)
€1840 Grundtvig grant, ‘Manager for virtual learning projects in seniors’ education in
Europe’, University of Ulm, Germany. (2008)
€1205 Grundtvig grant, ‘Active Ageing and Intergenerational Learning’, University of Ulm,
Germany. (2012)
€1350 Research grant, Digital exclusion in later life, Malta Communications Authority.
Lecturer on social gerontology, United Nations’ Mission in Thailand, International Institute
on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), (1998)
Visiting lecturer on social gerontology in international training courses organised in Malta,
International Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta) (1999 - present)
Member, Scientific Committee, 19th International Congress of the Association of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, France (2005-2009)
Researcher, Centre of Labour Studies, University of Malta (2006-2007)
Researcher, European Anti-Poverty Network [EAPN] Malta (2007)
Researcher on older adult learning (8 week contract), Dublin City University (2007)
Lecturer, United Nations’ Mission in Thailand, International Institute on Ageing (United
Nations - Malta) (2008)
Visiting Scholar, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Canada (2009-2010)
Researcher, Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations & Parliamentary
Secretariat for the Elderly and Community Care (2010-2011)
Research adviser, sustainable development, F. Azzopardi & Associates (2010 - present)
Research adviser, Catholic Archdiocese of Malta (2011)
Policy adviser, e-learning in later life, Malta Communications Authority (2011-2012)
Lecturer, Malta Communications Authority (2012)
Member, Scientific Committee, Third Conference of the Network on Education and
Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Slovenia (2012)
Member, Editorial Board, Research on Ageing and Social Policy (2012 - present)
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal on Education and Ageing (2012 - present).
Member, Executive Committee, International Association for Education and Ageing (2012 present)
Research adviser, sustainable development, Dingli Local Council (Malta) (2009-2010)
Policy adviser, older adult learning, Dingli Local Council (Malta) (2011 - present)
February. Active ageing: A national seminar, Labour Party (Malta) General
Conference, Malta.
March. Dementia: A national seminar. Democratic Initiative for Education, Arts, and
Vocationalism [IDEAT], Malta.
July. Theorising social class in later life: Power, identity, lifestyle. 19th Congress of
the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, France.
November. Active ageing, lifelong learning, and Universities: What future? Bordercrossing as a viable choice: Collaboration, Dialogue, and Access to Higher
Education, European Association for University lifelong Learning, Malta.
October. Creativity in later life: Possibilities for empowerment in older adult
learning. Creativity, Lifelong Learning and the Ageing Population, The Nordic
Centre of Heritage Learning, Sweden.
September. European Union policy on older adult learning: A radical perspective.
Intergenerational Solidarity and Older Adults Education in the Community,
European Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults [ELOA], Slovenia.
June. Mentoring mature learners. Towards an e-Ageing Agenda, Malta
Communications Authority, Malta.
April. European Union policy on active ageing: Past, present, future. Active Ageing
Conference, European Seniors Organisation, Malta.
March. Missing voices in older adult learning: Outreaching to outsiders. New
Dynamics of Learning and Ageing: Research, Policy and Practice, International
Association of Education and Ageing, Ireland.
September. Roman Catholic faith in Maltese society. Diocesan Assembly, Malta
February. Social policy and intergenerational solidarity. Intergenerational Solidarity:
A National Seminar, Labour Party (Malta) General Conference, Malta.
February. Older persons in Malta: Challenges for social policy. Older Persons
Deserve Better, Labour Party (Malta) General Conference, Malta.
May. The current status and future prospects of university programmes for seniors in
Europe. Symposium on University Programmes for the Elderly, University of the
Balearic Islands, Spain.
June. Third-age learning: A European perspective. 20th Congress of the International
Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, South Korea.
September. Active Ageing : The challenge for providers. European Association of
Homes and Services for the Ageing, Malta
July. European Union policy on late-life learning. Active Ageing and
Intergenerational Dialogue, Centre for General Scientific Continuing
Education (ZAWiW) of Ulm University, Germany.
April. Older volunteerism in Malta. European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity
between Generations, Parliamentary Secretariat for the Elderly and Community
Care, Malta
January. The experience of ageing in Malta and the Southern Mediterranean.
Homogenous and Heterogeneous in the Mediterranean World, University of Malta,
November. Older persons and green volunteering: The missing link to sustainable
futures? Green Jobs from a Small State Perspective, Alternattiva Demokratika Malta’s Green Party, Malta.
December. Social exclusion in later life: A Maltese Case-Study. A National
Conference on Poverty and Social Exclusion, Democratic Initiative for Education,
Arts, and Vocationalism [IDEAT], Malta.
November. Lifelong learning: From rhetoric to practice. University of Toronto Public
Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada.
October. The politics of older adult education. Ontario Institute for the Studies of
Education Public Lecture, University of Toronto, Canada.
June. Older persons and social exclusion. Social Inclusion Expert Seminar in
Preparation of the Joint Inclusion Memoranda, Ministry of Social Policy, Malta.
April. Good practice in older adult education. Older Persons in the Maltese Islands
with special reference to Gozo, Ministry of Gozo, Malta.
October. Rethinking empowerment: A postmodern appraisal of critical educational
gerontology. Elderly, Education, and Intergenerational Relationships, European
Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults [ELOA], Portugal
July. Gerontologising class, classing older persons. 19th Congress of the
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, France.
February. Ageing males buying sex: A Maltese case-study. The Aging Male
Conference 2006, Association of the Ageing Male, Austria.
June. Class structuring and action in later life. 18th Congress of the International
Association of Gerontology Geriatrics, Brazil.
September. Older persons and social class. Inter-Congress International Sociological
Association Conference on Ageing Societies, International Sociological
Association, England.
July. Feminist educational gerontology : What possibilities? 5th European Congress
of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Spain.
July. Class dynamics in later life: A life course approach. 15th International
Sociological Association’s World Congress of Sociology, Australia.
July. The role of older adult education in class dynamics in old age. 17th Congress
of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Canada.
November. Challenges of population ageing. Europe 2020: A strategy for intelligent,
sustainable, and inclusive growth, European Union’s Platform against poverty and
social exclusion, Malta-Eu Steering and Action Committee, Malta.
October. Lifecourse perspectives on learning, trajectories and well-being: An
overview of some initial findings. Elderly, Education, and Intergenerational
Relationships, European Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults
[ELOA], Portugal.
October. Older adults and public education and training policies. Elderly, Education,
and Intergenerational Relationships, European Network on Education and
Learning of Older Adults [ELOA], Portugal.
December. Workshop rapporteur, Eliminating Poverty in Old Age, International
Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), Malta.
I am a peer review member on the following refereed journals: Ageing & Society,
International Journal of Education and Ageing, BOLD, World Leisure Journal,
The International Association of Education and Ageing (AEA), Executive Member,
(1999 - )
Gerontological Society of America (GSA) (1999 - )
British Society of Gerontology (BSG) (1999 - )
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) (1999 - )
European Network on Learning and Education of Older Adults (ELOA) (1999 - )
British Sociological Association (BSA) (1999 - )
Maltese Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (MAGG) (1999 - 2008)