Diploma Dissertations 2003 MAF Title Abstract THE MALTA GAY RIGHT MOVEMENT Social Themes and Perspectives Gay right movements have emerged almost in every country. Yet, there has not been any substantial research that has been carried out in order to investigate the issues, which has been brought about due to gay right movements and about their proposals that is about gay rights. The issue of gay rights has barely been considered as a problem by local authorities, though two of our main political parties in Malta included gay rights in their political manifesto. The Church has opposed for instance, cohabiting gay couples. This study involves a number of people that have been consulted, namely Maltese homosexual people and Maltese heterosexual people to understand if there is any awareness about the Malta Gay Right Movement and its proposals on gay rights in Malta. When analysing, the awareness on gay rights among homosexual people, this was clearly identified, yet when it came to heterosexual people, a lack of awareness was identified as either they do not have a clue about the existence of the MGRM or they do not have a clear view to some of the gay right issues. Adding to this, the majority of heterosexual and homosexual respondents gave a clear opinion certain issues that were asked to comment about. The majority of my homosexual respondents are in favour of having gay rights but yet they show their concerns as well. Author Date Subject Keywords Finally one must note that, according to this study, that the issue of gay rights is a problem even though it has not affected certain different areas in our Maltese society. Julie Ann Zahra 2003 B.A. (Hons) o Gay Right Movements o Gay Rights o Awareness o Catholic Church o Family Values o Change Social Studies Diploma 2005 MEL Title THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTHERS’ DEMAND FOR CHILDCARE FACILITIES AND THEIR 1 Diploma Dissertations Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords PARTICIPATION IN THE LOCAL LABOUR MARKET The participation of women in the labour market is one of the key trends to affect all countries over recent years. Malta has the lowest female employment rate amongst EY member states. Women’s primary focus on the family is the key determinant of women’s intermittent labour force participation. Outside forces also significantly determine women’s choices. Childcare is a major influence on women’s employment preference, especially for those who prefer a combination of motherhood and employment. Their social and economic contribution makes them indispensable to the growth of a culture, which unites reason and feelings. Thus, the availability of a childcare service is one of the factors that would be most welcomed by future mothers. This research shows the relationship between mother’s demand for childcare and their employment. Barbara Cachia & Carmen Zammit 2005 Social Studies (Diploma) o Women o Mothers o Family o Children o Childcare Service o Labour Market o Education o Employment o Family Friendly Measures o Church 1995 MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords CHILDREN OF BATTERED WIVES The After-Effects on Children Who Witnessed the Battering of Their Mothers by Their Husbands Josephine Buhagiar 1995 Social Studies (Diploma) 1994 2 Diploma Dissertations MAF Title Abstract CANNABIS: Its Presence and Effects on a Small Island Community (A sample of statements given by Gozitan people aged nine to forty years) The first part of this work includes historical perspectives of cannabis (il-haxixa), its physical and psychological hazards together with its medical uses. It also treats the ‘escalation theory’, regarding cannabis as a harbinger of other illicit drugs. The legalization of this drug is looked at from different perspectives. The influence of cannabis on family, sport, and employment in Gozo is also investigated. The second part of this study consists of a survey carried out in Gozo. 200 questionnaires were distributed, 30% among primary, secondary, post-secondary and tertiary students, 10% were distributed among the ‘registered’ drug addicts at the Detox Centre in Gozo while 60% were distributed among parents, sportsmen, and employees. Author Date Subject Keywords This work also sets out to discover what kind of preventive education is currently being offered. The awareness and availability of this drug, together with its usage under peer group pressure, and its clandestine cultivation, are also examined. Finally, the role of the social worker in the care of the addict, within the frame of a small community like Gozo, is also evaluated. Peter Paul Portelli 1994 Social Studies (Diploma) 1993 MAF MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MEL Title Abstract THE ROLE OF THE RESIDENTIAL SOCIAL WORKER IN THE REHABIITATION PROCESS OF ELDERLY PATIENTS Karen May Buhagiar 1993 Social Studies (Diploma) THE ROLE OF SOCIAL WORKERS WITH THE BEHAVIOURALLY AND EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED IN SPECIAL SCHOOLS The main aim of this dissertation was: TO COME UP WITH A RESEARCH STUDY WHICH WOULD SHED LIGHT ON WHETHER THERE IS A NEED FOR THE SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK ROLE SPCIFICALLY WITH EMOTIONALLY AND 3 Diploma Dissertations BEHAVIOURALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN. The research exercise focused on the collection of empirical evidence about the situation in Malta. The theoretical background was mainly derived from books in the special education and social work field, from various journals, as well as information obtained from the National Council of State Consultants For School Social Work Services (U.S.A.), and the National Association of Social Workers (U.S.A.). The latter also contacted the Oregon Linn-Benton Education Service District and the lowa Department of Education to supply material for this study, and valuable material was in fact supplied. No literature was supplied by the British Association of Social Workers who were also contacted. In Malta, six schools were chosen as the focus for this analysis (on the criteria that in these schools it was envisaged that a considerable number of emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children would be present), which were: the four Opportunity Centres – Marsa and Hamrun Girls, Marsa and B’Kara Boys; Mater Dei and St. Patrick’s Residential School. The research tools used were structured interviews: with a contact person from each school; and about eight to nine children from each school and their parents were selected to respond to the interviews. It is important to not here that this study does not seek to come up with hard and fast rules and elaborate statistical data on the need for school social workers. This study was more aimed towards giving children with emotional and behavioural problems, as well as their parents, the opportunity to voice their own opinions on their problems, needs and to demonstrate attitudes towards professional help. Many of those contacted, in fact, welcomed this opportunity, and showed enthusiasm to the fact that their opinions were being considered. The study was guided throughout with the belief that children and parents are essentially the ‘experts’ in the recall of the problems and needs that they encounter and feel. Thus, basically their opinions were the foundation for conclusions and recommendations on the need for professional help in the field of emotional and behavioural problems – especially on the envisaged position of the school social work role in the Maltese context. Author Date Subject Keywords Also, this particular field was chosen due to the feeling, which is very well expressed in a quotation by C.S.Mott (cited in a paper provided by the Malta Special Education Unit): If anyone is going to do anything on earth to help humanity, doing something for children is a good place to start. Mariella Caruana 1993 Social Studies (Diploma) 4 Diploma Dissertations MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords REHABILITATION OF PRISONERS Title Abstract SOCIAL WORKERS’ ROLES AND INTERACTIONS WITH HOMOSEXUALS This study will focus on homosexuality in relation to social work. The main aim of the study is to investigate how social workers can utilise their profession in order to be of an assistance to those homosexuals who feel that they need such professional help. Stephanie Caruana 1993 Social Studies (Diploma) The dissertation will include: Author Date Subject Keywords 1. How homosexuals expect that social workers respond to their demands and needs, and reasons for such expectations. Method; literature review, personal contact. 2. A research into the availability of qualified social workers who can respond to such needs. Method; interviewing of social workers, and through the use of questionnaires. 3. The roles and the skills to be utilised by a social worker in order to meet and supply the needs of homosexuals and for the latter to be expected by the society. Teresa Rausi 1993 Social Studies (Diploma) 1992 MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords AFTER LEAVING THE HOME A Study into the After Effects of Residential Care Anne E. Scolaro 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) 5 Diploma Dissertations MAF PJT Title Abstract SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF ELDERLY PEOPLE LIVING IN HOSTEL TYPE HOMES Myth or Reality? Purpose of Report: To recognise the reasons why elderly persons opt to live in hostel type homes. Needs and Rationale: Situations of the elderly have changed. We have the vision of a caring society in which the elderly have a defined place within the extended family where they are cared for by the family, usually the female members. With changes in society, smaller families, women working, etc., and disintegration of the extended family, moral obligations are not being met. Also, with advanced medical technology people are living longer – more frail – elderly persons have no other choice but enter residential homes. Problem to be Evaluated: As a result to changes in society’s values and attitudes – how are the elderly population coping? Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Research Methods – Design Considerations: This will be based on a review of existing literature and on a number of structured personally administered interviews carried out amongst the elderly living in hostel type homes all over Malta Antoinette H. Vella 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) ABSENTEEISM DUE TO SICKNESS IN TRADE SCHOOLS The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse, from a social work perspective, the considerable absenteeism due to sickness in Government trade schools in Malta. After reviewing the principal theoretical perspectives on what is an illness, the degree of absenteeism in Government trade schools in Malta in the last ten years would be analysed. Then, the current situation in Government trade schools is to be investigated. A cross-sectional sample of about 10% over the 13 trade schools in Malta is to be taken. With the help of questionnaires, this investigation would illustrate not only the gravity of the situation, but also the factors contributing to this situation. After conclusions are drawn, any possible recommendations to remedy the situation will be provided. The three types of questions that shall be asked are: 1. What sort of youngsters tend to be absent from these schools? 2. Are there any factors at the schools which are demotivating the students from attending? 3. How is malingering contributing to the rate of absenteeism in these schools? 6 Diploma Dissertations MAF MEL Author Date Subject Keywords Carmel Polidano 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) Title EFFECTIVE SOCIAL WORK INTERVENTION Abstract The ever increasing caseload of social work agencies has created a need for more effective intervention. It is usually taken for granted that the degree of effectivity is solely within the hands of the social worker. But since a social worker forms part of an organisation how effective he is in carrying out his tasks also depends on the kind of backing that the organisation provides him with. The very nature of social work requires the social worker to invest much of his “self” in his work. But this normally causes much emotional stress and pressure for the social worker. It is up to the organisation to create a work situation for its practitioner that can offer support to ease some of this stress that social workers undergo and provide the necessary resources that will help facilitate his task. One of these resources is to see that all social workers have a knowledge base to back their experience and ensure that they are competent. Competence makes work less difficult. Learning is a continual process and this can be maintained through professional supervision. Supervisors can also support the social worker when burn-out and blunted feelings tend to take over. This will ensure that the social worker remains efficient and effective. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Social Work is a high discretionary task and the worker needs to work within a system which is not too formalistic and which will not hinder effectivity because of bureaucratic “red tape”. A flexible organisation will enhance vertical communication which will run upwards as well as downwards. This will not necessarily break down positions of authority within the system. The organisation will also increase the worker’s commitment through increased participation. The needs of the worker will be seen to resulting in great self-fulfilment and job-satisfaction. This also means a greater goal attainment. All this in the long run will take place for the benefit of the client. Celine Angelone 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) MARITAL SEPARATION Psycho – Social Effects Abstract 7 Diploma Dissertations MAF MEL Author Date Subject Keywords Godwin Pace 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) Title RESPITE CARE SERVICES FOR MENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN IN MALTA Abstract Today it is believed that mentally disabled children develop better if cared for in a family environment than in a big residential home. ‘Institutionalization’ of these children has been ushered out and ‘Normalization’ is being encouraged. This Study was undertaken with the purpose of evaluating the problems which Maltese families, having a disabled child, encounter and how they have coped. A questionnaire by interview was conducted with twenty-five main carers (these being mainly mothers) of mentally impaired children in order to investigate which existing services gave them respite from continual care and what other services could be developed. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract All along, references have been quoted from the literature to describe the situation of similar families in other countries. Jane Azzopardi 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS IN MALTA Needs and Rationale: Physically disabled persons, having learned self help skills, can reach the optimum level of their capabilities. Objective: To study how physically disabled persons can learn to be independent according to their capabilities and reach the optimum level of their potentialities. Design: From data available a category of physical disability will be selected and the study based on such group. Author Date Questionnaire with physically disabled persons, information from Government Departments and voluntary organisations and literature available will provide the groundwork for such study. Marie Testa 1992 8 Diploma Dissertations MAF MEL Subject Keywords Social Studies (Diploma) Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords HIV/AIDS AND SOCIAL WORK Pauline Vella 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) Sina Bugeja 1992 Social Studies (Diploma) 1991 MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE SOCIAL LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE CHRONIC MENTALLY ILL IN THE COMMUNITY Title FAMILIES WITH HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Adjusting to the Situation – The Resources of the Family The presence of a handicapped child in the family imposes demands which stress the family’s ability to function effectively. The family is therefore likely to require support systems to meet the crisis. Abstract Madeleine Firman 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) A survey was conducted by means of a postal questionnaire which was sent out to 50 families with handicapped children. The purpose of the survey was to try and find out which support systems were present, within the family itself as well as available to the family from outside. An attempt was also made to find out whether the extent to which the child’s handicapping condition affected the family depended on the presence of these support 9 Diploma Dissertations systems. The results of the survey indicated that the families’ support came from within e.g., spousal support and support from other children, as well as from the outside e.g., various professionals. It was difficult to determine whether these families were functioning more effectively or not as a direct result of the support systems available to them. Each family seemed to have its own way of adapting to the situation. What, however, did emerge from the study was the fact that there were predictable crises in the lives of these families when the much needed support and guidance were either not available or not adequate. Author Date Subject Keywords MEL Title Abstract It therefore follows that more needs to be done by way of supporting and guiding these families than seems to be the case at present. Marie Testa 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) DRUG ABUSE – RELAPSE AND RELAPSE PREVENTION The aim of this dissertation was that of attempting to quantify the relapse rate of drug addicts visiting the Detox Unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. One variable, support, was investigated in order to see whether it effected relapse. After extensive readings on addiction and relapse, a questionnaire was formulated. A random sample of 50 male subjects attending Detox as out-patients, and aged between 20 and 25 was then selected by means of a computer programme. The 50 questionnaires were filled in by direct interview, through the postal service and by reference to the Detox official records. A validation study was also conducted. 54% of the subjects had been on drugs for over 8 years. This means that the representative sample was mostly made up of ‘old-timers’, who were relapsers for this reason. A large percentage of relapse was therefore found. The number of supports subjects had while undergoing medical and rehabilitation treatment did not effect whether they relapsed or not. These findings together with those others which resulted from this local research and the foreign studies, were the basis for the recommendations made for relapse prevention strategies. Author These findings have important implications for future research. In view of the fact that Detox patients are mostly “old-timers”, the sample would have to be obtained and relapse situation in Malta is sought. For the variable of support to be investigated in order to see how, and to what extent it effect relapse, each support would have to be “measured” in terms of intensity and stability. Mariella Abela 10 Diploma Dissertations MAF MAF MAF MEL MAF MEL Date Subject Keywords 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords PERCEPTIONS OF THE “ROLE” OF THE SOCIAL WORKER IN MALTA Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE REHABILITATION OF THE PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT IN GOZO Title PERSPECTIVES IN CHILD ABUSE Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Peter Paul Borg 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Marika Wirth 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) Mary J. Huxley 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) FOSTERING, ADOPTION A Socio-Legal View. William Azzopardi 1991 Social Studies (Diploma) 1990 11 Diploma Dissertations MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords PROBATION WITH DRUG ADDICTS Mario Azzopardi 1990 Social Studies (Diploma) 1989 MAF MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords ASPECTS OF EDUCATION IN CHILDREN IN DEPRESSED AREAS IN MALTA Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE DEINSTITUTIONALISATION OF MENTAL CARE Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE CONCEPTS OF APPROACH IN PREVENTION OF DRUG ABUSE Catherine Fleri Soler 1989 Social Studies (Diploma) Maryann Chetcuti Ganado 1989 Social Studies (Diploma) Victor J. Bugeja 1989 Social Studies (Diploma) 1986 MAF Title Abstract THE RELEVANCE OF THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES OF DRUG ADDICTS 12 Diploma Dissertations Author Date Subject Keywords Vicky Scicluna 1986 Social Studies (Diploma) Social Studies Diploma in… Gender and Development 2006 MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords WOMEN IN DISCIPLINED FORCES FACING UP TO GENDER DISCRIMINATION “To enter, prosper and survive within an organisation can depend upon how a person is viewed by decision makers whether the person is viewed as a full organisational member, as someone who fits in, as a committed person’ (Barett, 1988 quoted in Clarke, 1992:1). Clearly, the common assumption that women’s first priority is their family and their home, poses considerable problems for women. This is especially so when women decide to enter male-dominated areas such as the police force or the armed forces. This long essay will attempt to elicit the similarities and contrasts in the experiences of female officers within the Malta police force and those within the armed forces of Malta. The hypothesis of the author is that females within these two disciplined forces face the same stressors and limitations. Silvana Caruana 2006 Social Studies Industrial Relations 2010 MEL Title Abstract FEMALE PARTICIPATION IN THE ARMED FORCES OF MALTA The focus of this study is the female soldiers who have joined the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) since 1990. Most of the Maltese hardly know that there are women within the Armed Forces of Malta. Being a female who wished to join the AFM way back in 1990, and did not succeed, the opportunity came by means of this course to give the general public a more realistic picture of females in the AFM. 13 Diploma Dissertations Lack of information about the AFM is due to the fact that very little was written over the years with regards to AFM. This often leaves the general public to roam in vague and fantasize to their extremes about the Maltese Army and soldiers. Some might think that once a woman joins the army she looses all her femininity and all that is attributed to women. This research will give more information about the role of women in the AFM; their achievements and their difficulties. Along the years the AFM evolved immensely according to the changes of time. Today, we find women within the AFM doing a job which is traditionally considered as a man’s job and vice versa. All these suggest that within AFM female soldiers are given equal opportunities depending on the abilities and talents of each soldier and promotions are based on meritocracy rather than gender. Author Date Subject Keywords Using a qualitative research approach a set of open ended questions was formulated adding more questions to the interviewee according to their responses. The responses from the participants indicate that who works hard and show initiative will be rewarded and promoted. Edmen Caruana 2010 Social Studies 2004 MEL Title Abstract Author Date THE EFFECT OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT IN THE MALTESE PUBLIC SERVICE E-Government may be defined as a continuation from information provision when organisations and public agencies publish static information to the Internet to web interactive communication and E-transactions, and to one-stop integrated virtual governmental services. E-Business and e-Commerce are subsets of e-Government. EGovernment presents a tremendous impetus to move forward in the 21st Century with higher quality, costeffective, government services and a better relationship between citizens and Government. One of the most important aspects of e-Government is how it brings citizens and businesses closer to their Governments. Our Public Service has undergone an overhaul of its internal operations and is preparing to meet the demands of a web based global economic society. in order for this review to be carried out, use of structured interviews, published articles, Government documents and various Web-sites were used. Simon Jude Avellino 2004 14 Diploma Dissertations Subject Keywords Social Studies 2001 MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords YOUNG PEOPLE INVOLVEMENT IN THE LABOUR MARKET AND TRADE UNIONS Globalisation brought about the process of labour market restructuring throughout Europe. Malta was not an exception in this process. Trade unions are also adjusting to the process of global economic change. Nowhere has this process been more difficult to enact than in the recruitment, organisation and representation of young workers. Unionisation rates among young workers have fallen throughout most countries of the E.U. also the number of young trade unionist serving as trade union representatives has declined sharply. However the following study shows that this is not the case in Malta. Although young people seem to have different mentality in certain trade union issues, they still seek to join such unions. General trade unions in Malta are still experiencing growth even from young people. Kevin Camilleri 2001 Social Studies o Labour Market o Malta and the European Union (E.U.) o Employment Trends o Occupational Structure o Education o Young Workers o Unionisation o Young Participation Occupational Guidance and Career Counselling 2005 MEL Title Abstract A TREND ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS ATTENDING MCAST The study focuses on vocational education in Malta and aims to trace the main feeder-schools into MCAST. It also probes the reasons why students opt to follow MCAST courses at its various institutes rather then opting for other tracks. 15 Diploma Dissertations The first part of the study deals with a statistical analysis of the Tracer Studies issued by the Education Division with particular reference to the intake of MCAST. This exercise identifies those secondary schools which are the main feeders to MCAST. The second part involves a questionnaire given to MCAST students probing the reasons for their choice to attend the College, this part will identify the main reasons for choosing to go to MCAST. Author Date Subject Keywords It was found that the main feeder schools remain Area secondary schools although the number of students from Junior Lyceum and Church schools is growing. The questionnaires showed that students are making more informed choices and are mainly attracted by the practical aspect of the courses offered by MCAST. Lawrence Bonello 2005 Social Studies o Education o MCAST o Vocational o Post-Secondary o Motivation o School to Work Transition Diploma in Applied Social Studies (Social Work) 1995 MEL Title Abstract COUNSELLING AS A SOCIAL WORK SKILL WITH REFERENCE TO ADOLESCENTS Social workers have been involved with Adolescents since the establishment of any generic social-work Department. Adolescents in need of help have turned to the Centru Hidma Socjali, the Education Welfare Department and the Young Persons Unit, which forms a part of Mount Carmel Hospital. These Social Workers were principally responsible for intervention when besides the presenting problem a number of social problems within these clients families was discovered. These Social Workers were assigned social casework at their respective department; and at times the adolescent client was referred to another worker who might specialise in their particular problem. The present situation prompts me to ask? i. How is the present system actually functioning? 16 Diploma Dissertations ii. Is the present system sufficient for the needs of the adolescent? iii. What methods do the Social Worker use? iv. Is this method and the helping relationship catering for the needs of the adolescent who is in transitory development stage? Author Author Date Subject Keywords MEL Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MEL Title Abstract Author This Dissertation will hopefully bring to light the adolescents’ views about professional help and their expectations of Social Work. Through meeting these clients, one may point out the importance of good use of Counselling as a skill in casework. Caroline Bonnici 1995 Social Studies IS PROBATION A MEANINGFUL ALTERNATIVE TO PRISON? An Analysis of the Situation in Malta Doriette Camilleri 1995 Social Studies SUPPORTING THE PERSON WITH TERMINAL ILLNESS Focus on Care Rather than Cure This dissertation was deemed necessary by the Faculty Board as part fulfilment for the Diploma in Applied Social Studies (Social Work). It is divided into three main chapters, wherein Chapter 1 deals with the explanation of experiences and losses of the person with terminal illness; the development in the approach of palliative care; who the patient is; the effect of a dying person on his family and lastly the coping mechanisms employed (both for the sick person as well as his family). Chapter 2 deals with approaching the sick person by giving support from the social perspective. It explains the roles, skills and knowledge required by the social worker as a member of the multidisciplinary team and the social worker’s own grief. It also gives a picture of the history of the Hospice Movement in brief, making particular reference to the Malta Hospice Movement. This chapter also focuses on the holistic approach to care in supporting the terminally ill person and his family as well as explaining the role of the sick person’s family. Chapter 3 deals with aims and background to the survey, presentation and methodology and an analysis of the results gathered through the survey by means of a structured questionnaire. Louis Buttigieg 17 Diploma Dissertations MEL Date Subject Keywords 1995 Social Studies Title A CRISIS TO COPE WITH IN DECIATION FROM NORMAL EXPECTATIONS The social worker’s role in dealing with parents passing through an unexpected traumatic experience of having a stillborn baby Parents’ experience of giving birth to a stillborn baby is painfully individual. It can have short and long term effects on the psychological well-being of the couple and their family. Abstract Through studies it is now recognised that social work help and support could be beneficial to these newly bereaved parents in helping them to come to terms with this traumatic experience. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MEL The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate: • The way how parents experience the death of their baby and how they cope with it, • The availability of help in our country, • The need for social work help with these parents and their family, • The need and possibility of development and elaboration of social work help and service to mobilize social support, • The offer to present and future bereaved couples of the most effective and efficient social work help and support. Mary Buttigieg Said 1995 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords SOCIAL WORK AS A THERAPEUTIC TOOL AMONGST THE TERMINALLY ILL Title Abstract Author THE EFFECT OF DRUG ADDICTION ON FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Mary Anne Zammit 1995 Social Studies Simone Camilleri 18 Diploma Dissertations Date Subject Keywords 1995 Social Studies 1994 MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords ABUSED WOMEN SEEKING HELP Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE EFFECTS OF COTTONERA SCHOOLING ON ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AMONG ADOLOSCENTS Christine Theuma 1994 Social Studies George Mallia 1994 Social Studies 1993 MAF MEL Title Abstract EDUCATION OF PARENTS A Social Worker’s Role “Just as the family is a principle source of a person’s happiness and well-being, it can also be the most powerful source of stress” holds Herbert M. (1981, p129). Stott (1982, p.115) elaborates. He believes that, “The reactions of stressed and frustrated parents, and of their children to emotional abuse, are part of the behavioural repertoire of a universal human nature. These reactions are open to everyone’s experience because they are happening around us to some degree all time.” A possible solution to this reality is offered by Richmond H. She stressed that, “The good Social Worker says Miss Richmond, doesn’t go on helping people out of a ditch. Pretty soon she begins to find out what ought to be done to get rid of the ditch.” (Abbott Edith in Morales and Sheafor, 1989, p.21) 19 Diploma Dissertations The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the above possible solution. The study examines and measures from the Social Worker’s perspective, professional Social Work practice in Malta, dealing with parenting problems related to parent-child relationships. A secondary client oriented study identifies the client’s perspective of the service as provided to them. This does not necessarily assume that the depicted client’s opinion is sovereign but it definitely should be considered as an important determinant when the two perspectives are examined and measured against each other. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MAF The ultimate aim is to identify the extent of the achievements of the service and to try to highlight a firm basis to recommend services accordingly regarding the education to parents provided by the Social Worker, the ‘new’ approach of ‘Primary Prevention’ and the possible need for a specialized Social Worker in the education of parents. Josette Cachia 1993 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords SERVICES OFFERED TO THE ELDERLY IN MALTA Title Abstract WORKLOAD AND STRESS IN A SOCIAL WORK CONTEXT The primary aim of this dissertation was to examine the relationship between the social workers’ workload and stress. Moreover, other potential stressors present in a social work environment have been studied. A study was conducted with a small number of social workers employed by a local social work agency. The findings of the study demonstrated that as the workload of the social workers increases, their level of stress increases. The study also indicated that the three major stressors for the social workers under study were quantitative/qualitative overload and responsibility for people. Joyce Grech 1993 Social Studies Author Date Subject Keywords Josianne Camilleri 1993 Social Studies 20 Diploma Dissertations MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords ARE THE ADULT TRAINING CENTERS/SHELTERED WORKSHOPS BEING UNDERUTILIZED? Title Abstract CLIENT SELF-DETERMINATION VS. HOUSE POLICY IN RESIDENTIAL CARE “Caseworkers have a corresponding duty to respect that right (self-determination), recognise that need, stimulate and help to activate that potential for self-direction by helping the client to see and use the available and appropriate resources of the community and of his own personality. The client’s right to self-determination, however, is limited by the client’s capacity for positive and constructive decision making, by the framework of civil and moral law and by the function of the agency.” Louiselle Grech 1993 Social Studies During this study I shall analyse the last sentence of this paragraph taken F.P. Biestek’s book, “The Casework Relationship.” Client self-determination is quite an issue in the world of Social Work. It seems that Social Workers and other field-work professionals are acknowledging the richness in the personalities of their clients. Clients are reasoning persons, who can feel and think. However, one cannot assume that these persons go to an agency for help and guidance in bringing out their inner resources to face their problems and deal with them. Rather they would like somebody who would solve the problem for them. When one promotes client self-determination one cannot ignore the fact that the client has a constraint on his potential. This can be limited by institutions where sometimes the client’s attitudes and aspirations clash with those of the agency’s policy. In this study I will try to analyse the client’s potential for self-determination and the agencies’ programs at promoting it. I will also analyse the types of conflicts that arise between client’s aspirations and institutional norms, and, the way these conflicts are resolved. Method: I shall study two residential homes for boys and girls in Malta, run by religious persons. This will be done through unstructured interviews, both with clients and professional and ‘non-professional’ staff involved in these particular homes, participant observation and written material. 21 Diploma Dissertations MAF MAF PJT Author Date Subject Keywords Sr. Maria Antonia Farrugia 1993 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MARITAL DYSHARMONY IN MALTA Title EQUITY IN THE DOMICILIARY CARE OF THE ELDERLY IN MALTA Abstract This dissertation aims to relate the concept of equity to welfare service provision, focusing upon the domiciliary care of the elderly. The current trend is to enable the elderly to remain, as far as possible, independent within their familiar community, enabling them to integrate rather than to be segregated. The frail elderly have a wide variety of needs, and to cater effectively for these needs it is necessary that they receive an equitable service; that is, that all potential consumers have equal opportunity as well as receiving a personal-centred, rather than service-oriented treatment. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MEL Title Abstract Author Date Maria Mifsud 1993 Social Studies Therefore this dissertation considers existing domiciliary services in Malta, and from a fieldwork study of potential service users, attempts to investigate various factors affecting an equitable spread of domiciliary services. It investigates horizontal target efficiency, or whether those individuals in need of a service actually receive it; and vertical target efficiency, or whether those who receive the services are actually those who need them most. Maryanne Vella 1993 Social Studies SOFTENING THE BLOW Bereavement Care for Parents Roberta Attard 1993 22 Diploma Dissertations MAF Subject Keywords Social Studies Title Abstract COMMUNITY SERVICE AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO IMPRISONMENT FOR OFFENDERS Needs and Rationale: The literature is full of references to the devastating impact of imprisonment of offenders (Backett 1988, Bottoms 1987, Evans 1980, Klare 1973). Alternative have been proposed and implemented in most countries, including Malta. Community Service is one of the most recent measures to be used, aimed at achieving three objectives simultaneously: retribution, reparation to society and rehabilitation of offenders. Success of such a scheme in other countries, does not necessarily mean it will prove successful in Malta too. Although not all the pitfalls can be specified before the scheme is actually carried out, a feasibility study is recommended as a first step towards developing the Community Service Order. Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. Author Date Subject Keywords To justify the need for the Community Service Scheme To obtain an understanding of the evolution of Community Service policies in other countries To carry out a feasibility study of such a scheme in Malta To discuss the role of probation officers in the C.S.O Design: These goals will be achieved by extensive reading of the relevant literature available, in books and articles published. Consequently, semi-structured interviews will be carried out with professionals in the field, namely, probation officers and magistrates. Issues such as aims and policies, admission criteria, task allocation, role of probation officers and difficulties that might arise within the Maltese context will be discussed. To access the feasibility of such a scheme in practice, potential task providers for the scheme, will also be interviewed. Vanessa Mifsud 1993 Social Studies 1992 MAF Title Abstract ATTITUDES OF THE ELDERLY TOWARD RETIREMENT This report will be drafted up with the intention of analyzing the attitudes which elderly people have towards retirement. After reviewing the relevant theoretical material, the study will be carried out by distributing questionnaires to elderly retired people in a particular old people’s home in Malta. Questions will be asked to gauge whether or not the respondents, upon retirement, would have liked to stay on in their jobs or in some 23 Diploma Dissertations Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MAF MEL MAF Title similar activity, if they had been given the opportunity to do so. Recommendations would be made for the amelioration of the current situation, if such is deemed necessary from the results of this study. Damian Spiteri 1992 Social Studies SOME ASPECTS OF RE-INTEGRATING THE EX-PRISONER INTO THE MALTESE SOCIETY: A Social Work Perspective Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Jesmond Schembri 1992 Social Studies Title IMPEDIMENTS TO THE DISABLED TO DEVELOP THEIR POTENTIAL Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Linda Mary Carabott 1992 Social Studies Title Abstract THE PRIMARY SCHOOL AS A LAUNCHING PAD FOR EARLY SOCIAL WORK INTERVENTION The primary school can be seen as a setting which is an ideal launching pad for social work intervention of a type which may be called early, for reasons pertaining to the nature of the setting and of its users. The study will aim to obtain indications of how far social work provision to primary schools in Malta, in the form of education welfare, is amenable to the operation of the concept of early intervention. Four main areas of relevance, namely, staffing levels, communication, detection and the roles of the Education Welfare Officers will be examined to this end. The results of interviews with EWOs, heads of schools and teachers will be the main source of information used to throw light on these areas. Author Suggestions and proposals pertaining to the issues discussed will be put forward. Mark Wood 24 Diploma Dissertations MAF MAF Date Subject Keywords 1992 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR YOUTHS AFTER RESIDENTIAL CARE Title SOCIAL WORK IN HOSPITAL A Need or a Luxury? Recent years have seen the world of medicine take great strides forward, with the advancements in technological and scientific discoveries. However carious sources of literature show that the quality of patient care often seems to lack the human or personal touch – hospital seem to have become somewhat dehumanised. Abstract Martin Psaila 1992 Social Studies The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate whether and to what extent this dehumanising process has settled into Malta’s Acute General Hospital – St. Luke’s Hospital. The fears, needs and preoccupations faced by patients and their families are discussed. The role of a Hospital Social Worker vis-à-vis the satisfaction of these needs is discussed, taking into consideration the patients’, relatives and staff members’ perception of this role. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MEL Title Abstract The possibility of developing a Social Work department within St. Luke’s Hospital is explored, together with the implications that such a development would involve. Natalie Anne Chase 1992 Social Studies CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES Focusing on Physically Abused Children Child abuse is a phenomena with a long history. It is only in present times that children have been recognized as unique individuals, deserving a right to a decent way of life. Child Abuse can have drastic effects on the victims of the abuse, while the abusers may be among the people most in need of help. It is for this reason that effective support services are required. This dissertation studies in detail Cases of Physical Child Abuse – the history, causes and effects, as well as various ways of dealing with the problem. Notification systems and follow-up 25 Diploma Dissertations Author Date Subject Keywords procedures of European countries as well as those of Malta are analyzed in this work. Finally some recommendations on how to develop effective child support services, in the local situation are suggested. Yvonne Camilleri 1992 Social Studies 1991 PJT MAF MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords FEASIBILITY OF SOCIAL WORK AT ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL... FOCUSED ON THE ELDERLY Angelo Degiorgio 1991 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE EFFECTS OF CHANGING FAMILY PATTERNS ON THE ELDERLY Title Abstract BEING AN UNMARRIED MOTHER IN MALTA How does it feel to be an unmarried mother in Malta? How do people and society at large look upon a woman in this condition? In our society, where marriage, the family, legitimate children, are still very highly regarded as basic to society and as morally right, being an unmarried mother is a condition requiring social work intervention. Carmen Cutajar 1991 Social Studies This study is to examine three main points: (a) The problems which unmarried mothers experience, i.e. (b) How social work is catering for this particular client group today (c) What the role of the social worker and the social work agency should be as regards unmarried mothers. The methodology of the study will follow the design and analysis of a questionnaire which will inquire and 26 Diploma Dissertations Author Date Subject Keywords MAF PJT MAF establish the problems of the “unmarried mother situation”. Through this method, the form of help given to this client group and their expectations of social work will also be established. Then an inquiry of the available sources of social work help will be made. Finally through the results of the questionnaire analysis, and book research, the role of the social worker and the agency will be outlined. Joseph Mangion 1991 Social Studies Title THE SOCIO-ECONOMICAL ISSUES OF ELDERLY FEMALES IN MALTA Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Louise Xerri 1991 Social Studies Title Abstract ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE COURSE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA History of mental illness in Malta: In the past the Maltese mentality was to hide such inferior citizens and put them into cellars to that they were excluded from interacting with other members of society i.e. they were afraid that other members of the family might not marry, get well paid jobs or get a high status in society especially with those rich and noble families because of this drawback in their family set-up. Proceeding in this way the symptoms flourish and the patient was left illtreated. Others were of the opinion that such patients had evil powers or were possessed by the devil and these patients were labelled as witches, who had to be burned to destroy their evil spirits. By the second World War the Maltese mentality seems to have changed a lot due to intermixing with other cultures and such sufferers were being admitted into hospital for treatment. Presently at Mount Carmel Hospital there are 750 – 800 beds occupied, where patients’ diagnoses vary from depressions, manic depressive illness, neurotic illness and psychosis. Some of these patients become eventually institutionalised. Patients are being put in various wards according to the gravity of their illness, eg. ward ten is for very disturbed chronic patients while ward six and two (males) are for newly admitted patients. Hospital staff are doing their best to create a healthy environment for patients who are suffering from any mental disturbances or illness which cause is either due to the illness itself or precipitated by any social 27 Diploma Dissertations environment. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MEL Title Abstract At the Hospital patients are given medications and are being seen weekly by their psychiatrist. Psychotherapy and occupational therapy are available at the hospital where the patients are helped to reconstruct themselves and their identity, and are enabled to re-integrate themselves back into society. During their stay at the Hospital, relatives are encouraged to visit patients and participate as best they can to help the patient recover from the episode of the illness. Mary Rose Farrugia 1991 Social Studies SINGLE–PARENT FAMILIES The increase of marital marriage collapses in Malta is the cause and the creation of many single-parent families. Current trends suggest that single-parent families are a form of family too. The need for survival and to take up a role in society is of a basic human need to these vulnerable people amongst us. Many are the difficulties, the majority of single-parents envisage when they come to up-keep their family. The purpose of this dissertation is to highlight the difficulties and the need of single-parents and their families in the limelight of this modern society. Myriam Rose Buhagiar 1991 Social Studies JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: A Product of Other Variables The phenomena of youth deviating from culture and social norms is ubiquitous. Each generation perceives the next as more deviant and criminally prone. It is not clear if the phenomenon has changed or if our perceptions have changed, buy youth crime and delinquency continue to occupy a place of concern – and debate – about social policies, regarding it. The central feature of this dissertation is to study the potential causes of JUVENILE DELINQUENCY from the local community, mainly its concern with a problem that has much exercised the minds of workers in the field of delinquency, namely, the playing of parental roles as one of the most important aetiological factors in child’s character formation. The school and peer groups have also some bearing on his later adaptation to the legal 28 Diploma Dissertations norms of society. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords I have carried out in depth interviews with ten delinquent and non-delinquent boys from the local community their answers were compared to determine whether differences existed between the two groups. The results of this research are reproduced throughout my work. Patrizia Calleja 1991 Social Studies A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TERMINAL CARE Theresa Naudi 1991 Social Studies 1990 MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords THE ROLE OF THE ELDERLY IN SOCIETY Josephine Tonna 1990 Social Studies 1989 MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords FOSTERING AS A MEANS OF CARE AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR ITS PRACTICE IN MALTA Carmen Buttigieg 1989 Social Studies 29 Diploma Dissertations MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MAF ABSENTEEISM IN GIRLS’ TRADE SCHOOL A Case Study Connie Azzopardi 1989 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords INTEGRATING THE MILD MENTALLY HANDICAPPED RURAL YOUTHS IN SOCIETY Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords LISTENING TO CHILDREN IN CARE Mario Salerno 1989 Social Studies Sandra Cassar 1989 Social Studies 1988 MAF MEL MEL Title RESIDENTIAL CHILD CARE IN MALTA Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords Anna Maria Mangion 1988 Social Studies Title Abstract BROKEN FAMILIES IN MALTA All families are subject to strain and stresses. Each and every family undergoes these strains and stresses at different degrees. Each and every family has its own particular way in dealing with these strains and stresses. 30 Diploma Dissertations Some would be mature, strong and equipped to be able to live under certain pressures without allowing these same pressures to leave bad consequences on the family as a whole. Others who are not sufficiently equipped to do the same end up as broken families. Broken families are ‘problem’ families and it is not only the actual problem which labels them as such, but also the lack of resources visible in their personalities to handle such situations. Their ‘problem’, one brought into light and investigated at a certain depth, is discovered to be an interaction of a multiplicity of adverse factors present in the environment and in their own personality, which results in the pathological condition of the family. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract As from the nineteenth century, social workers had always been concerned with the family as a unit. (1) As time went by, the development of specialized social provisions tended more towards the meeting of individual needs and the fragmentary treatment of the family as a group with the consequence that, inspite of the growing affluence on the part of other members of society and increased social benefits, the existence of families who always seemed to be in need of help from various agencies persisted. Their way of life which, very often remained disorganized and hopeless, was a challenge which led to some re-thinking of the aims and effects of much modern social provisions and social work methods. This challenge has led social workers all over the world to search for preventive measures from which all the members of the family can benefit. This has proved to reduce the social disintegration of the family. Thus, prevention can be regarded as a modern social provision and social work method. Like all the preceding services available, it is to be made known to the public so that the right help would be given in time and the deterioration of the family would not have gone too far. Sr. Bernadette Briffa S. J. A. 1988 Social Studies THE CHANGING ROLES OF CHILDREN’S HOMES IN MALTESE SOCIETY Society is changing. The needs of society too are continually changing. Primarily, “Institutions” were units on their own isolated from the rest of society. Now, however, “Institutions” are being converted to “Homes” and are becoming more and more part of today’s society. The roles within Children’s Homes are changing and residential and field social workers are now catering for different needs than before. Today, very few children are “homeless” because they are orphans, but they are “homeless” in different ways. Homeless and in many cases with either parent or parents alive. Therefore, the sphere of service within the Children’s Homes has been greatly widened and workers are 31 Diploma Dissertations becoming involved not merely with the individual child but with the family as a whole. Children’s Homes are moving from what was known as “charity” to “social work”.....and this will be a central underlying theme throughout this dissertation. Why has the number of Children’s Homes increased while the number of children being admitted to these Homes has somewhat decreased? Does this mean that there are less social problems nowadays or are certain factors such as Baby Farming, Mother and Baby Homes, Children’s Allowance and Fostering playing their part? Since Children’s Homes are now catering for more distributed children, how are the roles within the Homes changing to meet the needs of today’s society? Where are the Children’s Homes heading? These are some of the questions which will be dealt with in this dissertation. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MEL Title Abstract Therefore, the discussion will focus upon the changes that have taken place since the present Children’s Homes were first opened as “Institutions”, factors which have reduced the number of children being admitted into Homes, the needs our Children’s Homes are presently catering for, as well as any prospective plans. Sr. M. Andrea Cannataci 1988 Social Studies CHARACTER FORMATION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE A Case Study Sr. M. Magdalen Cauchi 1988 Social Studies ENABLING THE NEEDS OF THE ELDERLY TO BE MET IN THE COMMUNITY: The Required Roles of Government & Voluntary Agencies This dissertation looks at the expressed problems, needs, lifestyles and potentials of the elderly living in the community, in order to explore appropriate policies and strategies which could enable more of our elderly to remain in their community. The first chapter deals with the position of the elderly in today’s society and with the new roles they can play in their society. 32 Diploma Dissertations Chapter two deals specifically with the Maltese situation. It looks at the causes that compelled elderly people to be admitted into care, so as to determine which services are lacking at the community level, which, if expanded and developed, will enable more elderly to remain at home. Chapter two also examines the present statutory and voluntary services for the elderly at community level. Author Date Subject Keywords Chapter three suggests possible ways of enhancing the role of the local community and of appropriate statutory services in caring for the elderly. Sr. Natalie Abela 1988 Social Studies 1986 MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Author Date PROBATION – AS A MEANS OF REHABILITATION Success and Failure Carmen Fearne 1986 Social Studies SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HOUSING DESIGN IN MALTA The home is a physical extension of its owner and shows, perhaps much more than anything else, his tastes, character, beliefs and values. It is also a statement about his lifestyle, financial and social position, as well as his aspirations. In the aggregate, people’s dwelling constitute the nation’s social history in concrete form, and the different dwelling forms and architectural styles can be said to be episodes when a definite change was felt to be necessary for some very important reason. In Malta, the house and the apartment are the two chief housing forms that have evolved over the years. They subsume a range of physical realisations, such as the two-storey terraced hose and the villa, in the case of the former, and the flat and ‘terran’/mezzanine, in the case of the latter. Each of these major housing designs, however, presupposes a way of life, attitudes and behaviour, which can vary greatly in many respects. It is from this point of view that I have approached the subject of housing. Dorothy Zammit Mangion 1986 33 Diploma Dissertations MAF Subject Keywords Social Studies Title MARITAL COLLAPSES Some Causes and Analysis Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Emanuel Dimech 1986 Social Studies A LIVING ENVIRONMENT FOR THE ELDERLY The problems of the poor, the marginalised and the lonely have always interested me. With the experience and contacts with the aged, I became aware that at times old people also form part of this group. It was only natural that they would therefore interest me. At first I considered them as people in need of help. As time passed, I noticed that what one could contribute was too little when compared to what one received from them. My only wish is that this dissertation would help others to discover such a truth. In writing this dissertation, I was guided by the example of those who helped the aged and who shared their lives. The example of several elderly people was also of an inspiration to me, not only as regards writing out this dissertation, but also as a guiding light for my own life. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Author Date In this regard, I would like to mention the old people’s home run by Franciscan Nuns – Suore Francescane di Gesu – at Msida, with whom I had a most rewarding experience of working with their elderly people for over three months in 1985. Emma De Lucca 1986 Social Studies PERSISTENT SCHOOL ABSENTEEISM AS AN EXPRESSION OF MALADJUSTMENT Jane Farrugia 1986 34 Diploma Dissertations MAF Subject Keywords Social Studies Title THE SOCIAL WORKER’S CONTRIBUTION IN ANALYSING THE FAMILY ENVIRONMENT OF 30 CHILDREN ATTENDING A KINDERGARTEN CENTRE Indicators for an effective Child Preventive Care Programme Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Joanna Xuereb 1986 Social Studies VIOLENCE AS A PROBLEM IN MALTESE FAMILIES The following may seem mostly self-evident until one remembers that the subject is human misery; misery of the victims, usually wives, but often also their children; physical, mental and emotional misery leading to broken families, disoriented people and ruined and wasted lives. Both aggressors and victims suffer. The suffering of the victims is more apparent, but the suffering of the aggressors exists too, and in a very large measure, for each and every repeatedly violent husband will sooner or later lose, first the love and respect of his wife and later that of his family as well. Author Date Subject Keywords The problem is so complex and has so many aspects and implications that one can only mention the man points in general since each case is unique and to be treated differently from all others. Writing in general may seem to be treating the subject in a superficial manner, but no other treatment was possible, given the scanty resources at hand at the moment. Maltese families are seldom willing to talk to strangers about their problems unless they are convinced that it is absolutely necessary. For this reason, it has only been possible to obtain a small number of case histories, all of which tend to be one-sided since it is only the wife who is usually ready to discuss her problem, although in one case a relative of the wife’s did offer some additional information. The interviews, therefore, were rather disjointed and spasmodic and not corroborated. However, one could not doubt the acute pain of the people involved and it is with the sincere hope that perhaps this pain can be alleviated in some way that I chose my subject. Compassion is not enough; these people need all the help society can possibly give them. Joseph Calleja 1986 Social Studies 35 Diploma Dissertations MEL MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED BY ADOLESCENTS COMING FROM CHILDREN’S HOMES Title REHABILITATING THE DISABLED CITIZEN An Intensive Case Study Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract Laura Agius 1986 Social Studies Sr. M. Laura Tanti 1986 Social Studies PRISONS AND ALTERNATIVES A Perspective for the Future For a long time I have been trying to understand what is involved in the idea of “guilt” and, in particular, what the relationships between man, guilt and society might be. My work is about people in trouble – in trouble with the law, with society, and in many instances in trouble with themselves and their families. Their trouble has been so severe so as to demand imprisonment. It was precisely this concept of residential treatment in penitentiary detention which urged me to take a closer look at the ‘difficulties’ encountered by prisoners. After analysing facts regarding closed prisons I moved on to consider the Mental Health Act, 1976 in relation to Criminal Court of Justice patients and then examined existing methods of treatment of offenders other than prison namely Section 23A, fines and probation. Author Date Subject Keywords However, I feel that these strategies are not enough and therefore I selected to discuss other substitute measures to closed imprisonment which as yet have not been introduced in Malta, namely community service orders, day centres, suspended sentences, parole and open prisons. Marie Louise Scerri 1986 Social Studies 36 Diploma Dissertations MAF Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords MAF MAF CARING FOR THE MENTALLY DISABLED The care of the mentally disabled is challenging and ways and means of care are rather complex for everyone. Services abroad for these people are quite varied and although residential care is still provided in most countries, yet priorities are given to community care and to prevention programmes regarding education and awareness. The dissertation presents a short history of hospital treatment in England and Malta leading to improvements at varying levels in the two countries. It is followed by a description of a widespread of services in the community in England and the available services in our country. Furthermore, there is a report on the success of the project to close hospitals and an evaluation of community services which made a remarkable turning point in the mental health system in various countries. The last two chapters give an account of the present state of development of psychiatric care in Malta and offer an integrated approach where priorities can be studied deeply, and planned comprehensively, within our available limited resources, in such a way as to accomplish constructive results adequate for the felt needs of these people. Mary Cachia 1986 Social Studies Title Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords A PROFILE OF THE UNMARRIED MOTHER IN MALTA Title Abstract CARING FOR THE BEREAVED As a widowed person myself, I cannot but agree with C.S. Lewis when he described grief as fear, in his booklet written as a reflection on his own experience of grief following his wife’s death: Pat Camilleri 1986 Social Studies “No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the sensation is like being afraid. The same fluttering in the stomach, the same restlessness, the yawning. I keep on swallowing.” Coping with grief will have one of two results. Either we develop skill in managing our guilts, fears and loneliness, so that we grow in perception, insight, courage and compassion or we break under the load of pain. If we are successful, we learn to take life as it comes and to make the most of every hour, not only for ourselves 37 Diploma Dissertations but with new depth for those around us. We learn new values and put love, kindness, and hope high on our emotional priorities. Because now we know what suffering is, never again can we lightly dismiss the pain of another human being. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract I am deeply grateful to all those who have given me permission to retell their stories and in the process of doing so have relived them with much pain. I like to think that they share my hope that their experiences will help others who are bereaved, and help us all to approach grief and mourning in a way which gives support and encouragement when death and bereavement have to be faced. Beyond this there is the hope that our society may relearn that death is an essential part of life, and that free discussion of the process of grief may contribute to a changed, more accepting attitude in the community. Pauline Bondin 1986 Social Studies A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOUR IN THE 13-16 YEAR OLD ATTENDING A ‘TOTAL’ INSTITUTION AND SECONDARY SCHOOL The study focuses on Deviant Behaviour in Adolescents who are either living in a total institution or attending a secondary school. The first chapter is an exposition of how deviant behaviour is perceived by different Institutions and how these institutions most often create ‘Deviants’ through Labelling and Enforcement. The following chapters show the results of a Questionnaire which was conducted in a ‘total’ institution and in a secondary school concerning the life-style of adolescents in regard to ethical, moral and legal issues which evolve through deviant behaviour. Author Date Subject Keywords MAF Title Abstract The final chapter is a Critical Analysis on the Questionnaire and attempts to look at the issues which seem to precipitate deviant behaviour in our Maltese society in this particular era in history. Raymond Dimech 1986 Social Studies HELPING PARENTS TO COPE WITH THE PROBLEMS OF AN AUTISTIC CHILD 38 Diploma Dissertations MAF Author Date Subject Keywords Rosemarie Ellul 1986 Social Studies Title THE AGED: A Case Study of the Santa Lucia Community Our generation may sometimes look upon the elderly with lack of respect and sympathy. In practice, this implies that the elderly are sometimes portrayed as rather outdated members of society who have little to contribute and who are a burden to society itself. Abstract Author Date Subject Keywords The purpose of this dissertation is to bring to the limelight the real issues confronting the elderly in a modern community. Vincent Tonna 1986 Social Studies PostPost-Graduate Diploma in Social Work 1996 MEL Title Abstract SOCIAL WORK INTERVENTION WITH THE PHYSICALLY ILL PERSON LIVING ALONE “Most of the value of hospital care would be lost if social and other support services do not reinforce the hospital treatment programme when the patient returns to the community” A Caring Society in a changing world, 1990, p. 15 This research aims at studying the present situation of physically ill persons who live alone in the community. In Chapter 1, the literature review concentrates on the physically ill person’s environment: a. The need of social support, b. The wish to remain independent and be in control of one’s life, c. The need to learn to cope with the new situation. It also focuses on the methods, approaches and modes of organisation that are used abroad. 39 Diploma Dissertations The following two chapters deal with the local situations at two major hospitals and one Health Centre through interviews with the Social Workers who work in a medical social work context and nine persons who receive social work intervention in this area. Author Date Subject Keywords After reviewing the available literature and having considered the local situation I am proposing the introduction of Community Care using the specific approach of case management. This should help the patients integrate more in the community, without being institutionalised and reinforce continuity between hospital and community care. Andreana Avellino 1996 Social Work 40