University of Maryland, College Park Smith School of Business BMGT 882 Applied Multivariate Analysis I Fall 2004 Professor: P. Zantek Office: 4349 Van Munching Hall Office Hours: Wed 2:30 − 3:30 Course Meeting Times: Mon/Wed 3:45 − 5:00 Telephone: 301-405-8644 COURSE DESCRIPTION Multivariate statistical methods and their use in empirical research. Planned topics include summarization and visualization of multivariate data, multivariate paired comparisons and repeated-measures designs, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and canonical correlation. The maximum likelihood and likelihood ratio principles are also discussed. An important component of the course is analysis of business data using contemporary software. ASSUMPTIONS BMGT 882 is designed to be taken as the third of the four “research tools” courses required of Smith School doctoral students. PREREQUISITES AREC 623 or ECON 621 or STAT 450 or STAT 740 or permission of instructor BMGT 882 assumes a working knowledge of matrices and elementary linear algebra and a sound understanding of univariate statistics, including random variables, statistical inference, ANOVA, and regression. For example, it will be assumed that you have studied regression using the matrix formulation of the linear model. If you lack this background, you are likely to encounter significant difficulty in this course and are, therefore, urged to drop. Dropping will enable you to either acquire the prerequisite coursework or to take an alternative multivariate course. MATERIALS • • • Course notes (to be distributed by instructor) Rencher, Methods of Multivariate Analysis (2nd edition), Wiley, 2002 ISBN 0-471-41889-7 Lattin, Carroll, & Green, Analyzing Multivariate Data, Duxbury, 2003 (LCG) (OPTIONAL) 2 CLASS MEETINGS Class meetings consist primarily of lectures and discussions of examples/applications. EXPECTATIONS You are expected to attend each class, to contribute substantively in class, and to always exhibit mutual respect. SOFTWARE An important part of the course is the use of contemporary software for statistical analysis. Several software packages for performing multivariate analysis are available (e.g., MINITAB, SAS, SPSS); each has its strengths and weaknesses. In this course, we use SAS for Windows (Release 8.01 or higher). Some advantages of SAS include its numerical accuracy and the fact that it implements a wide variety of methods. You are required to become familiar with the aspects of the software covered in class, including the interpretation of output. For exercises and projects, you are permitted to use software other than SAS if you wish, but doing this has disadvantages; for example, the format of the software output will differ from that given in class. Please note that the instructor cannot provide assistance with software other than SAS. EXERCISES You will be given several exercises during the semester. Some of these will be collected and graded PROJECT Each student is required to define and complete a project that entails applying at least two methods covered in this course to a data set. The data set and the topic are of your choosing (you are encouraged to select a topic that is related to your research interests). Two hard copies of a report on your project are due by December 3. The report is to include the following: introduction, research problem/question(s), model and/or hypotheses to be tested, description of the sample and data, methodology, empirical results, summary and conclusions, and references. The report should be approximately 6-10 pages in length (not including tables and figures), double-spaced, and in 12-point, Times New Roman font; please use one-inch margins. 3 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The University’s Code of Academic Integrity is designed to ensure that the principles of academic honesty and integrity are upheld. All students are expected to adhere to this Code. The Smith School does not tolerate academic dishonesty. All acts of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this code. Please visit the University’s website for more information on the Code of Academic Integrity. The University of Maryland Honor Pledge reads: “I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination.” Unless you are specifically advised to the contrary, this pledge statement should be handwritten and signed on the front cover of all documents submitted for evaluation in this course. GRADING POLICY Your final grade for the course is based on your performance in the individual exercises, the project, and two examinations. The weights given to each of these components are as follows. Individual Exercises Individual Project Midterm Examination Final Examination 15% 15% 35% 35% No make-up examinations are provided. COURSE WEBSITE The Internet will be used to provide course-related information such as data sets and SAS programs. Courses offered by the Smith School use the ‘Blackboard’ web course environment. You may login to your course(s) by going to Please note that your University Directory (LDAP) username and password are required to access Blackboard courses. To find your username, visit To set or change your password, visit Students are required to maintain their current e-mail address in Testudo, as Blackboard uses this address to send course-related e-mail. (Since e-mail addresses are imported from Testudo into Blackboard, it is not possible to update e-mail addresses from within Blackboard.) Additional information about R. H. Smith Blackboard is available from 4 INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather, please check with the University to see if classes are cancelled. Cancellations are announced on the University’s website . SCHEDULE The following schedule is tentative. Please note that all chapter and section numbers refer to Rencher. The schedule is subject to change by announcement or by distribution of a revised schedule. Tentative Schedule Aug. Sep. 30 Mon Introduction Chapter 1 1 Wed Review of Matrices and Linear Algebra Chapter 2 6 Mon No Class—Labor Day 8 Wed Review of Matrices and Linear Algebra (cont’d) Chapter 2 13 Mon Random Variables, Multivariate Samples, and Sample Statistics Chapter 3 15 Wed Random Variables, Multivariate Samples, and Sample Statistics Chapter 3 Oct. 20 Mon Multivariate Normal Distribution Chapter 4 22 Wed Maximum Likelihood Estimation Chapter 4 27 Mon Mean Inferences: One-Sample Hotelling T Test Chapter 5 29 Wed Multivariate Paired Comparisons/Repeated Measures Chapter 5, § 6.9 4 Mon Multiple Comparisons and the Bonferroni Method Chapter 5 6 Wed Two-Sample Hotelling T Test Chapter 5 11 Mon Likelihood Ratio Tests Chapter 5 13 Wed Testing Homogeneity of Variance-Covariance Matrices § 7.3 18 Mon Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Chapter 6 20 Wed One-Way MANOVA Chapter 6 25 Mon Midterm Examination Nov. Dec. 27 Wed MANOVA (cont’d) Chapter 6 1 Mon MANOVA (cont’d) Chapter 6 3 Wed Two-Way MANOVA Chapter 6 8 Mon MANOVA (cont’d) Chapter 6 10 Wed MANOVA (cont’d) Chapter 6 15 Mon Two-Group Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Chapter 8 17 Wed LDA: Test for Additional Discrimination Chapter 8 22 Mon LDA: Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Function and Profiling Chapter 8 24 Wed Multigroup Discriminant Analysis: Chapter 8 29 Mon Chapter 8 1 Wed Discriminant Functions and their Statistical Significance Test for Additional Discrimination Project Due Dec. 3 ! Chapter 8 6 Mon Canonical Correlation (time permitting) Chapter 11 8 Wed Canonical Correlation (cont’d) Chapter 11 Final Examination (comprehensive)