Final Report (narrative sections will expand and contract) A. Date: B. Reporting Period: C. Project Number: D. Project Title: E. Project Director: Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise F. Co-investigator(s): Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise __________________________________________________________________________ Final Report 1 G. Collaborator(s): Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise H. Cooperator(s): Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise __________________________________________________________________________ Final Report 2 Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address Specific Expertise I. Prepared by: Name Affiliation Mailing Address Phone Number(s) Fax Number(s) E-mail Address J. Executive Summary: Summarize the details of the research project. K. Major Accomplishments: Describe how the research was beneficial as well as the solutions that were found and by what means. Include activities (experimental results, events held, services provided and end products) resulting from this work. Identify these points by numbers and/or bullets. __________________________________________________________________________ Final Report 3 L. Impact Statements: Writing in quotable statements or short paragraphs, list the project impacts in priority order using as many of the following categories of information as appropriate: 1. the significant accomplishments of your research and how they are likely to impact the agriculture industry; include measurable changes that have occurred or will occur as a result of this work; 2. student research assistant quotations about the impact on their learning and career opportunities; 3. equipment purchased or donated; M. Dissemination, publications and presentations of research: 1. List all activities in chronological order by category and date (most recent first), including any planned activities. 2. Include all names of those presenting and/or coauthoring material. 3. State name of publications and identify as refereed journal/paper or trade publication. Include graduate student theses. 4. State names and places where presentation(s) were or will be made. __________________________________________________________________________ Final Report 4 ARI Student Involvement Data Please indicate below the names of students who have been involved in your ARI research project this year and the type(s) of participation for each student. ARI Project Number: Reporting Period: Project Director: Report Type: Project Title: Student Name Graduate/ Undergraduate (G or U) Post Doc Paid Volunteer Senior Project Thesis Continuing Student Current Status Grad Employed School Use additional pages if necessary. __________________________________________________________________________ Final Report 5