Now you can study at your own pace

Now you can study
at your own pace
Programme in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Individual units | Certificate | Diploma | Higher Diploma | Degree
Qualit y • Fle xibilit y • Opportunit y
The University of Malta’s new
Programme in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
(PLAS) offers an excellent opportunity for personal
and professional development and provides
a flexible route to University education
PLAS is ideal for you if
• You enjoy learning and would like
to broaden your knowledge for its
own sake
• You would like to study but cannot
commit yourself to a traditional
full-time or part-time course
• You are shifting jobs and need to
improve your qualifications
• You would like to increase your
transferable skills to give yourself
greater flexibility in the job market
• You never had the opportunity of
studying at university and you are
looking for a flexible way to do so
• You are a graduate but would like
bite-size opportunities in areas
you have never studied before.
PLAS offers individual ‘stand alone’
Units covering a broad range of
subjects. Lecturers include some
of the leading scholars in their
respective fields.
Studying at your own pace means that
you may register for any and as many
individual PLAS Units of your choice,
depending on your time, interests and
needs. The Programme’s flexibility
allows you to use accumulated
Units to achieve a Certificate, a
Diploma, a Higher Diploma and
a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal
Studies. All Units have undergone
the quality assurance process so you
can be sure that any certificate is of
university standard.
Lectures and Seminars
Lectures and seminars are normally
spread over 14 weeks, with one or two
hour sessions per week depending
on the credit value of the Unit. Most
lectures will be held between 6pm
and 8pm. Clear indications will be
available on the application form.
Who can apply?
PLAS Units are open to any person
who has the ability to follow such
Units with profit. Acceptance may
be subject to a short interview,
and certain qualifications and/or
experience may be specified for
particular Units. Assessment
Most Units are assessed through
assignments or forms of continuous
assessment rather than through
Online applications for Units being
offered in October 2014 will be
received from late May through
mid-September. Exact dates will be
announced shortly.
PLAS Units to be offered in
October 2014
LAS 1001
Prehistory to the Byzantine Times: Malta’s Archaeology
LAS 1002
A Short History of the Universe: The Big Bang to the Dinosaurs
LAS 1003
Patterns of Human Geography: The Maltese Scenario
LAS 1004
Lighting up the Skies: The Chemistry of Fireworks
LAS 1005
Health, Food and Lifestyle
LAS 1006
Exploring Malta’s Mediascape LAS 1007
The Maltese Legal System: An Introduction
LAS 1008
Dante’s Divine Comedy
LAS 1009
Nature Photography
LAS 1010
Beekeeping and the Art of Honey Making
LAS 1011
The Environment: Issues and Challenges
LAS 1012
Preserving our Treasures
LAS 1013
Social Research Methods
LAS 1014
History of Art from Giotto to Cézanne
LAS 2001
Classics and the Cinema
LAS 2002
Under the Waves: Our Sea in Focus
LAS 2003
The Art of Winemaking
LAS 2004
Psychology of the Family and Sexuality
LAS 2005
Focusing on the Human in Human Resource Management
LAS 2006
Centre Stage: Celebrating Women in Music
PLAS Units to be offered in
February 2015*
LAS 1015
A Taste of Spain and Latin America LAS 1016
Millennial Milestones: A History of Malta
LAS 1017
Physical Geography of the Maltese Islands
LAS 1018
Reaching for the Stars: Astronomy and the Universe
LAS 1019
Plants: Their Role in Life on Earth
LAS 1020
Gardens at Risk: Fighting Plant Pests and Diseases
LAS 1021
Understanding Economics
LAS 1022
Il-Malti tul iΩ-Ωmien
LAS 1023
Marketing: The Art and Science of Customer Retention
LAS 1024
Adventures in Philosophy
LAS 1025
Mediterranean Food Culture
LAS 1026
Couple Relationships in Contemporary Society
LAS 2007
Sanksrit Culture: The Roots of Indo-European Civilizations
LAS 2008
Crime Narratives in English Literature and Culture
LAS 2009
Gods, Heroes and Monsters: Classical Myths
LAS 2011
Psychology of Adjustment: Negotiating the Challenges of Life
LAS 2012
Mapping the Crime Scene: Issues in Criminal Justice
LAS 2013
The Constitution of Malta
LAS 2020
Ideas and Business Venturing
LAS 2024
The Decorative Arts in Malta
*subject to change by the time of application
Coming up…
LAS 1027
War, Trade and Exploration: An Archaeology of the Sea
LAS 1028
Up Close and Personal: Planet Earth
LAS 1029
Written in Stone: Fossil records in Malta
LAS 1030
Empowering Media Audiences
LAS 1031
Travels in Architectural History
LAS 1032
Opera, Symphony and Ballet in Russia
LAS 1033
Herbal Science: From Field to Consumer
LAS 1034
Plants, Insects, Birds and Man
LAS 1035
Fundamental Questions in Biology
LAS 1036
Sociology: An Overview
LAS 1037
Introduction to Digital Citizenship
LAS 1038
Plato and the Playstation
LAS 1039
Psychology of Communication: Theory and Practice
LAS 1040
Valletta: The Making of a City
LAS 2010
People on the Move: Understanding Global Migration
LAS 2014
Saving Lives: Amazing Medical Devices
LAS 2015
La Letteratura Italiana Moderna e Contemporanea
LAS 2016
Lobbying and Campaigning
LAS 2017
Bodily Representation and Imagery in Maltese Literature
LAS 2018
Shakespeare Revisited
LAS 2019
Popular Culture and the Arts
LAS 2021
The Bible and Archaeology
LAS 2022
English: Structure and Rhetoric
LAS 2023
Human Unity and Diversities: The Body, Food, and Performance
Online applications
for October 2014
are now open
For further information:
Centre for the Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Malta
30, Esperanto Street
Msida MSD2012
Telephone: +356 2340 3772/3
For further information
and Unit descriptions visit