I Arts, Sciences, and Business Department Technology and Aviation College Policy Statement Concerning: Personnel Review and Evaluation Standards/Procedures • Performance Evaluation Criteria • Annual Evaluation • Reappointment Evaluation for: o Annual Reappointment Reviews o Mid-Tenure Review • Tenure • Promotion • Professorial Performance Award • Chronic Low Achievement • Post-Tenure Review • Non-Tenure Track Faculty Titles Approved by Faculty Vote on NEXT REVIEW DATE: CV12 9 — 2017 ao-)4;9 Department Head's Signatur Date Dean's Signature a-4_0%J Provost's Signature As of 10/9/2015 11-12-15 Date 11-12-15 Arts, Sciences, and Business Department Procedures Regarding the Titles, Appointment, Annual Evaluation, Reappointment, and Promotion of Non-tenure Track Faculty Ranks (effective 11-12-15) The following procedures regarding the titles, appointment, annual evaluation, reappointment, and promotion of non-tenure track faculty ranks supersede all previous/earlier dated procedures covered in this document. Introduction Sections C10, C 11, C12, C12.3 and C12.4 of the University Handbook define ranks for non-tenure track faculty appointments. These include: Senior instructor, advanced instructor, and instructor Senior professor of practice and professor of practice Teaching professor, teaching associate professor, and teaching assistant professor Section One: Standards and General Criteria for Initial Appointment of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Prior to recommending any faculty appointment, the department head must be advised by all department members who hold interest in the duties of the new appointment. Initial appointment rank and subsequent promotions in rank are based on advanced degree(s) and experience, and achievements over time within a given rank. Appointments at the rank of Instructor, Advanced Instructor, and Senior Instructor: The primary responsibility for persons on these appointments will be instruction, although the entire set of expectations must be clearly defined in the offer letter. Individuals in these positions are not required to hold the terminal degree appropriate to the discipline but should have a mix of academic and professional preparation. Instructors are not eligible for tenure and are not eligible to vote on matters of tenure or promotion for tenure-track faculty (C12). Instructor positions will be awarded as one-year, regular or term appointments. Advanced Instructor or Senior Instructor positions may be awarded as one-year regular appointments, or as one-, two-, or three-year term appointments. Appointments at the rank of Professor of Practice and Senior Professor of Practice: The primary responsibility for persons on these appointments will be teaching, research, or outreach and service or some combination of these duties. The entire set of expectations must be clearly defined in the offer letter. Persons appointed to these positions should have substantial non-academic experience and credentials appropriate to the discipline and are not required to hold the terminal degree appropriate to the discipline but should have a mix of academic and professional preparation. Individuals on these appointments are not eligible for tenure and are not eligible to vote on matters of tenure or promotion for tenure-track faculty (C 12.3). Professor of Practice positions will be awarded as one-year, regular or term appointments. Senior Professor of Practice positions may be awarded as one-year regular appointments, or as one-, two-, or three-year term appointments. Appointments at the rank of Teaching Assistant Professor, Teaching Associate Professor, and Teaching Professor: The primary responsibility for persons on these appointments will be instruction. A component of the teaching appointment may include opportunity for scholarly achievement and service. 53 11-12-15 The entire set of expectations must be clearly defined in the offer letter. Persons appointed to these positions will hold the terminal degree appropriate to the discipline. Faculty members on the Teaching Professor track are not eligible for tenure and are not eligible to vote on matters of tenure or promotion for tenure-track faculty (C 12.4). Teaching Assistant Professor positions will be awarded as one-year, regular or term contracts. Teaching Associate Professor or Teaching Professor positions may be awarded as one-year regular appointments, or as one-, two-, or three-year term appointments. Section Two: Annual Evaluation of Non-Tenure Track Faculty As explained in detail in the University Handbook, Sections C30.1, C30.2 and C30.3, the purposes of evaluation are to: • Provide the basis for personnel decisions concerning annual merit salary, reappointment, and promotion (C30.1). • Aid faculty development (C30.1). • Judge the effectiveness of faculty performance (C30.2). • Assure that personnel decisions are "reasonable and defensible" (C30.2). • Help the individual faculty member maintain high levels of performance (C30.3). Each unit will conduct the annual evaluation of non-tenure-track faculty on regular or term appointments using the same procedures as that for tenure track faculty. A non-tenure track faculty member is only required to submit documentation on activities and achievements that are part of assigned duties. The department head will provide the faculty member a written review evaluating his or her progress toward promotion. The goal of this review is to provide regular guidance and feedback to the faculty member in order to facilitate success in professional advancement. The written review will be shown only to the faculty member and will not be placed into his or her permanent file. Section Three: Reappointment The general criterion for reappointment of a faculty member holding a regular, non-tenure track appointment is satisfactory performance on the duties assigned in his or her letter of hire and annual goals. The Standards for Notice of Non-Reappointment (University Handbook, Appendix A) apply to all faculty members holding regular appointments at the non-tenure track ranks. Reappointment Review Regular, non-tenure track faculty in positions of Instructor, Teaching Assistant Professor, or Professor of Practice and those at higher ranks will be reviewed annually with regard to reappointment. Each faculty member undergoing review must provide, to the department head, a portfolio that documents his or her activities and achievements relevant to assigned responsibilities during the review period. The department head must make this material available to eligible department faculty members for at least 14 days to solicit their input (faculty eligible to review include all tenured faculty and any non-tenure-track faculty of greater rank within the same title track). After receiving faculty input, the department head writes a recommendation for or against reappointment accompanied by explanations, which is forwarded to the dean. The faculty member undergoing review receives a copy of this recommendation and a copy is also added to the faculty member's cumulative reappointment record. The department head must, during the fall semester, issue specific deadlines for the reappointment process. Section Four: Promotion Faculty members may expect to advance through the academic ranks based on demonstrated individual 54 11-12-15 merit in relation to the university's mission and their own discipline. Each higher rank demands a higher level of accomplishment. (C120) Promotion is based upon an individUal's achievements related to the specific criteria, standards, and guidelines developed by departmental faculty members in consultation with the department head and the appropriate dean. (C 120.1) For each level of promotion, successively higher levels of achievement are expected. (C 120.2) In general, an appointment to Advanced Instructor or Teaching Associate Professor reflects a mastery of instructional achievement and potential for excellence, and promotion to Senior Instructor, Teaching Professor, or Senior Professor of Practice is based on attainment of excellence in assigned responsibilities and achievements. Successful candidates for promotion will demonstrate superior professional accomplishment and excellence in the performance of their assigned duties. The assessment of a faculty member's performance upon which a recommendation regarding promotion will be based must reflect the professional expectations conveyed during annual evaluation. (C 140) A faculty member holding either a regular or a term, non-tenure track appointment is granted promotion only after a formal appraisal by the eligible faculty members (faculty eligible to review include all tenured faculty and any faculty of greater rank within the same title track). Promotion Review The procedures for promotion within the non-tenure track ranks are based upon the University Handbook Sections C110-C116.2 and C150-C156.2. The average time in rank interval prior to consideration for promotion is expected to be 5 years, although shorter and longer intervals are possible. Each unit will conduct the promotion review using the same procedures as that for tenure track faculty. A non-tenure track faculty member is only required to submit documentation on activities and achievements that are part of assigned duties. Section Five: Procedures for One-Way Transfer of Tenure-Track to Non-Tenure Track Full-time, tenure-track faculty members may apply to their department or unit head for a one-time, oneway transfer to one of the appointment categories specified in C 12.3 or 12.4. A tenure-track faculty member must request the transfer prior to applying for tenure and promotion, and in any event, the request must be made prior to but no later than September 1 of the penultimate year of the probationary tenure-track appointment. (C 12.6) Eligible candidates shall submit a one-page proposal for transfer explaining the reasons for the transfer request to the department head. The proposal shall then be sent to the Associate Dean of Academics and the Dean of the college for review and consideration. The involved parties may request a meeting to discuss the proposal. The final decision from administration shall be provided to the faculty member requesting transfer no later than one calendar month from the date on the proposal. 55