Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Xu Chen1 , Gabriëlla Blokland2,3 , Lachlan Strike2 , Thomas Nichols1 2 1 Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, UK, Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia, 3 Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Australia OHBM 2013 Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Background Voxel-wise Heritability Estimation • Existing Methods 2 • Falconer’s Method: ĥF = 2 × (rMZ − rDZ ) Pros Simple, fast and easy to use Cons Poor estimation accuracy • SEM Method Implemented in Mx/OpenMx Pros Has better estimation properties Cons Time-consuming, can have convergence problems, and requires R ←→ Nifti conversion • Our LR-SD Method • Based on squared differences of paired observations (Grimes and Harvey, 1980) • Fast, no iterations, no convergence issues Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Contributions Outline • Previous work • Demonstrated validity and excellent bias-variance properties • As good as or better than OpenMx • Current work • Power comparison of voxel-wise and cluster-based heritability inference methods • We demonstrate our method on a real dataset • Spatial statistics: cluster size, cluster mass • Non-parametric p-values: uncorrected, corrected Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Brief Method Description • Linear Regression with Squared Differences (LR-SD) • Relate squared differences of data pairs to variance components A,C,E: E (MZ1 − MZ2 )2 = 2E 2 E (DZ1 − DZ2 ) = A + 2E 2 E (I1 − I2 ) = 2A + 2C + 2E • Modification of Grimes and Harvey’s method: n(n − 1)/2 obs. → (nMZ + nDZ )/2 obs. (50,721 vs. 141) • Permutation Inference • Under H0: h2 = 0, MZ and DZ twin pairs are exchangeable • (nMZ +nDZ )/2 nMZ /2 possible permutations • Calculate FWE-corrected P-values from maximum distributions Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Simulation Setting Simulation Setting • 10,000 simulations • Sample sizes: 10+10, 50+50 • 15 ACE parameter settings: A C E E 0 0 1 CE 0 0.2 0.8 A C E 0 0.3 0.7 ACE 0.2 0.2 0.6 0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.5 Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data 0 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 AE 0.2 0 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0 0.5 0.7 0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.3 Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements LR-SD vs. OpenMx Simulations: MSE Comparison Mean squared error comparison between LR-SD and OpenMx MSE Comparison: LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=10, nDZ=10 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Null (0,.2)(0,.3)(0,.5)(0,.7)(.2,0)(.3,0)(.5,0)(.7,0)(.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) MSE Comparison: LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=50, nDZ=50 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Null (0,.2)(0,.3)(0,.5)(0,.7)(.2,0)(.3,0)(.5,0)(.7,0)(.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements LR-SD vs. OpenMx Simulations: Power Comparison Statistical power comparison between LR-SD and OpenMx Power for LRT (100%): LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=10, nDZ=10 60 40 20 0 (.2,0) (.3,0) (.5,0) (.7,0) (.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) Power for LRT (100%): LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=50, nDZ=50 60 40 20 0 (.2,0) (.3,0) (.5,0) (.7,0) (.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements LR-SD vs. OpenMx Simulations: Running Time Comparison Overall running time comparison between LR-SD and OpenMx → On average, our LR-SD is around 300 times faster than OpenMx Running Time Comparison: LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=10, nDZ=10 4000 2000 0 Null (0,.2)(0,.3)(0,.5)(0,.7)(.2,0)(.3,0)(.5,0)(.7,0)(.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) Running Time Comparison: LR−SD (blue) vs. OpenMx (red), nMZ=50, nDZ=50 4000 2000 0 Null (0,.2)(0,.3)(0,.5)(0,.7)(.2,0)(.3,0)(.5,0)(.7,0)(.2,.2)(.3,.2)(.2,.3)(.5,.2)(.3,.3)(.2,.5) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Simulation Setting Power Simulations • 1,000 simulations • Sample sizes: 10+10, 50+50 • ACE parameter settings: [0.3 0 0.7], [0.5 0.2 0.3], [0.7 0 0.3] • Signal shapes: (1) Focal signal Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data (2) Distributed signal Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements ROC Curve Analysis ROC Curve Comparison ROC curves of voxel-wise and cluster-based methods for different ACE settings for focal signal, sample size: 10+10 nMZ=10, nDZ=10, Focal Signal 0.05 Voxel, [.3,0,.7] Voxel, [.5,.2,.3] Voxel, [.7,0,.3] Cluster, [.3,0,.7] Cluster, [.5,.2,.3] Cluster, [.7,0,.3] Average true positive rate (TPR) 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Familywise false positive rate (FPR) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements ROC Curve Analysis ROC Curve Comparison ROC curves of voxel-wise and cluster-based methods for different ACE settings for focal signal, sample size: 50+50 nMZ=50, nDZ=50, Focal Signal 0.5 Voxel, [.3,0,.7] Voxel, [.5,.2,.3] Voxel, [.7,0,.3] Cluster, [.3,0,.7] Cluster, [.5,.2,.3] Cluster, [.7,0,.3] Average true positive rate (TPR) 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Familywise false positive rate (FPR) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements ROC Curve Analysis Area under the ROC Curves Normalized area under the ROC curves (20 × AUC) for FPR=0:0.05 for different ACE settings Normalized AUC nMZ=10, nDZ=10 0.2 0.1 Voxel − Focal Voxel − Distributed Cluster − Focal Cluster − Distributed 0 [.3,0,.7] [.5,.2,.3] [.7,0,.3] Normalized AUC nMZ=50, nDZ=50 0.4 0.2 Voxel − Focal Voxel − Distributed Cluster − Focal Cluster − Distributed 0 [.3,0,.7] [.5,.2,.3] Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data [.7,0,.3] Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Real Data Real Data Acquisition An fMRI heritability study of working memory brain activation by Blokland et al., 2011 • n = 319 young and healthy participants • 75 MZ twin pairs, 66 DZ twin pairs and 37 singletons • Age range: 20 - 28 (mean ± SD: 23.6 ± 1.8 years) • 199 females and 120 males • Performed an n-back (0- and 2-back) working memory task • Task-related fMRI BOLD signals were acquired • Age, gender and 2-back performance accuracy were included as the covariates Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Real Data Running Time • On a MacPro with 12 physical CPUs (24 logical CPUs), using the system at full capacity • Only areas of expected activation were included in the mask • Totally 14,627 in-mask voxels • 1,000 permutations, 10 parallelized jobs, each with 100 permutations • Running time for one permutation • LR-SD: 6 mins • Mx: around 2 days (= 2880 mins) • Running time for 10 parallelized jobs • LR-SD: 15.5 hours Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Real Data Twin Correlations (1) MZ twin correlation (2) DZ twin correlation Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Voxel-wise vs. Cluster-based Methods FWE P-value Images of Significance (1) Voxel-wise significance image (2) Cluster-based significance image Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Voxel-wise vs. Cluster-based Methods Voxel-wise vs. Cluster-based Methods • Voxel-wise Method • Construct empirical distribution of maximum test statistic • FWE P-value = 0.006 for voxel • 3 significant voxels • Cluster-based Method • Construct empirical distributions of maximum suprathreshold cluster size and cluster mass • FWE P-value = 0.003 for cluster size • FWE P-value = 0.002 for cluster mass • 3 significant clusters (127, 201, 210) Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Conclusions 1 We have developed a fast, accurate, and non-iterative heritability inference method, which makes permutation feasible 2 Our LR-SD method is faster than SEM method in Mx/OpenMx with comparable power and accuracy 3 For equivalent false positive rates, cluster-based method gives higher sensitivity, and thus more statistical power 4 Demonstrate the need for permutation inference to take advantage of cluster statistics Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Introduction Methods 1D Simulation Results 2D Simulation Results Real Data Results Conclusions Acknowledgements Acknowledgements • Dr Thomas Nichols (Supervisor) Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, UK • Dr Gabriëlla Blokland Lachlan Strike Dr Margie Wright Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE Thank You! Voxel-wise and Cluster-based Heritability Inference for fMRI Data Chen X, Blokland G, Strike L and Nichols TE