Central California Training Academy “Serving those who serve others” Final Day Training Evaluation Trainer(s): Click here to enter text. Course ID & Title: Click here to enter text. Location: Date(s): Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Please provide us with an honest assessment of this training session. Your input will help to improve the quality of this training. Please explain any “fair” or “poor” ratings. Feel free to continue your comments on the back of this form. Only complete evaluation forms can be factored into the trainer’s overall evaluation score. Please be sure to answer all the questions. Content Excellent Very Good Organization: How coherent and well developed was the content? Use of Time: How well did the trainer arrange the content to make the most effective use of the allotted time? Objectives: Were course objectives met? Comments: Trainer Knowledge of Topic: How well did the trainer know and understand the concepts and issues of the topic? Responsiveness to Group: How well did the trainer relate to the group, answer questions, and respond to concerns? Ability to Relate Training to Practice: How well did the trainer help participants relate and apply course content and knowledge to child welfare practice? Ability to Relate Training to Practice: How well did the trainer help participants relate and apply course content and knowledge to child welfare practice? Comments: Relevance To what degree did the content meet your assessed job training needs? To what degree did the content match your skill level? Comments: Page 1 of 2 Good Fair Poor DIVERSITY ISSUES Diversity refers to the differences in culture, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual preference, religion, physical disability, and age. Culture does not merely refer to ethnicity or race, but to the complex system of values, beliefs, and attitudes; spiritual or religious systems; traditions; art and artifacts; and standards of behavior that regulate life within a particular group of people. Excellent Diversity Very Good Good Fair Poor What was your level of understanding of the topic covered prior to training? What is your level of understanding now? How well did the content of the training address cultural issues and issues of diversity? How well did the trainer promote and facilitate discussion of culture? How well did the trainer demonstrate cultural sensitivity and competence in response to the cultural differences evident in the group? Please explain your ratings regarding cultural issues: What benefits have you received from attending this training? Is there anything else you would like to contribute regarding the training structure, location, registration, trainer, etc? What is your current position: Years in this position: Years in Child Welfare: Are you a Title IV graduate? Yes: No: Please be sure that you have filled in a response to each question. Revised 12/2003 Thank You! Page 2 of 2