!"#$%&'()$*+& !"#$%&'()$*+& BV Feature Story (YHQWV )DVKLRQ0XVLF 2SLQLRQ6RFLDO,VVXHV 6WXGHQW6SRWOLJKW 3ROLWLFV ,QVLGH7KLV,VVXH Love Your Hair! Tips & Tricks Posing Beauty: Event Review 4 6 5 Nigerian Independence Fashion Show Review AIDS Awareness 9 Diva or Devil Poll Results! “1LJJD” <RXQJ0RQH\<RXQJ0LQGV 5DS·V Effect on Youth &XOWXUDO%RXQGDULHV 11 14 8 Brandon Combs Plays to the Beat of His Own Drum 12 'HYRQ9LFWRULD'LUHFWRU:ULWHU7KHDWUH(QWKXVLDVW13 10 7ZR%ODFN&DQGLGDWHV LQWKH8SFRPLQJ(OHFWLRQ ´%ODFN9RLFHVLV86&·VÀUVWEODFNSXEOLFDWLRQ:HDUHFRPPLWWHGWR WKH EODFN FRPPXQLW\ DQG H[SORULQJ EODFN FXOWXUH IURP WKH GLYHUVH SHUVSHFWLYHVRI86&VWXGHQWV:HDLPWRFRPPXQLFDWHLVVXHVUHOHYDQW WR WKH EODFN FRPPXQLW\ ZLWK LQWHJULW\ FUHDWLYLW\ DQG WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJFRQWHQWWRHPSRZHUHGXFDWHDQGLQVSLUHRXUUHDGHUVµ ([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUV Editor in Chief | &RXUWQH\0DQQLQJ Managing Editor |(VVHQFHMR\(YDQJHOLVWD Copy Editor | -DFTXHOLQH-DFNVRQ Marketing / Advertising Director | 'H·5RQ0DUTXHV Staff Co-Art Directors |-HVV(YRUD5D\PRQG&RXUWQH\ Photographer | .RVLVR8JZXH]H Opinion / Social Issues Columnist | .QLD)UDQN Fashion/Music Columnist | $YLDQFH:DVKLQJWRQ Events Columnist |-RUGDQ&DOGZHOO Director of Finance | $UOHQH:DVKLQJWRQ Health/Education Columnist | 6DPDQWKD2MR Political Columnist |6KDNLUD.HOOHU Events Posing Beauty, Posing Questions T he Posing Beauty in African American Culture exhibition went up in the USC Fisher Museum of Art on September 7th and will be on display until December 3rd. The exhibit features SKRWRVRI$IULFDQ$PHULFDQÀJXUHVDQG embodiments of black cultural beauty that were accumulated by Deborah Willis from various friends, gallery directors, curators, family members, and photographers. She gathered these images over more than a ten-year period as part of a project that “explores the ways in which our contemporary understanding of beauty has been informed by photographers and artists working from 1890 to the SUHVHQWµ DQG LV WKH ÀUVW photographic history of black beauty. The exhibit successfully sheds light on an American story that has gone unnoticed until now. Although these images are portrayals of African American beauty, it addresses questions about beauty as a whole such as “What is beauty? Is it tangible? Does beauty matter?” and questions with regard to black beauty like “How is the notion of beauty idealized and exploited in the media, in hip-hop culture, in art?” and “Is black beauty a matter of conditioning?”. Deborah Willis, Ph.D, Chair of the Department of Photography and Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts Black Voices | 4 at New York University, curated the exhibition and moderated panel of an artist, an art museum curator, and a history professor this past month. On October 3rd and 4th Dr. Willis gave students and faculty an inside look behind her exhibit and the idea of beauty. An event presented by USC’s Visions and Voices, the Posing Beauty Posing Questions event held a panel featuring artist Carrie Mae Weems, Los Angeles County Museum of Art curator Franklin Sirmans and USC history professor Robin D. G. Kelley. The conversation was engaging and began with Deborah Willis’s story about a beautiful runaway slave. The meat of the discussion revolved around the power of photography to determine what is beautiful and questions surrounding why black photographers are not considered major players in fine art. The event ended with a question and answer session in which the audience was given the opportunity to engage with these experts in their field. Together, the panel and the exhibit were both successful means to give African American students a look at their history that has been kept from them, and to give the public an appreciation for black art and beauty. Ankara Festival: Backstage at the Fashion Show Fashion/Music Kosiso Ugwueze On Oct. 1, Naija Entertainment and the Nigerian Students Association from UCLA paid tribute to Nigerian Independence Day with “a night of African glamour.” The fashion show featured up and coming and established black designers who use authentic African fabrics and prints, like Funke Eniola’s Studio Alade, Bukky Are’s House of Versatile Style, Mola Akpata’s Mocolate, Habiba Olayinka of Habiba Jewelries and Bukola Martins of Touch of Styles. BV had the privilege of covering this epic event that highlighted Nigeria’s rich culture. We love to see black designers and black models being implemented in the fashion industry and the increase in the trend is simply moving. AfricaSC and CaribSC Students Pictured: Eloho Akalamudo (bottom wearing red), Rebecca Obasi (blue headdress, top middle green jumper), Roshini Nwoko (top right, alone), Kimberly Chinaza Okereke and Keziah Ojika (middle right), Gina Jaqua, Kosiso Ugwueze, Rebecca Matey (bottom left picture, in succession) Black Voices | 5 c Fashion/Music e v o r u L Yo r i a H Tips & Tricks for Every Black Hair Type Aviance K. Washington Versatile and trendsetting, Black hair has endless style possibilities, but can easily be weakened if not given the utmost attention and care. From heat to coloring, we often put our hair through constant stress to achieve the looks we want. Krystle Rowry, cofounder of www.Upswing.Me, helped XVÀQGWKHEHVWWULFNVDQGSURGXFWV that will keep your locks strong, healthy and beautiful. Weaves ´1RSDLQQRJDLQ"1RWZKHQLWFRPHVWRWKHEUDLGLQJSURFHVVµ.U\VWOHFDXtions that painful braids can result in permanent hair loss so let your stylist know if you feel any discomfort. Make sure to also take extra care of your natural hair under the weave by keeping your scalp moisturized and clean. Never go past 3 months of wearing a weave, as this can cause your natural hair to shed underneath. Product Recommendations z Sea Breeze Astringent for Skin & Scalp z KeraCare Dry & Itchy Scalp Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner z Paul Mitchell Super Clean Spray Lala Vasquez (Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images NortAmerica) Natural Natural hair needs extra moisture and gentle care because it can be fragile. When detangling, use a lot of conditioner (deep condition at least once a week) and a wide-tooth comb. Krystle advises to stay away from regular towels! “They create friction, leaving you with the dreaded frizzy halo. Use a PLFURÀEHUKDLUWRZHOWRDEVRUEH[FHVVZDWHUZLWKRXWGU\LQJRXWVWUDQGVµ Product Recommendations z 0RURFFDQRLO&XUO'HÀQLQJ0RXVVH z Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk z Loreal Nature’s Therapy Deep Conditioning Treatment Black Voices | 6 Solange Knowles (RD/Orchon/Retna Digital Krystle’s Tips for Successful Transitioning 1. Healthy hair starts from within! Healthy hair practices + healthy diet + healthy lifestyle = Strong hair and stimulated growth. Eat right, exercise, and drink plenty of water to see great, long-lasting results. Plus, you’ll be doing your body a favor as well! 2. Learn to love! You’ll have to be patient in going natural and know the end result will be worth the wait. Get excited with every new curl and embrace your new texture. Believe me, I know from experience how easy it is to get frustrated when your old products and methods no longer get the job done, but think of it as a learning process. Get to know what’s best for you! Check out YouTube for support from those who have been there! 3. Resist the heat! It’s important to know heat damage is irreversible and although you PD\PLVV\RXUVWUDLJKWHUWUHVVHVKHDWZLOOKDYHLWVFRQVHTXHQFHV6RPHZRPHQÀQGWKH\KDYH WRFXWWKHLUKDLUWRJHWULGRIWKHGDPDJHLW·VFDXVHG,I\RXÀQG\RXUVHOILWFKLQJWRKHDWVW\OH be sure to use a heat protectant and the lowest setting possible! 4. Moisture is key! Keeping your hair moisturized is the key to stimulating your hair’s Krystle Rowry Co-Founder of Upswing growth. Deep condition regularly and trim your ends to help your hair grow to its healthiest. 5. Just do it! Some say natural hair = freedom. And if it doesn’t work for you, hey, you can always go back to what worked for you before. You were born with it-try giving your natural tresses a chance! I know I will never turn back! Locs 7RPRLVWXUL]H\RXUORFNVDQGNHHSWKHPIURPÁDNLQJPDNHVXUHWRRLO\RXU scalp after each wash. Also try the interlocking method instead of palm-rolling. “Have you ever twisted a paper clip and saw it break apart? Well that’s the same stress you’re putting on your hair when you palm-roll and you’ll see that same kind of breakage,” Krystle warns. Be careful of weakening your strong locs with damaging techniques! Product Recommendations z Jojoba Oil z Nyraju Peppermint Tea Tree Shampoo z Ylang Ylang Oil Recommended Stylists in the Los Angeles Area Dr. Kari of Mahogany Hair Revolution - 490 S San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Specializes in: Natural styles (Locs, Curls, Braids), scalp and hair loss treatments http://www.drkariwilliams.com SPECIAL OFFER: Free shampoo and condition (a $20 value) - valid with any stylist at Mahogany Hair 5HYROXWLRQRQÀUVWYLVLW Kim Fields (Bobby Bank/ Wire Image) Relaxed “Save your tresses from the stress of relaxer (get it?) by extending the time between touch-ups to at least two months or until you have ! inch of new growth.” Due to the chemical processing, relaxed hair is prone to breakage and drying out. Always sleep with a satin pillowcase or wear a satin cap to reduce tangles and lock in moisture at night. It may seem counterintuitive, but remembering to trim your ends regularly will help your hair to grow longer by getting rid of the unhealthy areas. Product Recommendations z The Original Moroccanoil® Oil Treatment z Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Shampoo, Conditioner & Leave-In Conditioner z African Royale Hot Six Hair Oil Whitney Gupton of Colbert Hair Studios - 94 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Specializes in: Brazilian blowouts, relaxed hair, weaves and extensions. http://www.colberthairstudios.com SPECIAL OFFER: 20% OFF on your ÀUVWYLVLW Hershelle Johns of Divas & Dolls Hair Salon - 4937 W. Slauson Ave Ste. B2, Los Angeles, CA 90056 Specializes in: Hair Cuts of all lengths, hair coloring, relaxed hair, weaves and extensions SPECIAL OFFER: Free deep conGLWLRQLQJWUHDWPHQWRQ\RXUÀUVW YLVLWDYDOXH PXVWVKRZ\RXU86&6WXGHQW,'FDUGto redeem, all offers expire 11/01/2012. Tika Sumpter (Bossip) Black Voices | 7 Fashion/Music Illustration Courtesy of hullubullumushrooms.blogspot.com ic or %9VXUYH\HGVWXGHQWVWRH[SORUHWKHSRSXODUQRWLRQWKDWVRPHRIRXU VXFFHVVIXOEODFNIHPDOHHQWHUWDLQHUVDUHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKVRPHVHFUHW VRFLHW\FDOOHG,OOXPLQDWLxLVLWDFRQVSLUDF\RULVWKLVVWXIIIRUUHDO" VDLG '(9,/ VDLG '(9,/ Associated Press We’re skeptics too... Black Voices | 8 Associated Press Marie Clarie Associated Press VDLG VDLG '(9,/ Associated Press VDLG '(9,/ VDLG VDLG '(9,/ Associated Press VDLG '(9,/ Better Safe than Sorry By Samantha Ojo S exually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are illnesses most frequently passed from one person to another during sexual activity. Encompassing over 25 different diseases, STDs can have myriad effects on the body, and can be spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex. There are also various infections, such as scabies, which are referred to as STDs because they are most commonly transmitted sexually, although they can be passed on in other ways. Sexually transmitted diseases, which are preventable and can often be effectively treated when discovered early, are found at significantly higher rates among African Americans than the rest of the population. In a 2009 study, researchers found that African Americans had twenty times the reported gonorrhea rates of Caucasian Americans, and nine times the reported rates of syphilis and Chlamydia. Devastatingly, African Americans also represent the majority of HIV positive individuals. Of the 1 million individuals living with HIV in the United States today, almost half are black. To date, over 230,000 African Americans have died RI $,'6 ² D VKRFNLQJO\ ODUJH ÀJXUH which accounts for almost 40 percent of total deaths. Yet, as a racial group, African Americans represent just 13 percent of the US population. The estimated lifetime risk of becoming infected with HIV is 1 in 16 for black males, and 1 in 30 for black females, a far higher risk than for white males (1 in 104) and white females (1 in 588). According to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, African Americans “comprise the greatest proportion of HIV/AIDS cases across many transmission categories, including among women, heterosexual men, injection drug users, and infants.” 7KHVH ÀJXUHV KRSHIXOO\ ZLOO UDLVH awareness rather than alarm within the black community. Although abstinence remains the only way to completely eliminate ones chances of contracting an STD, practicing safe sex with a low number of partners can drastically reduce ones chances as well. The University Park Health Center provides sensitive medical care for all health concerns or for general health maintenance. In addition, the Men’s and Women’s Clinic provides services for maintenance of sexual health and STI screenings including HIV. HIV testing is available through an appointment with a clinician at the Health Center, and also at Out of the Closet thrift store locations. Within the greater Los Angeles Area, individuals can get tested for STIs at a local Planned Parenthood or other health clinic. Screenings and tests are quick and painless, and are the ÀUVW VWHS WRZDUGV SURWHFWLQJ ERWK \RXU partner and yourself. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so get tested! Black Voices | 9 ic STDs in the African American Community: Health Politics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ER)<D,0%A'!N$). shion/Music Student Spotlight Director, Writer, Theatre Enthusiast BRANDON COM B S Interview by Samantha Ojo H is energy seems to intensify with every beat of the drum. As the Derrick Nelson band woos incoming freshmen during their evening orientation program, one can’t help but notice the glow of a drummer’s smile– or the blonde streak which highlights his hair. His name is Brandon Combs, and he is truly one of a kind. A dwindling interest in singing at church led Combs to turn to the drums. After picking up interest at the age of nine, he began to practice several times a BC BC Black Voices | 12 week at church, and at sixteen. he received his very own drum set. As a Detroit native, Combs is now expressing his talents at the University of Southern California where he is majoring in Popular Music. “I knew that by choosing USC, I would receive the best education both musically and academically,” said Combs. “The Popular Music major was very appealing to me, as there are few programs like it at other universities.” This past summer, Combs had the opportunity of performing at all seven USC orientation sessions. He was also able to perform with one of his greatest musical LQÁXHQFHV%ULDQ Colbertson. “Along with performing at the Pre-Grammy show in 2010, performing with Brian is an experience I’ll never forget,” said Combs. “There’s nothing like being able to perform with people you look up to.” Article by Arlene Washington &RPEVLVJUHDWO\LQÁXHQFHGE\ famous musicians including Chris Coleman, and Dave Weckl. He also looks up to mentor Benny Rogers and most importantly, his family, as he continues his musical MRXUQH\´:KHQ , ÀUVW PRYHG to L.A. from Detroit two years ago, he [Rogers] introduced my family to our church here and we immediately felt at home,” said Combs, “My family is also a great support system; my mom supports all of my musical endeavors.” “I would love to play drums for a big pop artist like Mariah Carey and join them on a world tour,” said Combs. “I also want to end up producing music or working behind the scenes in some way.” Combs hopes to eventually open a music school for underprivileged youth in his hometown, using his talents to give back. “Music means everything to me. It is a blessing and a gift that allows me to both tell my story and communicate with others.” Student Spotlight Devon Victoria Director, Writer, Theatre Enthusiast Director, Writer, Theatre Enthusiast By Courtney Manning D evon Victoria is motivated by the inspirational words of iconic playwright William Shakespeare, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none,” and it is evident that she lives her life by these very words. An accomplished and inspiring black female, Devon Victoria brings new meaning to the phrase “super senior.” If she isn’t busy delivering meals to the homeless in the local community, interning at Mosaic in West Hollywood, or strolling with her fellow sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho Incorporated, she’s likely heading USC’s Black Entertainment and Theatrical Association (BETA). Victoria has truly taken advantage of all opportunities afforded to her in her four years at SC, and has blossomed into somewhat of a superwoman. It’s obvious that community service is one of Victoria’s priorities, and she is committed to staying well-rounded. Since freshman year, she’s dedicated her free time to service and she currently teaches pregnancy prevention with Peer Health Exchange. She’s been involved with BETA since sophomore year, and her transition to president this year has been a great one. BETA began as a space for African American students to come together and embrace their heritage. Open to all, BETA serves African American students by providing them with help toward their professional development. The association has invited numerous executives to come speak, held celebrity panels and casting workshops, and their spring panel and annual Diversity Showcase is in the making. Victoria says leading BETA is a challenge because their numbers are low, but that it is undoubtedly a rewarding experience. “BETA has helped me learn what I do and don’t want from the industry. , UHDOL]HG ZRUNLQJ ZLWKLQ WKH ÀOP industry isn’t exactly the dream job it’s played out to be, and I’ve realized how African Americans are represented in this space.” Upon graduation, Victoria will still be involved with BETA and serve as an alumnus on their larger advisory board. She wants to apply for Teach for America but worries that she’ll lose some of her connections in the industry; eventually, she hopes to become a talent and literary m a n a g e r. Devon is inspired by Hattie McDaniel, WKH ÀUVW $IULFDQ American actress to win an Oscar. McDaniel played “Mammy” in Gone with the Wind and was criticized for taking on the role, but did what was best for her career. “McDaniel added depth to the role and opened doors never opened before; she proved that blacks could indeed hold their own in theatre.” Victoria is most proud of herself for increasing opportunities in BETA. “The alumni advisory board wasn’t in place until I’ve suggested it; I’ve tried to build on what we’ve already done as an organization and create even more opportunities for students.” I think we’d all agree that Devon Victoria has done her part in making a mark at SC. DV Black Voices | 13 Opinion/Social Issues !"#$$%&' ()*%+*, DVDWHUPRIHQGHDUPHQWZKLFKPD\EHWUXHEXWLWLV RIIHQVLYHWRVRPHSHRSOHGXHWRWKHFRPSOH[KLVWRU\RI WKHWHUP:KHWKHUWRIHHOGLVUHVSHFWHGRUQRWGHSHQGV RQWKHFRQWH[WLQZKLFKWKHZRUGLVXVHG(YHQWKHQLW VWLOOLVLQDSSURSULDWHWRXVH³QLJJD´ZK\QRWMXVWVD\³EUR´ RU³GXGH´" ,IZHDUHQRWFRPIRUWDEOHZLWKSHRSOHRXWVLGHRIRXUUDFH FDOOLQJXV³QLJJD´EHFDXVHRILWVGHJUDGLQJKLVWRU\WKHQ ZK\DUHZHRND\ZLWKGHJUDGLQJRXUVHOYHV"6XUHWKH ZRUGKDVHYROYHGRYHUWLPHEXWZHFDQQRWDUJXHWKDW LWKDVFKDQJHGIRUXVEXWKDVQ¶WIRUWKHUHVWRIVRFLHW\ 7KHFRPSOH[LW\RIWKHLVVXHH[WHQGVLQWRRWKHUDVSHFWV RIRXUFXOWXUH)RULQVWDQFHKLSKRSPXVLFKDVDODUJH DXGLHQFHWKDWH[WHQGVWRHYHU\UDFHDQGFXOWXUH,WDOVR KDVVRPHRIWKHPRVWYXOJDUDQGRIIHQVLYHO\ULFVLQFOXG4 LQJ³QLJJD´$FFRUGLQJWR0HGLD/LIH0DJD]LQH%ODFNV RQO\PDNHXSRIWKHKLSKRS³UDGLRDXGLHQFH´7KDW PHDQVWKHUHLVDGLYHUVHJURXSRISHRSOHWKDWDUHVLQJ4 LQJDORQJWRWKHVRQJVZLWKRIIHQVLYHO\ULFV6KRXOGZH H[SHFWWKHPWRFHQVRUWKHPVHOYHVZKHQVLQJLQJRULV LWRND\DVORQJDVLWVWD\VLQFRQWH[WRIWKHO\ULFV"7KH FRQFHSWPDNHVYHU\OLWWOHVHQVH%RWWRPOLQHRWKHUUDFHV ZRXOGEHPRUHVHQVLWLYHWRWKHXVDJHRI³QLJJD´LIZHGLG QRWXVHLWDWDOOLQFOXGLQJLQPXVLF 5HFHQWO\UDSSHU.UHD\VKDZQWULHGKHUDFFRPSOLFHUDS4 SHU91DVW\IRUFRQVWDQWO\XVLQJ³QLJJD´³>91DVW\@VD\V LWDOOWKHWLPHDQGWKDW¶VMXVWEHFDXVHVKHJUHZXSDOOGLI4 IHUHQW/LNHVKHJRHVLQDQGRXWRIMDLOIRUDUPHGUREEHU\ DOOWKHWLPHDQGOLNH\RXNQRZKHUPRPFDOOVKHUWKDW´ ,GRQ¶WWKLQN.UHD\VKZDQUHDOL]HGKRZLJQRUDQWDQGFRQ4 WUDGLFWRU\KHUDUJXPHQWZDV7RVD\WKDWVKHJUHZXS JRLQJLQDQGRXWRIMDLODVMXVWL¿FDWLRQIRUXVLQJ³QLJJD´ LVLPSO\LQJWKDW³QLJJD´LVVRPHRQHZKRKDVWKDWW\SHRI OLIHVW\OH7KHUHVKRXOGEHQRMXVWL¿FDWLRQIRU$1<21(WR VD\³QLJJD´QRPDWWHUZKDWWKHFRQWH[WPD\EH :HQHHGDEDQGRQDOOGHULYDWLYHVRIWKHZRUG³QLJJHU´ FRPSOHWHO\RIEHIRUHLWHYROYHVDJDLQWRVRPHWKLQJOLNH ³QLJ´RU³QLJJ\´8QWLOZHLGHQWLI\ZLWKVRPHWKLQJPRUH XSOLIWLQJZHZLOOQHYHUEHDEOHWRVXFFHHGDVDUDFH /LNHWKHROGVD\LQJ³LI\RXGRQ¶WUHVSHFW\RXUVHOIWKHQ ZK\VKRXOGDQ\RQHHOVH"´ !"#$%&'()*+$%,#'()*+$)-,,.+(/0$+-1$'-,*+/()(2#3$/"#$ ZRUG³QLJJD´¿UVWPDGHSRSXODULQWKHVE\FRPH4 GLDQV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVRIKLSKRSFXOWXUHOLNHWKHJURXS 1:$1LJJDV:LW$WWLWXGHSURPRWHGWKHXVHRIWKLV WHUPWKDWGHULYHVIURPDQRSSUHVVHGKLVWRU\LQ$PHULFD ³1LJJHU´LVDUDFLDOVOXUXVHGWRGH¿QHSHRSOHRI$IULFDQ GHVFHQWDQGLWVRULJLQOLHVLQWKH6SDQLVKQRXQQHJUR VLJQLI\LQJWKHFRORUEODFN%\WKHV³QLJJHU´KDGD UDFLVWFRQQRWDWLRQDQGRWKHUUDFHVVSHFL¿FDOO\$QJORV XVHGWKHWHUPWRPDNH$IULFDQ$PHULFDQVIHHOLQIHULRU $VWKHFXOWXUHFRQWLQXHGWRVWUXJJOHZLWKLGHQWLW\ZHOO LQWRWKHVWKHZRUG³EODFN´ZDVDGRSWHG6LQFH WKHQKRZHYHURXUFRPPXQLW\KDVHYROYHGWRGH¿QLQJ RXUVHOYHVDV$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ'HVSLWHWKHGHJUDGLQJ FRQQRWDWLRQVEHKLQGWKHRULJLQRI³QLJJD´LWLVQRZXVHG DVDWHUPRIHQGHDUPHQWLQRXUFXOWXUH 1LJJDLVXVHGDVFRPPRQO\DVWKHZRUG³GXGH´RU³EUR´ .QLD)UDQN WRV\PEROL]HDEURWKHUKRRG6RPHHYHQLQFRUSRUDWH QLJJDLQWRHYHU\VHQWHQFHZKLFKLVDOLWWOHXQQHFHVVDU\ %XWSUREOHPVDULVHZKHQVRPHRQHRXWVLGHRIWKHUDFH XVHVWKHZRUG7KHFRQWURYHUV\RIWKLVLVVXHOLHVZLWKLQ WKHLVVXHRIWKHGRXEOHVWDQGDUG³6LQFHEODFNVXVHWKH ZRUGDERXWEODFNVDWDQDODUPLQJO\FRPPRQUDWHLVQ¶W LWWKHSURSHUFRQFOXVLRQWRFRPHWRWKDWLWLVQ¶WWKHZRUG WKH\DUHPDGDWEXWZKRXVHVLW"´7KH1:RUG'RXEOH 6WDQGDUG7KLVGRXEOHVWDQGDUGKDVVSDUNHGKHDWHG GHEDWHVRYHUZKRFDQVD\LWDQGPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\ ZKHWKHULWVKRXOGEHXVHGDWDOO 6RPHWLPHVWKHUHDUHWKRVHVLWXDWLRQVZKHQDIHZPHP4 EHUVRIRWKHUUDFHVDUHDFFHSWHGLQWRWKHEODFNFRPPX4 QLW\ZKRIHHOOLNHWKH\VKRXOGEHDOORZWRXVH³QLJJD´LQ WKHLUYHUQDFXODU7KH\FODLPWKH\DUHDOVRXVLQJWKHZRUG Black Voices | 14 MACclothes.com Black Voices | 15