curriculum descriptors MODERN LANGUAGES (ACCESS 1) INTRODUCTION Candidates who are working within Access 1, for whom a complete Access 1 unit is not appropriate, will focus on Learning Targets and their related Success Criteria at an Experiential, Awareness or Participation stage. Examples of targets are outlined in the descriptors that follow. These descriptors have been organised under the appropriate Access 1 unit title and then grouped using the Performance Criteria as the Learning Targets. Each unit at Access 1 forms part of a set of units which are linked to a particular Access 2 unit. GENERAL INFORMATION Modern Languages at Access 1 comprises two units: Modern Languages: Life in Another Country – Aspects of Life Modern Languages: Life in Another Country – Language For candidates working within Access 1, the two Life in Another Country units have been selected and examples of Success Criteria have been described, as these units provide a range of useful targets for candidates at this stage of learning. RATIONALE These two units are intended to offer candidates a range of experiences which will increase their awareness and give them some knowledge of life in another country. This aims to expand the candidate’s understanding and enrich their experience of daily life. They may be studied in relation to other subject areas, e.g. Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, as part of a class theme, e.g. exchange visits, student holidays, or as an opportunity to add a European or global dimension to the candidate’s programme of work. CONTENT Access 1 unit: Life in Another Country – Aspects of Life Outcome: Compare aspects of life in a country other than Britain with the same aspects of life in your community. This unit could be achieved in a variety of ways. Work could be based on a range of different aspects of life in another country or be related to specific aspects, e.g. food in other countries. Modern Languages: Curriculum Descriptors (Acc 1) 1 Access 1 unit: Life in Another Country – Language Outcome: In respect of the main language used in the country being studied, demonstrate understanding of a limited range of vocabulary associated with each of the aspects of life being studied In this unit candidates will be given opportunities to be exposed to and learn single word utterances in the appropriate foreign language, related to the aspects of life studied. CORE SKILLS Learning targets within this unit particularly lend themselves to the development of the Core Skills: Communication Working with Others. UNIT: LIFE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY – ASPECTS OF LIFE Outcome: Compare aspects of life in a country other than Britain with the same aspects of life in your community. PC(a): Learning target: Based on the selected topics, two aspects of life in the country being studied are described by giving at least six key points of information for each aspect. Success Criteria P: Participates, with support, in giving key points of information about an aspect of life in the country being studied. A: Demonstrates awareness through responses of some aspects of life in the country being studied. E: Actively experiences involvement in a range of activities which highlight some aspects of life in the country being studied. PC(b): Learning target: In respect of each aspect studied, at least three comparisons between life in the foreign country and the same aspects in the candidate’s own community are made. Success Criteria P: Participates, with support, by showing one or two ways in which the foreign country is different from Britain and/or ways in which aspects of life in the foreign country are different to aspects in the candidate’s own community. A: Demonstrates awareness, through responses, of a way in which life in the foreign country is different from Britain or the candidate’s own community. E: Actively experiences involvement in a variety of activities which might highlight some way in which life in the foreign country is different from Britain. Modern Languages: Curriculum Descriptors (Acc 1) 2 UNIT: LIFE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY – LANGUAGE Outcome: In respect of the main language used in the country being studied, demonstrate understanding of a limited range of vocabulary associated with each of the aspects of life being studied. PC: Learning target: Familiarity with at least eight words and phrases relevant to each aspect studied is demonstrated. Success Criteria P: Participates by listening and responding to specific words of the foreign language associated with an aspect of life being studied. A: Demonstrates awareness through responses, that the language used in another country may be different from their own. E: Actively experiences a range of interactions involving the use of some words and phrases of the foreign language associated with an aspect of life being studied. EVIDENCE Observation report recorded by teacher/lecturer Experience checklist Photographs and video of student work. Modern Languages: Curriculum Descriptors (Acc 1) 3 Modern Languages: Curriculum Descriptors (Acc 1) 4