INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES JEAN MONNET EUROPEAN CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA MSIDA MSD 2080 – MALTA TEL: (356) 23402001, 23402998 FAX: (356) 23402651 E-MAIL: WEBSITE: ANNEX 1 TO PLACEMENT AGREEMENT This agreement governs the relationship between: The entity______________________________________________________ represented by Dr./Mr/Ms__________________________________________, located in____________________________________________________________, hereafter referred to as ‘host entity’. And The university student _____________________________________________, from the Institute for European Studies of the University of Malta, with its address Msida MSD 2080 Malta, hereafter referred to as ‘the student’. And The University of Malta, with its address Msida MSD 2080 Malta, hereafter referred to as ‘placement promoter’ DECLARE 1. That the host entity accepts the _______________________________________________________________ student , as Institute for European Studies trainee with the support and collaboration of the Institute for European Studies in the implementation and follow up of the training programme. 2. The Institute for European Studies acts as the promoter of the placement. This agreement, which all parties declare they have read and approved, governs the relationship between the parties and defines the rights and obligations associated with their participation in the placement. Therefore all parts AGREE as follows: Article 1 Mr/Ms _______________________________will ______________________________________from spend a period of _________________ training at until _______________, for a total length of 112 hours. This agreement covers the abovementioned period. Article 2 The total of 112 hours is equivalent to eight (8) hours per week for the 14 weeks of the regular academic semester. The total of 112 hours shall be divided in 1 full day of work per week (8 hours)/two half-days (4 hours each) per week [CANCEL THE OPTION TO DISCARD]. The schedule of the placements shall not overlap with the university timetable. The placement has to be conducted in Malta, unless specifically stated. Article 3 The placement will be carried out within the premises of the host entity that will provide the student with logistical support. The placement will take place according to a ‘Learning Agreement (LA)’, established among the host entity, the Institute for European Studies and the student. The learning agreement shall include the specific tasks to be carried out by the student during the placement period and shall be proposed by the host entity and approved by the Institute for European Studies and the student prior to the start of the placement. Article 4 A representative from the host entity shall be nominated and act as a mentor for the student/s. The role of the mentor is to assist the student to develop and enhance practical knowledge in the area of European studies. A member of the academic staff of the Institute for European Studies shall also be appointed, in order to follow both practical and academic aspects of the placements. Article 5 The student shall become familiar with the functioning of the host entity, its working methods and its internal organisation as a practical complement to his/her studies at the University. Article 6 The student shall keep a logbook where she/he has to summarise the activities carried out daily, together with a description of the learning experience. This logbook shall be used as one of the methods for the final assessment, with total word count between 2,000 and 5,000 words. This logbook shall also be sent to the selected academic staff at the Institute for European Studies for a mid-way review, approximately in the sixth week from the start of the placement. Article 7 At the end of the placement period the mentor from the host entity will produce a written report, not exceeding the 1,000 words, summarising the performance of the student and any detail that might be useful for the final assessment. Article 8 The student shall be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Logbook, carrying 50% of the total mark, between 2,000 and 5,000 words, related to attendance and records of daily work activities and learning experiences, as highlighted above in Article 6; 2. Report, carrying 50% of the mark, not exceeding the 1,000 words, prepared by the mentor of the entity hosting the placement, summarising the overall performance of the student, as highlighted above in Article 7. The final grade shall be decided by a board of examiners, assigning a final agreed mark on the basis of the 2 criteria highlighted above. The board of examiners shall be formed by the mentor from the entity hosting the placement, a designated member of the academic staff and the Director of the Institute for European Studies. Article 9 The student agrees to: - respect the discipline imposed by the host entity, its working hours, the rules in force and any legal provisions. In the event of non-compliance with these requirements, the mentor from the host entity reserves the right to terminate the placement, informing in advance the academic staff at the Institute for European Studies; - respect confidentiality and privacy regarding all research work and development of patents and/or any other intellectual property that she/he may learn about during her/his placement period; - have obtained a Social Security Card that guarantees health assistance in any country of the European Union. Article 10 This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the Laws of Malta. Any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, application or termination of this agreement shall be referred to the competent authorities of the Malta Arbitration Centre in accordance with Chapter 387 of the Laws of Malta. The parties to this present agreement agree to allow staff of the University of Malta, and any person authorised by them, to appropriate access documents related to the placement. Each contracting party shall exonerate the other from any civil liability for damages suffered by him or his staff as a result of the performance of this agreement, provided that such damages are not the result of serious and deliberate misconduct on the part of the other party or its staff. And in witness of the agreement of all parties declared above, all parties sign this document in four copies. Prof. Juanito Camilleri Prof. Roderick Pace Rector Director University of Malta Institute for European Studies STUDENT Mr./Ms. NAME _____________________________ ID ________________________________ HOST ENTITY Dr./Mr./Ms. NAME _________ _____________ ID ________________________ DATE: