UNIVERSITY OF MALTA INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES BACHELOR OF EUROPEAN STUDIES/HONOURS REGISTRATION FOR STUDY-UNITS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/16 YEAR 1 COURSE: EUROPEAN STUDIES / HONS WITH __________________________________ Surname and Name _____________________________________ ID Card No. ____________ E-mail: _________________ Mobile No: ____________ Tel No: ________________ 1. You will be registered for the following European Studies Compulsory study-units for a total of 26 ECTS Code Title of Study-Unit ECTS Credits EST 1020 EST 1030 EST 1040 EST 1041 EST 1042 Legal Order of the EU Introduction to Comparative Politics of Europe Introductory Micro Economics for European Studies Introductory Macro Economics for European Studies European Integration Theories, Paradigms and Key Documents 8 4 4 4 6 Availability YR Sem 1 Sem 1 Sem 2 YR 2. Please fill in and mark to choose study-units for your subsidiary area for a total of 26 ECTS. Before registering for the study-units, make sure that there are no clashes in your time-table. Code Title of Study-Unit ECTS Credits Compulsory/ Elective Availability (Sem 1 or Sem 2 or Year) 3. Please choose the optional study-units for a total of 8 ECTS credits. Before registering for optional study-units, make sure that there are no clashes in your time-table. Code Title of Study-Unit ECTS Credits Optional Availability (Sem 1 or Sem 2 or Year) Requirements for progression to next year: 26 ECTS Credits in European Studies 26 ECTS in Subsidiary Area 8 ECTS Credits in Optional Units Total for Year 1: 60 ECTS Credits Kindly keep a copy of this form before submitting it to the Institute for European Studies. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THAT YOUR REGISTERED STUDY-UNITS TALLY WITH THOSE ON ESIMS AND THE PROGRAMME OF STUDIES ___________________ Signature ___________________ Date