Institute for European Studies Academic Year 2015-2016 Second Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday EST 2233 (6 ECTS) 2 of 2 Contemporary Migration Issues Across the Mediterranean 8.00 - 9.00am (Dr Berta Fernandez) Venue: Dar Guzeppi Zahra Room 103 Starting 3rd February 2016 8.00 am 9.00 am Semester Two EST 2233 (6 ECTS) 1 of 2 Contemporary Migration Issues Across the Mediterranean 9.00 - 11.00am (Dr Berta Fernandez) Venue: Old Humanities Building Room 116 Starting 1st February 2016 10.00 am 11.00 am EST 2234 (6 ECTS) 1 of 2 Malta in the EU 11.00 - 1.00pm (Dr Mark Harwood and Ms Elaine Cordina) Venue: Old Humanities Building Room 105 Starting 1st February 2016 12 noon 1.00 pm 2.00 pm DEGREE PLUS 12.00 - 2.00 EST 2225 (4 ECTS) EU Cohesion Policy Implementation and Management 1.00 - 3.00 (Ms Elaine Cordina) Venue: Lecture Centre Room 216 Starting 2nd February 2016 3.00 pm EST 2230 (4 ECTS) Social Policy and the European Union 2.00 - 4.00pm (Ms Maria Brown) Venue: Dar Guzeppi Zahra Room 108 Starting 2nd March 2016 DEGREE PLUS 12.00 - 2.00 EST 2210 (4 ECTS) Development Studies and the EU 2.00 - 4.00pm (Mr S. Moncada) Venue: Old Humanities Building Room 105 Starting 4th February 2016 EST 2234 (6 ECTS) 2 of 2 Malta in the EU 2.00 - 3.00pm (Dr Mark Harwood and Ms Elaine Cordina) Venue: Lecture Centre Room 217 Starting 5th February 2016 5.00 pm As on 15th July 2015. Updated on 19th October 2015. Updated 26th October 2015. Last update on 11th November 2015. Last update on 20th January 2016. Updated with venues on 27th January 2016. Last update on 1st February 2016 The above time-table is subject to alteration as directed by the Board of Studies.