T: S Testing the Double Check

Volume 12/ Number 3/ November 1994
Testing the Double Check
Backpressure Test vs.
Direction of Flow Test
orne have raised concerns over
the new direction-of-flow test
for the double check valve
assemblies published in the Manual
of Cross-Connection Control - Ninth
Debris may cause a low reading
using the direction-of-flow test
Edition. The concern is that there
may be a large number double check
valve assemblies which have been
passing the backpressure test (8th
Edition) for years and yet would fail
the new direction-of-flow test. This
is due to the nature of the tests.
The backpressure test subjects
each of the check valves of the
double check valve assembly to two
pounds per square inch (psi) of
backpressure. If the check valve had
a small piece of debris or deposits on
the check valve disc, the two psi
backpressure may force the
elastomer disc to seal
around the debris. In this
case the tester would note
that the check valve is
If the test is performed
on the same check valve
with the direction-of-flow
test, different results could
occur. Since the direction
of flow test determines how
much pressure is being held
upstream of the check valve
due to the force of the
spring on the check valve, a
small amount of debris
could keep the check valve
from holding the full 1.0 psi
in the direction of flow .
Even though the check
valve may be holding at 0.5
psi, it does not meet the
requirements of the Manual
of Cross-Connection Control- Ninth
There are two points that are
important to know in this case. First,
the requirement for the check valves
of the double check valve assembly
to hold 1.0 psi in the direction-ofcontinued on page 3
Using Portions
of the Manual
he Manual of Cross-Connec
tion Control - Ninth Edition
has been a very popular tool
among training institutions. Additionally, many administrative authorities have adopted the field test
procedures as the required method of
testing under their jurisdiction. The
Foundation receives requests regularly for permission to reproduce
sections of the Manual. Many of
these requests come from water
agencies or health departments
wishing to use the installation
guidelines from Section 8 (Figures
8.1 through 8.4). In some cases the
Model Ordinance from Section 8 is
desired. In most of these cases, the
Foundation will grant permission for
use of these portions, depending upon
the intended use of the material.
The field test procedures from
Section 9 of the Manual (in the fully
illustrated version) may not be
reproduced under any circumstances.
The Foundation has not and will not
continued on page 4
The f:oundation Mernbet~hip grew again in thi~ la~t quartet. The
newe~t Mernbet~ ate li~ted below. The f:oundation encouragM Mernbet~ to take advantage of the rnany benefit~ of f:oundation Mernbet~hip. Additional copie~ of the
Monuol of fto~~-eonnBefion fonftol ate available to Mernbet~ at a 25% di~count.
Mernberg receive a 20% di~count on training cout~e~ and 25% di~count~ on the
Training Tool~. Mernberg ate al~o encouraged to contact the f:oundation office with
regarding cro~~-connection control.
Anderson & Assoc., Inc.
Backflow Prevention Services Ltd.
Baxter Health Care
California Dept. of Parks
& Recreation
City of Cave Junction
Cedar Rapids Water Department
Dona Ana Branch Community
Educorp Career College
Fluid Systems Technology, Inc.
Tom Higham
Keyes Community Services District
Leonard Rice Consulting
Mariposa County
Oklahoma State University
City of Phoenix
Porter Memorial Hospital
City of Red Bluff
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
City of Ripon
Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist.
City of Safford
Sheldon A. Brook
Sierra Pacific Power Co. Westpac Utility
Sonoma Developmental Center
Sullivan Love
Texas Engineering Extension Service
The Foundation has added a Tester Course to the
1994 Schedule. This course will be held in Merced,
CA during the week of 14-18 November 1994. For
more information, please contact the Foundation
Office at (213) ~40-2032.
Union College
University of California, Riverside
Water Safety Services, Inc.
Watts Industries (Canada) Inc.
Winona Daily News
Cross Talk is published by
the University of Southern
California's Foundation for
Cross-Connection Control
and Hydraulic Research for
its Members. Additional
Copies are available to the
Members upon request.
(213) 740-2032 Copyright
1994 © University of Southem California.
All rights reserved.
Q Testing the DC
continued from page 1
flow is not a new requirement. This
has been a design requirement for
double check valve assemblies since
the Foundation's original specifications were published as Paper No. 5
in April of 1948. This design re-
Does it open fully?
orne backflow prevention
asser.1bly testers have been
concerned with the field testing
of the relief valve of the reduced
pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. Once the relief valve
has opened and the opening point
has been determined some testers
want to make sure that the relief
valve opens fully . This is to assure
the relief valve will discharge the
necessary volume of water in an
extreme backflow condition with one
or both of the check valves leaking.
Although this may sound like a
good idea, it is not as practical as it
sounds. First of all, the term "fully
open" must be defined. Does this
mean the relief valve must flow the
minimum amount required by
Section of the Manual of
Cross-Connection Control ? If this is
the case the tester must have some
method of measuring the flow rate
through the relief valve. This is not
easily done in the field.
Some testers have stated that
they look at the relief valve to make
sure that it strokes fully open. This
presents a couple of problems .
In many of the relief valve
designs it is not even possible to see
the relief valve stroke to the open
position. In some cases it may be
possible to see the motion of the
relief valve stroking open through the
relief valve port, but one would need
the engineering drawings to determine exactly what the length of the
continued on page 4
&ckpressure test forr:es e/a~·tomer
disc to seal around debris giving
a good reading for the check valve
quirement itself, existing for forty-six
years, is not new. The field testing of
this design requirement is new with
the publication of the Ninth Edition
in December of 1993.
Testing the Relief Valve
Second, when a double check
valve assembly fails to meet the
requirements of the Ninth Edition
field test, it does not necessarily
mean that the assembly will allow
backflow. For example, if a double
check valve assembly has both check
valves holding a differential of 0.5
psi in the direction-of-flow, the
assembly does not pass the field test,
but the assembly is still preventing
backflow since the check valves are
holding. The problem is that the
continued on page 5
Tester Course
The Foundation Laboratory
23-27 January 1995
8-12 May 1995
10-14 July 1995
Merced, CA
14- 18 November 1994
Las Vegas, NV
20-24 February 1995
Incline Village, NV
31 July-4 August 1995
Non-Members $750.00
Members $600.00
Program Specialist
USC Campus
30 January 3 February 1995
17-22 July 1995
Incline Village, NV
13- 17 March 1995
Phoenix, AZ
5-9 June 1995
Non-Members $800.00
Members $640.00
Courses may be added throughout the year. Please contact the Foundation office for
information on courses in your area or for an application for the next USC Training
Course. You may nlso send a hard copy of a purchase order or a check to the
Foundation office to reserve a space. Please be advised that some of these courses
fill six to eight weeks in advance.
A Purchase Order may be sent via FAX to the Foundation office
at (213) 740-8399 or cnll (213) 740-2032 for more information.
!!:J!!~JJ the Relief Valve
stroke should be to fully open the
relief valve. Then the practicality of
making the measurement would be
another problem altogether. Although it may be helpful to determine
if the relief valve opens "substantially," it is not practical to require
the relief valve to stroke fully open
during the routine field test.
To get the relief valve to fully
open would require the tester to close
the No. 1 shutoff valve, and depressurize the assembly by opening the
No.2 test cock. Once the pressure on
the inlet side of the first check valve
is relieved, the relief valve will begin
to open. Only after the pressure at
the No.2 test cock is dropped to
Using the Manual
continued from page 1
grant permission for use of the fully
illustrated version of the field test
procedures. These are available only
in the Ninth Edition of the Manual of
the Cross-Connection Control. The
Non-illustrated Field Test Procedures for Backflow Prevention
Assemblies may be available to
certifying entities if these procedures
are required by the administrative
authority. Permission to use or
reproduce the procedures may be
requested from the Fouf\dation office.
The administrative authority making
the request must agree to use the
Non-illustrated Field Test Procedures for Backflow Prevention
Assemblies in its entirety with no
editing. Additionally, they may not
be distributed at random, but may be
distributed upon request only. For
more information please contact the
Foundation office. The procedure is
quite simple and many administrative
authorities have taken advantage of
the Foundation's Non-illustrated
Field Test Procedures for Backflow
Prevention Assemblies. •
atmospheric pressure will the relief
valve be fully open. The tester would
have to repressurize the assembly,
and retest it. Due to the relief valve
being fully drained, it is likely that
the relief valve could be fouled by
flushing debris laying in
It is not practical to require the
relief valve to stroke fully open
during the routine field test.
the body or upstream piping into the
relief valve. Therefore, this draining
process could cause a much larger
number of problems due to the
If an administrative authority
requires the relief valve of reduced
pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies to open "substantially," the passing of the field test
becomes subjective to the backflow
prevention assembly tester. One
tester may consider a certain amount
of opening or stroke, although not
measured, sufficient, however,
another tester may not consider the
opening or stroke adequate.
This creates problems in the
cross-connection control program
when the field testing results cannot
be assessed objectively. The question of fairness to the consumer arises
when one tester is failing assemblies
that another tester would pass. It is
best to maintain a testing program
which uses objective criteria to
determine the acceptable operation of
the backflow preventers. Should a
reduced pressure principle backflow
prevention assembly pass the field
test of Section Nine of the Manual of
Cross-Connection Control - Ninth
Edition, there is no reason to doubt
the assembly's ability to discharge
the required amount of water should
a backflow incident occur. •
The Ninth Edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection
Control is available for purchase. Foundation Members
receive a 25% discount from the list price of the
Manual. Manual Pricing is as follows:
To order Manuals a purchase order or check may
be sent to the Foundation office. To expedite the order a
purchase order may be sent via FAX. If next day or
second day shipping is required, there is an extra fee.
ackpressure vs. Direction-of-Flow
ntinuedfrompage 3
check valves are not holding at the
design requirement, which is 1.0 psi
or greater. This indicates that there is
a problem which should be investigated. It could be the check valve
seat or disc is dirty and a simple
cleaning will bring the reading back
up to design requirements.
A similar situation occurs
during the test of the reduced pressure principle assembly. Should the
differential pressure relief valve open
at a value of I .5 psid, this is a failing
value since it is below 2.0 psid. The
relief valve would, in fact, open, but
at a value below the design requirement. So, even though the assembly
the requirement for the check
valves of the double check valve
assembly to hold 1.0 psi in the
direction-of-flow is not a new
requirement... this has been a
design requirement for double
check valve assemblies since the
Foundation's original specifications were published as Paper
No.5 in April of 1948
to occur since the relief valve does
open and discharge the water from
between the two check valves.
So it is important to differentiate between an assembly failing the
field test criteria and failing in such a
way as to allow backflow to occur
through the assembly. The directionof-flow field test will enable the
tester to identify a failure before
backflow is able to occur.
fails the field test requirements, the
assembly would not permit backflow
Informational Brochures
The informational brochure entitled Working Together for Safe Water is a great complement to
Essentials of Cross-Connection Control or the film Working Together for Safe
all the concepts of cross-connection control to your audience using
you can hand out the brochure. This gives those in attendance
something to take with them which will help them to comprehend
fully the topics discussed.
the slide presentation The
Water. You'll be able to explain
the slide presentation. Then,
The brochures come with the name, address and telephone
number of the ordering agency, so those who desire more information or have questions, can call you directly.
This brochure can be used to explain the basic concepts of
cross-connection control, helping water users understand why they
may need to install a back flow preventer or comply with
Your Name, Address
and Phone Number
Printed on the Back
periodic testing requirements. To request a sample of the brochure
with an order form, contact the Foundation office at:
For More Information Contact
Foundation for Cross-Connection Control
and Hydrau lic Research
University of Southern California
KAP-200 University Park MC-2531
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531
(213) 740-2032
FAX (213) 740-8399
ABC Water Company
1234 Main Street
Whatever, CA 12345
(123) 456-7890
FAX: (123) 456-7890
Historical Highlights
1970- Tester Course Established
In 1970 the Foundation offered its first
Course for the Training of Backflow
Prevention Assembly Testers. The
Foundation had just moved to its
current laboratory facility two years
before offering this first of many
courses. Professor E. Kent Springer,
Director of the Foundation from 1964
to 1985 taught the course with the
assistance of Mr. Ernest J. Havlina of
the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power. The Fourth Edition of the
Manual of Cross-Connection Control
was used for this course which had
nineteen students from California,
Idaho, Missouri, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, and Washington.
From the first year this course was
introduced, the Foundation offered the course in various locations to help train personnel throughout the country.
Originally Professor Springer handled all of the away courses with the help of some local personnel.
This course has changed in many ways over the years. In fact, testing method changed again in January of 1994
when the Ninth Edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control changed to a direction-of-flow test for the double
check valve assemblies.
1988- Specialist Course Introduced
The Course for the Training of Cross-Connection Control Program Specialists was first offered in 1988. It had
become evident by this time that a different form of training was needed to prepare those responsible for cross-connection
control programs to effectively administer their programs. This course was not designed to train the students to perform
any testing of backflow preventers, but rather to administer their cross-connection control program. The course includes
sections on rules and regulations, policies and procedures, record keeping, plan checks, site surveys and public relations.
A major portion of this course is the site survey which takes place on Thursday of the course. During the first few
days of the course, those in attendance are prepared for the site survey . During the survey, the attendees are divided into
groups. These groups perform the survey of several facilities. The group works together, but each attendee prepares a
written report. The purpose is to determine if cross-connections are present, what the degree of hazard is, if the crossconnections are properly protected, and, if not, what must be done to properly protect the cross-connections discovered.
The emphasis is placed on the requirement for meter protection, although those in attendance must make a complete
survey which would justify their position for meter protection.
Although it is not required for the attendee to attend a tester course first, it is highly recommended. Those wishing to
obtain certification through the CA!NV Section of the American Water Works Association must hold a valid tester
certificate from the CA/NV Section of AWW A before they may apply for the Specialist Certification.
Fiftieth Anniversary
Valendar oT
This calendar shows some of the activities in which the
Foundation is currently planning on participating. For more
information contact the Foundation office.
14-18 November 1994- Tester Training Course, Merced, California
30 November 1994- Western States Symposium Association, Bakersfield, CA
14 December 1994- CA/NV AWWA Update Seminar, San Diego, CA
23 January 1995- American Backflow Prevention Association Seminar- Texas
23-27 January 1995- Tester Training Course, Foundation Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA
30 January- 3 February 1995- Program Specialist Course, USC Campus, Los Angeles, CA
20-24 February 1995- Tester Training Course, Las Vegas, NV
KAP-200 University Park MC-2531
Los Angeles, California 90089-2531
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