Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Courses Fall 2016 Core Courses (Courses meet 08/22/16-12/9/16 unless otherwise indicated) * Course Descriptions Below GWSS 105A 10:30-11:20 MWF LS 001 Sarmiento 8:30-9:20 9:30-10:20 MWF MWF LS 001 S 127 Staff Sarmiento 12:30-1:20 8:05-9:20 9:30-10:45 MWF TU TU LS 001 LS 001 LS 001 Staff Sabates Sabates 1:30-2:20 2:30-3:45 Distance 5:30-8:20 MWF TuTh TuTh WA 41 LS 001 Distance LS 001 Staff Ruiz Staff Staff 2:30-3:45 1:05-2:20 TuTh TuTh EH 226 LS 6A Weaver Weaver 11:30-12:45 Distance 1:30-2:20 TuTh T 213 Distance LS 001 Sabates Padilla Carroll Hubler 2:30-3:45 Distance 11:30-12:20 MW MWF LS 001 Distance LS 6A Tushabe Hubler Tushabe GWSS 550A GWSS 700A Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std (1st Year Sem) Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std (Cat Comm) Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std (Cat Comm) Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std Intro to Gnd, Women, & Sex Std (Meets 10/13/16 to 12/8/16) Top/Interspecies Intersections Fundamentals Gend, Wm & Sex Studies Latinas’ Life Stories Gender in American Film Resistance & Mvmts for Social Change Top/Black Sexualities Independent Study Research Methods in Gend, WM Sex Study Women & Popular Culture Top/Black Sexualities 2:30-5:20 2:30-3:45 Tu MW C 202 LS 001 Padilla Carroll Tushabe GWSS 700B Adv Top/Women & Pop Culture 2:30-5:20 Tu C 202 Padilla Carroll GWSS 784ZA Internship/Gend,Wm Sex Stdy APPT APPT Hubler APPT APPT Hubler GWSS 105B GWSS 105C GWSS 105D GWSS 105E GWSS 105F GWSS 105G GWSS 105I GWSS 105ZA GWSS 105ZB GWSS 300A GWSS 305A GWSS 321A GWSS 350A GWSS 405A GWSS 500A GWSS 505ZA GWSS 510A MWF (Instructor Consent Required) GWSS 799ZA IS/Grad or Adv Undergrad Cross-Referenced Courses (Courses meet 8/22/16-12/9/16 unless otherwise indicated) AMETH 370A DAS 355ZA DAS 590ZA ENGL 387A ENGL 660A ENGL 705A FSHS 350A FSHS 350B FSHS 350C FSHS 350ZA MC 612A MUSIC 311A SOCIO 510A SOCIO 545Z Politics of Women of Color Intro to Non-Violence Studies Applied Non-Violence American Indian Lit Read Major Authors/Brontes Theories of Cultural Studies Family Relation & Gender Roles Family Relation & Gender Roles Family Relation & Gender Roles Family Relation & Gender Roles Gender Issues and Media Women in Music Social Welfare as a Social Institution Sociology of Women 2:30-3:45 Distance Distance 9:30-10:45 11:30-12:20 9:30-10:45 1:05-2:50 5:30-8:20 10:30-11:20 Distance 5:30-8:20 Distance 11:30-12:45 TuTh Tu W 120 Distance Distance EH 116 EH 021 EH 228 JU 109 JU 109 JU 163 Distance K 210 Distance KG 004 Roshanravan Allen Lopamudra De Tatonetti Longmuir Gonzalez Thompson Brown Conner Welch Wassmuth Cooper Kurtz 9:30-10:20 MWF F 208 Shapkina Tu MWF TuTh Tu M MWF W Graduate Student Only Classes (Courses meet 8/22/16-12/9/16 unless otherwise indicated) EDLEA 838A EDLEA 838OB Revised 5/25/2016 QVAL Research in EDU QVAL Research in EDU (meets 9/14/15 to 12/7/15) 4:30-6:55 5:30-8:30 W M BH 121 Olathe, KS Holloway-Libell Bhattacharya Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Course Descriptions Fall 2016 WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section A: MWF 10:30; Section MWF 9:30—T Sarmiento Gender, sexuality, and race structure all of our worlds. In this introductory course to the interdisciplinary field of Women’s Studies, we shall explore gender as a category of social, cultural, and political analysis as it intersects with other social formations, including sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic class, and ability. Primarily focusing on the US context, but in dialogue with the translocal and the global, we shall survey the herstories of the women’s movement, the parameters and possibilities of feminist inquiry, and feminism’s contributions to social change. We shall also analyze how power operates through gender in our contemporary moment, particularly engaging the site of popular culture. Together, these approaches to the study of gender as a social construct as well as an embodied positionality will not only allow students to recognize how knowledge production intimately circumscribes peoples lives but will also empower them to be a part of its undoing. WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section B: MWF 8:30; Section D: MWF 12:30--Staff Description Coming Soon! WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section E: TuTh 8:05; Section F: TuTh 9:30--G. Sabates An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of feminist scholarship, which seeks to understand the creation and perpetuation of gender inequalities by examining historical, theoretical, and cross-cultural frameworks for the comparative study of women and gender. This course aims to sharpen students' critical awareness of how gender operates in institutional and cultural contexts and in their own lives. Particular attention will be paid to the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, national origin, disability, culture, and movements for social change. WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section G: MWF 1:30;—Staff Description Coming Soon! WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section I: TuTh 2:30—M. Ruiz Description Coming Soon! WOMST 105 Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section ZA: Distance --Staff Description Coming Soon! WOMST 300 Top/Interspecies Intersection Section A: TuTh 2:30 –H. Weaver “Interspecies Intersections” explores how relationships between humans and animals not only reflect but also shape experiences of race, gender, sexuality, species, breed, and nation. By examining events such as Hurricane Katrina and NFL quarterback Michael Vick’s conviction, the roles of animals and plants in histories of colonization, as well as more contemporary popular internet memes of “unlikely friendships” between, say, elephants and dogs, we work through co-evolutions of humans, plants, and other animals across species lines. In addition to the above, some of the topics we address include the following: what does it mean to extend Kimberlé Crenshaw’s writings on “intersectionality” to human/animal relationships? How does the development of scientific understandings of “species” involve histories of sexuality and race and fears about Revised 5/25/2016 miscegenation in the U.S.? What do contemporary dialogues around “animal hoarding” have to do with gender and race? What does it mean to think about animals through the lens of queer theories? WOMST 305 Fundamental of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section A: TuTh 1:05 –H. Weaver Description Coming Soon! WOMST 321 Latina’s Life Stories Section A:TuTh 11:30--G. Sabates An interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of Latina women's life experiences, examining the complex process of constructing cultural identities. Students will gain an understanding of how knowing about, listening to, and telling of life stories intersect with issues of gender, race, ethnicity, location and class. WOMST 350 Topic/Gender in American Film Section A: Distance--V. Padilla Carroll This course examines depictions of gender in American film. Because gender does not exist within a vacuum, race/ethnicity, class, and sexuality will also be examined. This course will focus on how images in film reinforce and normalize power and power relations as well as perpetuate stereotypes. WOMST 405 Top/Resistance Movement & Social Change Section A: MWF 1:30--A. Hubler Women have been critically involved in demanding civil rights, achieving justice for indigenous people, challenging military dictatorships, working for economic justice, and demanding for women's liberation and freedom from violence. This course examines women’s resistance and movements against gender violence and discrimination in the context of colonialism, globalization, war, militarism, and occupation. In addition to viewing films including Made in Dagenham (on union women) and Las Madres (on the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argenina), texts for the course include: I, Rigoberta Menchu, by Rigoberta Menchu At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance--A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power A Woman Among the Warlords by Malalai Joya The grade for the class will be based on a midterm, final, a paper (5-7 pages), attendance and participation. WOMST 500 Black Sexualities Section A: MWF 9:30;--Tushabe This course investigates the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality. The course will explore complex relations among identity categories such as lesbian, gay, bisexuality, and transgender in relation to class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and nationality. The course will be divided into three central parts: the sexualization of race and the racialization of sexuality; sociocultural perspectives on race and sexuality; and queering the Color Line and histories of oppression, including colonialism. We will read some of the most influential authors in Gender Theory, Queer Theory, Race Theory, Sexuality Studies, and Transgender studies. WOMST 505 IS/Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section #: By Appointment--A. Hubler (Obtain permission from Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Department Head in 3 Leasure Hall) This course is a broad overview of Women’s Studies as a disciplinary area of study drawing from a variety of other disciplines including history, sociology, psychology, art, literature and philosophy among others. Revised 5/25/2016 WOMST 510 Research Methods in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section A: MW 11:30;--Tushabe Description Coming Soon! WOMST 550 Top/Women & Pop Culture Section A: TuTh 3:55--V. Padilla Carroll This course uses a gendered lens to examine the images of women in popular culture forms like fiction, film, television, music, magazines, advertising, and material culture. In this course we will use intersectional feminist perspectives to interrogate the portrayal of women and feminism within historical and cultural contexts. Student will develop their own popular culture research project and by the end of the course, will present their research in a poster session. WOMST 700 Black Sexualities Section A: MWF 9:30—Tushabe This course investigates the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality. The course will explore complex relations among identity categories such as lesbian, gay, bisexuality, and transgender in relation to class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and nationality. The course will be divided into three central parts: the sexualization of race and the racialization of sexuality; sociocultural perspectives on race and sexuality; and queering the Color Line and histories of oppression, including colonialism. We will read some of the most influential authors in Gender Theory, Queer Theory, Race Theory, Sexuality Studies, and Transgender studies. WOMST 700 Top/Women & Pop Culture Section B: TuTh 3:55--V. Padilla Carroll This course uses a gendered lens to examine the images of women in popular culture forms like fiction, film, television, music, magazines, advertising, and material culture. In this course we will use intersectional feminist perspectives to interrogate the portrayal of women and feminism within historical and cultural contexts. Student will develop their own popular culture research project and by the end of the course, will present their research in a poster session. WOMST 784 Internship in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Section A & ZA: By Appointment--A. Hubler (Obtain permission from Department Head 3 Leasure Hall) An opportunity to gain valuable experience in community, volunteer, activist, or political organizations at the local, state, national, or international levels. Revised 5/25/2016