Permission to Publish and Distribute Agreement

Permission to Publish and Distribute Agreement
Parties: This agreement is between the Author(s) or copyright owner(s) (licensor) and New Prairie Press, a unit of Kansas
State University Libraries.
Work: This agreement pertains to the following “Work”
Title: ___________________________________________________
Rights: The licensor(s) affirm that they are the creators and/or the holders of any proprietary rights in the above-named
“Work” and have the authority to grant the rights contained in this license. The licensor(s) also affirm and warrant the
“Work” contains no material that is slanderous or libelous or in violation of any laws or legal judgments.
If the “Work” contains material for which licensor(s) do not hold copyright, the licensor(s) represent that they have
obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant New Prairie Press the rights required by this
license, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of
the “Work”.
Permission to Publish and Distribute: The licensor(s) grant to Kansas State University Libraries their non-exclusive
permission to reproduce, format, publish and distribute the “Work” worldwide in electronic format through New Prairie
New Prairie Press shall have the right to determine the format, design, and other relevant matters pertaining to
publication of the “Work”, including securing an ISBN.
Approval Contingency: Because the “Work” is in substantially incomplete form at the time of the execution of this
Agreement, the Author(s) and New Prairie Press agree that New Prairie Press’ commitment to publish the “Work” is
expressly contingent upon the receipt of the completed manuscript by New Prairie Press, the successful completion of
New Prairie Press’ review process, and final publication approval by New Prairie Press.
Preservation: The licensor(s) agree that New Prairie Press may, without changing the content, migrate the “Work” to
any medium or format for the purpose of preservation.
The licensor(s) also agree that New Prairie Press may keep more than one copy of this submission for purposes of
security, back-up and preservation.
Retention of Rights: The licensor(s) retain and do not transfer their ownership or rights in the “Work” including
copyright, and may publish or dispose of them elsewhere without limitation.
New Prairie Press will clearly identify the name of each licensor as the author or owner of the “Work” and will not make
any alteration, other than as allowed by this license.
Date: The effective date of this agreement shall be the last date of the signatures below:
Author/Copyright Holder ________________________
New Prairie Press, Kansas State University Libraries ___________________________