Associated Students, Incorporated Student Senate Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Time: 4:00 PM USU 312-314 1.0 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM. 2.0 Flag Salute The flag salute was led by Senator Patterson. 3.0 Roll Call --Executive X Hudson X Stephens E* Farnesi E* Sims Key: [X] = Present --X E* X E* X X X E* [ Senate Bennett Dowell Escamilla Kazanjian Kennedy Leighty Nunna Patterson ] = Absent --X X X X X [T] = Tardy Senate Prettyman Ryan Sarabia Tang F. Troupe I. Troupe Zante [E] = Left Early --X X X X Staff Powers-Mead Rocker McIntosh A. Smith DeYoung Bautista Cropper Reiser * = See Notes 3.0 PUBLIC COMMENT Nothing to report. 5.0 APPROVAL OF AGENDA Senator Escamilla moved to approve the agenda as read. Senator Sarabia seconded. The motion to approve the agenda as read passed 13-0. 6.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Senator Leighty moved to approve the minutes as read. Senator Kennedy seconded. The motion to approve the minutes as read passed 13-0. 7.0 REPORTS 7.1 Standing Committee Reports Personnel: President Hudson stated that the Personnel Committee will be sending out surveys either on Thursday, April 28, 2016 or Friday, April 29, 2016. President Hudson urged the Senators to complete the survey so that the Personnel Committee can get feedback from the Campus Wide Committees. Legal: Senator Zante stated that the Legal Committee met last week at 5 PM. The committee discussed election code changes and bylaw revision. They have many proposed changes that they will be bringing to the Senate floor. Finance: VPF Farnesi stated that the Finance Committee has had no new applications for Sponsored Activity Grants. He also stated that there is only $4,000 left that is allowed to be allocated to fund Sponsored Activity Grants. 7.2 Executive Reports President Hudson: President Hudson addressed the Senate and discussed that the Drop Deadline Policy was present and passed at the last Academic Senate meeting. The policy will now be that students have three weeks to drop a class and on the fourth week, will need to secure two signatures from the department. President Hudson also stated that there was another situation in the past two weeks where a faculty member was very disrespectful to a student sitting on a Campus Wide Committee. President Hudson brought it up at the Academic Senate Executive Committee. The Personnel Committee is going to send out a survey this week to students who sit on a committee. Regarding IRA, the committee is still meeting every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 AM to review applications. President Hudson expects the committee to be done within the next two weeks. President Hudson is still sitting on the VPA Search Committee. There are three finalists for campus visits. The first visit is set for Monday, April 25, 2016. There is another visit set for May 5th at the Hock Board Room 4115 at 3:00 PM- 3:30 PM. The Associated Dean for Students Involvement Search is close to securing a candidate. President Hudson also stated that she met with Chancellor White and asked him about the background check policy and he has promised to update us on how the policy can be less intrusive to student volunteers and employees. President Hudson also sits on the DiscoverE Taskforce and Assessment Subcommittee. They met to discuss how they can set up assessment tools to find out more about how students learn differently in DiscoverE courses. President Hudson also sits on the Gender and Minority Equity Subcommittee. She is currently completing her report for the 2014-2015 student’s athlete survey. Her section was supportive services. The final report will be compiled through Athletics and the Title nine office. Regarding staff pay, the Executive Team is currently looking to review full-time staff evaluations to award pay increases. Lastly, President Hudson had a great time at the Sierra Madre Community Picnic on Sunday, April 17, 2016. EVP Stephens: EVP Stephens addressed the Senate and stated that a lot of Senators missed their 1:1 meeting in March. There is one more month of 1:1 meetings and all Senators should schedule their meeting with EVP Stephens as soon as possible. EVP Stephens is sitting on the Food Service Advisory Committee. Here, he met with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness regarding a healthy food survey on campus for next semester. They will be moving forward with a focus group this semester. EVP Stephens has been working to prepare the Senate Showcase material. The posters are printed and he was happy to announce that the event went well. Regarding Transition Retreat, the Retreat is being planned for Thursday, May 12, 2016 which is the first day of Dead Days. It will be from 8 AM- 12 PM. Lastly, EVP Stephens is sitting on the CFO Search. The CFO will replace the current CFO, Clint Moffitt since he will be retiring in September, VPF Farnesi: VPF Farnesi addressed the Senate and stated that the Finance Committee made all allocations/ recommendations over $90,000 therefore no new applications are guarantee a review. There were no new applications for Sponsored Activity Grants. VPF Farnesi also stated that Research grants were due last week. He has been working on preparing the draft budget for the 2016-2017 academic year. The order has been placed for the approved computers. The purchase was well under the $20,000 budget. VPEX Sims: VPEX Sims addressed the Senate and stated that Senator Ryan and VPEX-Elect Esraelian attended both days of CSSA last weekend. There were many issues that were discussed at CSSA and VPEX Sims gave an update on all the items talked about such as AB 2064- Tuition Freeze, AB2214Faculty Royalty Income Disclosure, and AB 2506- Student Financial Aid: Chafee Grants. VPEX Sims also talked about the Association Open Meetings Legislation, and course evaluations. Since there was no strike, VPEX Sims is looking into how to go forward. She has saved the documents and Q&A in case another strike breaks out. The last CSSA meeting is scheduled for next weekend. 9.1 INFORMATION ITEM: Strategic Plan Presentation (Castro) Time Certain at 4:30 PM. President Castro addressed the Senate and presented his Strategic Plan. The mission statement he provided is “to boldly educate and empower students for success.” There are four areas of focus that the strategic plan will cover. The first one is innovation in and out of the classroom. Secondly, how we support the people that support you. Next is, Infrastructures including physical and technicalogical. This will include an electrical upgrade. And lastly, partnerships with students and faculty. This plan will be enacted for the next five years. There will be an open forum in the fall and they encourage students to respond to the online feedback portion honestly. 7.3 Senator Reports Senator Bennett: Senator Bennett stated that she currently sits on the Programs for Children’s Committee. The committee was out at Vintage Days promoting the Huggins Center. Senator Bennett also stated that at her Campus Wide Committee meeting they heard ideas to revamp the quad area. Ideas centered around planting new trees, new grass, putting in tables and power outlets. They want to make it more student friendly and ADA compliant. Senator Escamilla: Senator Escamilla stated that Saturday, April 30 th is the ASI Alumni Dinner. He reminded the Senate that the Clothing Closet will have a donation box at the event and he encouraged Senators to bring any professional clothes that they do not use anymore and to donate it at the dinner. Senator Kennedy: Senator Kennedy stated that all Senators of a College need to email her back with information regarding how the next Academic Senator can connect with the newly elected College Senators in order to work together more efficiently. Senator Leighty: Senator Leighty stated that she is behind on the video project but aims to get it done here shortly. Senator Nunna: Senator Nunna stated that on May11, there will be a Senior projects showcase at the Satellite Student Union. Everyone is welcome to come. Senator Ryan: Senator Ryan stated that the applications for the Dean’s Council has been sent out. They are planning for a muralist to be on campus on May 4th to paint a mural by the Social Science building. Senator Sarabia: Senator Sarabia stated that a lot of his constituents had the opportunity to present at the California Research Symposium. They had the opportunity to present all of their research to a panel of judges. Senator Sarabia is also looking forward to a great transition for the new Senator of Science and Mathematics. Next Friday will also be the last Dean Council meeting to finalize anything in the semester that needs to be brought to Dean Lawson’s attention. Senator Tang: Senator Tang stated that there is going to be a tabling event in the Peter’s Building coming soon. She urged all Senators to attend if possible. Senator Zante: Senator Zante stated that he is trying to find time to schedule a meeting to see if he can get flex cash used at placed like Juice it Up. He is also looking into how food is prepared in the dining hall. *Senator Dowell took a point of personal privilege at 4:53 PM. * VPF Farnesi took a point of personal privilege at 4:53 PM. *Senator Leighty took a point of personal privilege at 4:55 PM. 7.4 Coordinator Reports Director Powers-Mead: Director Powers-Mead stated that there are at least eight ASI representatives nominated for Student Leadership Awards. Director Powers-Mead also gave a big thank you to all those that went to the Senate Showcase, there was a good turnout. Regarding research grants, there were 99 applications submitted. They extended the deadline to May 13, 2016 and are pleased to announce that 139 applications are now submitted. The ASI transition retreat will be May 12, 8 AM- Noon. In addition, the ASI office is developing the curriculum for transition for executive officers over summer. Director Powers-Mead also reminded the Senate that the ASI Alumni Dinner is this Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 5:30 PM at the Fort Washington Country Club. Regarding office computers, the new computers have been ordered and should be here around May. ASI plans to donate the old computers to the community. *President Hudson took a point of personal privilege at 4:57 PM. *Senator Leighty returned to the meeting at 4:58 PM. *Senator Zante took a point of personal privilege at 4:58 PM. * Senator Dowell returned to the meeting at 4:58 PM. **Senator Zante returned to the meeting at 5:00 PM. P&V Rocker-Green: P&V Rocker-Green stated that the newly elected Senators and Executives need to save the date for Wednesday, June 1st. The Installation Ceremony will be held this day. It will be at the Satellite Student Union and will be a lunch time event. Invitations will be coming by mail shortly. 7.5 Campus Administration Report Provost Zelezny: Provost Zelezny addressed the Senate and stated that they did an official ribbon cutting downtown last night. Fresno State has a new site down at Bitwise. This will offer Fresno State access to high tech classrooms, and a 200 seat auditorium that resembles a “TED Talk.” Provost Zelezny gave a big thank you to President Hudson for her hard work sitting on the Vice President of Administration committee. The Drop Deadline was also a success and Provost Zelezny gave a big thank you to President Hudson and VPF Farnesi for their hard work on drafting up the resolution. *President Hudson returned to the meeting at 5:03 PM. *VPF Farnesi returned back to the meeting at 5:03 PM. *Senator Kazanjian took a point of personnel privilege at 5:04 PM. 9.3 ACTION ITEM: ASI Funding: Fresno State Fields (Hudson/ Lamas/ Astone) President Hudson reviewed the Kinesiology Field Update-ASI Funding memo. VPF Farnesi also touched on the financial costs of this project. Senator Ryan moved to approve a reserve pull to fund 20% of the cost of the Kinesiology field update up to $90,000 with the stipulation that the parties sign an agreement to add more non-academic time to the use of the Kinesiology field as a whole before the funds are distributed. Senator Leighty seconded. The motion to approve a reserve pull to fund 20% of the cost of the Kinesiology field update up to $90,000 with the stipulations that the parties sign an agreement to add more nonacademic time to the use of the Kinesiology field as a whole before the funds are distributed passed 13-0. Senator Leighty moved to allocate $100,000 from current operation and put $50,000 into capital replacement and $50,000 into planned future operations. Senator Zante seconded. The motion to allocate $100,000 from current operation and put $50,000 into capital replacement and $50,000 into planned future operations passed 12-0. *Senator Kazanjian returned to the meeting at 5:06 PM. *Senator Dowell left the meeting at 5:19 PM. 8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nothing to report. 9.0 NEW BUSINESS 9.1 INFORMATION ITEM: Strategic Plan Presentation (Castro) Time Certain at 4:30 PM. *Time sensitive at 4:30 PM. Please see above notes. 9.2 INFORMATION ITEM: Election Code Changes (Zante) Senator Zante reviewed with the Senate multiple election code changes as presented by the Legal Committee. Senator Zante reviewed each change and discussed with the Senate why the Legal Committee is proposing change to the Election code policy. Senator Zante gave the Senate a handout with all the changes and they will be voted on as an action item at the next Senate meeting. *Senator Escamilla took a point of personnel privilege at 4:47 PM. *Senator Escamilla returned to the meeting at 4:49 PM. * Senator Patterson left the meeting at 5:26 PM. *Senator Kazanjan took a point of personnel privilege at 5:50 PM. *VPEX Sims left the meeting at 5:50 PM. 9.3 ACTION ITEM: ASI Funding: Fresno State Fields (Hudson/ Lamas/ Astone) *Topic discussed at 5:05 PM after Campus Administration Reports. Please see notes above. 9.4 ACTION ITEM: Budget (Farnesi) VPF Farnesi updated the Senate on some minor changes to the Budget since the last Senate Meeting. He stated that the changes were highlighted in red in the senate meeting packet for the Senators to see. Senator Escamilla moved to approve the 2016-2017 ASI Budget. Senator Sarabia seconded. The motion to approve the 2016-2017 ASI Budget passed 11-0. 9.5 ACTION ITEM: Committee Appointments (Hudson) Senator Nunna moved to approve the Committee Appointments. Senator Leighty seconded. The motion to approve the Committee Appointments passed 11-0. *VPF Farnesi left the meeting at 6:04 PM. 9.6 ACTION ITEM: Bylaw Revision: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (Bennett) Senator Zante moved to approve the Bylaw Revision: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Senator Escamilla seconded. The motion to approve the Bylaw Revision: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee passed 10-1. 10.0 ADJOURNMENT: Senator Escamilla moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Ryan seconded. The motion to adjourn the meeting passed 11-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 PM. Respectfully Submitted by: ___________________________ Angelica M. Smith Senate Recorder Associated Students, Inc. California State University, Fresno ____________________________ Nicholas Stephens Executive Vice President Associated Students, Inc. California State University, Fresno