FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date September 25, 2013

News Contact:
Dayana Jiselle Contreras
559.278.2656 Ex: 8861
Date September 25, 2013
President Menchaca Scheduled for Fresno City Council Hearing
ASI Student Body President, Moses R. Menchaca will make an appearance at the Fresno City
Council Thursday, September 25 to address the student revitalization efforts surrounding Fresno
State. His address is scheduled for 9 am.
Menchaca’s goal is to thank city leaders, particularly District 4, for support in revitalization
efforts in the communities surrounding Fresno State. Particularly El Dorado Park (West of the
football stadium) and Sierra Madre (South of Shaw Ave.).
“The city has helped our efforts and we want to just publically thank them for everything they do
and further our collaboration in future events to make Fresno State and Fresno City a better
place,” Menchaca.
Interested students from the Fresno State community are encouraged to attend the Fresno City
Council meeting located at the City Hall at 2600 Fresno Street, Second floor in the Chamber.