StrengthsQuest Worksheet: Identify Your Strengths

StrengthsQuest™ WORKSHEET
Name ______________________________________ Date _________________________________
Write the name of an effective or successful person ______________________________
List some characteristics of this person in the column on the left.
Now complete these statements about yourself.
The time when I am at my best is … _______________________________________________________
The best thing about me is … ____________________________________________________________
The best time in my life is/was … _________________________________________________________
I earn my best grades when I … __________________________________________________________
I enjoy learning about … ________________________________________________________________
The best job I ever had was … ___________________________________________________________
The best project I’ve ever been involved with was … __________________________________________
(Taken from Gallup StrengthsQuest™ Educator Seminar.)
Five Clues to Talent
To what kinds of activities are you naturally drawn to?
Rapid Learning
What kinds of activities do you seem to pick up quickly?
In what activities do you automatically know the steps to be taken?
Glimpses of Excellence
During what activities have you had moments of subconscious excellence when you thought,
“How did I do that?
What activities give you a kick, either while doing them or immediately after finishing them, and you think,
”When can I do that again?”
Talent x Investment = Strength
Take what you do naturally; then invest time practicing and developing your skills and building your
knowledge base to reach consistent, near perfect performance
Talents – a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied.
Skill – the basic ability to move through the fundamental steps of a specific task.
Knowledge – what you know as a result of either formal or informal education.
Strength – the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific task.
Signature Themes
Empowers Me to Do
When/Where I Recently Used
This Strength
My Strengths and How I Use Them
StrengthsQuest™ Treasure Hunt
Name ______________________________________ Date _________________________________
Find 10 people who have one Signature Theme that is not in your own top five. Record each person’s
name, theme name, and according to that person, one benefit of that theme.
Theme Name
(Taken from Gallup StrengthsQuest™ Educator Seminar.)
One Benefit of the Theme