FORT SCOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Transfer Program to Kansas State University College of Business Administration B.S. in Entrepreneurship Contact: Alice Niedfeldt Phone: (785) 532-6180 Email: Home Page: The Associate of Arts degree (A.A.) at Fort Scott CC is a general transfer degree and partners well with the first two years of most bachelor degree programs. Students pursuing the A.A. may select courses that satisfy both the A.A. degree requirements and lower division requirements for a bachelor’s degree at four-year institutions. The 33 hours of electives within the A.A. allows students to complete additional general education and lower division courses required for specific majors. The A.A. degree requires completion of 64 credit hours, the maximum number of hours from a community college that will be applied toward a bachelor’s degree at most four-year schools. Meeting with a Fort Scott CC counselor is strongly recommended for selection of appropriate courses. The College of Business Administration offers majors in accounting, finance (options in financial management, financial controllership, or financial services), entrepreneurship, management information systems, management (emphasis in human resources, operations and general/entrepreneurship) and marketing. Total hours to earn a B.S. degree in Business Administration is 126 credit hours. Students entering college for the first time and eligible for admission to K-State must enroll in the business administration pre-professions program (BAPP). Students must achieve a 2.5 K-State GPA by the time they complete 30 credit hours to remain in good standing. Students with previous academic work (either at K-State or elsewhere) requesting transfer to the College of Business Administration must have a 2.5 or higher grade point average and enroll in the BAPP curriculum. Transfer students, entering with 45 or more credit hours, must achieve a K-State GPA of 2.5 or higher on the first 15 or more hours of K-State course work to be able to continue in the College of Business Administration. Admission to a degree plan (major) in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, management, management information systems, or marketing is necessary for graduation. Applicants for admission to one of the degree plans, other than accounting will be accepted upon completion of a minimum of 45 credit hours with a K-State grade point average of 2.5 or above. For accounting the grade point average for admission to the degree plan is 3.0 K-State GPA. Transfer students must meet the above requirements and complete at least 12 graded hours at K-State before they can be admitted into a degree plan. All transfer coursework approved by the K-State Admissions Office, with a grade of C or better, will be reviewed by the CBA Office of Student Services for equivalency within the business curriculum and is subject to final approval. (Transfer coursework carrying a grade of D will not be accepted toward a student’s business degree requirements.) Each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses/experiences to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. A minimum of four different course prefixes (e.g. AGEC, MATH, FSHS) must be represented in the fulfillment of the KState 8 requirements. Students who began at K-State before Summer 2011, may choose to move to the K-State 8 program or complete their degrees with University General Education (UGE) requirements. For more information: General Education: K-State 8 Aesthetic Experiences and Interpretive Understanding Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility Global Issues and Perspectives Historical Perspectives Human Diversity within the U.S. Natural and Physical Sciences Social Sciences 12/05/14 Kansas State CBA Requirements Fort Scott CC Equivalents Communication Core Courses (11 credit hours) COMM 105 Public Speaking IA (2) or COMM 106 Public Speaking (3) ENGL 100 Expository Writing I (3) ENGL 200 Expository Writing II (3) ENGL 417 Written Communication for the Workplace (3) SPE1093 Public Speaking (3) ENG1013 English 101 (3) ENG1023 English 102 (3) No Equivalent Quantitative Core Courses (18 credit hours) MATH 100 College Algebra (3) MATH 205 General Calculus and Linear Algebra (3) STAT 350 Business and Economic Statistics I (3) STAT 351 Business and Economic Statistics II (3) ECON 110 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) ECON 120 Principles of Microeconomics (3) MAT1083 College Algebra (3) MAT1233 Basic Calculus (3) MAT2253 Elementary Statistics (3) No Equivalent ECO2023 Macroeconomics (3) ECO2013 Microeconomics (3) Non-business (K-State 8) Courses (16 credit hours) Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding (3) ART1743 Art History I (3) ART1753 Art History II (3) DRA1013 Acting I (3) DRA1313 Theater Appreciation (3) DRA1503 Oral Interpretation (3) EDU2293 Children’s Literature (3) ENG2013 American Literature I (3) ENG2023 American Literature II (3) ENG2253 Introduction to Lit.: Shorty Story (3) ENG2293 General Literature (3) ENG2313 Creative Writing (3) SPE1103 Advanced Speech (3) Global Issues and Perspectives (3) GEO1023 World Regional Geography (3) HIS2013 History of Civilization I (3) HIS2023 History of Civilization II (3) Historical Perspectives (3) ART1743 Art History I (3) ART1753 Art History II (3) DRA1313 Theater Appreciation (3) HIS1013 United States History 101 (3) HIS1023 United States History 102 (3) HIS2013 History of Civilization I (3) HIS2023 History of Civilization II (3) HIS2033 History of African Americans (3) Human Diversity within the U.S. (3) HIS1013 United States History 101 (3) HIS1023 United States History 102 (3) PSY1023 Developmental Psychology (3) SOC1013 Sociology (3) SPE2013 Interpersonal Communication (3) 12/05/14 Natural and Physical Sciences with lab (4) AGR1204 Principles of Soil Science (4) AGR2244 Plant Science (4) BIO1215 General Biology (5) CHE1015 General Chemistry I (5) CHE1095 Basic Chemistry (5) PHS1215 Fundamentals of Physical Science (5) PHS2065 College Physics I: Non-Calculus (5) Business Core Courses (30 credit hours) GENBA 101 Business Orientation (0) GENBA 110 Business Foundations (3) GENBA 166 IT Skills Proficiency Exam (0) No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent ACCTG 231 Accounting for Business Operations (3) AND ACCTG 241 Accounting for Investing and Financing (3) BUS2013 Financial Accounting (3) AND BUS2023 Managerial Accounting (3) FINAN 450 Principles of Finance (3) MKTG 400 Intro to Marketing (3) MANGT 366 Information Technology for Business (3) MANGT 420 Management Concepts (3) MANGT 421 Intro to Operations Management (3) MANGT 595 Business Strategy (3) MANGT 596 Business Ethics & Corporate Citizenship (3) Entrepreneurship (42 hours) Major Field Requirements (18 hours) ENTRP340 Introduction to Entrepreneurship FINAN561 Finan for Entrepreneurs MANGT390 Business Law I ENTRP440 Entrepreneurship ENTRP540 Entrepreneurial Consulting No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Fort Scott CC Equivalency N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Select 3 credit hours from: MANGT 531 Human Resources Management ENTRP 466 Digital Business ENTRP 520 Social Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 N/A N/A N/A Major Field Emphasis (6 hours) ACCTG331 Acctg Proc/Ctrls ACCTG342 Taxation 1 ACCTG433 Financial Reporting AGEC202 Small Business Ops MANGT535 Employment Law MANGT653 Bus Project Mangt MANGT660 Supply Chain Planning and Control MANGT662 Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Design MANGT690 International Mangt MC421 Advertising Sales MC623 Global Advertising MC446 Ad Media Planning MKTG450 Consumer Behavior MKTG541 Retailing 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12/05/14 MKTG542 Fundamentals of Professional Selling MKTG543 Integrated Mktg Comm MKTG545 Marketing Channels MKTG546 Services Marketing MKTG642 Marketing Research 3 3 3 3 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Economics Elective (3 hours) ECON520 Intermediate Micro ECON523 Human Resource Econ ECON540 Managerial Econ ECON620 Labor Econ ECON640 Ind Org and Public Policy 3 3 3 3 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unrestricted Electives (15 hours) 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 12/05/14