I want support and/ or to talk with someone about the incident or my op ons confiden ally.
Vic m Advocate, 559-278-6796
Crisis Interven on, resources, referrals, housing/academic assistance. and/or
Counseling & Psychological Services
(CAPS), 559-278-2734
Crisis Interven on, therapeu c and counseling services, resources and referrals.
I want medical evidence collected (i.e. rape kit) for support in a criminal complaint.
I want treatment for physical injuries or medical care.
I want to report the incident.
I want to change classes or am struggling academically.
Forensics Nurse Specialist of
Central CA (FNSCC),
Offers Sexual Assault Forensic
Exams (S.A.F.E.) in a small clinic without repor ng to law enforcement or Title IX. or
Community Regional
Medical Center (CRMC),
Offers Sexual Assault Forensic
Exams (S.A.F.E.). Law
Enforcement will be no fied.
You have the right to refuse any part of the examina on.
Evidence should be collected ASAP a er assault, preferably within 72hrs, although it can be collected up to 5 days a er the assault. A medical exam does not commit you to report to the police but is strongly recommended if you’re considering repor#ng to the police.
Transporta#on can be provided by law enforcement.
Student Health and
Counseling Center (SHCC)
The SHCC can check your physical health, check for STIs, offer emergency contracep on. and/or
Urgent Care
Private Physician
Preven ve medica ons should be started
ASAP a er assault, preferably within
72hrs, although emergency contracep on can be taken up to 5 days a er the assault.
No inves ga on or disciplinary ac on will ensue from this report. www.fresnostate.edu/vic madvocate or fresnostate@ pnow.org and/or
Confiden ally, 559-278-6796
With this op on, you can report it to the Vic m Advocate on campus who can discuss op ons and provide resources. and/or
University/Title IX, 559-278-2345
Filing a Title IX complaint may result in an inves ga on and disciplinary ac on through the University for the alleged perpetrator. and/or
Law Enforcement, 559-278-8400
This process may start an inves ga on by the police department that could result in charges brought against the alleged perpetrator.
PLEASE NOTE: None of these items are mutually exclusive. The student can speak with anyone at any me. Repor ng is always an op on.
Repor ng to one individual is not mutually exclusive from repor ng to another individual. Choosing one route does not preclude or exclude other op ons. The student can speak with mul ple groups and pursue mul ple ac ons at the same me. For addi onal informa on on sexual misconduct policies, please reference—hGp://www.fresnostate.edu/adminserv/hr/ tle-ix/students.html
Title IX Office, 559-278-2345 and/or
Dean of Students,
559-278-2541 and/or
Vic m Advocate,
I’m scared, struggling emo onally, or having trouble dealing with everything that has happened.
Counseling & Psychological
Services (CAPS),
559-278-2734 and/or
Rape Counseling Services,
559-222-7273 and/or
Na onal Sexual Assault
Hotline, 800-656-4673
Vic m Advocate
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Fresno State Police Department
Title IX 559-278-2345
Dean of Students/Student Affairs 559-278-2541
Rape Counseling Services (RCS)
Marjaree Mason Center (MMC)
Na onal Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)
Na onal Domes c Violence Hotline
Fresno City Police Department
Clovis City Police Department
Fresno County Sheriff’s Department