FRESN®STATE SupportNet Referstudentsto SupportNetthrough Gradesj^^^ FRESN@STATE CmtTj RESPOND TO PROGRESS CAMPAIGNS At two key points in the semester, Student Feedback Request Oe«r Prs(*Mor Partor, instructors will receive an email requesting Pl«ase r«fef studems wtto ate not meeting clssstoom expectations feedback on students. All you need to do is select: Cbck lo Begin Entenng Student Feedback T>ie bnk above expires on Ct8'31'2012 Ifyou would like to providefeedback iltaftht expfstion above please contact your GradesFitst adnamstratot Click to Begin Entering Student Feedback Ifyou have trouble with the above link, copy and paste this address into your browsv https '/fresnostaieacad-traininggradesfirstcom/e/ZBqPTxSo3f Any AddibofuJ Qu*%bof>«^ PItm ee''l>ar4u'*«viior tor iWRical ••»«»>•». sat<uau<«0>*4M'i'ilC9e'au<atw M HnauHiM^auiiwci mu SkOSasa CnWCj7^>A TtntScrsgXi: UtftI •«b,TM Snnicirt feedback ALL students in ALL sections and courses will be shown on one page. Under "AtRisk to Fail Your Class?", select Yes for Your intoRuuen It SKM n<M mu ty »rieCrMnfint> those students who are not meeting classroom expectations. Additional Professor Parker rguXMMtruMnMOMpnTOiramrgrtcdrOMnctekwngclUMV UpOmiKn HuMlSBedMVOurtolMaMjiollliarpalanwvt itnogonfiiM lem information is appreciated but not required. CSOSN-lkHtWHurPtrf CwiOili tmm- • ' •wl'i Submit only marked students (but Tm not done) will allow you to continue to {ndnO work on the progress check at a later VOM ot«|ftianeo RBdnt BM r «i net Mna time. 1)n bcm atf luORM iMtrn\o» km nnrctj no CnonFi-u u Mwg ccrtltit (rfVor'Mi nnvmo tncm frcn wni i« c<iiudrct). HoaMr.roiMt'UtcunMnoinwkMinilrtmuionyourliH.AjjtMut.vMcan'e-jsctMinkiiKrKcrcvHS rtgwi «ni4ii.swoint.H orAM iwuig (bt rts ef iM tuMiKS iaw Mt m. RtpM nit proMH unai Hi iiuOentt t»* Mn mvkM n umt foirn w UiMa ISunt wmanid tnrimi u notu-lnk (Tm ai din>j TMiSfoirTmuom' DuttoiliwiivuBniMttuMMiyM nMiMiMdisnuMKXM ltM»MiuMKih(i4i(ory«ui tiBdmutf rm ^•mk.rwruBfM.irilM'tst^mittMinKJitcucaKwndMryneoriMnina-rHk.voudomtiMtonuitirKmii vctiunnvkni rMK-rijklMmtMtntniMIMDu(wllomi:tmtt«niQinidt«iM«lil-nU.niirr(lMU/B9bm(ineefron ntBtittmi Mton ottUy MCJ«« wn cKt. <aH leiiiv lorpimitur aregiMi rmn cnaagn Submit un-marked students as not At- rlsk (I'm all done) will complete the progress check and auto-fill those students that you did not check with No. INITIATE A PROGRESS REPORT At any point, students can be referred to nrte. Nkm SupportNet through the instructor's GradesFlrst account. Access GradesFirst through Blackboard, PeopleSoft or at Profcitor Hom« (use your Fresno State username and password). ;| CCMU}-Trtr4PveiraCanim TTit I: Cum TlfM i| COMM Argvmt'ntllOA TN RMm . Kem a>m . KmntMEAMM. W— Airiafnitim figajia Is ! ii Select Progress Report next to the course Create a New Progress Report Create a New Progress Report 1h« rj> buirnr to aiI'iioj * from yw <UvtM apd ttwn cbct (he XrvJM 4 fftiwrtiwCOMMsaiByunBoi O OfAt • Pvogmt tffpett' report. MSi Select an individual student or multiple students and click Create a New Progress Report ^09rtMMjwt SmM AJTMI U Add a New Evaluation Add a New Evaluation At-IU to Fal Your das? Select Yes Y« • Additional information is helpful but not required. Select Submit Report No How Many Absences? Current Grade iSubmtRtportll Caned •ZM REFER A STUDENT AT ANY TIME... At any point, students can be referred to SupportNet through the Instructor's GradesFirst account. Access GradesFirst through Blackboard, PeopleSoft or at (use your Fresno State username and password). This is to refer a single student at a time; if you would like to refer a group of students you will use the Progress Report function. Grades^ FRESN8STATE 3):a9>[VntyQsR3r. Select Issue Alert UN ikwG C»1t8tfOt3 tUfxs SHnr AtMsmsHJTTfi • UjtoRRn ISSUE AURT Enter student name or ID # °te3se select the reason you believe this student needs assistance Academic Ditficutty Classroom Sehavior ISthis alert associated wrth a specific class? Urgent Alert(immediate concern for student mell-beingj Personal issues Select the most appropriate reason for the referral Enter course, if applicable Additional Comments Other (See Comments) P^5€ enter a cr.irm«n;. Additional comments are helpful, but not required. Select Submit A SupportNet advisor will then reach out to the student to follow up on the referral. SupportNet e: supportnet(5) w: p; 559.278.8370 Technical Assistance with GradesFirst e: