Master of Science in f:ngineering ~ l\'lechankat Engineering Option (MSE-ME) Student Out'C(lfHeS Assessment Plan (SOAP) Mission Statement: The mission of the MSE-ME Program at California State University, Fresno is to edticatc engin~crs \\'ho, entrusted by ~ocidy, vliU create 3 sustain~ble world and enhance thc quahty of life dm'il1g the 21:~ century as engineering professionals. The MSE·ME progrdm pwvides advanced engineering education in M_cdmnical Engineering to resident stud(.'nts a.<:; welt as to practkingcnginc~n:; wNking in the industry and g(.\'IJcrnrnent surrounding the fresno metropolitan area, Graduates of this progrmn should be able to advance their career and work on complex enginci'.;nng problems dictated by continuing advam;;e~ in technology. Addilionally~ the program seeks k1 prepare gradllat~ for advanced rc;scHfch and engineering applications to fulfill the kdmical needs orin the region and beyond, Program GoalslObjt'cHves: The MSE·t..1E program builds upon a previously acquired f()und~tion in buslc scitnce, n1mhem<'l t:ics, {.'nginccnng and mechanical engineering to advance skills in research and ~ppljed enginecring. The objc..-:tiv(: of the MSE-MEE Pmgram is to enl:uuu:'e tnt' s*udents~ ability to be successtlll and advance in their chosen careers in industry, aC-1ad~lUia~ and gov~rnmentlpllblic inl){itudons, The MSF·ME program lxeparcs graduates fix today's technology driven careet::l with the following program goals: to enhance undcrst.'mcting, beyond tht:: undergrach,ate kvet of the scientitk prindples mvolved in the practice of medl<mical engineering. • to reinforc~ rrnfici~!KY in the rnethoddogics nt\h..osign in mechanical engineering. to in\.m.~<lst:" (Ompderu:y in using (ldyanc(~d tedmiques nf analy-;is, including mathematical analysi:- an.d modding. nurn(~ri<;al k'i;hniqu0~. imd r\..~iated ll)!;)is as applied tn mechanical lc"l1gin;)ering. to improve wrjtten, oml, graphical communication skills including pub tic speaking. • 10 dev!~t!)p creative thinking skills required in understanding and sQlving complex enginl?ering prohlems. (I) acqnire and demon~trMe a suftkknt depth ofknciwkdge in a suhstantiw area of mechanical cngiu<:cring. to \..'nhnm>;:~ analyti~.::<!l skills by developing a dccper ul1<krstanding of major thcon.:~ticlll and prw;:.tlc<:ll engineering cow,;·(:pts. S1lJoont Ot.>tt:OI71'.:' A[;"~fi5~ffitii>{ F'f<1l1. MSf5-ME '-----.---'"-----,.. ~--.--~---~. 31 to irlt;n;~a=>e c~Jmpi..~ten(;t: ((.1f ~;olvillg pradkal ydim:rl!<l~lngly complex disdptine. . spedfit: engineering problems, l11cse program goals arc ,~onsislcnt with the essential Califi)mia State University, Fresno: componcnt~ of the ml1'>s10n ctnd vislon of Support Hnd develop high quality graduatt~ prognuns appropriate to the nced~ of the region Engage in high quaHty researrh, with particular emphasis on applications that support the region, • Build upon existing <H;;ad~l11i~ prOgTIlll1S and ~n.:~ale nt~W <tccH.kmic: prograrns to h~!p tra..'lsfi-mn amI develop the region • The taculty members of the I\'lSE~ME program offer courses and ~:onduct research and scholarly work in the specific areas of mechaniwl engineering including systems and dynamics; mechanics. materials, und design; thenno-t1uids and energy, These areas overlap and they provide opportunities for intt~gration and cross-areas projects, This n~cititates providing stu(.kllts with broad backgrounds and programs of study that prep:1fe them best for practice as wdl as more advanced stud.ies. Tlle minimum number of Units required to complete the MSFME deg.ree is 30 units including the culmimttlng experience. The possible options tor ctdmimtting experience are Directed Thesis (}·6 units), Directed Prqject (3 units) or Comprehensive Exam (0 units\ Through academi; advising, students \.:hoose the option that ttL-;; their c<m::er goals most The directed thesis optlrm is usually recOlnmended for those \vho have interest in pursuing doctorate studies. Student.;; who intend to practice upon graduation arc advised to pursue the project or the cornprehcnsive exarn option, The project option is usua1ly prefem.>:d for those who desire to prepare themselves for development projects \Nith ted1nical emphasis. Progrnm Out-comes: Students graduating frotn the MSE~tvlE prob>fflll \vill be able to: 1. understand the scientific prindp!es and to know the modem. advanced professionai techniques in mechanical engineering, 2, design mechanical engineering or (.,~nginccring proouds and systems, }, know the latest procedures fbI: analysis in mechanical cnginc(.~ring or engineering, 4, b(.,~ proficient in so! ving advanced problems in englnt.'Cring analysis and design through the use of mailielnatical analysi~< differentia! cquatinns, finite ch.:ment methods, finitc djm~rcnces, or !east square errors. 5. be proficient in \witing in general. but especially wrlting technka.l documents, research reports. and propoMls, 6, be proHcient in oral. and public presentations in front oftedmcal and non~technlcal audiences, 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j ""' I I I I FlO. 2 Relationship between Program Outcomes and MSE··ME Courses 34 ;------~-----~-------------.--------------------------------~-------~------"-----'-'-------------------------, ! I 1 I A_flit The aSSet;;Slnent of student outcomes is achieved through fbrrnative in&tnnnenis to measure students' l-1fogress while g.;)ing uU"{yugh the program and with SUlJlmative il1sll"UtUents to measure the i',1:udentt,,' level of achievement ~-lt the end of the program and after graduation by using alumni surveys. The a..;;sessment activities include: Direct l'vI{~asUl'e8: 1. Students' in specillcMSE-M:g W~, {jormatiYe:.} 2. Stmlents~ performance in writing and in oral pn'SCufutlons in ENGR 200, I I (formative) 3. Students~ petionnauce in the eulrninatmg experience ( summatP-'t1 Iuriu"t'ct Measures: 1. Exit Surveys each semester (summatwe) 2. Alumni Surveys coudl.ld:cd annm.Uy (smwtwtive) Stud.ents' grades in spt-title lVlSE-lVlE t:OUl-ses. 'I11e 11l~rt:rix shown in Figure 2 relates the program (lutcornes with th<.:; courSf;S throughout the MSE~ME curriculum. Smdents graduating with the MSEy ME degree \kill have a level of preparatkm that is unique to the in<iividual area of concentr'ati()l1 and thus not aU MSE~ME &1udents will take aU the aSSeSSn1l1'lt coursl,,"S. The fbl1o\ving table indicates which courses arc used for assessment in the variou:,; specializations. 11~e ass<.:;ssment actt Vtty is conduded each time the particular course is tatl£.ht. Since an th<':;8<':; cours<.:;s are otlered eith(.'f, once a year or once c'very three senwsters, ill<;; aggregate of studcnt results is used .R)f assessment y I I Ta:bl<.:; 1. Courses to be used for Jbnnativc assessment; by specialization through options ~""--"·- ......_~."--COlJf~.~"---···" .....~!~I:~~~.J-~X~~~~nK5ij·! ~Qg}neer[r:gJ i ENGR JDO Seminar in P;('ci!1C<.<"Ul1g X i I I i MEnS Heat Trans-fer X : i .X i : ft!~6~~iii~~:r~;;;ml": m:E:~m ~.• • .•. --j i 1'11E24 J Stt\u;!:urnl Analy:~is ~;:;~t.f~-~·······:~ ········t········=:;··(~-m .......j I I I I -'--~"---'--~~----"-'--~..- - - . - - - . - - - - - - - . - - -..- - - -..- - - -..---....;! 35 Students~ performance in writing and in ural presentatiuns-The course ENGR 200 Seminar in Engineering has to be completed satisfactorily by all MSE-ME students to be advanced to candidacy, The (,~ourse has a strong component related to cnmmunic.ation skills, in \\1'iti!lg, gmphkal, and oral presentations, Arnong the several outcomes ofthe course, the h:vo main omcomes me to prepare MSE graduate students to undertake the culminating experience 111 the form of masters pr~lf,x:t or thesis (if applicable), and to develop their communication sklUs, Students in this course are graded for the general perforrnm1c;;,~ in the comse an.d graded separately tor their writing C01npeten;:y. A student may pass the course s.misfactorily but not the \vriting component. In that case the student is allowed to pursue the compJetion of the writing R>tluirements independently from the course and in collahoration with hi.Slb~r graduate advisor. The ovenlil grade of all the students in the class and the averagt~ grade of the dnss in th(~ writing component ar~ used for assessment purposes, The rubric~ to ass(''Ss the \vriting conlponent are given in the syllabus of the ENGR 200 cow·sc. Assessment is conducted euch time the course ENGR 200 is taught (ut least once a year) Students~ perform~mce in the culminating experience ~ Although the MSE-ME progr('illl oftb:s plans to complete the program, namely: (Plan A) thesis; (Plan 8)projecL or (Plan C) compreh(,~nsive f,.~xam, the gradUlJte faculty emphasize plans A and B. The exmn required, in plan C is uilowed only in spechll circumstances where a particuhu: student has tirne constraints ( e.g" full-time job) that creates diHicultly in pursuing lnrependent research. thret~ All students following plans (A) and (B) <'j,re required w mak~ a final OnlJ presentation/defense oftheir independent projct.~t or thesis work and submit a find report (Thesis or Pn::*~ct Report), Both the mal presentation and final report are used tt)r a general assessrnent of the prognHl1 Otltc01l1es, The program {Jutcome:.-> and w>sessment rubrics ttl'C shown in Appt:ndix A. 36 Graduate ProjectfThesis Assessment Form MS in Engineering .- ME Option To be completed by faculty members attending the project/thesis presentation Student Name _.... _ _....._ _..... _ _ ... _ _ ... ___.... _ _ . Date of Presentation ~""._ _ ""._ _ Thesis or Project lWe~.. _ _....._ _ ... _ _ ... _ _~. _ _~.... _ _... _ _~..._ _.... ___ .... _ _. I I I I I Clarity of pronundation ... ~ Ey!~ AbHlty {(; answer questiN)S ~~. Cbrity of slides ~~ contact ... _ t>,bilitV the expre$.$. Ideas _ .... Organlzation of presentation __ Comment$~.. _ _ .. _ _ ... I I~chnical Cant~m: Clarity of methodology _ So~mdness of argument . _ $ S\.litabitity of work for a gradl!ate Lf~V!?!_ USE' of engineering tools _.... _ ignificafK€ of conclusions ...... Use of SdE'r.tifil:~ tools I , Comments ._ _~____ .. _ _.. _ _...._ _...._ _.....___ ... _ _... _ _•. _ _~... _ _...._ Written Report: Orgat'lizati(m _ 5ent~rKlil Transition between paragraphs _ literature search and us.e of rderences rtructl;re _ SpeUing and Grammar ~ ..._ I I Cornrne!1ts~.... _ _.... _ _ ... _ _ ....._ _.... _ _.... _ _~ .... ___..... _ _..~ ...._ _ ......_ _......•__ ~~£gmm~ndatign: Pass with flO wrrectlQns __ ._Pass 'Nith c:ormctions _ _ .._Needs major changes ___._ Faculty member flam€' Faculty m€'mber$lgnature~~.___~.._ _.. ___._ _Date__.___._ _~._ I I I I, I .----------------------------------------------------~ 37 ···············~··········~I I I !DMe ;'l'ltle ._ _~.,_ _~. _ _ _, __~~ ____.. _ _ _,____ ..~_~._ _ ' ...... I \Pre$:enter ! Tltle ofPresm~tiot1 I (0 to 3 points ") i Introduction ( 0 to 3 points) j O~It1meo fPresentatiol1 ( Q t() 4 pointi<:> r·_······,_·········_·. . . ._ . . . . IV!)tce :::===1 Ckar (0 to S pomts) I, Loud ( 0 to 5 powti<) ,Delivery I I ·······-···········~··········l fliihuSll:l sti c ( 0 to 5 points) Eye contact with <mOl ence ( Gto ) points) Audiovisual Matmah Qua!lUly (!) to 5 pOUlts :: QUality ( U to 5 points) Org<nl.h:ation of P~ta tfun LOglcal progressiml( Gto Hlpoints) :::==:::::: I I ,,·,-~--I I ===-1 I .----1 Addremillg of Q!lJ:t>fu.ln.'~ ( I ====] -~···--I a to S p omts ) I :~:, Comments: I ~;r::::, L.__...__...,__.._ _.,_ _ ~._~,...---1. . . . _.~. . . _ I i . . . . .~ I I 38 r···· I Exit Sm"Veys.«All students gmduating tt'om tbeMSI>ME prograrn cornplete an exit survey. The survey is administered to the graduating students as they comptetc they program and that may occur either <tt the end of f~lH or spring sernesters, For students compkting a thesis or pr~jcct in the ~ummer semester. the survey is <ldrninistered in the spring immediately presiding the graduating ~lJnlnler. The Exit Survey is shown in the following figure, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ 39 -~-I MSE .. ME Program Graduating Student Feedback Exit Survey Date_ _..._ _ Graduation: Under which pian did you complete the MSE-ME Spring t Fall Thes!s [ Did you work off-campus while pursuing your MSEkME ? 00 you have a full·time job offer? ]. Fu!!-·time r I I SummerI ] Year:_~. __ ProJect [ Compo Exam [ r ParHime [1 Yes ( Not No [ NiA[ !f you have a Job offer, where win you be workjng and what is the starting salary (voluntary) ? f _... _ _ ...._~...._~..._ _ .... __~.... _ _.... _ _._..._~... ___......____...._ _ ~J If you did not have a offer, what is the reason? [ JAlroody employed {where? ........~__........___ ....... _ _ J f 1Still looking for wt.vk r 1Continuing schooling (where?...._~......_~~.......~_) I I I I What was the bast thing you remember about the MSE·r~~E Program? I I I 8ased on your experience through the MSE·ME progmm, provide your assessment as how the program fu!fills its ou1comes as follows: (Use a numerical rating from 1 through 4, where 1.0;;; inadequately and 4,0 ~ excellently) I I I I I I I I I 40 AmV' long did it take you to complete your MS degree program'? f.] Five Semesters [] Six Semesters l J Other..._~.........__.......__,... t] FrHlr Semesters Why did you choose to attend Fresno State for yom h1T'Jctllate l~ducation? (Select one) [ 1The ME program offen:; \:,ourse rdated to my are;; ofinte:rest t }The ME program has faculty rnembi.,'Ts in my flrea of interest ( ] Tuition and fees at Fres-no State are aHbrdable [ ] Cost ofhving in Fresno is affordable r]I heard good things about the program fi'om other student<;. family, etc. [ ] Other reaSOr'l_....,. _ _ ..._ _..._ $eies.LtrOl11 fJ~~.?reas,.~billY!lJlmt vou ~.yg.J1ted t£rJ~)CUS 9.!u.vhen.Y9u tif§J.'~~nroll(.~!..~tFres!]g.;;taw. "nD ot11!'~r...~'Orq~,-J!1~)~re...illTI1'i.YQu wQl~hlhave.JU~~d !9.Jwye taKi,';D, cour?i,';~.ill) [ JMechanics and Materials f 1Design f J Thennofiuids a.nd Energy System.s [ ] Systems and Dynamics [ } A mix ot'these [ J Other....._ _.... ____..__ (1 Undecith:d What area did you end up focusing on? Do you think Fresoo Stare's engineering graduate: programs, C-.'>pecial1y those rdated to ME, otTer Sl..lfTicient cO\lr&)s in the arca(s) you are interested in? [jYes [JNo tJUnsure Ifyou answered No or Unsure, what eourses \vould you have Hkt:d to have seen (}fferoo? Do you think your undergraduate academk preparation was suff1cicm tor you to sw:.:ceed in the griiduate progrmn here at Fresno State? [ ) Yes [ }No [ ] Unsure tryon ans\vered No or Unsme, what subjcd area.(s) did you need help in? 41 I At this end of your tvlS {kgree program, pkn~e indicate to \vlKlt extent the following arc valid statements? ( 1'n1e MT progpmlS (both gradume and upper division underg:raouate) ofter crmrses related to my area of interest(s} [ J The ME progrmns (both gnhltUlte a.l1d upper division undergraduute) have faculty rnemwrs related to my an~a of inten.'st(s) f. JFresno Stat~ has resources (e.g., library, laboratory ~pace, specialized equipment, t~tc.) avail~lble to support my areas of interest(s) [ ] Finar)cial aspects (e.g" affordable tuition/fees, financial aid, stipends, etc) were avaHab1e to support my areas of interest(s) L J Other_~......._ ........_ Do you ted that you are prepar~i to begin tht~ next phase of your academic studies or professional life'! r] Yes [ JNo J Unsure r If you answered No or Unslln.\ \vhat (;ourses would you have iik\~d to h~we seen offered? What wt::fe the main chanel1g{?~ (aca.dewil:iso,-~iallfinal1cjal) that YOli t1u:txl since you t::nroUed in the MSE-ME program here at Fre~no State? How many pn>rcquisite cours~ \'v'ere you assigned when you started your graduate program? []Zero(O) [JOnt?(l) {"}1\vo(2) r 1Three (3) [J Four (4) If Yes. did you tlod the tacilities uSl~lut or adt'quate? I: ] Yes [ JNo (explain~,.......___....___.......___.......__,,, ......~) Do you feel that you rect~jved sul1kient and adequate advising in the ME department? f] Yes [1 No [J Un::;ure l~nginct~ring L1No I I I I I I I I If yuu answered No or Unsure, what was lacking in advising? [] Yes I I I I [1 Five (5) Did you Use the College laboratori,~ durin.g your graduate program? [ J Yes f. JNo [ J Unslm~ Would you rel:ommenu I gr..·H.luute programs at Fresno State to other students? (J Unsure If you answered No or Unsure, why not? ~ 42 I I •.•_ _ _•.......,..J ······· .. ··1 Alumni Surveys.~ Alumni surveys are solicited from MSE-ME alumni on a regular ba.~is but they are corllpiled and analj7..ed 'It the end of the academic yem' every two years- The survey instrument is shown here, I I Timeline.-As~essment activities will be conducted in a regular basis and rather frequently in an inltia! sfage. As the student enrollment incn~ases and the number of graduates l1K~rease. thus increasing the ntnuner ofcnhninatingexpedence presentations and exit interviews to be conducted. the frequency may be adjusted to a less frequent basis i;1ccorciingly and in consultation of the Department Chair, Graduate Coordinator and Graduate Faculty, The initial timclinc is given in Table 2. I Table 2. Assessment time table and action phm ...-..--------------- Evaluation ! !_ .___~~~htity .----f--------~----.~---------.---.------;~------~-------~-l---~<?~y~-----) ~-----"-~""-:'-""-~"--""-'--"--~--"-----'''-----------l--''----'''''--.-- i Assess.ment How Often i ! I i , Who i • l t . MC!~~ ~~ .. Il-ho rt" ~"v pa ucusar ..$ j , How Graduate i course.~ instructor coord!nator 1 provides summary ! complies 't""" 'd t I ' f t' d : 0 0[8, ua e " In orma ~on a~ j Coordinator 5umrnanze8 It Student Grades i After each time In SI!he". ev : ME courses ! course is taught I I, ....< U > f ' ;I r'Hormance In I oral presentation ., I and wntmg n 1 i j appropr a t e : i culminating i ex erience presentation j i <?radu,ate I , ~mpl~e~. ; m:ormat,on and prepares a I I : ! ! , Graauate , ! coordw'!8tor I Grad~ata L--~--------------! I.____________._ _ _._~_ _ l_ ~;oofd~~:~~_. ____.__n!Graduate! ~;t~:~ ~~~-~~---l and ~~~~~.!~~o;:~~y ! decided by " IExit y__ ....... 1 ,. i ! I i Alumni Surveys " ! ~dvis~)r condl,Jcts At graduation of Surve s L________. I e~:uden~.I~~ __._ rl~~~":~J j ~; ! Continuous solicitation from ah",lmni ! I : . Gr~duat!.:; coordinator j requests surveys ! : the majority in fue graduate faculty. coordinator i co~plles results I I I Graduate 1 coordinator ! compiles information every , two years i I I Page 43 I I surnrnanzes I information. , C.ourse of act!o,'l Is suggested by 1 I I !j i two Y~~fL...._1 C(jmpi!e~ and Graduate coord!nator Advisor I results k: in,' After each student sumrn~r: of i: . . ., A ! I I coor<.lln<3 r \ proVldes summary co..mOiles. ! of rosutts to ,-', j G A. t-I !nformatlon and ; ra~..!lla t:I ~ •. j Coordinator sumrnanzes It After each ~!me the course IS t, h> aug " ! I! , i ' . --t---------~--. -----~-l------.---------~m--- I. 6:.f?t1. I:---~~~~------.---Student! I pro~ides pen.ormance i I' ·1··+··;+~~:Ju~r:~· Course Instructor I ,~. to tStuderti i 13 I .J -------, I I Alumni SUf'\.'ey MSI'>ME Program I 7. As you compare yourself to other heginning protesskmaJ in your Held, how do you mte the qwWy of your educational preparation through the MSE~ME program? L Vv'ben did you complete your MSE~ME degree (mnt1th!year)?_~ _________________________ _ 2. CUlTent job titie_________ ~~ _______________________~ Current salary «)ptiona1)_ _~ _____________.. Nmne and Address (optionalL________ _ .. ____Far higher than average ___ -_Highcr than average ~ ________ Awrage _____Lower than avemge ___yar lower than average J, Current emp!oyec_._~~.,-______ 4, in what sedor do you work? ~-- _____ lndustry ___________ Govenum~nt Education _ w ____ r1'iv~ltc Practice/Consulting I I I I I _--_________ Other ..______________ ..~- ______________ _ 5. Indicate yom prCSIi.-11t employment statl..lS ~_- ___ Emp!oyed full-time ..._____ full-time graduate student ____~ Temponwi!y not employed I I Rensonh _ _ --__ _~~ ~ Do you inlel1d to relurn to your ficid? _________ )\:~ __--J-..I\.i ___ UI1$ure u _ .. ____ . . . . ._ _ _ _________ Other, please explain I nmk Y'-Jur proJ~s~iol1 ~U(t;es~ kVl~l __,, __Very successfuj _...____ Su<::cessful ___~Avemgc ___ ~ Unsucc~sful Please explain brit~fly_____.._______..___ 6. PktlS~ I ------------------- ,.,.......-~-------.. 44 -"--"j I 11, Wh~lt changes do you foresee in your 11dd in the ne·.xt ten years? HO\v might the MSE~ ME program addrt,.~ss tlwse changes? 9, Using the following scale, please indicate how \vdl the your graduate education in the MSE-ME prognll11 helped you in meeting the following goals: weak""strorw ~.. """''''''~''''''''_~''''''''''~'''''''.''~~,",''''~'''--''' .::'&t...... . To cnhaf\l;~ onderntand1ng, ill j : beyond the undc1'gwdtls.te kvd, l i I i Gf the scientific plindplc~ Iinvolv~~i ." I 1 ! ! j ! i 1 1 I : 1 ] ! ! 1 1 j 1 il: the: t)tactic~ of ! I iI : i! I i n1ed]~rl!~!}g}!}.ceO!}K''_.-""",.~",l--,-----t~------+-~,( i To fein!brc~ protlcienq' lO the 1 I f'To inl-,e<;;~;~ten<;y i;;'using --','-1"'---- i r'j uivanl:l::o t~~hniqut~~ <l.nalys!:-;, i I I1"i including m;lthem<l.ti~;jl analysis I ,i I i i nnd m(n:kling, mdh.oJ~!I!)gie$ of des.~ign in nwchal1lOli eo"'me(~nng i! j! Hf l!un1Cri(:~1 j tecnni'<{ile:;" and r~latcd too\!> 1 <1:> i ~: : gn.1phic al comrnunic~tkm skill;; j : I j ! I 1 I ! : i I , i ! 1 1 i j 1,·i!K!U!JA~~E£:~~,~!}~""·"~·",t",·--L",,,,t,-,! To devdop <:reativ~ t~inking 1 i skiUs re,.1tlin.yj i.n understanding [ and wlving; compkx ~!:lgin~cring __ '_._____ i To iK(1Ulr<: and demonstrate <I ,: ~uffici~n! depth ~)r knov<'kdg,e in a . supstlntiw ,lXCl1 ofmcch<lnic<il: i IrJl.~!>bkm~~ I ! ! ! ! -----.+--L--'li i! I i I '.~':"._~"t'__ I ! ! ,i ---,·I,·---t------·--,~ IiLf;:::=~:';m.hl;;;i Skili;bV--IL----·~I: I l ! \: : I : d!..~doping a de~r unJertlanding of majot : the(~letkal ;lnt\ pmctical ': I I I I I I I +--'i 12epL\~slJo m~h"mic.31 __~!,~,!j'~~""f·-+' __ '____ i To irnprovc written, oml, '!! i 1 12, Please idt,.~ntitY the areas in your MSH·!vrr program of stud that contributed the LEAST to your professional development (e,g., specifk~ i.~ourse, specific lab ~;p(lce, spedtk equip.ment. specific instructOr), Plcuse explain. I 13. Picase identity the are<.\s in your MSE-ME program of stud that contribut.ed the MOST to your profes...,i<.maI development (e,g" spi.%~jfic courst~, ~pcciilclab space, specific equipment• specific instructor). Please explain, I I I I i : I! l Lg,llQ~~K~P.~?:_'_. ________.'---__~. ____ .L__i.________j 10. Do you think that any aspect of the MSh 1\1£ prognnu at Fresno Stare should be nlodlfit~d? ] Yes ]No I ) Unsure I I ~ 45 .. -~····l I I I Appendix A Program Outcotnes and Rubrics to assess student performance in the culminating I I experience I I I I 46 PrognlIll Outcomes 1 and 3 (as applicable for the individual student) I. Stu<knts graduating from the MSE·ME pmgmfl1 'NiH he ub!(~ to undcna:md the fiCientitk prindpk.'S and to kllo\V the n'lOdern, ad"an-ccd pn:&:s::>kma\ t~.!miques in nwdlankal engineering. :} Studenb graduallng from the MSE·ME pmgnurl win be able to 1o:1\)\\: the lak'St prl1(;~xlures for analysis in mechanic-al engi.r:eIXing (lr engineering The ~ttlderH'~ knowkdge of the 5ubJe!:t area is (kmonstn;t~~d with dear, unJmbiguotl:;, and The student can pre6&e!y pmviue mathematicai and con((~ptuai mudd? of the subjcl..'t COW;1~;t) aefiniti(lll&. The student h~1s ;~ compktt) historic,l! perspeU:fvl1 of the development of the statements, prlfi!:ipics, l.mJ Inodcling of the subject a~a. (If 4: G~od The student's knowledge i)flhe The ;;tudem c:!n p!'(~ci?eiy stlbj~d area i~ demon;;t,Jkd with clear., and conc!se d.:finiti.ons. provide ol<:uhcmJtkal (lnd The studwt has kn(}~.... kJge oftlw b'l.~ic ~,'once:rlnal rw)dcl" uf the ~tlbj~Ci ~g arc:!. principic::; ,hat are the ba~;i;; ofthC' stibj~~.:t ,Ire;). Th¢ stwknt h,ls [m icie(l of the historical perspective of the .jevdoprnent of nwdding ,>f the $l,lbj~d area. th~: ?tatemcnh, principles. and of }:Adequatr The ;;tudcnt's knowkdg\:' of the subject area is ,.icnl;)t)stfatcd with definitions thal are elear and tmambig'lou"~, hUI they may not n:mci~<: The student can provide a conceptu,!l mndei of the muthenmtica!1y. The stu<km has anidca or lhe nuSlC principl(.~ );ubj~ct area but may have diffiCUlty !~xpre:,;sing it Scl~re 00: Weak The student hM difficulty in proving ckaJ', unambiguous, and ~·onc;i$(~ deflnitilills in thi.? ~llbj{;.'(:t amOl The student cannot provide a (,;I)!lceptual Dr mathematical mode! of l<~~ ?ubjcct ar';::a. ba~ic principles that arc the basi~ The studl}1!1. do~s n(~1. lm~)w the hist(! perspxiivc of thl.l modding of the subject lOlrca. Scorf t)f. 1: Th~~ of the sui~jcct m·e". \.kv~k'pn1cnt (II' the statCnlcnb:. principks, and bl~Q.!lwdeu~ siu<knt cann(ll provide clear, unamblgU(!u.s, and (:!;>ncise definitions in the subject are<l. The studcnt cannot provide a conceptual or mathematical model of the subject area. Thl:' $tud~nt does nol know the bask principles ihat are th(~ basis ofthe subject :lr¢ll. The student hus no idea of the modeling ofthc subject area. hi~!(!rical I I I I I I that are the bll5is of the sUb.wet i1fea. The student lms an incompkts; historical pC0.<pe;;tivc of th: cicvdopmcnt !)f the slutCrBcnl". principles, and modeling (}i' the ~B~je('.t area. The student docs not know tlw I I an~a. The stud~'nt has a Stwllg knowledge of the principles that arc the b;l.f,!s of the snbjecl area. Scor~ I I perspective ~~f the deve!opnwnt of the statemenh, prin;;ipks, <wi I I I I I I I I .~ 47 ...... ···-1 Program Outcomes 2 and 4 (as applicable for the individual student) 2. Stl..ldent~ t~(;lcluating from the MSF.·!v1E program v;iH llY~ able to design mechanical engineering or <;:f!g;incering pwducts and system~. 4. 5!1ldcnt& graduiltmg from the MSE-ME program eng1mx:clng am1iysis ilnd tlnit~~ will toe able to h~ pnrfiCllmt in SlJlving aJv(!ru:ed pr~}blem$ in the U$(: of m,1thcrmuical analysis, diff~rentj;l! equilli(ln~. nnlk dcrnl~nl method~, d~'$ign thrcn~gh d:ifihen;;cl'i., or lensl $l,.p.arc efron;. ~e of 5! I I StLIllli! The student h,15 a strong hnck~'T()und in traditiollll!:md cuw..':tll analysi:;; and desipl procedun:~. The student i!'> very kll(!wkdgcal)k of the codes, sp<xification:s and rep.llations a:;&lWlatcd with the- design in a particular :specialty ;;1rea. The student is very proficient in &tatc-of"the-[Il'l, professional ;:imttysb and design computer !'>i}ftware. The student can deliver a compkk design in a specific area Will! contldem:c and widlOllt r¢quiring gUidance or I I :-;upervis!PIl. fu:ill:~. or 4; Go.04 The stud~nt hU$ il background in twditionuJ or nment af:<llysis and ut'Sign pmccd\.ll'c!'>. l'he s!-udent know!'> whidl (:odes, The swdtnt kM\V~ how to use The student supervision. ql.O sp(~cificJ.!ion$ stat{;'~(lf"the~nrt. and regulation:; govcm the design in a particular pwfc"'$!onai HrmlYilis and design computer softw,m!. ddivcr a c~'}mpktc d~~ign in a Bpccifi,; area The :-;tu<icnt km:>w,:; nbotlt lraditi~1na! g~tid{lJl!,;e 'Nith conl1derJi.;e mld \vith &om.: or (Jr current all;l!y$is and de5ign pwcedures, The ~tu(,knt K1WWS about most of the codes, speeb!ty <1re,l. $pe-dfkati()n~ and n:gubtiol1$ that g;)vefn the <l<;:,:;,ign in The student could us<: statc-(lf,thc-art, prr>lI::ssional <tnalysis and design computer soft'N;).re r:.fkr (II' ~!Kcially ~r(:n. ~on1e il particuh.r orkntntlon guidance. Th;;; $tudent C;lB deliver nl<J~t ,)fthe lk~ign in a specific ar~a \vith SOW(: guidan,,~e (II" supervision. Sct1re of 2: Weak The student knows about tnuJitionul but Mt necessarily nment llns.lysis <lnd design procedures. The student (:Ould guess whllt codes, ~pecd1i;ation$ and regulations may sjX:cialty an.~a htl is nOI familiar Wilh them gov~rn the design in a particular Tk stu(\enl, e(~uh.l us..:: stukyof·tlJl>>.irt rmf;;;ssinnai <HHt!ysi::; an.d {.ksign computer s{)flware ann orientation or gUidance. The student can .~uperv isbn. Score (,r I; dehY~( nrnsi(knlbk~ up to aboul half of the design required in a specitk area with some guidance or [m~Olnp~tcllt The student d(les nol know about tmdithnlll or c~lrrcnt!ysi~ The student c(luld not e\ie.n gutss what codes, particubr <lnd cksign spccHkation~ and procdur(~~. r~guli'ltion:> may govern thc design in a ~pecial!:y. The :;Iildent \vi)uld not know where !l) stnrt in using stats;·i)f·the-art. pNtcs!'>iona! analysis and $Oftv"ilf\:,). 48 dc~q;n (:nmputer I I I Program Outcome 5 I 5. Studt~nts graduating from the MSE-ME progmm wiH be able to he profk'jent in writing in general, hut especially wnting technical documents. re$e~m~h reports, and proposals. I I I I I I I : Pa!;JJ 49 19 r~--- i Pt"ogram Outcomt~ 6 6, Students ~xraduating from the MSE-ME program wlH be abk- to be protkient in oral and public in front of t~dmi(;al and non-kt:.:hl1kt11 uuditlK'CS, pr~sentations Orul Presentations : Pre::enter: i Title ofPre~el1tatwn (D te 3 points) Inlrodl,lclion ( 0 to 3 points) j OuHine cfPre"e!l!<ltHJi1 ( 0 to 4 pOlnts) j !VOir~ ..-.-----~..-----.,.......- - -......- - -........: ===--== Clear ( 0 to 5 points) Loud- (0 t(! -S p()il1t~) Dclivm:y . EntJ:U.lSll:1 stl C(' {} to S ""omt s ) Eye contact ';lith <Iu&ence( 0 to 5 points) Audwvisual Matedah Quantity (0 ICl -S pomts ) oxga':':.: :::~ . Logical progression ( Ii !) to =~~~=~= ==== to points) i I': . Ii =~] .. .... l C!)rnptele!less ( I} io is points) Te<'.hrtically correct ( [} to :::0 point.s ) ···-~ ---.--1 Timing . 'Effechve use of time ( Uto 5 ptintn 1 j ~-"''''''--I 'Ccmlllents: i ! 50