University Brand Guide Michael Oetken, creative director Jennifer Tidball, writer/editor

University Brand Guide
Michael Oetken, creative director
Jennifer Tidball, writer/editor
Editorial Style Guide
Editorial Style Guide
Importance of brand voice and editorial style
Brand personality includes the printed and spoken word.
What is said is the message; how it's said is the voice.
One K-State, One Voice
K-State 2025: Unify the brand voice and continue the university on the
path to an improved national and international reputation
Consistent punctuation, grammar and overall style also is key to clear,
efficient and professional communication.
Editorial Style Guide
University Style Guide Overview
Launched in March 2013
• Result of several years of collaboration
with the University Style Guide Task Force
• The task force will meet periodically and
provide updates to the stylebook.
Editorial Style Guide
University Style Guide Overview
• University Style Guide is modeled after the Associated Press Stylebook.
• AP style is easy-to-use and good for a general audience.
• Provides more consistency across campus and publications.
• News releases are more likely to be picked up by outlets if the style transfers.
• AP-recommended dictionary: Webster’s New World College Dictionary,
Fourth Edition
• The style guide recognizes the need to be flexible in writing based on the type of
media used for communicating.
• Examples: news release, academic publication, program, brochure
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Importance of the brand guide
• The Kansas State University brand is one of our
most valuable assets and defines who we are and
what we do.
• It helps ensure all parts of the university are working
together to communicate with a unified image and
voice in Kansas, across the nation and around the
• The marks, visuals and voice used to describe the
university help establish and maintain a clear, unified
brand identity.
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide
Brand Guide