Division of Communications and Marketing  Higher Learning Commission  Marketing Plan  1.0 Purpose  

Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan 1.0 Purpose Inform the campus community and increase student involvement in the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) reaccreditation process in developing a self‐study report and preparing for the evaluation team’s site visit in April 2012. 2.0 Situation Analysis Kansas State University is seeking continued reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission for an additional 10 years. Over the next two‐years, the university will conduct a self‐study to review policies and practices as they relate to the criteria identified by the HLC. In April 2012, and reaccreditation evaluation team will visit Manhattan. The visit will include interviews (scheduled and impromptu) with students and faculty. It is important that the campus community be informed about K‐
State and they are involved in the reaccreditation process. 2.2 Keys to Success  Communicating the importance of reaccreditation to faculty staff, and students,  Developing activities to increase the constituents knowledge of K‐State’s mission, values and core capabilities,  Sufficient feedback from stakeholders for developing the self‐study report,  Creating excitement around campus that encourages participation in the reaccreditation visit. 3.0 Marketing Strategy Develop an interactive experience to create excitement about K‐State, communicate the role of Vision 2025 in the self‐study analysis and promote the importance of campus‐
wide involvement in the reaccreditation process. Theme: To be determined during a table‐top exercise involving a representative campus group. 3.1 Marketing Objectives  To educate the K‐State community about the university’s mission, values and core capabilities. Date: Fall 2010 – April 2012 Action: develop activities/events that will engage campus in learning Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan about K‐State. Outcome: all K‐Staters exposed during the promotion to university’s mission, values and core competencies in some form.  To encourage participation in the HLC reaccreditation process and site visit. Date: Spring 2012 Action: invite participation through feedback on website, interviews for video or participating in reaccreditation visit. Outcome: fifty percent of students, faculty and staff participate in reaccreditation. 3.2 Target Markets  Students  Faculty  Staff 3.3 Marketing Mix  Product/Service:  Price: Promotion: Web marketing and social media Email marketing Direct mail Communications materials Public relations Promotional items  Place: K‐State campuses 4.0 Implementation 4.1 Creative Strategy  Design logo/look –for campaign,  Communications materials – stating K‐State’s, mission, values, core capabilities ‐ table tents, posters, displays in Student Union, Leadership Studies, Library, Aggieville, Salina campus, Olathe campus, 4.2 Action Plan Media Plan  Interstitials on K‐State TV/Slide on Bulletin Board Channel – begin running after Spring Break 2011, Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan 
Video – Student reflections – begin producing April 2011, complete by Jan. 2012, Collegian ads – run five times during campaign, K‐Statement – articles throughout campaign, Direct Mail sent to colleges and departments. Public Relations  PowerPoint presentations to faculty groups and student organizations, explaining what, why, who, how when, criteria, site visit information, and how you can get involved ,  Online – HLC website for information/comments, Facebook and Twitter to provide HLC updates.  Email‐marketing – website information,  Promote using the Olathe campus' network. Activities/Events  Campus Launch – Manhattan/Salina/Olathe , just before Thanksgiving break, news releases, emails, table in Union, with balloons, candy, giveaways (purple footballs, tote bags, pocket cards), information about HLC reaccreditation process and computer showing the PowerPoint presentation, officially start LED event timer atomic countdown calendar placed in the Union,  Union Courtyard activities – free food, distribute information at various times during campaign (finals week, spring break, beginning of Fall & Spring semester),  Student Life – give away t‐shirts, Jan – Mar 2012,  Student contest to create mobile device app about K‐State – interactive, find clues about the about university – give iPad as prize, Jan – May 2011. 4.3 Timeline Attachment A 4.4 Budget Attachment B 