Overview of ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2 CTO Meeting, Paris

Overview of
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference
Malcolm Johnson
TSB Director
2nd CTO Meeting, Paris
29 October 2010
Committed to connecting the world
PP-10 in numbers
 in Guadalajara, Mexico, 4-22 October 2010
 Opened by President of Mexico Felipe Calderón
 2,022 registered participants and observers
from 167 ITU Member States
 42 Sector Members and observer organizations
 over 70 Ministers, 26 Deputy Ministers, and 35
Committed to connecting the world
PP-10 Elections
 Secretary-General Hamadoun Touré reelected
 Deputy SG Houlin Zhao reelected
 Director TSB Malcolm Johnson reelected
 Francois Rancy elected as new Director BR
 Brahima Sanou elected as new Director BDT
 48 Member States elected to Council
 12 Radio Regulations Board Members elected
Committed to connecting the world
Strong backing of ITU-T
in PP-10
 TSB Director Malcolm Johnson
honoured with strong mandate
 PP-10 had numerous ITU-T issues
and numerous references were made
to ITU-T work
Committed to connecting the world
ITU-T’s strategic goals
 “To develop interoperable, non-discriminatory
international standards (ITU-T Recommendations)
 To assist in bridging the standardization gap
between developed and developing countries
 To extend and facilitate international cooperation
among international, regional and national
standardization bodies”
Committed to connecting the world
ITU’s financial situation
 Some countries increase, some
countries decreased their financial
contribution to ITU
 Financial Plan of CHF 632 million
adopted for the years 2012 – 2015
Committed to connecting the world
New membership category for
membership fee:
 Universities/institutes from developed countries
CHF 3,975
 Universities/institutes from developing countries
CHF 1,987.50
 (Sector Membership fee for industry: CHF 31,800)
Committed to connecting the world
Reduced membership fee for
Sector Members from
developing countries
ITU-T Sector membership fee for Sector Members
from developing countries with annual per capita
income of less than USD 2 000 according to the
UNDP classification:
CHF 3,975
Committed to connecting the world
ITU-T reinforced role in ICT and
Climate Change
 PP-10 approved a new Resolution “The role of
telecommunications/ICTs on climate change
and the protection of the environment”
 A strong mandate for ITU-T to show leadership
Committed to connecting the world
Strong support for Conformance and
Interoperability programme
 PP-10 approved a new Resolution
“Conformance and Interoperability”
 ITU-T to implement without delay Council-09
- conformity assessment programme;
- interoperability programme;
- human resources capacity building;
- assistance in the establishment of test
facilities in developing countries
Committed to connecting the world
Invites Sector Members
 to populate the pilot conformity database with details of
products tested to applicable ITU-T Recommendations:
 in accredited test laboratories (first, second or third party)
 or by accredited certification bodies
 or according to procedures adopted by an SDO or forum
qualified in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T A.5;
 to participate in ITU-facilitated interoperability events
 to take an active role in building capacity in developing
 to bear in mind the legal and regulatory frameworks
concerning equipment that negatively affects the quality of
telecommunication infrastructure, in particular with respect to
counterfeit equipment
Committed to connecting the world
Five Internet-related Resolutions
 Revised:
Res 101 “Internet Protocol-based networks”
Res 102 “ITU's role with regard to international
public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
and the management of Internet resources,
including domain names and addresses”
• Res 133 “Role of administrations of Member
States in the management of internationalized
(multilingual) domain names”
 New:
New Res “ITU role in organizing the work on
technical aspects of telecommunication networks
to support the Internet”
• New Res “Facilitating the transition from IPv4 to
Committed to connecting the world
Essence of Internet Resolutions
 ITU “to explore ways and means for greater
collaboration between ITU and relevant
organizations including, but not limited to,
ICANN, the RIRSs, IETF, ISO and W3C, on the
basis of a reciprocity
 … to increase the role of ITU in Internet
governance …”
 Director TSB to review need for new study
group to work on technical issues of
telecommunication networks to support the
Committed to connecting the world
First Resolution on Accessibility
 PP-10 approved a new Resolution
"Telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons
with disabilities, including age-related
 ITU to provide accessibility to ICTs, and to ITU
facilities and services, for participants with visual,
hearing or physical disabilities
 Establishment of voluntary fund to assist disabled
Committed to connecting the world
 Rev Resolution 30 ”Strengthening the role of ITU
in building confidence and security in the use of
- to intensify work in ITU-T study groups
- to address existing and future threats and
 ITU to work towards a possible MoU to
strengthen cybersecurity and to combat
Committed to connecting the world
International Telecommunication Regulations
(ITRs) and
World Conference on International
Telecommunication (WCIT)
 PP-10 confirmed Council’s decision to hold a World
Conference on International Telecommunication
(WCIT) back-to-back with WTSA (October/November
 WTSA will again be preceded by a 1-day Global
Standards Symposium
 WCIT will consider new and emerging issues for
updating International Telecommunication
Regulations within its scope and purpose
Committed to connecting the world
PP-10 Final Acts :
Committed to connecting the world