Pilots Scholarships Information Sheet

Pilots Scholarships Information Sheet
Emerging Leader Awards
Pilots Progress Award
Freshman Excellence Awards
Pilots Choice Award
The Emerging Leader Awards, $500 each, are sponsored by Blue Key Honorary to recognize Pilots
students who have demonstrated the potential to lead others and maintain their academic standing. The
scholarship honors Dr. Bernard Franklin, the first African-American student body president at Kansas State
University and former Assistant Dean of Student Life. Dr. Franklin also served on the Board of Regents for
the State of Kansas. Dr. Franklin was an active campus leader while at Kansas State and worked for the
betterment of the entire campus community. He has been a positive influence on many students. He
remains a hard worker, an active participant, and a man with a vision of a better world for all of us. Dr.
Franklin represents leadership and excellence in all that he does and has always been a strong proponent
of the Pilots Program. The recipients of this award will demonstrate strong leadership traits within a
diverse society while maintaining a respectable grade point average.
The Freshman Excellence Awards, $350 each, recognize individuals in the Pilots Program for meritorious
achievement. Students may be awarded for any of the following: grade point average, strong work ethic,
social responsibility, and/or demonstrated leadership skills.
The Pilots Progress Award, $250, will be awarded to one student who utilizes Pilots resources
consistently and has demonstrated academic progress. The recipient must be in good academic standing
at the end of the Spring 2015 semester in order to receive this award for the Fall 2015 semester. The
applicant must write an essay explaining the academic progress he/she has made and how he/she has
overcome barriers. (See Essay Instructions page.)
The Pilots Choice Award, $500, will be awarded to one student in the Pilots Program based upon the
quality of his/her efforts toward academic achievement and willingness to work cooperatively as part of a
team. The recipient of this award is a well-rounded individual with a strong work ethic, a sense of social
responsibility, and is goal-oriented. The recipient of this award will be selected by the instructors,
advisors, and director of the Pilots Program. No application is necessary.
Q: Who can apply for these scholarships?
A: Students enrolled in the Pilots Program who will be a full-time KSU student in Fall 2015.
Q: How do I apply?
A: Bring a complete application and essay to Holton 101 by Monday, March 9, 2015 at 5:00 pm.
Q: When is the deadline for submission?
A: Monday, March 9, 2015 at 5:00 pm
Q: Is that all there is to it?
A: Semi-finalists will be invited for a personal interview. The Emerging Leader Awards, Freshman
Excellence Awards, and Pilots Progress Award also require a letter of reference. We will offer workshops
to help you prepare a winning scholarship packet as well as an interview skills workshop for semi-finalists.
Q: Is there anything I should know about how to apply?
A: YES! Read the Suggestions for Applications section of the Letter of Reference page.
Pilots Scholarships Application Form
Emerging Leader Awards
Freshman Excellence Awards
Pilots Progress Award
Deadline: Monday, March 9, 2015
Name: _______________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ ___________________ ___ __ _____
Local Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: (_______) - ________ - ___________
Will you be a full-time student at Kansas State University in Fall 2015?
(You must be a full-time Kansas State student in Fall 2015 to receive a scholarship.)
Grade Point Average (GPA): Cumulative _____________ Fall Semester____
Intended Career and/or Major: ___________________________________________ _______
List any honors/recognitions you have received since coming to K-State:
Return this application, along with essay and letter of reference, to:
Rebeca Paz, Pilots Program Director, 101 Holton Hall
Application deadline: Monday, March 9, 2015, 5:00 pm
Late applications will not be accepted.
Essay Instructions
In most cases, students will apply for either the Emerging Leader & Freshman Excellence Awards
or the Pilots Progress Award.
To determine for which award(s) you should apply, think about your first semester at K-State. How did it
go? Did you reach your academic goals, or maybe make the Honor Roll? Were you successful in
balancing school, work, and a social life? If yes, then you might consider applying for the Emerging Leader
& Freshman Excellence Awards. On the other hand, maybe your first semester did not go exactly as
planned, but you are improving and making significant progress in your second semester. Or perhaps
your high school experience was not ideal, but you have overcome obstacles and turned it around in
college. If this sounds like your situation, you may consider applying for the Pilots Progress Award.
Emerging Leader & Freshman Excellence Essay Questions
Please answer each of the following questions as thoroughly as possible.
Your responses should not exceed six typed, double-spaced pages.
1. Why is college success important to you? Please elaborate on how your college success will impact
you in the future.
2. What does social justice mean to you? Identify a social justice issue that is important to you today
and elaborate on how this issue affects you and others.
3. Is leadership innate or developed? Describe a time when you demonstrated leadership skills (as a
member of an organization, your family, study group, group presentation, etc.).
4. What is your understanding of living in a culturally diverse society? How have you experienced
cultural diversity in your life and how has it impacted your worldview?
5. K-State’s Principles of Community can be found at http://www.k-state.edu/about/community.html.
Please choose one principle and reflect on your personal reaction to it.
Pilots Progress Essay Prompt
Write an essay that describes the progress you have made during the last year/semester. Please consider
the questions below as you compose your essay, but realize that you do not need to answer all of them.
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, and about 2-4 pages in length.
How have your life experiences before college affected you?
How have you worked to overcome obstacles in your life?
What is the most valuable advice, skill, or learning strategy that you have received from the Pilots
Program, and in what way did it help you?
What advice would you give to future Pilots students?
What mistakes did you make early in the year that you have learned from?
What did you learn about yourself in the past year as a student and as a person overall?
Letter of Reference
Emerging Leader Awards
Freshman Excellence Awards
Pilots Progress Award
Include one reference letter written by a person of authority here at the University or in the community
(e.g., an instructor, advisor, high school counselor, supervisor, etc.).
Suggestions for Applications
Fully respond to essay questions with complete sentences and full paragraphs. Writing only two
lines provides less information to an award selection committee than a full paragraph or a full page.
Type your application—do not turn in a handwritten copy. Handwritten applications do not look
professional and are not competitive.
Find a mentor (e.g., an instructor, counselor, or staff member) who can give editing suggestions and
provide feedback about how others may respond to your application.
Attend the scholarship workshop presented by the Pilots Program to assist you in writing winning
essays and interviewing well.
Provide references with as much information as possible and allow them ample time to write a
thoughtful letter. Do not expect references to write letters at the last minute.
Write several essay drafts in order to be as clear and informative as possible.
Proofread everything you submit.
Remember that activities to which you have already contributed directly are more important than
those in which you might consider participating. However, the selection committee is interested in
your plans for future involvement, too.
Be sure to list any recognition or honors you have received.
Keep in mind that holding a job and maintaining your grades or managing a family while going to
school can demonstrate leadership skills.
Remember that unless you submit an application, you will not be considered for the Emerging
Leader, Freshman Excellence, or Progress Awards.
Always write a thank you note to the donor if you are selected for a scholarship. Your appreciation
will not be forgotten!