Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine? , Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng Linköping University, Sweden Abstract. We address the problem of automatically establishing synchronization dependent correctness (e.g. due to using barriers or ensuring absence of deadlocks) of programs generating an arbitrary number of concurrent processes and manipulating variables ranging over an infinite domain. This is beyond the capabilities of current automatic verification techniques. For this purpose, we define an original logic that mixes variables refering to the number of processes satisfying certain properties and variables directly manipulated by the concurrent processes. We then combine existing works on counter, predicate, and constrained monotonic abstraction and build an original nested counter example based refinement scheme for establishing correctness (expressed as non reachability of configurations satisfying formulas in our logic). We have implemented a tool (Pacman, for predicated constrained monotonic abstraction) and used it to perform parameterized verification for several programs whose correctness crucially depends on precisely capturing the number of processes synchronizing using shared variables. Key words: parameterized verification, counting logic, barrier synchronization, deadlock freedom, multithreaded programs, counter abstraction, predicate abstraction, constrained monotonic abstraction 1 Introduction We address the problem of automatic and parameterized verification for concurrent multithreaded programs. We focus on synchronization related correctness as in the usage of barriers or integer shared variables for counting the number of processes at different stages of the computation. Such synchronizations orchestrate the different phases of the executions of possibly arbitrary many processes spawned during runs of multithreaded programs. Correctness is stated in terms of a new counting logic that we introduce. The counting logic makes it possible to express statements about program variables and variables counting the number of processes satisfying some properties on the program variables. Such statements can capture both individual properties, such as assertion violations, and global properties such as deadlocks or relations between the numbers of processes satisfying certain properties. ? In part supported by the 12.04 CENIIT project. 2 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng Synchronization among concurrent processes is central to the correctness of many shared memory based concurrent programs. This is particularly true in certain applications such as scientific computing where a number of processes, parameterized by the size of the problem or the number of cores, is spawned in order to perform heavy computations in phases. For this reason, when not implemented individually using shared variables, constructs such as (dynamic) barriers are made available in mainstream libraries and programming languages such as Pthreads, java.util.concurrent or OpenMP. Automatically taking into account the different phases by which arbitrary many processes can pass is beyond the capabilities of current automatic verification techniques. Indeed, and as an example, handling programs with barriers of arbitrary sizes is a non trivial task even in the case where all processes only manipulate boolean variables. To enforce the correct behaviour of a barrier, a verification procedure needs to capture relations between the number of processes satisfying certain properties, for instance that there are no processes that are not waiting for the barrier before any process can cross it. This amounts to testing that the number of processes at certain locations is zero. Checking violations of program assertions is then tantamount to checking state reachability of a counter machine where counters track the number of processes satisfying predicates such as being at some program location. No sound verification techniques can therefore be complete for such systems. Our approach to get around this problem builds on the following observation. In case there are no tests for the number of processes satisfying certain properties (e.g. being in specific programs locations for barriers), symmetric boolean concurrent programs can be exactly encoded as counter machines without tests, i.e., essentially vector addition systems (VASS). For such systems, state reachability can be decided using a backwards exploration that only manipulates sets that are upward closed with respect to the component wise ordering [2, 7]. The approach is exact because of monotonicity of the induced transition system (more processes can fire more transitions since there are no tests on the numbers of processes). Termination is guaranteed by well quasi ordering of the component wise ordering on the natural numbers. The induced transition system is no more monotonic in the presence of tests on the number of processes. The idea in monotonic abstraction [10] is to modify the semantics of the entailed tests (e.g., tests for zero for barriers), such that processes not satisfying the tests are removed (e.g., tests for zero are replaced by resets). This results in a monotonic overapproximation of the original transition system and spurious traces are possible. This is also true for verification approaches that generate (broadcast) concurrent boolean programs as abstractions of concurrent programs manipulating integer variables. Such boolean approximations are monotonic even when the original program (before abstraction) can encode tests on the number of processes and is therefore not monotonic. Indeed, having more processes while respecting important relations between their numbers and certain variables in the original programs does not necessarily allow to fire more transitions (which is what abstracted programs do in such approaches). Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 3 Our approach consists in two nested counter example guided abstraction refinement loops. We summarize our contributions in the following points. 1. We propose an original counting logic that allows to express statements about program variables and about the number of processes satisfying certain predicates on the program variables. 2. We implement the outer loop by leveraging on existing symmetric predicate abstraction techniques. We encode resulting boolean programs in terms of a monotonic counter machine where reachability of configurations satisfying a counting property from our logic is captured as a state reachability problem. 3. We explain how to strengthen the counter machine using counting invariants, i.e. properties from our logic that hold on all runs. these can be automatically generated using classical thread modular analysis techniques. 4. We leverage on existing constrained monotonic abstraction techniques to implement the inner loop and to address the state reachability problem. 5. We have implemented both loops, together with automatic counting invariants generation, in a prototype (Pacman) that allowed us to automatically establish or refute counting properties such as deadlock freedom and assertions. All programs we report on may generate arbitrary many processes. Related work . Several works consider parameterized verification for concurrent programs. In [9] the authors use counter abstraction and truncate the counters to obtain a finite state system. Environment abstraction [4] combines predicate and counter abstraction. Both [9, 4] can require considerable interaction and human ingenuity to find the right predicates. The works in [8, 1] explore finite instances and automatically check for cutoff conditions. Except for checking larger instances, it is unclear how to refine entailed abstractions. The closest works to ours are [10, 3, 5]. We introduced (constrained) monotonic abstraction in [10, 3]. Monotonic abstraction was not combined with predicate abstraction, nor did it explicitly target counting properties or dynamic barrier based synchronization. In [5], the authors propose a predicate abstraction framework for concurrent multithreaded programs. As explained earlier such abstractions cannot exclude behaviours forbidden by synchronization mechanisms such as barriers. In our work, we build on [5] in order to handle shared and local integer variables. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first automatic verification approach that specifically targets parameterized correctness of programs involving constructs where the number of processes are kept track of (e.g, using barriers). Outline. We start by illustrating our approach using an example in Sec. 2 and introduce some preliminaries in Sec. 3. We then define concurrent programs and describe our counting logic in Sec. 4. Next, we explain the different phases of our nested loop in Sec. 5 and report on our experimental results in Sec. 6. We finally conclude in Sec. 7. 4 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng 2 A Motivating Example Consider the concurrent program described in Fig. 1. In this example, a main process spawns (transition t1 ) an arbitrary number (count) of proc processes (at location proc@lcent ). All processes share four integer variables (namely max, prev, wait and count) and a single boolean variable proceed. Initially, the variables wait and count are 0 while proceed is false. The other variables may assume any value belonging to their respective domains. Each proc process possesses a local integer variable val that can only be read or written by its owner. Each proc process assigns to max the value of its local variable val (may be any integer value) in case the later is larger than the former. Transitions t6 and t7 essentially implement a barrier in the sense that all proc processes must have reached proc@lc3 in order for any of them to move to location proc@lc4 . After the barrier, the max value should be larger or equal to any previous local val value stored in the shared prev (i.e., prev ≤ max should hold). Violation of this assertion can be captured with the countingpredicate (introduced in Sec 4) (proc@lc4 ∧ ¬(prev ≤ max))# ≥ 1 stating that the number of processes at location proc@lc4 and witnessing that prev > max is larger or equal than 1. int max, prev, wait, count := ∗, ∗, 0, 0 bool proceed := ff main : t1 : lcent I lcent : count := count + 1; spawn(proc) t2 : lcent I lc1 : proceed := tt ... proc : int val := t3 : lcent t4 : lc1 t5 : lc1 t6 : lc2 t7 : lc3 t8 : lc4 (3, 7, 0, 0, ff) {(main@lcent )} t1 (3, 7, 0, 1, ff) {(main@lcent )(proc@lcent , 9)} t1 (3, 7, 0, 2, ff) ∗ I I I I I I lc1 lc2 lc2 lc3 lc4 ... : : : : : prev := val max ≥ val max < val; max := val wait := wait + 1 proceed ∧ (wait = count) n (main@lcent )(proc@lcent , 9)2 o t3 n o (3, 9, 0, 2, ff) (main@lc1 )(proc@lcent , 9)(proc@lc1 , 9) t2 ... Fig. 1. The max example (left) and a possible run (right). The assertion (proc@lc4 ∧ ¬(prev ≤ max))# ≥ 1 cannot be violated when starting with a single main process. A possible run of the concurrent program is depicted to the right of Fig. 1. Observe that we write (proc@lcent , 9)2 to mean that there are two proc processes at location lcent s.t. their local val are both equal to 9. In other words, we use counter abstraction since the processes are symmetric, i.e., processes running the same lines of code with equal local variables are interchangeable and we do not need to differentiate them. The initial configuration of this run is given in terms of the values of max, prev, wait, count and proceed, here (3, 7, 0, 0, ff), and of the main process being at location lcent . The main process starts by incrementing the count variable and by spawning a proc process twice. Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 5 The assertion (proc@lc4 ∧ ¬(prev ≤ max))# ≥ 1 is never violated under any run starting from a single main process. In order to establish this fact, any verification procedure needs to take into account the barrier in t7 in addition to the two sources of infinitness; namely, the infinite domain of the shared and local variables and the number of procs that may participate in the run. Until now, the closest works to ours deal with these two sources of infinitness separately and cannot capture facts that relate them, namely, the values of the program variables and the number of generated processes. Any sound analysis that does not take into account that the count variable holds the number of spawned proc processes and that wait represents the number of proc processes at locations lc3 or later will not be able to discard scenarios were a proc process executes prev := val although one of them is at proc@lc4 . Such an analysis will therefore fail to show that prev ≤ max each time a process is at line proc@lc4 . Our original nested CEGAR loop, called Predicated Constrained Monotonic Abstraction and depicted in Fig. 2, systematically leverages on simple facts that relate numbers of processes to the variables manipulated in the program. This allows us to verify or refute safety properties (e.g., assertions, deadlock freedom) depending on complex behaviors induced by constructs such as dynamic barriers. We illustrate our approach in the remaining on the max example of Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Predicated Constrained Monotonic Abstraction From concurrent programs to boolean concurrent programs. We build on the recent predicate abstraction techniques for concurrent programs. Such techniques would discard all variables and predicates and only keep the control flow together with the spawn and join statements. This leads to a number of counter example guided abstraction refinement steps (the outer CEGAR loop in Fig. 2) that require the addition of new predicates. Our implementation adds the 6 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng predicates proceed, prev ≤ val, prev ≤ max, wait ≤ count, count ≤ wait. It is worth noticing that all variables of the obtained concurrent program are finite state (in fact booleans). Hence, one would need a finite number of counters in order to faithfully capture the behavior of the abstracted program using counter abstraction. In addition, some of the transitions of the program, such as t3 where a shared variable is updated, are abstracted using a broadcast transition. From concurrent boolean programs to counter machines. Given a concurrent boolean program, we generate a counter machine that essentially boils down to a vector addition system with transfers. Each counter in the machine counts the number of processes at some location and with some local variables combination. One state in the counter machine represents reaching a configuration satisfying the counting property we want to verify. The other states correspond to the possible combinations of the global variables. The transfers represent broadcast transitions. Such a machine cannot relate the number of processes in certain locations (for instance the number of spawned processes proc so far) to the predicates that are valid at certain states (for instance that count = wait). In order to remedy to this fact, we make use of counting invariants that relate program variables, count and wait in the following invariants, to the number of processes at certain locations. P P count = (proc@lcent )# + i≥1 (proc@lci )# wait = i≥3 (proc@lci )# We automatically generate such invariants using a simple thread modular analysis that tracks the number of processes at each location. Given such counting invariants, we constrain the counter machine and generate a more precise machine for which state reachability may now be undecidable. Constrained monotonic abstraction. We monotonically abstract the resulting counter machine in order to answer the state reachability problem. Spurious traces are now possible. For instance, we remove processes violating the constraint imposed by the barrier in Fig.1. This example illustrates a situation where such approximations yield false positives. To see this, suppose two processes are spawned and proceed is set to tt. A first process gets to lc3 and waits. The second process moves to lc1 . Removing the second process opens the barrier for the first process. However, the assertion can now be violated because the removed process did not have time to update the variable max. Constrained monotonic abstraction eliminates spurious traces by refining the preorder used in monotonic abstraction. For the example of Fig.1, if the number of processes at lc1 is zero, then closing upwards will not alter this fact. By doing so, the process that was removed in forward at lc1 is not allowed to be there to start with, and the assertion is automatically established for any number of processes. The inner loop of our approach can automatically add more elaborate refinements such as comparing the number of processes at different locations. Exact traces of the counter machine are sent to the next step and unreachability of the control location establishes safety of the concurrent program. Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 7 Trace Simulation. Traces obtained in the counter machine are real traces as far as the concurrent boolean program is concerned. Those traces can be simulated on the original program to find new predicates (e.g., using Craig interpolation) and use them in the next iteration of the outer loop. 3 Preliminaries We write N to mean the set of natural numbers and Z to mean the one of integer numbers. We write k to mean a constant in Z and b to mean a boolean value in {tt, ff}. We use v, s, l, c, a to mean integer variables and ṽ, s̃, ˜l to mean boolean variables. We let V, S, L, C and A (resp. Ṽ , S̃ and L̃) denote sets of integer variables (resp. sets of boolean variables). We let ∼ be an element in {<, ≤, =, ≥, >}. An expression e (resp. predicate π) belonging to the set exprsOf(V ) (resp. predsOf(Ṽ , E)) of arithmetic expressions (resp. boolean predicates) over integer variables V (resp. boolean variables Ṽ and arithmetic expressions E) is defined as follows. e ::= k || v || (e + e) || (e π ::= b || ṽ || (e ∼ e) || ¬π − e) || k e |π∧π |π∨π | | v∈V ṽ ∈ Ṽ , e ∈ E We write vars(e) to mean all variables v appearing in e, and vars(π) to mean all variables ṽ and v appearing in π or in e in π. We also write atoms(π) (the set of atomic predicates) to mean all boolean variables ṽ and all comparisons (e ∼ e) appearing in π. We use the letters σ, η, θ, ν (resp. σ̃, η̃, ν̃) to mean mappings from sets of variables to Z (resp. B). Given n mappings νi : Vi → Z such that Vi ∩ Vj = ∅ for each i, j : 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ n, and an expression e ∈ exprsOf(V ), we write valν1 ,...,νn (e) to mean the expression obtained by replacing each occurrence of a variable v appearing in some Vi by the corresponding νi (v). In a similar manner, we write valν,ν̃,... (π) to mean the predicate obtained by replacing the occurrence of integer and boolean variables as stated by the mappings ν, ν̃, etc. Given a mapping ν : V → Z and a set subst = {vi ← ki |1 ≤ i ≤ n} where variables v1 , . . . vn are pairwise different, we write ν [subst] to mean the mapping ν 0 such that ν 0 (vi ) = ki for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n and ν 0 (v) = ν(v) otherwise. We abuse notation and write ν [{vi ← vi0 |1 ≤ i ≤ n}], for ν : V → Z where variables v1 , . . . vn are in V and pairwise different, to mean the mapping ν 0 : (V \{vi |1 ≤ i ≤ n})∪{vi0 |1 ≤ i ≤ n} → Z and such that ν 0 (v 0 ) = ν(v) for each v ∈ {vi |1 ≤ i ≤ n} and ν 0 (v) = ν(v) otherwise. We define ν̃ [{ṽi ← bi |1 ≤ i ≤ n}] and ν̃ [{ṽi ← ṽi0 |1 ≤ i ≤ n}] in a similar manner. A multiset m over a set X is a mappingP X → Z. We write x ∈ m to mean m(x) ≥ 1. The size |m| of a multiset m is x∈X m(x). We sometimes view a multiset m as a sequence x1 , x2 , . . . , x|m| where each element x appears m(x) times. We write x ⊕ m to mean the multiset m0 such that m0 (y) equals m(y) + 1 if x = y and m(y) otherwise. 8 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng 4 Concurrent Programs and Counting Logic To simplify the presentation, we assume a concurrent program (or program for short) to consist in a single non-recursive procedure manipulating integer variables. Arguments and return values are passed using shared variables. Programs where arbitrary many processes run a finite number of procedures can be encoded by having the processes choose a procedure at the beginning. Syntax. A procedure in a program (S, L, T ) is given in terms of a set T of transitions (lc1 I lc01 : stmt1 ) , (lc2 I lc02 : stmt2 ) , . . . operating on two finite sets of integer variables, namely a set S of shared variables (denoted s1 , s2 , . . .) and a set L of local variables (denoted l1 , l2 . . .). Each transition (lc I lc0 : stmt) involves two locations lc and lc0 and a statement stmt. We write Loc to mean the set of all locations appearing in T . We always distinguish two locations, namely an entry location lcent and an exit location lcext . In any transition, location lcext may appear as the source location only if the destination is also lcext (i.e., a sink location). Program syntax is given in terms of pairwise different v1 , . . . vn in S ∪ L, e1 , . . . en in exprsOf(S ∪ L) and π is in predsOf(exprsOf(S ∪ L)). + prog ::= (s := (k || ∗))∗ proc : (l := (k || ∗))∗ (lc I lc : stmt) stmt ::= spawn || join || π || v1 , . . . , vn := e1 , . . . , en || stmt; stmt Semantics. Initially, a single process starts executing the procedure with both local and shared variables initialized as stated in their definitions. Executions might involve an arbitrary number of spawned processes. The execution of any process (whether initial or spawned with the statement spawn) starts at the entry location lcent . Any process at an exit point lcext can be eliminated by a process executing a join statement. An assume π statement blocks if the predicate π over local and shared variables does not evaluate to true. Each transition is executed atomically without interruption from other processes. More formally, a configuration is given in terms of a pair (σ, m) where the shared state σ : S → N is a mapping that associates a natural number to each variable in S. An initial shared state (written σinit ) is a mapping that complies with the initial constraints for the shared variables. The multiset m contains process configurations, i.e., pairs (lc, η) where the location lc belongs to Loc and the process state η : L → N maps each local variable to a natural number. We also write ηinit to mean an initial process state. An initial multiset (written minit ) maps all (lc, η) to 0 except for a single (lcent , ηinit ) mapped to 1. We stmt introduce a relation P in order to define statements semantics (Fig. 3). We stmt write (σ, η, m) P (σ 0 , η 0 , m0 ), where σ, σ 0 are shared states, η, η 0 are process states, and m, m0 are multisets of process configurations, in order to mean that a process at process state η when the shared state is σ and the other process configurations are represented by m, can execute the statement stmt and take the program to a configuration where the process is at state η 0 , the shared Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 9 state is σ 0 and the configurations of the other processes are captured by m0 . For instance, a process can always execute a join if there is another process at location lcext (rule join). A process executing a multiple assignment atomically updates shared and local variables values according to the values taken by the expressions of the assignment before the execution (rule assign). stmt (σ, η, m) P (σ 0 , η 0 , m0 ) (lcIlc0 :stmt) 0 (σ, (lc, η) ⊕ m) −→P (σ , (lc0 , η 0 ) ⊕ m0 ) stmt (σ, η, m) P (σ 0 , η 0 , m0 ) (σ, η, m) substA = (σ, η, m) stmt0 : seq m = (lcext , η 0 ) ⊕ m0 join (σ 00 , η 00 , m00 ) vi ← valσ0 ,η0 (ei ) |vi ∈ A : assume π (σ, η, m) P (σ, η, m) (σ 0 , η 0 , m0 ) P (σ 00 , η 00 , m00 ) stmt;stmt0 P v1 ,...vn ,:=e1 ,...en P valσ,η (π) : trans : join (σ, η, m) P (σ, η, m0 ) : assign m0 = (lcent , ηinit ) ⊕ m spawn : spawn (σ, η, m) P (σ, η, m0 ) (σ[substS ], η[substL ], m) Fig. 3. Semantics of concurrent programs. t We write (σ, m) −→P (σ 0 , m0 ) if (σ, m) −→P (σ 0 , m0 ) for a transition t. A P run ρ is a sequence (σ0 , m0 ), t1 , ..., tn , (σn , mn ). The run is P feasible if ti+1 (σi , mi ) −→P (σi+1 , mi+1 ) for each i : 0 ≤ i < n and σ0 and m0 are initial. We say that a configuration (σ, m) is reachable if there is a feasible P run (σ0 , m0 ), t1 , ..., tn , (σn , mn ) s.t. (σ, m) = (σn , mn ). Counting Logic. We use @Loc to mean the set {@lc | lc ∈ Loc} of boolean variables. Intuitively, @lc evaluates to tt exactly when the process evaluating it is at location lc. We associate a counting variable (π)# to each predicate π in predsOf(@Loc, exprsOf(S ∪ L)). Intuitively, in a given program configuration, the variable (π)# counts the number of processes for which the predicate π holds. We let Ω mean the set (π)# |π ∈ predsOf(@Loc, exprsOf(S ∪ L)) of counting variables. A counting predicate is a predicate in predsOf(@Loc, exprsOf(S ∪ Ω)). Elements in exprsOf(S ∪ L) and predsOf(@Loc, exprsOf(S ∪ L)) are evaluated wrt. a shared configuration σ and a process configuration (lc, η). For instance, valσ,(lc,η) (v) is σ(v) if v ∈ S and η(v) if v ∈ L and valσ,(lc,η) (@lc0 ) = (lc = lc0 ). We abuse notation and write valσ,m (ω) to mean the evaluation of the counting predicate ω wrt. a configuration (σ, m). More precisely, valσ,m (π)# = P (lc,η) s.t. valσ,(lc,η) (π) m((lc, η)) and valσ,m (v) = σ(v) for v ∈ S. Our counting logic is quite expressive as we can capture assertion violations and deadlocks. For location lc, we let enabled(lc) in predsOf(exprsOf(S ∪ L)) define when a process can fire some transition from lc. We capture the violation of an assert(π) at some location lc and the deadlock configurations using the following two counting predicates. V ωassert = (@lc ∧ ¬π)# ≥ 1 ωdeadlock = lc∈Loc (@lc ∧ enabled(lc))# = 0 10 5 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng Relating layers of abstractions We formally describe in the following the four steps involved in our predicated constrained monotonic abstraction approach (see Fig. 2). 5.1 Predicate abstraction Given a program P = (S, L, T ) and a number of predicates Π on the variables S ∪ L, we leverage on existing techniques (such as [5]) in order to generate an abstraction in the form of a boolean program P̃ = S̃, L̃, T̃ where all shared and local variables take boolean values. To achieve this, Π is partitioned into three sets Πshr , Πloc and Πmix . Predicates in Πshr only mention variables in S and those in Πloc only mention variables in L. Predicates in Πmix mention both shared and local variables of P . A one to one mapping associates a predicate origPredOf(ṽ) in Πshr (resp. Πmix ∪ Πloc ) to each ṽ in S̃ (resp. L̃). In addition, there are as many transitions in T as in T̃ . For each (lc I lc0 : stmt) in T there is a corresponding (lc I lc0 : abstOf(stmt)) with the same source and destination locations lc, lc0 , but with an abstracted statement abstOf(stmt) that may operate on the variables S̃∪L̃. For instance, the statement (count := count+ 1) in Fig. 1 is abstracted with the multiple assignment: wait leq count, count leq wait := choose (wait leq count, ff) , choose (¬wait leq count ∧ count leq wait, wait leq count) (1) The value of the variable count leq wait after execution of the multiple assignment 1 is tt if ¬wait leq count ∧ count leq wait holds, ff if wait leq count holds, and is equal to a non deterministically chosen boolean value otherwise. In addition, abstracted statements can mention the local variables of passive processes, i.e., processes other than the the transition. For this, n one executing o we make use of the variables L̃p = ˜lp |˜l in L̃ where each ˜lp denotes the local variable ˜l of passive processes. For instance, the statement prev := val in Fig. 1 is abstracted with the multiple assignment 2. Here, the local variable prev leq val of each process other than the one executing the statement (written prev leq valp ) is separately updated. This corresponds to a broadcast where the local variables of all passive processes need to be updated. tt, prev leq val, choose prev leq max, := ∧ prev leq valp choose ∧ ¬prev leq val prev leq val , , prev leq max ∧ ¬prev leq max ¬prev leq val prev leq val , prev leq valp ∧ ¬prev leq valp (2) Syntax and semantics of boolean programs. The syntax of boolean programs is described below. Variables ṽ1 , . . . , ṽn are in S̃ ∪ L̃ ∪ L̃p . Predicate π is in Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 11 predsOf(S̃ ∪ L̃), and predicates π1 , . . . , πn are in predsOf(S̃ ∪ L̃ ∪ L̃p ). We further require for the multiple assignment that if ṽi ∈ S̃ ∪ L̃ then vars(πi ) ⊆ S̃ ∪ L̃. prog ::= (s̃ := (tt || ff || ∗))∗ proc : (˜l := (tt || ff || ∗))∗ (lc I lc : stmt) stmt ::= spawn || join || π || ṽ1 , . . . , ṽn := π1 , . . . , πn || stmt; stmt + Apart from the fact that all variables are now boolean, the main difference of ṽ1 ,...ṽn :=π1 ,...πn 7→P̃ Fig. 4 with Fig. 3 is the assign statement. For this, we write (σ̃, η̃, η̃p ) (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , η̃p0 ) to mean that η̃p0 is obtained in the following way. First, we change the hn oi domain of η̃p from L̃ to L̃p and obtain the mapping η̃p,1 = η̃p ˜l ← ˜lp |˜l ∈ L̃ , hn oi then we let η̃p,2 = η̃p,1 ṽi ← valσ̃,η̃,η̃p,1 (πi ) |ṽi ∈ L̃p in lhs of the assignment . hn oi Finally, we obtain η̃p0 = η̃p,2 ˜lp ← ˜l|˜l ∈ L̃ . This step corresponds to a broadt̃ cast. We write (σ̃, m̃) −→P̃ (σ̃ 0 , m̃0 ) if (σ̃, m̃) −→P̃ (σ̃ 0 , m̃0 ) for some t̃. A P̃ run t̃i+1 ρ̃ is a sequence (σ̃0 , m̃0 ), t̃1 , ..., t̃n , (σ̃n , m̃n ). The run is feasible if (σ̃i , m̃i ) −→P̃ (σ̃i+1 , m̃i+1 ) for each i : 0 ≤ i < n and both σ̃0 and m̃0 are initial. stmt (σ̃, η̃, m̃) P̃ (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , m̃0 ) (σ̃, (lc, η̃) ⊕ m̃) (lcIlc0 :stmt) 0 (σ̃ , (lc0 , η̃ 0 ) ⊕ m̃0 ) −→P̃ valσ̃,η̃ (π) : trans : assume π (σ̃, η̃, m̃) P̃ (σ̃, η̃, m̃) stmt0 stmt (σ̃, η̃, m̃) P̃ (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , m̃0 ) and (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , m̃0 ) P̃ (σ̃ 00 , η̃ 00 , m̃00 ) (σ̃, η̃, m̃) stmt;stmt0 P̃ m̃0 = (lcent , η̃init ) ⊕ m̃ spawn : sequence (σ̃ 00 , η̃ 00 , m̃00 ) : spawn m̃ = (lcext , η̃ 0 ) ⊕ m̃0 join (σ̃, η̃, m̃) P̃ (σ̃, η̃, m̃0 ) : join (σ̃, η̃, m̃) P̃ (σ̃, η̃, m̃0 ) n o σ̃ 0 = σ̃[ ṽi ← valσ̃,η̃ (πi ) |ṽi ∈ S̃ ] n o η̃ 0 = η̃[ ṽi ← valσ̃,η̃ (πi ) |ṽi ∈ L̃ ] h : m̃ → m̃0 a bijection with h((lcp , η̃p )) = (lcp , η̃p0 ) for some η̃ 0 s.t. (σ̃, η̃, η̃p ) (σ̃, η̃, m̃) ṽ1 ,...ṽn ,:=π1 ,...πn 7→P̃ ṽ1 ,...ṽn :=π1 ,...πn P̃ (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , η̃p0 ) : assign (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , m̃0 ) Fig. 4. Semantics of boolean concurrent programs. Relation between P and V P̃ . Given a shared configuration σ̃, we write origPredOf(σ̃) to mean the predicate s̃∈S̃ (σ̃(s̃) ⇔ origPredOf(s̃)). In a similar manner, we V write origPredOf(η̃) to mean the predicate l̃∈L̃ (η̃(˜l) ⇔ origPredOf(˜l)). Observe vars(origPredOf(σ̃)) ⊆ S and vars(origPredOf(η̃)) ⊆ S ∪ L. We abuse notation and write valσ (σ̃) (resp. valη (η̃)) to mean that valσ (origPredOf(σ̃)) 12 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng (resp. valη (origPredOf(η̃))) holds. We also write valσ̃,η̃ (π), for a boolean combination π of predicates in Π, to mean the predicate obtained by replacing each π 0 in Πmix ∪ Πloc (resp. Πshr ) with η̃(ṽ) (resp. σ̃(ṽ)) where origPredOf(ṽ) = π 0 . We let valm (m̃) mean there is a bijection h : |m| → |m̃| s.t. we can associate to each (lc, η)i in m an (lc, η̃)h(i) in m̃ such that valη (η̃) for each i : 1 ≤ i ≤ |m|. To each P̃ configuration (σ̃, m̃) corresponds a set γ ((σ̃, m̃)) = {(σ, m)|valσ (σ̃) ∧ valm (m̃)}, and to each P̃ configuration (σ, m) a singleton α ((σ, m)) = {(σ̃, m̃)|valσ (σ̃) ∧ valm (m̃)}. We initialize the P̃ variables s.t. for each σinit , minit there are σ̃init , m̃init s.t. α ((σinit , minit )) = {(σ̃init , m̃init )}. To each P̃ run ρ̃ = (σ̃0 , m̃0 ), t̃1 , ...(σ̃n , m̃n ) corresponds a set of P runs γ (ρ̃) = (σ0 , m0 ), t1 , ...(σn , mn )|(σi , mi ) ∈ γ ((σ̃, m̃)) , t̃i = abstOf(ti ) , and to each P run ρ = (σ0 , m0 ), t1 , ...tn , (σn , mn ) corresponds a set of P̃ runs α (ρ) defined as α ((σ0 , m0 )) , t̃1 , ...t̃n , α ((σn , mn )) |ti = abstOf(ti ) . Definition 1(predicate abstraction). Let P = (S, L, T ) be a program and P̃ = S̃, L̃, T̃ be its abstraction wrt. Π as described in this Section. The abstraction is said to be effective and sound if P̃ can be effectively computed and to each feasible P run ρ corresponds a non empty set α (ρ) of feasible P̃ runs. 5.2 Translation into an extended counter machine Assume a program P = (S, L, T ), a set Π ⊆ predsOf(exprsOf(S ∪ L)) of predicates and two counting predicates in predsOf(@Loc, exprsOf(S ∪ Ω)): an in variant ωinv and a target ωtrgt . We write P̃ = S̃, L̃, T̃ to mean the boolean abstraction of P wrt. Π ∪atoms(ωtrgt )∪atoms(ωinv ). Intuitively, this step results in the state reachability problem of an extended counter machine MP,Π,ωinv ,ωtrgt that captures reachability of P̃ configurations (abstracting ωtrgt P configurations) with P̃ runs that are strengthened wrt. the P counting invariant ωinv . An extended counter machine M is a tuple (Q, C, ∆, QInit , ΘInit , qtrgt ) where Q is a finite set of states, C is a finite set of counters (i.e., variables ranging over N), ∆ is a finite set of transitions, QInit ⊆ Q is a set of initial states, ΘInit is an initial set of counters valuations, (i.e., mappings from C to N) and qtrgt is a state in Q. A transition δ in ∆ is of the form [q : op : q 0 ] where the operation op is either the identity operation nop, a guarded command grd ⇒ cmd, or a sequential composition of operations. We use a set A of auxiliary variables ranging over N. These are meant to be existentially quantified when firing the transitions as explained in Fig. 5. A guard grd is a predicate in predsOf(exprsOf(A ∪ C)) and a command cmd is a multiple assignment c1 , . . . , cn := e1 , . . . , en that involves e1 , . . . en in exprsOf(A ∪ C) and pairwise different c1 , . . . cn . A machine configuration is a pair (q, θ) where q is a state in Q and θ is a mapping C → N. Semantics are given in Fig. 5. A configuration (q, θ) is initial if q ∈ QInit and θ ∈ ΘInit . An M run ρM is a sequence (q0 , θ0 ); δ1 ; . . . (qn , θn ). It δi+1 is feasible if (q0 , θ0 ) is initial and (qi , θi ) −→M (qi+1 , θi+1 ) for i : 0 ≤ i < n. We Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 13 δ write −→M to mean ∪δ∈∆ −→M . The machine state reachability problem is to decide whether there is an M feasible run (q0 , θ0 ); δ1 ; . . . (qn , θn ) s.t. qn = qtrgt . op δ = [q : op : q 0 ] and θ M θ 0 δ : transition (q, θ) −→M (q 0 , θ 0 ) θ nop M op0 op θ M θ 0 and θ 0 M θ 00 : nop θ : seq op;op0 θ M θ 00 ∃A.valθ (grd) ∧ ∀i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n.θ 0 (ci ) = valθ (ei ) θ grd⇒cmd M : gcmd θ0 Fig. 5. Semantics of an extended counter machine Translation. We describe a machine (Q, C, ∆, QInit , ΘInit , qtrgt ) that captures the behaviour of the program P̃ and encodes reaching abstractions of P configurations satisfying ωtrgt in terms of a machine state reachability problem. Each state in Q is either the target state qtrgt or is associated to a shared configuration σ̃. We write qσ̃ to make the association explicit. There is a one to one mapping that associates a process configuration (lc, η̃) to each counter c(lc,η̃) in C. Transitions are generated as described in Fig. 7. We associate a program configuration (σ̃, m̃) to each machine configuration encM ((σ̃, m̃)) = (qσ̃ , θ). Intuitively, states in Q encode values of the shared variables while each counter c(lc,η̃) counts the number of processes at location lc and satisfying η̃. In other words m̃((lc, η̃)) = c(lc,η̃) for each (lc, η̃). The encoding of a P̃ run ρP̃ = (σ̃0 , m̃0 ); t̃1 ; . . . (σ̃n , m̃n ) is the set (q0 , θ0 ); δ1 . . . ; (qn , θn )|(qi , θi ) = encM ((σ̃i , m̃i )) and δi ∈ ∆t̃i . The machine encodes the behaviour of the boolean program as specified in Lem. 1. Lemma 1 (monotonic translation). Any P̃ configuration (σ̃, h i m̃) such that P # ωtrgt [origPredOf(s̃)/σ̃(s̃)] (π) / {(lc,η̃)|val(lc,η̃) (π)} m̃((lc, η̃)) holds is P̃ reachable iff qtrgt is M reachable. Let us write θ θ0 if θ(c) ≤ θ0 (c) for each c ∈ C. Observe that all machine δ transitions of Fig. 7 are monotonic in that if (q1 , θ1 ) −→M (q2 , θ2 ) for some δ ∈ δ ∆, and if θ1 θ3 , then there is a θ4 such that θ2 θ4 and (q1 , θ3 ) −→M (q2 , θ4 ). Combined with the fact that is a well quasi ordering over N|C| , we get that: Lemma 2 (monotonic decidability). State reachability of any monotonic translation is decidable. However, monotonic translations correspond to coarse over-approximations that are incapable of dealing with statements of our counting logic (Sec. 4). Intuitively, bad configurations (such as those where a deadlock occurs) are no more 14 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng [qσ̃ : op : qσ̃0 ] h∈ ∆ P strongωinv (σ̃) = ∃S.origPredOf(σ̃) ∧ ωinv (π)# / {(lc,η̃)|val (lc,η̃) (π)} c(lc,η̃) i strengthen [qσ̃ : strongωinv (σ̃); op; strongωinv (σ̃ 0 ) : qσ̃0 ] ∈ ∆0 Fig. 6. Strengthening of counter transitions given a counting invariant ωinv . upward closed wrt. . This loss of precision makes the verification of such properties out of the reach of techniques solely based on monotonic translations. To regain some of the lost precision, we constrain the runs using counting invariants. Lemma 3 (strengthened soundness). Any feasible P run ρP has a P̃ feasible run ρP̃ in α (ρP ) with an M feasible run in encM (ρP̃ ), where M is any machine strengthened as described in Fig. 7 and Fig. 6. lc I lc0 : stmt and (σ̃, η̃) : op : (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 ) stmt : transition (qσ̃ : c(lc,η̃) ≥ 1; (c(lc,η̃) )−− ; op; (c(lc0 ,η̃0 ) )++ : qσ̃0 ) ∈ ∆(lcIlc0 :stmt) lc I lc0 : stmt and (σ̃, η̃) : op : (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 ) stmt : target i h P (qσ̃ : ωtrgt [s̃/σ̃(s̃)] (π)# / (lc,η̃)|=π c(lc,η̃) : qtrgt ) ∈ ∆trgt valσ̃,η̃ (π) [(σ̃, η̃) : nop : (σ̃, η̃)]π i : assume h (σ̃, η̃) : (c(lcent ,η̃init ) )++ : (σ̃, η̃) : spawn spawn (σ̃, η̃) : op : (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 ) stmt and (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 ) : op0 : (σ̃ 00 , η̃ 00 ) stmt0 : sequence (σ̃, η̃) : op; op0 : (σ̃ 00 , η̃ 00 ) stmt;stmt0 h (σ̃, η̃) : c(lcext ,η̃0 ) ≥ 1; (c(lcext ,η̃0 ) )−− : (σ̃, η̃) i : join join n o n o σ̃ 0 = σ̃[ ṽi ← valσ̃,η̃ (πi ) |ṽi ∈ S̃ ] η̃ 0 = η̃[ ṽi ← valσ̃,η̃ (πi ) |ṽi ∈ L̃ ] ṽ ,...ṽn ,:=π1 ,...πn E = a(lc,η̃p ),(lc,η̃0 ) |(σ̃, η̃, η̃p ) 1 −→M (σ̃ 0 , η̃ 0 , η̃p0 ), a ∈ A p n o n o DomE = (lc, η̃p )|a(lc,η̃p ),(lc,η̃0 ) ∈ E ImgE = (lc, η̃p0 )|a(lc,η̃p ),(lc,η̃0 ) ∈ E p p : assign n o P c(d) = i∈ImgE ad,i |d ∈ DomE 0 0 o (σ̃, η̃) : n : (σ̃ , η̃ ) P ∪ c(i) := ad,i |i ∈ ImgE d∈Dom E ṽ1 ,...ṽn ,:=π1 ,...πn Fig. 7. Translation of the transitions of a boolean program S̃, L̃, T̃ , given a counting target ωtrgt , to the transitions ∆ = ∪t∈T̃ ∆t ∪ ∆trgt of a counter machine. The resulting machine is not monotonic in general and we can encode the state reachability of a two counter machine. Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 15 Lemma 4 (strengthened undecidability). State reachability is in general undecidable after strengthening. 5.3 Constrained monotonic abstraction and preorder refinement This step addresses the state reachability problem for an extended counter machine M = (Q, C, ∆, QInit , ΘInit , qtrgt ). As stated in Lem. 4, this problem is in general undecidable for strengthened translations. The idea here [10] is to force monotonicity with respect to a well-quasi ordering on the set of its configurations. This is apparent at line 7 of the classical working list algorithm Alg. 1. We start with the natural component wise preorder θ θ0 defined as ∧c∈C θ(c) ≤ θ0 (c). Intuitively, θ θ0 holds if θ0 can be obtained by “adding more processes to” θ. The algorithm requires that we can compute membership (line 5), upward closure (line 7), minimal elements (line 7) and entailment (lines 9, 13, 15) wrt. to preorder , and predecessor computations of an upward closed set (line 7). If no run is found, then not reachable is returned. Otherwise a run is obtained and simulated on M. If the run is possible, it is sent to the fourth step of our approach (described in Sect. 5.4). Otherwise, the upward closure step Up ((q, θ)) responsible for the spurious trace is identified and an interpolant I (with vars(I) ⊆ C) is used to refine the preorder as follows: i+1 := {(θ, θ0 )|θ i θ0 ∧ (θ |= I ⇔ θ0 |= I)}. Although stronger, the new preorder is again a well quasi ordering and the trace is guaranteed to be eliminated in the next round. We refer the reader to [3] for more details. Lemma 5 (CMA [3]). All steps involved in Alg. 1 are effectively computable and each instantiation of Alg. 1 is sound and terminates given the preorder is a well quasi ordering. 5.4 Simulation on the original concurrent program A given run of the extended counter machine (Q, C, ∆, QInit , ΘInit , qtrgt ) is simulated by this step on the original concurrent program P = (S, L, T ). This is possible because to each step of the counter machine run corresponds a unique and concrete transition of P . This step is classical in counter example guided abstraction refinement approaches. In our case, we need to differentiate the variables belonging to different processes during the simulation. As usual in such frameworks, if the trace turns out to be possible then we have captured a concrete run of P that violates an assertion and we report it. Otherwise, we deduce predicates that make the run infeasible and send them to step 1 (Sect. 5.1). Theorem 1 (predicated constrained monotonic abstraction). Assume an effective and sound predicate abstraction. If the constrained monotonic abstraction step returns not reachable, then no configuration satisfying ωtrgt is 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng input : A machine (Q, C, ∆, QInit , ΘInit , qtrgt ) and a preorder output: not reachable or a run (q1 , θ1 ); δ1 ; (q2 , θ2 ); δ2 ; . . . δn ; (qtrgt , θ) Working := ∪e∈Min (N|C| ) {((qtrgt , e), (qtrgt , e))}, Visited := {}; while Working 6= {} do ((q, θ), ρ) =pick a member from Working; Visited ∪ = {((q, θ), ρ)}; if (q, θ) ∈ QInit × ΘInit then return ρ; foreach δ ∈ ∆ do pre = Min (Preδ (Up ((q, θ)))); foreach (q 0 , θ0 ) ∈ pre do if θ00 θ0 for some ((q 0 , θ00 ), ) in Working ∪ Visited then continue; else foreach ((q 0 , θ00 ), ) ∈ Working do if θ0 θ00 then Working = Working \ {((q 0 , θ0 ), )}; foreach ((q 0 , θ00 ), ) ∈ Visited do if θ0 θ00 then Visited = Visited \ {((q 0 , θ0 ), )}; Working ∪ = {((q 0 , θ0 ), (q 0 , θ0 ); δ; ρ)} return not reachable; Algorithm 1: Constrained monotonic abstraction reachable in P . If a P run is returned by the simulation step, then it reaches a configuration where ωtrgt holds. Every iteration of the outer loop terminates given the inner loop terminates. Every iteration of the inner loop terminates. Notice that there is no general guaranty that we establish or refute the safety property. For instance, it may be the case that one of the loops does not terminate (although each one of their iterations does) or that we need to add predicates relating local variables of two different processes (something the predicate abstraction framework we use cannot express). 6 Experimental results We report on experiments with our prototype Pacman(for predicated constrained monotonic abstraction). We have conducted our experiments on an Intel Xeon 2.67GHz processor with 8GB of RAM. To the best of our knowledge, the reported examples which need refinement of monotonic abstraction’s preorder cannot be verified by previous techniques; either because the examples require stronger orderings than the usual preorder, or because they involve counting target predicates that are not expressed in terms of violations of program assertions. All predicate abstraction predicates and counting invariants have been derived automatically. For the counting invariants, we implemented a thread modular analysis operating on the polyhedra numerical domain. This took less than 11 seconds for all the examples we report here. For each example, we report on the Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 17 Table 1. Checking assertion violation with Pacman example max max-bug max-nobar readers-writers readers-writers-bug parent-child parent-child -nobar simp-bar simp-nobar dynamic-barrier dynamic-barrier-bug as-many as-many-bug P 5:2:8 5:2:8 5:2:8 3:3:10 3:3:10 2:3:10 2:3:10 5:2:9 5:2:9 5:2:8 5:2:8 3:2:6 3:2:6 outer loop inner loop results ECM num. preds. num. preds. time(s) output 18:16:104 4 5 6 2 192 correct 18:8:55 3 4 5 2 106 trace 18:4:51 3 3 3 0 24 trace 9:64:121 5 6 5 0 38 correct 9:7:77 3 3 3 0 11 trace 9:16:48 3 4 5 2 73 correct 9:1:16 2 1 2 0 3 trace 8:16:123 3 3 5 2 93 correct 8:7:67 3 2 3 0 13 trace 8:8:44 3 3 3 0 8 correct 8:1:14 2 1 2 0 3 trace 8:4:33 3 2 6 3 62 correct 8:1:9 2 1 2 0 2 trace number of transitions and variables both in P and in the resulting counter machine. We also state the number of refinement steps and predicates automatically obtained in both refinement loops. We made use of several optimizations. For instance, we discarded boolean mappings corresponding to unsatisfiable combinations of predicates, we used automatically generated invariants (such as (wait ≤ count) ∧ (wait ≥ 0) for the max example in Fig.1) to filter the state space. Such heuristics dramatically helps our state space exploration algorithms. We report on experiments checking assertion violations in Tab.1 and deadlock freedom in Tab.2. For both cases we consider correct and buggy (by removing the barriers for instance) programs. Pacman establishes correctness and exhibits faluty runs as expected. The tuples under the P column respectively refer to the number of variables, procedures and transitions in the origirnal program. The tuples under the ECM column refer to the number of counters, states and transitions in the extended counter machine. Table 2. Checking deadlock with Pacman example bar-bug-no.1 bar-bug-no.2 bar-bug-no.3 correct-bar ddlck bar-loop no-ddlck bar-loop P 4:2:7 4:3:8 3:2:6 4:2:7 4:2:10 4:2:9 outer loop inner loop results ECM num. preds. num. preds. time(s) output 7:16:66 4 4 6 2 27 trace 9:16:95 4 3 4 0 33 trace 6:16:78 5 4 6 1 21 trace 7:16:62 4 4 6 2 18 correct 8:8:63 3 2 3 0 16 trace 7:16:78 4 3 4 0 19 correct 18 7 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng Conclusions and Future Work We have presented a technique, predicated constrained monotonic abstraction, for the automated verification of concurrent programs whose correctness depends on synchronization between arbitrary many processes, for example by means of barriers implemented using integer counters and tests. We have introduced a new logic and an iterative method based on combination of predicate, counter and monotonic abstraction. Our prototype implementation gave encouraging results and managed to automatically establish or refute program assertions deadlock freedom. To the best of our knowledge, this is beyond the capabilities of current automatic verification techniques. Our current priority is to improve scalability by leveraging on techniques such as cartesian and lazy abstraction, partial order reduction, or combining forward and backward explorations. We are also aim to generalize to richer variable types. References 1. P. Abdulla, F. Haziza, and L. Holk. All for the price of few. In R. Giacobazzi, J. Berdine, and I. Mastroeni, editors, Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, volume 7737 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 476–495. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 2. P. A. Abdulla, K. Čerāns, B. Jonsson, and Y.-K. Tsay. Algorithmic analysis of programs with well quasi-ordered domains. Information and Computation, 160:109– 127, 2000. 3. P. A. Abdulla, Y.-F. Chen, G. 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A.1 Readers and Writers int readcount := 0 bool lock := tt, writing := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(writer) lcent I lcent : readcount = 0 ∧ lock; spawn(reader); readcount := readcount + 1 lcent I lcent : readcount! = 0; spawn(reader); readcount := readcount + 1 reader : lcent I lcerr : writing lcent I lcext : readcount = 1; readcount := readcount − 1; lock := tt lcent I lcext : readcount! = 1; readcount := readcount − 1 writer : lcent I lc1 I lc2 I lc3 I lc1 lc2 lc3 lcext : : : : lock; lock := ff writing := tt writing := ff lock := tt Fig. 8. The readers and writers example. The readers and writers problem is a classical problem. In this problem there is a resource which is shared between several processes. There are two type of processes, one that only read from the resource reader and one that read and write to it writer. At each time there can either exist several readers or only one writer. readers and writers can not exist at the same time. In Fig.8 a solution to the readers and writers problem with preference to readers is shown. In this approach readers wait until there is no writer in the critical section and then get the lock that protects that section. We simulate a lock with a boolean variable lock. Considering the fact that in our model the transitions are atomic, such simulation is sound. When a writer wants to access the critical section, it first waits for the lock and then gets it (buy setting it to ff). Before starting writing, a writer sets a flag writing that we check later on in a reader process. At the end a writer unsets writing and frees lock. An arbitrary number of reader processes can also be spawned. The number of readers is being kept track of by the variable readcount. When the first reader 20 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng is going to be spawned (i.e. readcount = 0) flag lock must hold. readcount is incremented after spawning each reader. Whenever a reader starts execution, it checks flag writing and goes to error if it is set, because it shows that at the same time a writer is writing to the shared resource. When a reader wants to exit, it decrements the readcount. The last reader frees the lock. In this example we need a counting invariant to capture the relation between number of readers, i.e. readcount and the number of processes in different locations of process reader. A.2 Parent and Child int i := 0 bool allocated := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(parent); i := i + 1 lcent I lcent : join(parent); i := i − 1 parent : lcent I lc1 I lc2 I lc3 I lc1 I lc1 lc2 lc3 lcext lc3 : : : : : allocated := tt spawn(child) join(child) i = 1; allocated := ff tt child : lcent I lcext : allocated lcent I lcerr : ¬allocated Fig. 9. The Parent and Child example. In the example of Fig.9 a sample nested spawn/join is demonstrated. In this example two types of processes exist. One is parent which is spawned by main and the other one is called child which is spawned by parent. The shared variable i is initially 0 and is incremented and decremented respectively when a parent process is spawned and joined. A parent process first sets the shared flag allocated and then either spawns and joins a child process or just moves from lc1 to lc3 without doing anything. The parent that sees i = 1 unsets the flag allocated. A child process goes to error if allocated is not set. This example is error free because one can see that allocated is unset when only one parent exists and that parent has already joined its child or did not spawn any child, i.e. no child exists. Such relation between number of child and parent processes as well as variable i can only be captured by appropriate counting invariants and predicate abstraction is incapable of that. Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes A.3 21 Simple Barrier int wait := 0, count := 0 bool enough := ff, f lag := ∗, barrierOpen := ff main : lcent I lc1 : ¬enough; spawn(proc); count := count + 1 lc1 I lcent : enough := ff lc1 I lcent : enough := tt proc : lcent lc1 lc2 lc3 lc3 lc4 I I I I I I lc1 lc2 lc3 lc4 lc4 lcerr : : : : : : f lag := tt f lag := ff wait := wait + 1 (enough ∧ wait = count); barrierOpen := tt : wait := wait − 1 barrierOpen; wait := wait − 1 f lag Fig. 10. Simple Barrier example. In the example of Fig.10 a simple application of a barrier is shown. main process spawns an arbitrary number of procs and increments a shared variable count that is initially zero and counts the number of procs in the program before shared flag enough is set. Each proc first sets and then unsets shared flag f lag. The statements in lc2 to lc4 simulate a barrier. Each proc first increments a shared variable wait which is initially zero. Then the first proc that finds out that the condition (enough∧wait = count) holds, sets a shared flag barrierOpen and goes to lc4 . Other procs that want to traverse the barrier can the transition lc3 I lc4 : barrierOpen. After the barrier a proc goes to error if f lag is unset.One can see that the error state is not reachable in this program because all procs have to unset f lag before any of them can traverse the barrier. To prove that this example is error free, it must be shown that the barrier implementation does not let any process be in locations lcent , lc1 or lc2 where there are processes after barrier, i.e. in locations lc4 and lcerr . Proving such property requires the relation between number of processes in program locations and variables wait and count be kept. This is possible when we use counting invariants as introduced in this paper. A.4 Dynamic Barrier In a dynamic barrier the number of processes that have to wait at a barrier can change. The way we implemented barriers in this paper makes it easy to capture characteristics of such barriers. In the example of Fig.11 the variables 22 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng int N := ∗, wait := ∗, count := ∗, i := 0 bool done := ff main : lcent lc1 lc2 lc3 lc3 I I I I I lc1 lc1 lc3 lc3 lc4 : : : : : count, wait := N, 0 i! = N, spawn(proc); i := i + 1 i = N ∧ wait = count join(proc); i := i − 1 i = 0; done := tt proc : lcent I lcext : count := count − 1 lcent I lcerr : done Fig. 11. dynamic barrier corresponding to barrier i.e. count and wait are respectively set to N and 0 in the main’s first statement. Then procs are spawned as long as the counter i is not equal to N which denotes the total number of procs in the system. Each created proc decrements count and by doing so it decrements the number of processes that have to wait at the barrier. In this example the barrier is in lc2 of main and can be traversed as usual when wait = count holds and no more proc is going to be spawned, i.e. i = N . Then main can non-deterministically join a proc or set flag done if no more proc exists. A.5 As Many int count1 := 0, count2 := 0 bool enough := ff main : lcent I lc1 : spawn(proc1); count1 := count1 + 1 lc1 I lcent : spawn(proc2); count2 := count2 + 1 lcent I lc2 : enough := tt proc1 : lcent I lc1 : enough lc1 I lcerr : count1 6= count2 proc2 : lcent I lc1 : enough Fig. 12. As Many Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 23 In the example of Fig.12 process main spawns as many processes proc1 as proc2 and it increments their corresponding counters count1 and count2 accordingly. At some point main sets flag enough and does not spawn any other processes. Processes in proc1 and proc2 start execution after enough is set. A process in proc1 goes to error location if count1 6= count2. One can see that error is not reachable because the numbers of processes in the two groups are the same and respective counter variables are initially zero and are incremented with each spawn to represent the number of processes. To verify this example obviously the relation between count1, count2 and number of processes in different locations of proc1 and proc2 must be captured. A.6 Barriers causing deadlock int wait := 0, count := 0, open := 0 bool proceed := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(proc); count := count + 1 lcent I lc1 : proceed := tt proc : lcent lc1 lc1 lc2 lc2 I I I I I lc1 lc2 lc2 lc3 lcerr : : : : : wait := wait + 1 proceed ∧ wait = count; open := open + 1 proceed ∧ wait 6= count open > 0; open := open − 1 open = 0 ∧ (proc@lcent )# = 0 ∧ (proc@lc1 )# = 0 Fig. 13. Buggy Barrier No.1 In Fig.13 a buggy implementation of barrier is demonstrated. This example is based on an example in [6]. The barrier implementation in the book is based on semaphores and in our example the shared variable open which is initialized to zero plays the role of a semaphore. A buggy barrier is implemented in program locations lcent to lc3 . First process main spawns a number of process proc, increments the shared variable count which is supposed to count the number of procs and at the end sets flag proceed. A proc increments shared variable wait which is aimed to count the number of procs accumulated at the barrier. procs must wait for the flag proceed to be set before they can proceed to lc2 . Each proc that finds out that condition proceed ∧ wait = count holds increments open. This lets another process which is waiting at lc2 to take the transition lc2 I lc3 , i.e. traverse the barrier. A deadlock situation is possible to happen in this implementation and that is when one or more processes are waiting for the condition open > 0 to hold, but there is no process left at lcent or lc1 of process which may eventually increment open. In this case a process goes to error state. 24 Zeinab Ganjei, Ahmed Rezine, Petru Eles, and Zebo Peng int wait := 0, count := 0 bool proceed := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(proc1); count := count + 1 lcent I lcent : spawn(proc2) lcent I lcext : proceed := tt proc1 : lcent lc1 lc1 proc2 : lcent I lc1 : wait := wait + 1 I lc2 : proceed ∧ wait = count I lcerr : proceed ∧ wait 6= count ∧ (proc1@lcent )# = 0 I lc1 : wait > 0; wait := wait − 1 Fig. 14. Buggy Barrier No.2 In Fig.14 another buggy implementation of a barrier is demonstrated which makes deadlock possible. Process main non-deterministically either spawns a proc1 and increments count or spawns a proc2 or sets flag proceed. proc1 contains a barrier. Each process in proc1 increments wait and then waits at lc1 for the barrier condition to hold. A proc2 decrements wait if wait > 0. A deadlock happens when at least a proc2 decrements wait which causes the condition in lc1 I lc2 of proc1 to never hold. We check a deadlock situation in lc1 I lcerr of proc1 which is equivalent to the situation where proceed ∧ wait 6= count does not hold but there exists no process in lcent of proc1 that can increment wait. int wait := 0, count := 0 bool proceed := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(proc); count := count + 1 lcent I lc1 : proceed := tt proc : lcent lcent lc1 lc1 I I I I lc1 lc1 lc2 lcerr : : : : wait := wait + 1 wait > 0; wait := wait − 1 proceed ∧ wait = count proceed ∧ wait 6= count ∧ (proc@lcent )# = 0 Fig. 15. Buggy Barrier No.3 The buggy implementation of a barrier in Fig.15 is similar to Fig.14, just that this time the proc itself may decrement the wait and thus make the barrier Abstracting and Counting Synchronizing Processes 25 condition proceed ∧ wait = count never hold. A deadlock situation is detected similar to the Fig.14. int wait := 0, count := 0, open := 0 bool proceed := ff main : lcent I lcent : spawn(proc); count := count + 1 lcent I lc1 : proceed := tt proc : lcent lc1 lc1 lc2 lc3 lc4 lc4 lc4 I I I I I I I I lc1 lc2 lc2 lc3 lc4 lcerr lcent lcent : : : : : : : : wait := wait + 1 proceed ∧ wait = count; open := open + 1 proceed ∧ wait 6= count open >= 1 wait := wait − 1; wait = 0 ∧ open = 0 wait = 0 ∧ open >= 1; open := open − 1 wait 6= 0 Fig. 16. Buggy Barrier in Loop The example in Fig.16 is based on an example in [6]. It demonstrates a buggy implementation of a reusable barrier. Reusable barriers are needed when a barrier is inside a loop. In Fig.16 the loop is formed by backward edges from lc3 to lcent . Process main spawns proc and increments count accordingly. Program locations lcent to lc3 in proc correspond the barrier implementation and are similar to example in Fig.13 and the other transitions make the barrier ready to be reused in the next loop iteration. The example is buggy first because deadlock is possible and second because a processes can continue to next loop iteration while others are still in previous iterations. Deadlock will happen when processes are not able to proceed from lc4 because wait = 0 but open = 0, thus they can never take any of the lc4 I lcent edges. For detecting such a deadlock scenario it is essential to capture the relation between shared variables count and wait with number of procs in different locations.