KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOURS FY 2010 DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Ag. Economics Agronomy Animal Science Communications Entomology Parks & Recreation General Agriculture Horticulture Grain Science Plant Pathology Total LD UD 1,856 620 2,142 26 GR 1 GR 2 TOTAL 1,233 384 1,097 76 217 2,150 416 4,608 2,347 10,297 1,004 572 1,306 242 169 286 443 698 489 1,336 1,121 169 500 91 325 2,294 2,435 8,397 329 23,162 98 3,821 198 1,754 625 37,134 43 43 13,108 3,311 1,654 3,530 43 21,646 242 47 7,866 3,637 13,979 1,106 1,031 3,456 705 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE Environmental Design Architecture Interior Architecture Regional & Community Landscape Architecture Total COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Dean A & S Aero Space Studies Mens Athletics Womens Athletics American Ethnic Studies Art Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication Studies Economics English Geography Geology History Kinesiology Mathematics Military Science 1,892 550 324 242 8,436 1,987 666 2,390 2,780 774 664 898 3,008 13,479 5,116 17,407 205 38 36 951 5,922 1,470 7,564 12,314 5,945 12,387 14,853 9,457 11,396 6,480 2,042 20,601 333 455 291 144 156 3,316 1,800 9,281 3,845 4,991 5,871 8,451 3,930 672 3,498 4,998 2,612 384 312 389 606 210 283 597 835 614 223 392 382 359 271 351 964 359 245 644 579 18,006 496 38 36 1,107 9,550 3,930 17,802 17,333 11,219 19,214 24,139 14,246 12,291 11,014 7,422 24,151 717 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOURS FY 2010 DEPARTMENT Modern Language Music Philosophy Dance Leisure Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology Anthropology Social Work Speech Linguistics Speech Path & Audio Theater Statistics Computer Science Mass Communication Radio & Television Women's Studies Total COLLEGE OF BUSINESS General Business Accounting Finance Management Marketing Total COLLEGE OF EDUCATION General Education Ed. Administration Counselor & Psych. Ed. Special Education Adult & Continuing Curric., Instr., & Pol Elementary Education Secondary Education Total LD UD GR 1 11,385 5,896 4,431 380 3,480 2,757 955 733 560 531 12,960 1,485 7,939 5,484 4,702 801 446 6,106 5,268 8,103 922 1,735 257 1,185 771 326 36 819 561 974 10,117 361 2,845 4,628 3,962 184 2,397 193,269 708 100,817 107 12,509 21 7,848 18 4,200 5,684 16,980 8,934 35,816 222 816 312 730 249 2,329 90 7,959 12 399 2,412 344 1,264 1,833 938 998 1,205 5,026 7,651 5,230 17,260 GR 2 TOTAL 15,425 9,184 5,386 1,113 718 152 442 403 204 14,381 8,928 14,420 14,316 5,660 2,536 2,154 13,727 8,774 5,332 3,212 311,927 261 12,864 5,996 17,710 9,273 46,104 499 4,495 1,339 1,708 5,438 319 419 14 232 716 57 13,536 1,700 356 2,481 9,159 2,291 1,940 6,154 8,649 6,492 37,522 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOURS FY 2010 DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING General Engineering Ag. Engineering Ag. Mechanization Arch. Engineering Construction Science Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Computer Science Total COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY Honors H.E. Apparel and Textiles Interior Design Family & Child Devel. Foods & Nutrition General Home Economics Diet./Rest./Inst. Total LD UD 865 85 250 113 908 75 795 1,029 988 1,082 51 6,078 12,319 388 599 544 2,230 5,261 1,858 4,741 4,052 2,144 5,647 720 2,095 30,279 26 723 652 5,885 3,076 1,095 2,484 1,196 12,825 4,827 950 3,996 27,373 1,150 11,512 COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Dean's Office Pathology Anatomy & Physiology Clinical Sciences Total GR 1 44 44 GR 2 TOTAL 170 138 612 126 193 1,113 842 602 618 72 1,352 5,700 195 53 123 101 195 123 202 1,130 144 369 54 3,624 297 519 188 152 4,640 145 893 5,157 4,381 9,779 19,317 324 107 41 431 1,253 992 794 2,955 6,295 2,321 6,702 6,046 3,835 7,542 966 9,727 49,428 1,265 3,617 1,902 22,853 8,388 950 5,443 44,418 5,481 4,488 9,823 19,792 SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES Educational Leadership MAIN CAMPUS/VET MED TOTAL 1,777 1,326 243,267 249,556 3,103 66,968 11,283 571,074 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOURS FY 2010 DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY & AVIATION Aviation Maintenance Prof Pilot Training Aerospace Studies Horticulture, Forestry & Recreation Business College of Technology Art/Humanities Biology Chemistry Economics English Family Studies and Human Services Geography Geology History Journalism Kinesiology Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology Spanish Speech Statistics Dean of Education Chem Engineering Tech Civil Engineering Tech Computer Engineering Tech Computer Programming Computer Systems Analysis LD UD GR 1 GR 2 TOTAL 634 1,169 9 446 1,609 57 1,080 2,778 66 585 1,062 1,647 105 272 107 795 963 126 31 420 357 136 272 107 795 1,383 483 51 232 51 232 2,438 114 340 147 36 522 198 59 361 120 291 11 376 82 2,438 261 340 36 522 198 59 481 291 469 84 94 178 780 816 159 282 939 1,098 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CREDIT HOURS FY 2010 DEPARTMENT Construction Science Electronic Engineering Tech Environmental Engineering Tech Industrial Engineering Tech Mechanical Engineering Tech Total OVERALL TOTAL LD UD GR 1 GR 2 TOTAL 162 145 307 439 11,321 261 5,568 376 82 700 17,347 254,588 255,124 67,344 11,365 588,421