KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, September 3, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Student Senate Speaker Pro Tem Long called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. ROLL CALL Present Senator Aeschliman X Senator Collingwood X Senator Funk Absent X Senator Hurtig X Senator Oaks X Senator Stroth X Senator Vosahlik X Speaker Nuss X Speaker Pro Tempore Long X GENERAL BUSINESS Reviewed Student Affairs’ purpose and mission. - Gathering student opinion. - Educating students through inTouch presentations. Reviewed last year’s achievements. - Advocated plebiscite vote regarding on-campus smoking. - Gave inTouch presentations to several different student relations groups. - Received, evaluated, and responded to student feedback. Brainstormed ideas for the upcoming year. - Speaker Pro Tem Long encouraged the continued use of inTouch presentations to educate and interact with students. - Senator Oaks advocated using flyers to gauge student feedback. - Senator Vosahlik pushed for the committee to target students that are not involved in registered student organizations in addition to those that are involved. - Senator Aeschliman called for data and introduced the idea of surveying students outside of the Library/Bosco Plaza. - Senator Long reviewed Student Affairs’ goal of taking on a part of KState 2025. She also proposed the idea of having the committee work with Communications to write commendations. - Senator Collingwood brainstormed ideas on how to make student affairs available to everyone and how to reach those that are uninvolved. ADJOURNMENT - Senator Hurtig moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Oaks seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, September 17th , 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Student Senate Speaker Pro Tem Long called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. ROLL CALL Present Absent Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At-Large Rep. Herrmann At-Large Rep. Boline X X X X X X X X X X Excused X GENERAL BUSINESS Senator Hurtig was elected as our vice chair. Speaker Pro Tem Long recapped Speaker Nuss’s goal of the committee is to work hand and hand with the Communications Committee throughout the year. Chair Platt, joining our meeting as a guest on behalf of the Communications Committee, spoke on reaching out to students and informing them about SGA as a whole. One goal is to reach out to multicultural students and inform the student body to know that our general meetings are open to the public. REVIEWED SGA G-MAIL ACCOUNT STRUCTURE: Brainstormed ideas are as follows: ‐ Chalking and poster placement across campus to promote use of email ‐ Change g-mail account to be in @ksu.edu format ‐ Provide disclaimer on all emails, ensuring confidentiality ‐ Promote in K-State 2014-2015 Student Planners ‐ Promote at O&E and Wildcat Warm-Up ‐ Reach out to K-State First programs, University Experience, and MAPS Survey program ‐ Host Town Hall Meetings in the future year Speaker Pro Tem Long suggested to make changing the email to be in @ksu.edu format the main priority BRAINSTORMED IDEAS ABOUT THE INTOUCH PRESENTATION: ‐ Have questions about SGA on the presentations for student to answer ‐ Show success stories of how allocated monies have been used student groups in the past ‐ Display demographics of SGA as a whole ‐ Present data on how the money is spent each year NEXT MEETING Tuesday, September 24th 2013 7:00pm in the OSAS Conference room ADJOURNMENT ‐ At- Large Rep. Herman moved to adjourn the meeting. Director Hughes seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, September 24th , 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Student Senate Speaker Pro Tem Long called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 GENERAL BUSINESS Speaker Nuss joined us for our meeting. Speaker Nuss reviewed last year’s smoking ban request from a student. Information is as follows: Due to a plebiscite vote, most students were in favor of a ban (~1500 votes) Took a resolution to last year’s senate body that we are in support of a ban except within in designated areas Current Exec proposed that it be brought to Student Affairs Committee Looking for an action plan of how this to be enforced o Take to Faculty and Classified Senate o If passed, then taken to President Schultz Current policy is not well enforced For context purposes, Speaker Nuss noted that Pittsburg State University has just recently banned all smoking o Most large universities are moving toward smoking bans Director Hughes, Senator Vosahlik, and Senator Hurtig agreed that it would be more beneficial to ban smoking at high traffic areas such as outside Hale and on Bosco Plaza Committee resolved to move forward with an action plan Suggested that we have conversations with Campus police, building managers, international student groups, Union Governing Board Senator Collingwood suggested the action plan should be more focused on education rather than banning itself Next meeting, we plan to have an officer and building manager to discuss the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is our current policy? How is it enforced? What is the consequence for breaking the policy? If a student is ticketed, where does the money go? Is it plausible to manage? What does your day-to-day work look like? INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS: Senator Collingwood suggested that we center more time to InTouch rather than smoking ban issue for the time being Director Hughes will head up the InTouch Programs this year o Wants InTouch to be fun and interactive NEXT MEETING Tuesday, October 1st 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Intern Korp moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Collingwood seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Student Affairs Director Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present Absent X Excused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 GENERAL BUSINESS Next week, we will be having a building manager and police officer join us at the meeting in regards to banning smoking on campus Director Hughes said we have a new email: studentaffairs@ksu.edu INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS: Director Hughes asked for suggestions how to reach out o Provide information on how to get funding as a student org o Provide correct contact information for each entity of SGA (STAFF, CAC, Allocations) o Ask the “Why” question (i.e. Why is senate important to you?) o Sen. Collingwood - open up the presentation for all senators to be able to present o Reach out to our individual student groups that we are involved in first in regards to presenting. Email each group ahead of time and see if there are any concerns that the particular group may have o Reach out to Engineering Assemblies to present Reach out to GENBA 100 – freshman business class o Do research on each group to see if they have asked for funding in the past o Report back to Senate about each InTouch Presentation o Pose questions to groups (i.e. How does privilege fee allocate funds to univ. entities?) o Ask if there are any events that group wants us to promote Goal: Make students COMFORTABLE! PREZI DETAILS Senator Hughes suggested we focused on the legislative branch only. The following information was proposed as updates to the prezi: Explain what SGA is and who their specific college senators are Provide date and time of senate meetings Explain the break-up of committees and duties Provide contact information Promote voting in student elections We will be editing the prezi next week. BRAINSTORM STUDENT GROUPS Senator Vosahlik suggested we reach out to college groups or college councils Senator Hurtig suggested Ambassador organizations of all the colleges Senator Funk suggested reaching out to University Experience Programs - Senator Stroth added Freshman Convocation - Intern Steiner added O & E Senator Collingwood suggested reaching out to Resident Assistants in the Res. Halls Director Hughes asked for us to look over prezi and think of organizations to present to NEXT MEETING Tuesday, October 8th 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Senator Oaks moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Collingwood seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 GENERAL BUSINESS Director Hughes gave an overview of what the InTouch Prezi will look like for the year o Will Include: What is SGA? How is it relevant to you as student? College? Club? How to get invovled INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS: We separated into smaller groups during the meeting and developed the Prezi The following Prezi’s were developed: Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Business Apparently, Senator Collingwood has a sincere appreciation for color palettes After experimenting with Roy G Biv and coding, we have an official template for the Prezi ANNOUCEMENTS Speaker Pro Tempore Long will create the Ag, Human Ecology, Education, Architecture We will present to SGA a mock InTouch presentation on October 17th Speaker Pro Tempore Long will email out all the specific colleges their allocations for presentations NEXT MEETING Tuesday, October 8th 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Senator Aeschliman moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Funk seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X X X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Landon Lecture, Next Thursday with 7 Secretaries of Agriculture presenting Communications Committee is doing a Social Media Bomb tomorrow o Communications Committee will be sending out an email with more information GENERAL BUSINESS INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS: Speaker Pro Tem Long and Director Hughes presented a script for presentations Senator Hurtig and Senator Aeschliman will give a mock InTouch Presentation for all of Senate on Thursday, October 17th We offered up ideas of which organizations would benefit from hearing an InTouch presentation UPDATE ON SMOKING POLICY Speaker Pro Temp Long said that she, Vice President Unruh, and Speaker Nuss spoke to two individuals from Faculty Senate and Classified Senate Next step will be to create a proposal of where we want designated smoking areas presented to those two governing bodies Speaker Pro Tem Long asked that we reach out to friends/senators and ask their opinion on the smoking policy NEXT MEETING Tuesday, October 22nd 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Senator Collingwood moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Stroth seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X X X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Great job to Senator Aeschliman and Senator Hurtig on their presentation last Senate meeting Intern Steiner has a Democracy project with her LEAD 212 class where they need to make a difference so they are going to help with InTouch presentations We will not have a meeting next week due to Speaker Pro Temp Long being out of town We intend to send a card to Kelly Welch to send our sympathies for her loss INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS: Will be updating InTouch presentation after first initial presentation Set the goal for reaching 25 student groups (~400 students) during the year o “If your dreams don’t scare you, then they aren’t big enough” Intern Steiner will manage the Google doc o We intend to have 3 senators sign up for each presentation UPDATE ON SMOKING POLICY Suggestions of the areas around Union and Hale have Non-Smoking areas and areas specifically for smoking We have decided to make it a goal for each of our committee members to talk to 5 people about what their preferences on smoking are in regards to where they can do it on campus, if they are comfortable with smoking on campus, and any other related questions NEXT MEETING Tuesday, November 5th 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Senator Aeschliman moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Stroth seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS Sent out 15 emails to student groups and 3 have responded saying they would like to have InTouch come and present View the following googledoc for opportunities to sign up to give InTouch presentations o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoj11Zm5Vm6ydGJoeFdmV GF1cEVTSW9jaVJOWkRrTFE&usp=sharing#gid=0 UPDATE ON SMOKING POLICY We will be polling Senate this next week during Committee reports in regards to moving forward regarding the proposal we will be forwarding to Faculty and Classified Senate NEXT MEETING Tuesday, November 12th 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT ‐ Intern Kutney moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Hurtig seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call Senator Aeschliman Senator Collingwood Senator Funk Senator H. Hurtig Senator Oaks Senator Stroth Senator Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Long Student Affairs Director Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS International Buddies is asking for a presentation at 6:30 on November 14th o We plan to reach out to them after this week due to Pizza and Politics being this week Speaker PT Long asked for volunteers to give InTouch presentation to Students for Environmental Action at 7pm at LSB Intern Korp and Senator Funk will give presentation Speaker PT says to dress respectfully when you give these presentations o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoj11Zm5Vm6ydGJoeFdmV GF1cEVTSW9jaVJOWkRrTFE&usp=sharing#gid=0 UPDATE ON SMOKING POLICY Senate Consensus o After Senate meeting, general consensus of body is to increase education on smoking policy o Most recommended to have designated smoking areas, working towards a smoke free campus It was presented that we will implement a trial run with implementing the policy by putting up signs and move ash trays so they achere to the “30 foot” rule We will measure it by taking notes as to where people are throughout the day Senator Aeschliman proposed we do a “current sampling” and take note of how many people are obeying the policy at designated times during the day at certain areas Senator Aeschliman will bring a schedule of when we need to collect data on the following days o We will collect data from Union, Hale ramp, and lower Hale Friday, Monday, and Tuesday will be our days to collect data We will be coming back together as a committee to discuss initial observations ANNOUCEMENTS Senator Stroth posed to participate in Adopt a Child. We decided to go forward with the idea. We will bring our donations on Thursdays. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, November 19th 2013 7:00pm in the Union 208 ADJOURNMENT - Intern Stroth moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Funk seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call Senator Ryan Aeschliman Senator Ellen Collingwood Senator Meredith Funk Senator Heidi Hurtig Senator Joe Oaks Senator Zach Stroth Senator Jan Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Kaitlin Long Studt. Affairs Director Steph Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Steiner Present X X X X X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 We all talked about where we are going for Thanksgiving. Speaker Pro Tempore outshined us all and will be going to Las Vegas. INTOUCH PRESENTATIONS College of Ed Senators presented this evening to College of Ed College Council 4:30 on 11/21 Thursday – Long and Funk will be presenting to the Associated General Contractors Flow-chart for allocations will be added to the Prezi/uploaded to the allocation application o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoj11Zm5Vm6ydGJoeFdmV GF1cEVTSW9jaVJOWkRrTFE&usp=sharing#gid=0 UPDATE ON SMOKING POLICY After collecting data, we have decided to move this project to exec so they will create a resolution to be brought to the Senate floor. Resolution will be reviewed by STAFF committee before it goes before Senate. If passed, it will be presented to Classified Senate and Faculty Senate. GENERAL BUSINESS To reach out to BSU, one STAFF meeting will coincide with a BSU meeting. Suggestion of having the Director of Multicultural affairs to attend one STAFF meeting a semester We intend to reach out to International Students, particularly Chinese students at the beginning of next semester to spark interest to be involved in SGA o We will tag team with Communications Committee during SGA Hears You Week to create engagement of International Students Looking to begin a social media campaign where students can present “petitions” that they would like brought forth to Student Affairs Committee. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, January 28th, in Union 208 with Communications Committee. ADJOURNMENT ‐ Intern Aeschliman moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Stroth seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, February 11th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call Senator Ryan Aeschliman Senator Ellen Collingwood Senator Meredith Funk Senator Heidi Hurtig Senator Joe Oaks Senator Zach Stroth Senator Jan Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Kaitlin Long Studt. Affairs Director Steph Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korp Intern Gilliland Present X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 We welcomed Intern Gilliland, along with At-Large Rep. Boline joined us after having not been able to last semester. We introduced ourselves again and said what was most exciting in the last two weeks. GENERAL BUSINESS SPT Long opened up the meeting with sharing out all our ideas we had emailed for her about ways to improve STAFF. Ideas were as follows: o Awareness with unreached groups o Teaching/Learning experience o Helping SBP and SBVP meet their platform goals o Help Comm with social media outreach Senator Stroth addressed concern about teachers who are not being engaging for classes and wanting to improve that. He wants to reach out to really good teachers on campus to hold professional hours to teach teachers what good teaching styles look like. He wants to reach out to the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) to collaborate on this. o We recognize that we would need to have the approval by the Deans of the College in order to gain participation We will develop this more through the upcoming weeks Senator Stroth will be the “driver” of this program BRAINSTORMING/ Next Meeting After discussing what direction we want STAFF to take, we will be creating a needs assessment for what we want our direction to be for the rest of the semester. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, February 18th, in OSAS Conference Room. ADJOURNMENT ‐ Intern Aeschliman moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Stroth seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Tuesday, February 18th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call Senator Ryan Aeschliman Senator Ellen Collingwood Senator Meredith Funk Senator Heidi Hurtig Senator Joe Oaks Senator Zach Stroth Senator Jan Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Kaitlin Long Studt. Affairs Director Steph Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korb Intern Gilliland Present X Absent Excused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 7 Many voting members were absent due to prior commitments, particularly involving the Proud campaign. GENERAL BUSINESS SPT Long suggested that we make a timeline for next SPT voted in next term to start the year off right o You will find the timeline below https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kf5iv__dE8AAhan1Mdr4VC3VFNnGSif_W xQPJmIxeg4/edit We will be having senators over the course of the rest of the semester stand up and give us a brief preview of where their college is heading in the next year. The following Senators have been notified to be POC for their college and to give a presentation on the following days: February 27th Human Ecology-Zack Stroth /Engineering - Ryan Aeschliman March 6th - Graduate School – Jan Voshalik /Education – Cody Kennedy March 13th – CBA - Drew Unruh/Architecture - Andy Hurtig March 27th - A&S - Meredith Funk/Agriculture – Ben Brown NEXT MEETING Tuesday, March 4th, in OSAS Conference Room. We will not have a meeting next week due to a full week of events for the members of our committee. ADJOURNMENT ‐ Intern Gilliland moved to adjourn the meeting. Senator Aeschliman seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38pm. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Office of Student Activities and Services Conference Room Thursday, March 11th, 2013 7:00pm CALL TO ORDER Speaker Pro Tempore Long called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call Senator Ryan Aeschliman Senator Ellen Collingwood Senator Meredith Funk Senator Heidi Hurtig Senator Joe Oaks Senator Zach Stroth Senator Jan Vosahlik Speaker Pro Tempore Kaitlin Long Studt. Affairs Director Steph Hughes At- Large Rep. Herrman At-Large Rep. Boline Intern Kutney Intern Frankel Intern Korb Intern Gilliland Present X X X X X X X X Absent Excused X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 GENERAL BUSINESS We brainstormed ideas to put on a survey that we will be sending out at the end of our term to understand what Senators would like to get out of their term as Senators Speaker Pro Tempore Long will be editing to get it ready to send out We will be emailing out the survey over the listserv and have senators take it on the 27th o Paper form will be available to those without electronic means to take survey IDEAS FOR NEXT YEAR Kick STAFF into gear from the beginning (research, membership development) High expectations InTouch could wait until second semester to pair with elections, do very targeted presentations Give presentations to residence halls next Fall before intern apps are due to spurn interest and applicants Reach out to underrepresented and diversity groups on campus to hear their concerns NEXT MEETING Tuesday, March 25th, at Bi Bim Bap Korean Restaurant!! ADJOURNMENT ‐ Senator Hurtig moved to adjourn the meeting. Intern Frankel seconded this motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 pm.