STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 9, 2013 8:00 P.M. Call to Order by Chair Walden at 8:00 pm. Roll Call Name Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Dylan Hunter Prakarsh Tiwari Eric Haun Matt Brill Present x x x Excused Unexcused x x x Guests: Senator Michael Murray, Speaker Kyle Nuss General Business Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves with their name, major, and life ambition. o Senator Faflick’s ambition cannot go into writing, because it will ruin her chances of being chosen one day. Ask her for more details in a safe location if you are interested. Overview of how GR works o Local Relations Director Matt Brill City-University Funds Mass Transit Renters Bill of Rights o State Relations Director Liaison to Board of Regents Associated Students of Kansas o City-University Funds Overview Legislation passed by Senate deciding where to allocate tax revenue generated on Kansas goes. Generally it is used for projects that impact the Manhattan and K-State communities. Elect a vice chair o Post-poned Adjournment Hope Faflick moved to adjourn at 8:30 Respectfully submitted Chair Megan Walden Government Relations Committee Meeting OSAS Meeting Room September 23, 2013 8:30 P.M. Call to Order by Chair Walden at 8:30 pm. Roll Call Name Megan Walden Hope Faflick Dylan Hunter Mohamed Ishmail Emily Phelon Sannya Sungkatavat Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Caitlyn Webb Erin Woods Morgan Wiltse Jessica Vanranken Hallie Roger Brodie Herman Eric Zeak Present X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Excused Guests: Senator Michael Murray, Speaker Kyle Nuss General Business 1. Emily nominated Dylan Hunter as Vice chair 2. Introductions & Roll call a. Spirit Animal 3. City University Funds Legislation a. Past Resolutions 4. Time Line Overview 5. Intro of Directors Eric Haun & Matt Brill 6. Second semester overview Unexcused 7. Adjournment Hope Faflick moved to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Dylan Hunter seconded it Respectfully submitted Vice Chair Dylan Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room September 30, 2013 8:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:28 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Mohamed Ishmail Emily Phelon Sannya Sungkatavat Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Vice President Unruh 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Senator Faflick handed out breast cancer awareness ribbons, T-shirts on sale at the Union Monday- Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for 15 dollars. 2. Daily Fun Fact I. Megan has walked into an insect zoo and forgot to pay. 2. Digits 1. We collected new people’s numbers for a group me. 3. Director’s Announcements 1. Director Haun I. Invite went out for potential speaker for Pizza & Politics 4. City University Projects Funds 1. Discussed last years summer requests 2. Waiting for some more information to come in about a couple potential projects. 3. Brain storming idea’s for funds 5. Updates 1. There is awesome Japanese background music during our meetings. ADJOURN Senator Faflick moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:30. Senators Hunter seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room October 7, 2013 8:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:28 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Mohamed Ishmail Emily Phelon Sannya Sungkatavat Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Mallory Patten 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Talk about debate. 2. C/Y2015 C/U Project Fund Pro’s and Con’s (3-9) 3. 17th & Anderson & Bluemont & Manhattan 1. $107,000 3rd year, final year, (3 even amounts) 2. Pro’s I. Finish it out. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. Con’s I. None Forum Hall Lighting 1. 120,000 2nd year, increasing in ask. 2. Pro’s I. None 3. Cons I. Not enough information because we do not know were the money would be going. II. Included in the union renovation? III. Vague and expensive. IV. City support. V. No plan. McCain 1. 225,000 2nd, final year, 1st year- $224,600 2. Pro’s I. Better equipment. II. Better Bathrooms. III. City use (70%) IV. Fits Criteria. V. Alumni Support. VI. More money to acts & infrastructure to support. 3. Con’s I. City support. Kimball Sidewalk 1. $80,000 2nd year (3yr) 1st year -80,000 3rd year- 80,000, partially funded by near building. 2. Pro’s I. Make it Safer. II. Benefit for the younger alumni who will eventually be donating money. III. Benefit for Game days. IV. Benefit Runners. V. Benefit for “In shape” moms who want to pushing their children…. Said by Megan… 3. Con’s I. None Campus Light/Bike Path 1. $75,000 1st yr (3yr) 2nd year- $125,000 3rd year- 200,000 2. Pro’s I. Safety. II. Promotes the bike community and cut down on parking problem. 3. Con’s I. Does not include the city very much, so makes it more risky. II. No Plan. 8. Other 1. Blue Emergency Poles I. Gather more information on it. 2. Jarvis dr. Sidewalk. 3. Sidewalk improvement at Denison across from the garden Elan to Jardine. 9. Director’s Announcements 1. Matt Brill I. Meet with Eli on possible projects. 2. Megan Walden I. November 14th in the Alumni center at 5:30 for Pizza and Politics. II. October 16th SGA Media day, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet then Facebook! III. October 17th at Senate President Kirk Schulz will be at first open period giving a university update, so come pre paired with questions you want to ask. IV. Landon Lecture from 7 – 9 p.m October 21st 10. Updates 1. Daily Fun Fact I. A group of Kangaroo’s is called a Mob ADJOURN Senator Phelon moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:30. Senator Faflick seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room October 14, 2013 8:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:30 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Van Ranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rogers Brodie Herman Eric Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Mallory Patten, Director K-State Student Union Bill Smriga 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. No GR meeting 21OCT13 2. Landon Lecture 7pm in McCain Auditorium 3. Want Arts and Science swag? Contact Hope Faflick! $13 by Senate on Thursday 4. Smriga tells committee about his latest read, Blink. 2. DIRECTOR’ ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. None 3. DISCUSSION 1. City/University Project Funds a) Bill Smriga a. History of C/U b. CY 2014 $50,000 Forum Hall lighting approved c. Provided sales tax numbers from Union d. Past three years $405,072.34 taxes to Manhattan e. Past three years $2,781,827.73 taxes to State, County, & Manhattan f. 2nd largest, after Athletics, source of sales tax on campus g. CY 2015 $120,000 & CY 2016 $280,000 h. “Strongly recommended that the 2013-2014 officer team advocate for the full $120,000 to be allocated to the K-State Student Union.” Nate Spriggs i. Funds for $120,000 go towards interactive touch screens used to navigate Union and campus and to reserve meeting rooms j. Help union become more up to date in IT k. University has a contract with Four Winds to update software, so the cost of updating is covered already b) KSU Union Forum Hall Lighting Improvements a. Not for forum hall, for updated IT interactive services b. Welcome center as an information center, is the interactive information center in the Union necessary? c. The Union information center would be for the Union and the University d. Welcome center not set in stone to have interactive displays because structural concerns have not yet been addressed e. Welcome center aimed at visitors and prospective students, but the Union technology would be aimed at current students f. Benefits the University, but how does it benefit the community? g. Positive- Union provides large chunk of C/U funds through there sales taxes h. Would it benefit current students? Navigation, maybe not, but it could include more than just “maps” i. Could we include navigation to the City? j. A lot of money for something that could be printed on a new sheet of paper k. Students are moving to a paperless, technology centered world l. Updating to be more on the level of our peer institutions, finding ways to set us apart m. Technology- accessibility for new and current students to find where they are or know what is going on n. “We need to keep up on technology as we evolve as a University” Intern Webb c) Campus Lighting/Bicycle Path Improvements a. We will discuss more at out next meeting b. Campus is well lit c. Dark areas are off campus and expensive to fund d. Intern Van Ranken made a map of the blue lights, 50 lights e. Idea- approach campus police or Student Life of a map of Blue lights, possible resolution in the future f. Make blue lights more visible g. Intern Woods presented the sexual offences in Manhattan area 2012 h. 6 forcible sex offences, 5 aggravated assault, 11 total (Called the RCPD and Manhattan Women’s Center) d) Need to find out what City projects are possible proposals for CY 2015 e) Intern Van Ranken is the Just saying. ADJOURN: Inter Gilliland moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:30. Intern Webb seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Chair Walden Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room October 28, 2013 8:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8: 30 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: President Schooley, Vice President Unruh 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. November 14, 2013 Pizza & Politics 2. DIRECTOR ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Chair Walden I. We need to make a decision within the next two-committee meetings. 3. DISCUSSION 1. City/University Projects Funds I. Union-Tech. II. III. IV. V. VI. 1. Pro- a lot of tax revenue is generated from the union so to be able to put the money back into the union for the benefit of both citizens and students. 2. Con- the touch screens not being used a lot. 3. Pro- the union needs a technology update. McCain 1. Yes, will receive funding. 2. Multi Year Project. th 17 & Bluemont 1. Yes, will receive funding. 2. Multi Year Project. Kimball Sidewalk 1. Yes, will receive funding. 2. Multi Year Project. Blue Emergency Lights / Side Walk 1. Suggestion for a crosswalk on Dennison Ave. between Goodnow and Ackert Hall. 2. Suggestion for making the map of the location of the blue emergency poles more accessible. Campus Lighting/ Bike Path 1. Con- most of campus is well light. 2. Suggestion to make all emergency poles the same color. 3. Megan will meet with head of security to see if they have anything they feel needing to be updated. 4. More information to come. 4. ADJOURN Senator Woods moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:30. Senator Faflick seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter GR Committee Monday November 4, 2013 Eli’s Updates: -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Union Funding barely passed city last year, therefore he advises us to be careful with additional funding “Maybe” for campus bicycle improvements. They have no clear plan, and it is not at the top of their priority list HIGH PRIORITY (#3) Denison, Claflin to College Ave block. Creating new exit for right side parking lot, and redo diagonal “almost illegal” entrance to be a right angle. Also to fix the cross walk to a timing system to provide a better flow and safer for students. (#4) Would like to square Lover’s Lane with Thurston. $1.2 Million, which we would help assist with payment. Matt’s Updates: -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ Met with City Planner, in City Park, gravel lot plans to pave the lot. Will increase number of parking spots, allowing students to park for the ‘Ville, class or Manhattan residents to utilize the park. Triangle Park idea, wanting to hear more information Sidewalk construction on Kimball, City Planner would like to delay because of NBAF center construction. Sidewalk reconstruction (SK, Scholarship houses) wants to be contacted about, not for GR committee. Megan’s Updates: -­‐ $10K for Tree replacement fund Debate on Union Technology Allocations -­‐ Benefits to city? Greatly benefits students Prioritizing allocations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 17th/Anderson & Bluemont Manhattan McCain Auditorium City Park Pavement Denison/Claflin to College Crosswalk Triangle Park Trees KSU Union Technology Update/IT Update Unanimous agreement to decisions and debate held. 1-­‐6 will be given an official vote next week at Committee. Pizza and Politics next Thursday, November 14 at 5:30. Alumni center ballroom. Moved to adjourn the meeting til next Monday at 8:00p. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room November 11, 2013 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:00 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Senator Kucera, President Schooley and Vice President Unruh 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. President Schooley talk to Cindy Bondtrigger and Mark Tossic, then passed on the information on to the committee regarding some of the projects. 2. Daily Fun Fact I. Every Tree native to Kansas is represented on campus somewhere. 2. Director’s Announcements 1. Pizza & Politics This Thursday 5:00 p.m at the Alumni Center 3. Voting on City University Funds 1. 17th/Anderson & Bluemont/Manhattan* I. $107,000 2. McCain Auditorium* I. $145,000 3. Denison/Claflin to college Crosswalk* I. $115,000 4. Triangle Park Improvements I. $45,000 5. Trees I. $10,000 6. City Park Pavement I. $115,000 7. Kimball I. $70,000 4. Voting 1. Legislation on City University funds passes on a vote of 11-0-0 ADJOURN Intern Webb moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:30. Senators Faflick seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room November 18, 2013 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Vice Chair Hunter at 8:00 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused X Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Senator Patton. 1. Director’s Announcements 1. Pizza and politics went very well and there will be a review over it later this week. 2. Passing of C/U Funds 1. Discussion I. One Correction was made. II. Senator Faflick moves to pass this resolution favorably, Senator Phelon seconds the motion. III. This resolution passes on a vote of 10-0-0. 3. Committee Ideas for next semester 1. Cats in the Capital I. Nothing to report yet. 2. Help with other committees I. Check with STAFF and see if we can help out with the smoking problem at all. II. Check with Com-Com to see if can help with SGA Hears You 1. SGA Hears You Ideas a. Education awareness, being aware of this who your representative is. b. Learning how to register yourself to vote when you move to Manhattan. c. Getting a representative to talk to the district school board to inform them where we are at, things we are doing and also partnering with Manhattan High and get them more informed about SGA in general. 3. Higher Ed Day I. Nothing to report yet. 4. Other Ideas I. Contact K-State at Salina. 1. Meet with GR committee and see if there is anyway we can help out or support them or if we can meet and exchanges ideas. II. Check with Sue Peterson and see if there is anything we can help her out with. 4. New Business/ Announcements 1. Daily Fun Fact, I. This past football game was the closet game (Time left to get the win) we have had in 33 years!!! Go Cats! 5. ADJOURN Senator Faflick moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:00. Senators Woods seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room December 2, 2013 8:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:34 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Asher Gilliland Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: None 1. Announcements 1. We have Cats in the capital and State Higher Education Day next semester. 2. Director’s Announcements 1. None 3. City University Funds 1. Passed last Thursday! 4. Spring Semester 1. Brainstorm what we can do for next semester. I. Get more information about the Kansas Supreme Court to found K-12 education so we can be prepared for State Higher Education Day. II. Make some type of literature on how to educate on how to sell higher education for State higher education day. III. Awareness of Higher Education funding. IV. Voter registration education. V. Brainstorm over Christmas break on other things the GR committee can do for the spring semester. ADJOURN Senator Faflick moved to adjourn the meeting until next semester at 8:00 pm. Intern Gilliland seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room February 3, 2014 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:02 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Mallory Patten Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Morgan Wiltsee Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Senator Lorenz, Intern Brill, Intern Tinker 1. Announcements 1. None 2. Director’s Announcements 1. None 3. Elections 1. Filing I. Next Week 11p.m – 1p.m II. “SGA Hears You Week”- Were we will have a week of getting the link out on how to Vote for Elections. This will be held the week before preliminary election. III. Tweet to sum up your meeting to send out!!!! 2. Voting I. Ideas to promote people voting. 1. Chalking, Social Media, Outgoing member blog, Tables and Booths, Flyers on campus, Leadership studies building, K-State Today, Twitter. 4. Education Piece 1. Too vs. To in grammar I. This is a big concern; make sure your grammar is good! ADJOURN Senator Woods moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:00. Senators Hunter seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8: 25 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter Government Relations Committee OSAS Meeting Room March 3, 2014 8:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Platt at 8:02 ROLL CALL Joint Meeting with Communications. 1. High – Lows/ Happy – Crappies/Wildcats - Jayhawks 1. Kyle: got into SAB! But is having car trouble 2. Public Finance test – waiting on score, but spring break PADRE ISLAND plans are coming together! 3. Kevin: got into SAB! But the weather is killing him 4. Morgan: no tests so can catch up on Walking Dead but has a perpetual sore throat (maybe sick – not sure) 5. Katie: Mom came to visit for Moms’ Day – she’s interesting, test tomorrow and related anxiety 6. James: interview with Texas A&M Bush school of government, but finished house of cards and now life devoid of meaning 7. Megan: slept outside at Fort Riley this weekend but got good training in and got an internship with the Heritage Foundation 8. Eric: final round interviews for Merrill Lynch in California but the weather here isn’t like California 9. Joey: application for summer internship is in! but has a test tomorrow 10. Sarah: accepted into study abroad in Italy for July but professors conspired to put lots of tests and quizzes this week 2. JOINT MEETING Joint Meeting Purpose: rally caps and seeking support/manpower for initiatives! One final communications push! Lots of possibilities: “Before I Die…” Bucket List Wall But with something SGA related as a prompt (“What can SGA do for you?” etc.) Canvas Campus Social Media push – using hashtags and fun hip social media things Week after spring break (March 24-26) Feedback! Let’s do it! Pretty colors for markers Social media prizes for retweets and follows for a chance to win a gift card or prize (Taco Lucha/So Long Saloon, Buffalo Wild Wings, Fuzzy’s, Tanner’s, Johnny Kaw’s, Kite’s) Action Steps Brainstorm possible prompts and send to Megan and Joey! Schedule times to go chalk Schedule shifts to work the canvas station thing Watch email for sign up! Check Google doc for possible partners – let Megan and Joey know results from soliciting by updating Google Doc no later than Monday, March 10th ADJOURN: Senator Sarah Brill moved to adjourn the meeting until next Monday at 8:00. Intern Jessica VanRanken seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Chair Walden Government Committee OSAS Meeting Room March 10, 2014 8:00P.M. CALL TO ORDER by Chair Walden at 8:02 ROLL CALL Members Megan Walden Dylan Hunter Hope Faflick Emily Phelon Eric Haun Matt Brill Erin Woods Jessica Vanranken Caitlyn Webb Morgan Wiltse Hallie Rodger Brodie Herman Erick Zeak Present Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X Guests: Communication Committee 1. Announcements 1. None 2. Director’s Announcements 1. None 3. High /Lows for peoples week 1. High- great weather! 2. Low- its great weather but allergies… 3. High- taking naps in the sun. 4. High- Found an place to live and getting a new car. 5. High- Friends came for Fake Patties day/ family wedding and dress shopping. 6. High- Tie between Fake Patties day and the weather. 7. High- Gulf Shores 5 days! Low- Senator Brill did not shave her legs?!! 8. High- Great Week Low -Test 9. High- Gulf Shores^2 10. High- weather Low- Turf in hair…. 4. Communication Effort 1. Monday – Week after spring break at 6:oo pm chalking for promoting. 2. Tuesday- Canvas campus 3. Wednesday- Banner 4. Thursday- Twittier Give away (during senate) I. Update Megan who all you have talked to. II. Gather as much free stuff as possible III. #whywabash IV. #kstatesga 5. Sing up on the Google Doc and be sure talk to companies!!!!!! I. We might have some sauce bottles! From BWW ADJOURN Senator Huan moved to adjourn the meeting until Monday 24th at 6:00 pm. Senators Faflick seconds the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Vice Chair Hunter