RESUME Isabel Cristina Medina Lobos Nationality: Guatemalan

Name: Isabel Cristina Medina Lobos
Nationality: Guatemalan
Date of Birth: August 4, 1958
Occupation: Nurse and Licda. Educational Administration
Current studies: Master's thesis on Developing Education with emphasis on alternative
Professional experience:
Current position:
Executive Director of the Association TulaSalud,
Organization that supports the School of
Nursing Coban and the MSP and AS in the
Health care in rural and neglected comunitys
With intercultural and gender approach, using
Information and Communication Technologies
Previous posts:
- Project Coordinator for the Advancement of Nursing Primary Health Care in Guatemala,
a project implemented by the National School of Nursing Coban and the Center for
Nursing in Newfoundland, Canada, with financial support from the Canadian International
Development Agency and the Tula Foundation. (2004 - 2008)
- Manager Health Department Talita Kumi Foundation, an organization of the Diocese of
Alta Verapaz, dedicated to rural development. (2001 - 2004)
- Health Program Coordinator Red Cross Coban. (1998 - 2004)
- Health Assistant Project to Support Health Sector Reform in the European Union,
APRESAL (200-2001)
- Director of Nursing School of Coban. (1996 - 2000)
- Deputy Director of the School of Nursing Coban (1993 - 1998)
- Nursing Program Coordinator, School of Nursing Coban (1983 - 1993)
- Professor, School of Nursing Coban (1981 - 1983)
- Sick Nurse of Purulhá Health District, Baja Verapaz (1979 - 1980)