MCA TAKEOFF Award Grant Agreement

Name of Lead Beneficiary:
Name of Project:
1. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information being submitted with regards to the
application is correct.
2. I also confirm that:
 The costs that are being claimed through the grant shall not be claimed or recovered
in any way from other sources;
 There are no pending applications requesting assistance (financial or fiscal) in relation
to the cost items listed in this application;
 I have not undergone any disciplinary proceedings for the misuse of funds awarded
through other competitions/projects
 The applicant has no arrears with respect to VAT, Income Tax, Social Security and/or
rental payments to the Government of Malta in relation to this business activity.
3. I shall work closely with the TAKEOFF team to deliver my milestones and move forward with
the commercialization of the business/technology.
4. I shall submit the required reports at three (3) months and at six (6) months as per the grant
conditions. The Managing Committee maintains the right to request a refund of the funds
awarded if I fail to submit the reports, if I fail to show adequate commitment to the
implementation of the proposed plan, or if I use the funds for purposes that are clearly
outside the scope of the proposed plans without justification and without prior consent
obtained in writing from the Managing Committee.
All expenditure shall be made as described in this application. If I fail to disburse the
expenditure as approved, the Management Committee shall be entitled to withdraw the
funding and collect refunds of monies already paid out. I shall provide proof of expenditure
incurred in forms such as accounts, physical inventory, time-sheets, payslips, fiscal receipts,
or bank statements.
5. If the implementation of the project becomes impossible, the remaining unspent funds shall
be transferred back to the Malta Communications Authority. If I fail to implement the
project or if anything contained in this Agreement in particular clause 2 is false, the
Management Committee shall be entitled to withdraw funding and collect refunds of monies
already paid out.
6. I shall reasonably support the Management Committee in promoting the success of the fund
through timely reporting and presence in publicity efforts.
7. Any articles and text material related to the project should include the words: ‘Project
supported through the MCA TAKEOFF Award 2014’.
8. If my venture is successful, I shall consider supporting the start-up community in Malta, for
example by sponsoring or otherwise supporting the TAKEOFF Business Incubator and its
member entrepreneurs.
For payment purposes, the following details must be provided:
Name of Person or Company:
ID number / Company Number:
<Name of Lead Beneficiary>