ATI Instructional Materials Report AY 10/11 Campus Name: Please refer to the report instructions before completing this form. The instructions were sent as a separate attachment and they are also posted on the ATI Moodle Website. 1.0 Timely Adoption Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started Video production with IM committee and Instructional Initiated Technology regarding accessibility, textbook affordability and Defined universal design shown at Fall Faculty Assembly and emailed Established to faculty. Managed Reviewed eBook options. Optimized Worked with HEOA committee to coordinate communication about textbook orders. Key Plans 11/12 Continue refining messaging from IM committee to campus. Comments Success Indicator Status 1.1 Campus has formally documented (e.g. Policy, Resolution or Procedure) a process to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. [Commitment] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 1.2 Campus has developed capacity (e.g. established practices, specified staff time, educational/training resources, and/or technology) to achieve compliance with timely adoption. [Ability] Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes No No Comments Academic Policy Manual 3.37 requires on-time ordering of instructional materials. The Kennel Bookstore accepts standing orders, reducing the number of late textbook orders. A committee is examining HEOA requirements that will facilitate ordering required by ATI. For orders in Fall 2011, 45% were on time. As of November 8, 2011, Spring 2012 orders were at the 60% level. 1 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 1.3 Campus has developed milestones or specific measures of success for timely adoption compliance (e.g. percentage of timely adoptions) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Timely Adoption Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 2.0 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments The bookstore regularly reports the percentage of on time orders to the Provost’s Leadership Team and IM Committee. Reports made prior to the adoption deadline allow Deans to work with departments to encourage on-time adoption. Comments The IM Committee would like to collaborate with other campuses regarding faculty communication and messaging strategies. Yes Identification of IM for Late-Hire Faculty Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure that textbooks have been identified for courses with late-hire faculty. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started IM committee has identified structural benchmarks. Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Key Plans 11/12 The IM will meet with the Provost’s Leadership Team to discuss methodology and strategies. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 2 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status Year Started 2.1 All academic units have implemented specific procedures for late hire or adjunct faculty members for the timely adoption of curricular materials. [Ability] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 2007 Indicator Number Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No 2.2 Campus has developed specific measures of success for late-hire faculty (e.g. percentage of late-hire adoptions completed by campus deadline) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Identification of IM for Late-Hire Faculty Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 3.0 Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes Comments No Yes The IM committee will develop strategies with bookstore staff. Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No The committee will develop an ad hoc committee of Chairs and Departmental Assistants for the review of existing policies to create a dissemination plan designed for a March 2012 launch. Comments Early Identification of Students with Disabilities Goal Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Key Plans 11/12 3 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure that students with disabilities are identified and able to request alternate media materials in a timely manner. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started SSD staff presented outreach efforts to Fresno County, Sanger Initiated and Clovis school districts in collaboration with Outreach services. Defined SSD has been focused on participation at all potential events, on Established and off campus, where our services and information can be Managed shared. This past year we have participated in: Dog Days, Preview Optimized Day, Safari, Veterans Welcome Event, Parents Association, Accessibility Awareness Fair, Fresno City College, Disability Awareness fairs at Fresno City College, COS and Reedley College, Veterans Welcome event as well as classroom presentations. Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) staff members presented training to various groups on campus including Athletic dept., multiple Student Affairs groups, and faculty by request (Spec.Ed Counseling, Health, Rehab Counseling, Am Humanics, Education, Social Work, Arts & Humanities and others on-on-one, through SSD staff liaisons. Training included basic information on services and how to do a referral to SSD. SSD Liaisons to Colleges continued to meet with all College Deans, Asst. Deans, and Chairs. They are available as SSD resource for academic staff. In 2010-2011, 185 new students established services with SSD, bringing total active students to 581, our largest ever. An additional 91 temporary students were served during this time. The Testing/Reading (Alt. Media) services role was split to support a fulltime Alt Media Coordinator. Two additional student assistant staff members were added to the Alternate media production team. Alternate media production work area was completed to streamline the process and allow for more efficiency. 2010-2011 - SSD received 791 requests for alternate format of classroom materials. That is 33%more than the total requests received for the 09-10 year. Key Plans 11/12 SSD will participate in similar events as noted in 10-11 on an ongoing basis. SSD will actively participate in Student Affairs Strategic Plans for Outreach, Diversity and Learning Outcomes. SSD will work with dean of Undergraduate Studies to identify students participating in new Early Start summer program to assure those needing alternate media and other accommodations are served. SSD will continue to work closely with Outreach services and directly with feeder school districts to provide information about SSD services and process for applying for services. SSD will redesign website to be more user friendly for visitors seeking services and how to apply. SSD will host workshops during DOSA Professional Development days to assist staff members with information on awareness and referral process when students are identified who may need SSD services. SSD staff members will actively participate in diversity related activities to promote understanding of those with ability/disability and services offered on campus. Alt Media Coordinator is developing individual AM profiles for students using alternate media materials, to support individual needs and increase processing of requests. Alt Media Coordinator is working with SAM Data base representatives to modify order / production tracking process to streamline process and further reduce processing time. Comments 4 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status Year Started 3.1 Campus has implemented a system to provide early registration for alternate media-eligible students. [Ability] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 9+ years Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 3.2 Campus has implemented a system to track early registration usage by alternate media-eligible students (intended to provide alternate media programs with sufficient time to produce alternate media as well as to document student conformance with alternate media submissions procedures). [Measurement] 3.3 Campus has implemented a system that allows alternate media requests to be submitted without appearing inperson during regular business hours (e.g. web-based forms, integration with student registration portal). [Ability] 3.4 Campus has implemented a system to track the timeliness of alternate media requests. [Measurement] 3.5 Campus has developed specific measures of success for early identification of students with disabilities (e.g., percentage of eligible students who utilize early registration) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes Comments 2008 Yes Yes All alternate media requests (books and other instructional material) are tracked using SAM – Student Accommodation Management System. All data is date-stamped and identified by status as it moves through the production process. Historical data is available to measure the increase in timely production impacted by staffing and work area changes noted above. 2008 Yes yes 2011-2012 Goal: The committee will investigate the potential for a process that will allow students to make alternative format requests and link to an accessible form during the registration process through PeopleSoft. The SSD website currently includes online forms to be copied and faxed if desired at Spring 2011 Yes Yes See 3.2 above. Requests are now tracked on SAM, and further reporting and setting of new standards is a 2011-2012 goal. 2010 Yes Yes All Students who register with SSD office receive priority registration. SSD accepts requests for alternate media immediately afterwards. New adjustments to SSD personal data base system are now being tracked. The data showed that 69% of eligible students had registered by the second day of registration for Spring 2012 classes (utilizing their priority registration). No previous historical data is available. 2011-2012 Goal: The committee will work with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to define measures of success, identify ways to track processes and create a format for evaluating data. 5 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Early Identification of Students with Disabilities Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff 4.0 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments Faculty Use of LMS (or non-LMS) Course Websites * Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to promote the posting of all required curricular and instructional resources (including print-based and multimedia materials) in a central, accessible electronic location. *While it is anticipated that most campuses will use the LMS to meet this goal, other structures (e.g. Web Content Management Systems or other online delivery methods) that provide similar functionality and are accessible, may serve as appropriate equivalents to the LMS. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started Adopted a formal policy requiring all course syllabi to be Initiated available within the LMS. Defined Developed an accessible syllabus template to be used for Established online and face to face courses. Managed Hosted a syllabus redesign conference that focused on Optimized creating accessible course syllabi attended by 58 faculty. Instituted a teaching online program for faculty who are developing online courses. Key Plans 11/12 Continue faculty outreach and training, including Syllabus redesign workshops. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 6 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator 4.1 Campus has formally documented (e.g., Policy, Resolution 2009 Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 4.2 2010 Yes No We rely on the chancellor’s office evaluation of Bb for accessibility. 07/08 Yes No TILT trains and assists faculty in development and posting of online instructional material. 07/08 Yes No When textbooks or instructional materials are formatted in-house by the SSD office, textbooks and materials are emailed to students. If textbooks are requested from publishers, FTP accounts are set up to download textbooks or publishers directly email to the Alternate Media Coordinator. Yes No Faculty members control access to their course materials and may request a review. If a student is enrolled in SSD office and is accommodated with alternate media services, SSD staff will request materials from student or faculty member to format and make documents accessible. 4.3 4.4 4.5 Status Not Started or Procedure) a process to promote or require the posting Initiated Defined of IM to the campus LMS. [Commitment] Established Managed Optimized Campus has screened its LMS to determine whether it Not Started Initiated conforms to Section 508 accessibility standards and established a plan to address (or work-around) identified Defined Established gaps. [Ability] Managed Optimized Campus has established specific guidelines and Not Started procedures for submitting course and curricular materials Initiated Defined hosted in campus LMS. [Commitment] Established Managed Optimized Campus has implemented procedures to accelerate the Not Started Initiated delivery of alternate media materials to improve Defined timeliness (e.g. electronic delivery via campus LMS or Established FTP). [Ability] Managed Optimized Campus has implemented mechanisms to provide Not Started Initiated alternate media production staff with access to Defined instructional materials on LMS course sites for purposes Established of evaluating and converting materials. [Ability] Managed Optimized Year Started Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Comments 7 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 4.6 Campus has established specific measures of success (e.g., number of course sites with posted syllabi) for faculty posting of curricular materials in the campus LMS. [Measurement] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Faculty Use of LMS (or non-LMS) Course Websites Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 5.0 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments All courses have a shell. There is no way to determine what exactly has been uploaded without actually going into the course which requires permission from the instructor. Comments Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility requirements have been incorporated into the adoption process for all multimedia-based instructional resources. Goal Status Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Key Accomplishments 10/11 ATI IM committee produced a video on universal design, tips on making materials accessible and insights from a student with a vision impairment experiences in a college setting. Key Plans 11/12 Continue educating faculty on the importance of accessible multimedia, while identifying alternate or innovative solutions to accomplish the task. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 8 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 5.1 Campus has developed and implemented accessibility Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized requirements for selecting and adopting multimedia curricular materials (e.g. requirements for captions, transcripts, audio description, accessible web players). [Commitment] 5.2 Campus has established a strategic process, based on available resources, for prioritizing the remediation of inaccessible multimedia materials. [Commitment] 5.3 Campus has gathered survey information from media libraries regarding multimedia usage and format types (e.g. most frequently utilized titles and formats) to aid in tool selection and prioritization decisions. [Measurement] 5.4 Campus has built capacity (e.g. established practices, specified staff time, budget, tools, and/or work space) necessary to address the accessibility of existing and planned multimedia content and its delivery. [Ability] 5.5 Campus has established measures of success related to multimedia accessibility (e.g. percent of new materials that are accessible, percent of existing materials that have been remediated). [Measurement] Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Indicator Number Year Started 2009 Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Comments No No Not started. Yes No A list of the most frequently used titles and formats have been provided by the library. Fewer than 14 of titles used more than 20 times per year still require captioning. Yes Yes TILT has staff and procedures to assist faculty in making multimedia content accessible. No No Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) We strongly urge faculty to caption instructional videos that are uploaded to the campus streaming services. TILT’s streaming media system uses an accessible player. Comments 9 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 6.0 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments Accessibility Requirements for Curricular Review and Approval Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility requirements have been incorporated into the curricular review process. Goal Status Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Key Accomplishments 10/11 The IM Chair reviewed existing policies. Key Plans 11/12 The IM Committee will consult with the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee to develop policy ensuring accessibility requirement are met in all courses. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started 6.1 Accessibility requirements have been developed and Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized integrated into the academic curriculum review process for new course adoptions and existing course reviews. [Commitment] 6.2 Campus has established accessibility standards or guidelines for selecting and authoring curricular materials. [Commitment] Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes Comments 2010 Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 2010 Yes No The IM Committee will continue monitoring. The committee will work with the University Curriculum Committee to define and establish a process for reviewing accessibility requirements. 10 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 6.3 Campus has established specific measures of success (e.g., number of courses that have undergone accessibility review) for incorporating accessibility into the curricular review and approval process. [Measurement] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Curricular Review and Approval Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 7.0 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments Beginning in Fall 2010, all courses with a footnote 17 (denoting web-based) were required to go through a course review process under APM 206 which included accessibility review. In order to transition a course from face-to-face to fully online, instructors need to go through entire process outlined in APM 206. Comments Supporting Faculty Creation of Accessible IM Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to support faculty in selecting, authoring, and delivering accessible instructional materials. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started We have procedures and staff to support faculty in selecting, Initiated authoring, and delivering accessible instructional materials. Defined Established Managed Optimized Key Plans 11/12 Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 11 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 7.1 Campus has formally documented (through Policy, Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Resolution or Procedure) the nature of faculty responsibility for selecting and authoring accessible curricular materials. [Commitment] 7.2 Campus has established specific mechanisms to encourage faculty authoring and adoption of accessible instructional materials (e.g. recognition in article or letter of appreciation). [Ability] 7.3 Campus has developed and disseminated examples of accessible curricular materials and practices (e.g. accessible syllabus template, faculty exemplars). [Ability] 7.4 Campus has specified technology (e.g. workstations, software, scanners) and personnel resources (e.g. student assistants, lab technicians) necessary to support faculty creation of accessible instructional materials. [Ability] 7.5 Campus has implemented mechanisms to provide content distributors with access to tools or practices that allow accessibility testing of curricular materials (e.g. textto-speech, voice recognition, keyboard-only navigation, Document Map view). [Ability] Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) TBD Comments No Yes TILT provides informal recognition in newsletters, and pays stipends to faculty who redesign their syllabuses and courses. Yes Yes Examples of accessible syllabi and instructional materials are posted in the Blackboard Faculty Forum. Examples are also presented at the Syllabus Redesign Conference and training sessions. Yes Yes No TBD Not Started. The IM committee will work with departments to identify the location of resources outside of TILT. TILT has a faculty resource lab staffed with student assistants who can assist faculty with the creation of accessible materials using the lab resources. 12 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 7.6 Campus has established specific measures of success for faculty creation of accessible instructional materials (e.g. improving quality of course reader and/or e-reserve material submissions). [Measurement] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Supporting Faculty Creation of Accessible IM Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 8.0 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) No Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) TBD Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments Comments Communication Process and Training Plan Goal The campus has implemented a broad-based ATI awareness campaign, supported by a comprehensive training infrastructure to increase technological accessibility across the campus. Goal Status Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Key Accomplishments 10/11 Senate Chair has continued developing and implementing a communication plan for ATI, universal design and textbook adoption via email and video. Key Plans 11/12 We will continue these efforts. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 13 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status Year Started 8.1 Campus has developed a formal awareness campaign to Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 8.3 Campus has developed and disseminated a variety of training materials, both in content and modality (e.g. quick use guides, workshops, FAQ), for selecting, authoring, and distributing accessible materials. [Ability] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized 8.4 Campus has disseminated training materials for faculty regarding methods to post curricular materials to the campus LMS course site or equivalent (see Section 4). [Ability] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized increase knowledge of accessibility issues and responsibilities. [Commitment] 8.2 Campus has built capacity (e.g. specified staff time, technology, and/or materials) in support of this awareness campaign. [Ability] 8.5 Campus is tracking participation in training activities and usage of training materials for accessible authoring, conversion, and delivery of curricular materials (e.g. number of workshop attendees, number of users who download templates, or watch training videos). [Measurement] 2008 Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes Comments 2008 Yes Yes A sub-committee of the ATI was formed to prepare an accessibility plan that included personnel and a formal budget. It was presented to the Cabinet in June 2011 and approved. 2011-2012 will show implementation of those goals. Due to budget reductions, there were no increased of staff last year, but existing staff continued to accept responsibility for the awareness of accessibility. New staff members were added to the IM Committee. SSD upgraded assistive technology software in AT lab. 2008 Yes Yes SSD provided training to the Student Affairs leadership team where many student campus activities and communication originate: In 2011-2012, SSD will provide additional training through “Alternate Media Lab Experience” events. IDs have put accessibility into faculty training classes, taught usability/universal design, and the university had the accessibility training package from Atomic Learning. Yes Yes No Yes Current work is done through the IM Committee. The President’s Committee on Disabilities worked on Accessible Communication review including the redesign of the campus Accessibility website, University Communication policies and campus main website reconstruction project. Blackboard Training materials are on the website. In addition, there are specific instructions for uploading an Accessible Syllabus. Usage is tracked for Atomic Learning tutorials. At this time, the number of templates that are downloaded are not tracked. The IM committee is discussing ways to consider authentication. TILT has been tracking faculty participation in TILT workshops. 14 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 8.6 Campus is tracking the effectiveness of training activities and materials for accessible authoring, conversion, and delivery of curricular materials. (e.g., user satisfaction levels, decreased demand for alternate media conversion). [Measurement] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Communication Process and Training Plan Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 9.0 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) No Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) No Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) No Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No Comments Comments Process Indicators Goal Campus IMAP committee has sufficient breadth, resources, and authority to effectively implement a comprehensive IMAP initiative. Goal Status Key Accomplishments 10/11 Not Started Reconstitute committee. Initiated IM Committee has established a formal consultative and Defined collaborative relationship with the Office of the Provost and Established Administrative team. Managed Optimized Key Plans 11/12 Comments Success Indicator Status Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Comments 15 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Success Indicator Status 9.1 Campus IMAP committee membership consists of Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized stakeholders from all key units (Student Affairs, Academic Senate, Curriculum Committee, Academic Technology, Library) as well as faculty, staff and student. [Commitment] 9.2 Campus IMAP committee has suitable authority to ensure effectiveness of IMAP effort as well as to resolve issues and challenges. [Ability] 9.3 Campus IMAP committee has established a system to effectively track its task delegations and overall project management. [Measurement] 9.4 Campus has established a formal administrative review process by campus executive leadership for all IMAP components. [Verification] Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Not Started Initiated Defined Established Managed Optimized Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Process Indicators Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 9.3 Year Started Worked on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 11/12? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Yes Yes The ATI initiative is chaired by the Associate Provost. Yes Yes IMAP team members will continue developing this structure. No No Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) No The committee will identify and recruit stakeholders from all key units. Comments IM Committee would appreciate collaboration with other campuses regarding tracking project management. 16 ATI IM Report AY 10/11 Contributors This information will be used for follow up questions and collaboration. Name Title Michael Caldwell Email Address Phone Number 559-278-7683 559-278-2811 Susan Bartel Chair, Academic Senate/Associate Professor and Chair of Music Reading Services/Alt. Media Coordinator: Services for Students with Disabilities Kennel Bookstore 559-278-4277 Ron Durham Director, Kennel Bookstore 559-278-4251 Otto Bendavides Director, NASA Educator Resource Center 559-278-0379 Patrick Newell Library –Technical Services 559-278-2786 Terry Garvin Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT) 559-278-6826 Mary Bennett Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT) 559-278-6892 Scott Sailor Professor 559-278-2543 Rima Maldonado 17 ATI IM Report AY 10/11