Raising attainment in maths with boys and learners from minority ethnic backgrounds through improved learning experiences. Partnership project- Crookfur Primary School and Thornliebank Primary East Renfrewshire council Rationale He’s a trailblazer because he created his own algorithm. I have investigated the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. MNU 2-07a Approaches Children encounter a word problem. Children tackle the problem using their own knowledge and •CGI (Cognitively Guided Instruction) approach to Mathematics •Identify Misconceptions •Planning process and meetings •Sessions •Learning rounds •Reflection and amendment of sessions •Evaluation Initial consultation and planning process Consultation with Quality Improvement Officers and Educational psychologist Identifying a focus Learning Intention: To investigate and solve real life problems Success Criteria: I can share equally. I can identify the fraction in the answer. I can explain the process I used. Cognitively Guided Instruction (Pupil) CGI understanding. They develop their own strategies which are developmental. The learning comes from inside rather than outside. Rich language is developed through discussion. Teachers’ role includes listening to the children and guiding them through questioning. (BLOOMS) Health Warning CGI is not just using just word problems. This approach requires extensive reading and research and is a long, complex process. Session Format Learning intention displayed and success criteria discussed Problems displayed Differentiated choice between problems Children tackle problems Discussion time New problems issued Plenary Continue to use CGI approach to solve fraction problems, having a clear focus on developing skills and strategies for equal sharing. Looking specifically at what stage children are at and planning differentiated problems to suit the strategies that they are using. Continue to engage with research and literature to challenge and develop understanding of using CGI. Lesson Study Lesson Study Approach highlighted after Motivation Mindset Concerns were raised about pupil engagement. Educational psychologist input- mindset training Related to your belief about your ability Fixed mindset – ability cannot change Growth mindset – ability can change (grow) Dweck, C (2006) Mindset the new psychology of success. New York: USA. Ballantine Books •Staff highlight a need for tackling pupil motivation in boys CPD with Ed Psychologist Staff engage in research Focused language used during sessions to motivate and engage pupils Next Steps consultation with Glasgow University Parental involvement Mindset Planned to pilot a lesson study using CGI Process Evaluations Parental Involvement Plan lesson Reflections and next steps identified for next session •Parental permission Parent questionnaire Workshop Leaflet Jotters home Plan to carry out sessions with pupils next Make amendments and identify next steps It is helpful to know that we are saying the same things and supporting in the same way. Reflections the number line?” •Pick a specific group to focus on when observing. •More examples of equal sharing problems where the questions will generate mixed numbers. •More opportunities for pupils to discuss their learning. •CGI is not just using just word problems. This approach requires extensive reading and research and is a long, complex process. •Continue to engage with research and literature to challenge and develop understanding of using CGI. Already I can see a slight improvement with less avoidance. (Parents) When my mum is cutting a cake for my family everyone would get 1/5. If my dad was away working we would each get ¼. If it was just the children eating the cake we would all get 1/3. Teach/ Observe (Pupil) Reflect and collate information Reflect and revise lesson Re-teach Reflect and revise lesson Re-teach How to Involve Parents year Use strategies to increase motivation and promote a growth mindset. •Simplify questions •More structured teacher questioning - equal sharing •Differentiate providing challenge and support. •Introduce a number line to the discussion time asking pupils “Where would your answer fit on Next Steps Next Steps Continue to use Lesson Study approach to reflect and analyse sessions. One key focus of the project was parental involvement. Initial Plan for 2014: to engage parents through looking at homework activities linked to fractions. Amended plan for 2014: to focus on pupil motivation to help increase attainment. Model the CGI approach. Questionnaire was issued to gauge parents’ perceptions about maths. Evaluation issued to establish next steps for parental involvement. Next steps Further engage parents through homework support, workshops and questionnaires.