Environmental Protection Agency – STAR Fellowships Purpose The mission of the EPA is to protect the environment and to safeguard public health against environmental threats. STAR was established in 1995 to promote graduate study and career goals related to that mission. Award Tenable At any accredited university or college within the United States. Number & Amount 55 in 2015 (but may vary with funding authorization). Up to $44,000 per year (with specific maximums for stipend, tuition and other expenses). Duration Funds two years at the MA/MS level or three years at the doctoral level (usable over four years). Eligibility U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or “resident aliens with green cards”. Who Eligible fields include engineering and natural/social sciences. You must be interested in a relevant research area within those fields: Emerging Environmental Approaches/Challenges Human Health Risk Assessment Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Air. Climate and Energy Chemical Safety for Sustainability Safe and Healthy Communities When Must not have completed more than one year in a current master’s program or more than four years in a current PhD program. Can also apply during the final undergraduate year. Selection Criteria Career goals that fit the EPA mission. Many environmental topics are eligible, but applicants should relate focus to pollution prevention/control in some way. Strong academic record. Research and/or internship experience are valuable. Campus Deadline None. Deadline Late May in 2015, prior to that October or November. Application Electronically submitted packet that includes several government forms. Two essays: personal statement (two pages) and research proposal (three pages). Activities list. List of courses (in lieu of transcript). Three letters of reference. Contact Jim Hohenbary will gladly answer questions about the EPA awards. Reach him at 215 Fairchild or (785) 532-3422. Other Undergraduates who might fit the STAR Fellowship in future years should also look at the Goldwater, Hollings and Udall as undergrads. NSF Graduate Fellowships are also another option for graduate funding. More information is available at http://epa.gov/ncer/fellowships. 12/08/15 http://www.k-state.edu/nationalscholarships