California State University, Fresno Department of History: Jewish Studies Certificate Program Checklist

California State University, Fresno
Department of History:
Jewish Studies Certificate Program Checklist
Jewish Studies Certificate Program Coordinator:
Jill Fields, Professor of History
• Complete a minimum of 12 units with a grade of C or better
• Complete a minimum of 15 units with a grade of B or better will earn a
Certificate in Jewish Studies with honors
• Coursework in at least two areas of Jewish Studies (eg. history, religion,
culture, politics) and/or Hebrew language
Coursework Offerings (may include but are not limited to the following courses):
• ENGLISH 116: Literature of Old Testament* (4 units) _____
• ENGLISH 179: Multi-Ethnic American Literature (4 units) _____
• HISTORY 103: History of Early Christianity (3 units) _____
• HISTORY 107: Modern Middle East (3 units) _____
• HISTORY 115: Ancient Israel (3 units) _____
• HISTORY 186: American Immigration and Ethnic History (3 units) _____
• PHILOSOPHY 134: Literature of the Old Testament* (4 units) _____
• PHILOSOPHY 158: Judaism (3 units) _____
• SOCIOLOGY 169: Sociology of Religion (3 units) _____
• JEWISH STUDIES COMMUNITY SERVICE 101:** (1-3 units) _____
• JEWISH STUDIES TOPICS COURSES (3-12 units) ____ ____ ____ ____
See reverse for more information about topics courses and examples of
specific topics course offerings.
*Cross-listed courses such as English 116 and Philosophy 134 can only fulfill one
Certificate course requirement.
**COMS 101 allows 1-3 units; max total of 3 units can apply toward Certificate
course requirements. CR/NC grading only. For more information:
3-­‐10-­‐13 Notes:
Ø Community Service Internship or an approved internship course in any major
may satisfy the service learning internship option for this certificate (subject
to approval by a Jewish Studies Certificate Program Coordinator).
Certificate coursework may include a supervised internship undertaken for
credit will fulfill one certificate course requirement.
“T” (TOPICS) CLASSES: Special topics classes with a Jewish Studies focus
offered in English, history, philosophy, political science or any other relevant
discipline. Sample courses include English 169T: Jewish American Writers
and their Films; Greek 131T: Koine Greek; Greek 131T: Josephus; Greek
131T: Apocalypse; Greek 131T: Septuagint; History 149T: The Holocaust;
History 179T: Jewish American Popular Culture; Political Science 144T:
Middle East Politics.
Courses taken to fulfill the requirement of the Jewish Studies Certificate may
be used to fulfill requirements of other degree or certificate programs.
The certificate will only be issued after students consult with the Jewish
Studies Certificate Program Coordinator to ensure that courses taken meet
certificate requirements.