Models of Spectral Irradiance Variability Origins in the solar atmosphere and impacts on Earth’s atmosphere SORCE Science Meeting Annapolis, Maryland * Sept. 18-19, 2012 Poster Session Abstracts 4:00-5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 18 Summary of Poster Presentations (in alphabetical order): William Ball, Imperial College, London, UK A New Spectral Solar Irradiance Dataset Using the SATIRE-S Model Lauren Bearden, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York Trends in the Short-Term SSI Variability during the Declining Phase of SC23: Spectral decomposition of over 100 Carrington rotations from the UV through the near IR Gary Chapman, San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge Comparison of Mg II Core-to-wing Ration with Ground-based Ca II K-line Photometric Sum Angie Cookson, San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge Using SDO Images to Inform Ground-based Models to Better Understand Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Variability Serena Criscuoli (presented by Han Uitenbroek), National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, NM Effects of Unresolved Magnetic Field on Fe I 617.3 and 630.2 nm Line Shape Sandip Dhomse (presented by Will Ball), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Is Solar Response on Stratospheric Ozone during Recent Solar Cycle Really Different? Yanshi Huang (presented by Phil Chamberlin), Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Texas at Arlington Wavelength Dependence of Solar Flare Irradiance Enhancement and its Influence on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System King-Fai Li (presented by Shuhui Wang), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Simulation of Solar Cycle Response in Tropical Total Column Ozone using SORCE Irradiance Doug Lindholm, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder SORCE Solar Irradiance Data Products and the LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Data Center (LISIRD) Erik Richard, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder Future of Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements with TSIS (Total Solar Irradiance Sensor) Marty Snow, LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder Solar Outreach through Research and Continuing Education (SORCE) Guoyong Wen, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD and GESTART/Morgan State University GCM Modeling Climate Response to Spectral Solar Forcing 1 A New Spectral Solar Irradiance Dataset Using the SATIRE-S Model William T. Ball1 [], Yvonne C. Unruh1, Natalie A. Krivova2, Sami Solanki2, and Joanna D. Haigh1 1 Imperial College, London, UK 2 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany The variation in the spectral irradiance of the Sun influences the temperature and chemistry within the Earth's atmosphere. The semi-empirical SATIRE-S model has demonstrated remarkable agreement with observations of total solar irradiance. By design, the model computes spectral solar irradiance (SSI) and here we present a new, consistent SSI dataset that spans 35 years from 1974 to 2009. We describe the construction of the dataset and show comparisons with the NRLSSI model and observations from UARS and SORCE. Trends in the Short-Term SSI Variability during the Declining Phase of SC23: Spectral decomposition of over 100 Carrington rotations from the UV through the near IR Lauren Bearden1, Odele Coddington2, Marty Snow2, and Erik Richard2 1 Colgate University, Hamilton, New York 2 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder The Sun's energy output varies on timescales ranging from minutes to decades. This variability is due to the turbulent convection-induced dynamical motions and magnetic phenomena within the Sun. The UV chromospheric irradiance, at wavelengths shorter than 300 nm, is closely related to the persistent chromospheric heating in plage and enhanced network lasting on rotational timescales with little center-to-limb variation. In contrast, at wavelengths longer than 300 nm (in the visible and near infrared) the irradiance variations are due to photospheric features related to sunspots and faculae that evolve faster. While the integrated spectral variability (TSI) varies by small amounts (typically <0.3% over days), the wavelength dependent spectral variability from the UV through the infrared spans 5 orders. For modeling Earth atmospheric response, the temporal and spectral irradiance variations across the full solar spectrum must be considered. The Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) instrument has been measuring solar spectral irradiance from 200 to 2400 nm since 2003. In this work, we compute the spectral contrast, [(Imax – Imin )/ Imin]CR, in solar spectral irradiance over 109 Carrington rotations covering the declining phase of SC 23 through the last solar minimum. The periods of maximum and minimum solar activity are determined using known indices that reflect changes in chromospheric activity: the Magnesium II index (Mg II- near 280 nm) and Calcium II index (CaII- near 390 nm). We relate the rotational variability to the Solar disk location of magnetic features on the surface of the Sun using Carrington synoptic map images. In addition, we investigate case studies where the periods of maximum solar activity as defined by the MgII and CaII indices were different. Comparison of Mg II Core-to-Wing Ratio with Ground-based Ca II K-line Photometric Sum Gary A. Chapman [], A. M. Cookson, and D. G. Preminger; San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge Magnesium-II core-wing ratio data from three spacecraft composites have been compared with ground-based K-line photometry for most of cycles 22 and 23. The ground-based data is the photometric sum, Σ K, computed from the composite Ca II K-line obtained from the San Fernando Observatory. The Mg II used were the SORCE c/w ratio, the Viereck composite and the SUSIM composite. The linear regression coefficients, r2, with the Mg II versus ΣK are 0.92, 0.95 and 0.95, respectively. This work was partially supported by grants NNX11AK46G from NASA and ATM-0848518 from NSF. 2 Using SDO Images to Inform Ground-based Models to Better Understand Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Variability Angela M. Cookson [], Gary A. Chapman, and Dora G. Preminger; San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge Current models of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), based on two-parameter fits of photometric data (672.3nm red continuum and 393.4nm Ca II K-line) from the San Fernando Observatory (SFO), can reconstruct up to 95% of the irradiance variations observed by SORCE/TIM. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) images offer a unique opportunity to examine solar features without atmospheric interference, applying our feature-analysis techniques to SDO images of the photosphere and the chromosphere. We compare this with the same information extracted from SFO ground-based images that probe similar depths in the solar atmosphere. We derive solar indices from SDO images, model TSI with these indices, compare with SFO models, and investigate whether we can make further advances in TSI models by including UV wavelengths that cannot be observed from the ground. A small one-month study of sunspot deficit obtained from HMI intensitygrams demonstrates the viability of our methods. In order to produce a parameter comparable to the SFO sunspot deficit (-8.5%), we chose a contrast criterion, based on a cumulative histogram, that will select a similar set of features on SDO/HMI contrast images (-15%). A graph of both SFO and HMI deficit over time shows that they track each other closely but HMI images, as expected, produce much darker sunspots since scattered light effects are negligible. Information gleaned from SDO images has the potential to improve our existing ground-based models of solar irradiance and our understanding of total and spectral irradiance variability. Effects of Unresolved Magnetic Field on Fe I 617.3 and 630.2 nm Line Shape Serena Criscuoli1 [], I. Ermolli2, H. Uitenbroek1, and F. Giorgi2 (Presented by Han Uitenbroek) 1 National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, New Mexico 2 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy We studied the dependence on the magnetic flux of parameters describing the two Fe I lines at 630.2 and 617.3 nm. In particular, we analyze the line core intensity (IC), full width half maximum (FWHM), and equivalent width (EQW) of Stokes I and circular polarized signals measured at the two studied lines on NOAA 11169. This region was observed with IBIS at the Dunn Solar Telescope on March 17th, 2011. Our study was aimed at obtaining a line diagnostic sensitive to effects of small scale magnetic features unresolved on the observations. Our results show that IC is sensitive to both temperature and magnetic flux variations, while FWHM is sensitive mostly to magnetic field variations. On the other hand, EQW resulted almost insensitive to magnetic field variation and mostly sensitive to temperature changes. Variations of few percents of the measured line parameters are found on data spatially degraded to represent quiet Sun, disk-centre conditions on medium resolution observations. Among the two investigated lines, the 617.3 nm proved to be sensitive to temperature variations induced by unresolved magnetic fields, while the 630.2 nm turned out to be a good diagnostic of magnetic flux. The amount of line parameters variations can be observed with spectrographs and full-disk imagers as SOLIS/VSM and SDO/HMI; these can be therefore employed to investigate physical properties of quiet Sun regions. 3 Is Solar Response on Stratospheric Ozone during Recent Solar Cycle Really Different? Sandip Dhomse1 [], M. P. Chipperfield1, W. Feng1, W. Ball2, Y. Unruh2, J. D. Haigh2, N. Krivova3, and S. Solanki3 (Presented by William Ball) 1 2 3 University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Imperial College, London, UK Max Planck Institute, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany Some of the recent modeling studies have suggested that upper stratospheric ozone changes during solar cycle 23 can be reproduced only if SORCE solar flux data are used. We have used a 3D Chemical Transport Model (CTM), to simulate stratospheric ozone for using two different (NRLSSI and SATIRE-S) solar flux data sets. The model is forced with recently available ECMWF ERAinterim re-analyses for 2001-2010. Simulated ozone changes are compared with Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) satellite instrument data sets. Modeled ozone anomalies from the simulations with either sets of solar fluxes show excellent agreement with all three satellite data sets. Here we argue that most of the ozone variability during solar cycle-23 can be simulated with SATIRE and/or NRL solar fluxes and estimated differences are within the uncertainties of the observation data sets. This study highlights the importance of realistic dynamics to simulate solar response on the stratospheric ozone. Wavelength Dependence of Solar Flare Irradiance Enhancement and its Influence on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System Yanshi Huang [] 1, Arthur D. Richmond2, Yue Deng1, Liying Qian2, Stanley C. Solomon2, Phillip C. Chamberlin3 (Presented by Phil Chamberlin) 1 2 3 Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland The wavelength dependence of irradiance enhancement during solar flare is one of the important factors in determining how the Thermosphere-Ionosphere (T-I) system responds to flares. To investigate the wavelength dependence of irradiance, the Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) was run for 34 X-class flares. The results show that the percentage increases of solar irradiance at flare peak have a clear wavelength dependence. In the wavelength range between 0 - 195 nm, it can vary from 1% to 10000%. The solar irradiance enhancement is largest (~1000%) in the XUV range (0 - 25 nm), and is about 100% in the EUV range (25 - 120 nm). The influence of different wavebands on the T-I system during the October 28th, 2003 flare (X17.2-class) has also been examined using the latest version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM). While the enhancement of the globally integrated solar energy deposition is largest in the 0 - 14 nm waveband, the impact of solar irradiance enhancement on the thermosphere at 400km is largest for the 25 - 105 nm waveband. The effect of the enhancement of the 122 - 195 nm waveband is small in magnitude, but it decays slowly. 4 Simulation of Solar Cycle Response in Tropical Total Column Ozone using SORCE Irradiance King-Fai Li1 [], Xun Jiang2, Mao-Chang Liang3, Yuk L. Yung1 (Presented by Shuhui Wang) 1 2 3 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California University of Houston, Texas Academia Sinica, Taiwan The solar-cycle signal of tropical column ozone (XO3) in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) model has been examined using solar spectral irradiance (SSI) estimated from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) solar model and that from recent satellite measurements observed by the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE). Four experiments have been conducted with NRL/SORCE SSI and climatological/realistic sea surface temperatures and ice, and all other variability is fixed to test the robustness of the simulated solar response in O3 against the presence of El Niño/Southern oscillation (ENSO). We found that potential aliasing effects from ENSO occurs below 20 km where tropical O3 concentration is low and has little impact (less than ~0.6 DU/100F10.7) on the regressed XO3 response. In the tropical region 24ºS–24ºN, using the SORCE SSI as a model input leads to a solar-cycle response of ~5.4 DU/100F10.7, which agrees with those obtained from the merged TOMS/SBUV satellite observations. The resultant vertical O3 response agrees with previous satellite measurements in the lower stratosphere but the negative response in the upper stratosphere disagrees with the observed. In contrast, the XO3 responses is ~3 DU/100F10.7, which is ~half of that obtained using SORCE SSI but agrees better with the SAGE and ground-based observations. The resultant vertical O3 response agrees with previous satellite measurements in the upper stratosphere but the lower stratospheric response is much weaker than the observed. This presents a dilemma to our current understanding of stratospheric O3 response to UV perturbations. SORCE Solar Irradiance Data Products and the LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Data Center (LISIRD) Doug Lindholm [], Chris Pankratz, Stephane Beland, Barry Knapp, Blake Vanier, Anne Wilson, Jerry Harder, Greg Kopp, Marty Snow, and Tom Woods; Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado manages the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Science Data System. This data processing system routinely produces Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) and Spectral Solar Irradiance (SSI) data products, which are formulated using measurements from the four primary instruments on board the SORCE spacecraft along with calibration data and other ancillary information to correct for all known instrumental and operational factors. The TIM instrument provides measurements of the TSI, whereas the SIM, SOLSTICE, and XPS instruments collectively provide measurements of the solar irradiance spectrum from 1 nm to 2400 nm (excluding 31-115 nm). "Level 3" data products (time-averaged over daily and six-hourly periods and spectrally re-sampled onto uniform wavelength scales) are routinely produced and delivered to the public via the SORCE web site (, and are archived at the Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC). The SORCE data are also available from the LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Data Center (LISIRD) web site ( which provides interactive access to over 25 years of LASP's solar irradiance measurements and is evolving to become the ultimate source of solar irradiance data products. The data are also available to computer programs via the LASP Time Series Server (LaTiS, which powers LISIRD). This poster provides an overview of the SORCE solar irradiance data products and other related data that are now directly available from LaTiS using a new IDL reader. 5 Future Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance by the TSIS Spectral Irradiance Monitor: Improvements in Measurement Absolute Accuracy and Long-term Stability Erik Richard1, Dave Harber1, Joel Rutkowski1, Kasandra O’Malia1, Matthew Triplett1, Ginger Drake1, Jerald Harder1, Odele Coddington1, Tom Sparn1, Peter Pilewskie1, Steven Brown2, Allan Smith2, and Keith Lykke2 1 2 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder Optical Technology Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland In order to advance understanding of how natural and anthropogenic processes affect climate it is important to maintain accurate, long-term records of climate forcing. In particular, the continuation of solar spectral irradiance (SSI) measurements is needed to characterize poorly understood wavelength-dependent climate processes. Major measurement challenges in quantifying the influence of SSI variability on climate are achieving sufficient radiometric absolute accuracy and maintaining the long-term relative accuracy of the data record. The TSIS SIM is the next generation space-borne SSI monitor that will fly as part of the joint agency (NASA/NOAA) JPSS program and is scheduled for launch later this decade. It is designed to measure (twice daily) the SSI between 200 and 2400 nm and calibrated to achieve unprecedented levels of measurement accuracy (maintained on-orbit) required to meet the needs of establishing a complete SSI climate data record. Significant design improvements have been implemented over that of the first-generation (SORCE) SIM. Key performance advances include improved radiometric detector design, reduced uncertainties in longterm stability, and significant improvement in pre-launch, SI-traceable calibration of absolute accuracy. To quantify the absolute accuracy over the full spectral range, we have developed a comprehensive spectral calibration facility utilizing the NIST Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Responsivity Calibrations using Uniform Sources (SIRCUS) system. This LASP facility provides continuously tuneable laser light sources from the ultraviolet to the near infrared that are matched in radiant power to the solar spectrum and tied to a cryogenic radiometer traceable to the NIST Primary Optical Watt Radiometer (POWR), the primary US standard for radiant power measurements. Based on a measurement equation approach, directly measurable unit- and instrument-level quantities are calibrated and then verified with an absolute end-to-end irradiance calibration. Solar Outreach through Research and Continuing Education (SORCE) Marty Snow [] and Erin Wood, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder The Education and Public Outreach program of the SORCE mission is primarily concerned with educating the next generation of scientists. The two activities supported by SORCE are a workshop for secondary teachers and participation in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Colorado. At the workshop, ten teachers from all over Colorado come to Boulder for an intensive three-day weekend on the Sun, Sun-Earth connection, climate, and related Earth science. Teachers hear lectures from scientists on current research topics, and conduct hands-on, standards-based lab exercises. The SORCE REU students come to Boulder to conduct near-graduate level research for eight weeks during the summer. After a first week of lectures and labs, the students work closely with one or two scientist mentors for seven weeks. Their research is presented orally and at a poster session at the REU student symposium in August. This poster will present the synergies created with these two unique programs, while discussing the importance of authentic research opportunities for undergraduates. 6 GCM Modeling Climate Response to Spectral Solar Forcing Guoyong Wen 1, 2 [], Robert F. Cahalan1, David Rind3, Jeff Jonas3, Peter Pilewskie4, and Jerald W. Harder4 1 2 3 4 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) GESTART / Morgan State University NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder We perform a series of experiments to explore climate responses to two types of solar spectral forcing on decadal and centennial time scales, one based on prior reconstructions and another implied by recent observations from the SORCE (Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment) SIM (Spectral Irradiance Monitor). We apply two types of solar forcing to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) Global/Middle Atmosphere Model (GCMAM) to examine the climate response. The current version of GISS GCMAM couples atmosphere with ocean, and has a model top near the mesopause, allowing us to examine the full response to the two solar forcing scenarios. We will show different climate responses to the two solar forcing scenarios on decadal time scale (i.e., solar minimum minus solar maximum) and long- term trends on centennial time scales. We will discuss mechanisms for Sun Climate connection. 7