Influence of Energetic Electron Precipitation (EEP) on the Atmosphere Cora Randall University of Colorado Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics (LASP) Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 1 Outline Introduction WACCM simulations of auroral electron precipitation ─ Composition ─ Temperature ─ Wind Conclusion Acknowledgments Charley Jackman, Lynn Harvey, Ethan Peck, Laura Holt, Matthias Brakebusch, Susanne Benze NCAR WACCM group, Satellite instrument teams NASA LWS, NSF CEDAR, NSF FESD Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 2 To what extent are EEP effects indicative of, and to what extent do they trigger, Atmospheric Coupling? Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 3 Premise: EEP-induced changes in polar ozone trigger a redistribution of solar and magnetospheric energy at Earth. Analogous to changes in ozone gradients induced by solar irradiance O3 Waves Temp Winds Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 4 Energetic Particle Precipitation (EPP) Medium & High Energy Electrons Solar Protons Adapted from Lean, 1994 Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 5 Energetic Particle Precipitation (EPP) ↓↓↓ e- e- Direct Effect Indirect Effect thermosphere Ionization & Dissociation NO ↓↓↓ mesosphere NOx and HOx NO NOx and HOx Destroy Ozone x O3one stratosphere NO O 3one troposphere Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 6 Requires efficient downward transport during polar night Odd nitrogen lifetime in sunlight: 70-80 km: Days 50-60 km: Weeks <40 km: Months-Years V. Lynn Harvey INDIRECT EFFECT Influenced by Dynamics Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 7 First satellite observations of EPP Indirect Effect from LIMS in NH, 1978-1979 Many observations of EPP IE in last couple decades EPP-NOx ~10% (up to 40%) of NOx in global (polar) stratosphere EPP-NOx increases associated with O3 decreases Cause/effect and other impacts? Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 8 Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model A 3D coupled chemistry climate model 0 to ~145 km Comprehensive chemistry incl. heterogeneous rx Interactive Chemistry or Specified Meteorology 1-1.5 km vertical resolution in stratosphere 1.9 x 2.5 horizontal resolution Ref: Garcia et al., 2007 Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 9 WACCM Parameterization of Precipitation Effects Aurora Solar Proton Events Input = Kp Distribution = Auroral Oval Roble and Ridley, 1987 Input = GOES proton flux Distribution = polar cap Jackman et al., 2008 Medium Energy Electrons (30 keV – 1 MeV) Input = MEPED electron flux Distribution = Codrescu patterns (JGR, 1997) Fang et al., 2008 Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 10 Three WACCM Simulations ● 42 years, perpetual (annually repeating) ● Seasonally varying input except Kp ● f10.7 = 210 (solar max) High Aurora (HA): Kp = 4 (Ap = 27) Low Aurora (LA): Kp = 2/3 (Ap = 4) Control: Same as LA, but new initial conditions Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 11 ~Altitude (km) WACCM HA NOx similar to MIPAS in SH 2003 (Ap=23) Less NOx in mesosphere, Later descent Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 12 Comparison of NOy with/without Aurora Δ NOy (HA-LA), 80°N Δ NOy (HA-LA), 80°S Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 13 Comparison of O3 with/without Aurora Δ O3 (HA-LA), 80°S HOX-induced O3 loss NOX-induced O3 loss NOx ties up ClO Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 14 Statistically significant effects on stratospheric temperature occurred only in Nov-Jan at high southern latitudes Look more closely at WACCM results here, starting with ozone Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 15 HA Ozone, 80°S Δ Ozone, 80°S Stratospheric O3 depletion coincides with significant NOx increase (white contour = ΔNOx, 97th percentile) Lower stratosphere O3 increase coincides with ClONO2 increase (black contour = ΔClONO2, 97th percentile) Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 16 Control Δ Ozone Pressure (hPa) Δ Ozone, 80°S Caution: Although small and statistically insignificant, some "signals" in control resemble HA-LA differences Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 17 HA Temp, 80°S Δ Temp, 80°S December temperature increase in lower stratosphere coincides with O3 increase (white contour = 95th percentile) – UV heating Cooling above 30 km also coincides with O3 increase – Dynamics Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 18 Δ Temp, 80°S Control Δ Temp Caution: As for O3, some small, statistically insignificant "signals" in control resemble HA-LA differences Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 19 Dec Lat Gradient ΔT ΔZ ΔU Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 20 Z Gradient, 60-80°S Δ Z Gradient White Contour: ΔZ > 0 at 80°S Black Contour: ΔT > 0 at 80°S Zonal Wind, 70°S Δ Zonal Wind, 70°S White Contour: ΔZGrad < 0 at 70°S Zonal wind more easterly: "Summer" Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 21 Same caution as for O3 and T: Similar (but smaller and not significant) signals in control. Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 22 Shift to summer wind conditions ↓ Ascent (Δwbar* > 0, black) ↓ Cooling O3 increase (white) caused by upward transport. Cooling in mesophere: Implications for polar mesospheric clouds Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 23 Δ Temperature, 80°S Control Δ Temperature Control results again suggest caution with interpretation. Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 24 Does auroral EEP cause Coupling? WACCM: Yes, in the SH. But: O3 Random effects muddy interpretation 42-yr run vs. 42 annual runs? WACCM: Persistent SH vortex Waves Temp Issues with WACCM descent in mesosphere Similar considerations for interpreting SSI simulations. Winds Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 25 High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere SOLAR Influences for SPARC (Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate) Boulder, Colorado NCAR/HAO 9-12 October 2012 Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 26 Thanks very much! Cora Randall, SORCE meeting, September 2012 27