LUMINARY Programme in the Liberal Arts and Sciences JULY 2014

JULY 2014
Programme in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
The University of Malta’s new flagship Programme in
the Liberal Arts and Sciences (PLAS) offers an excellent
opportunity for personal and professional development
and provides a flexible route to University Awards.
PLAS targets mainly, although not exclusively, adult and
returning learners.
Liberal arts and sciences courses and programmes
have been increasing over the last few years in
Europe, particularly in the U.K. and Northern European
institutions. ‘Liberal education’ developed into a
philosophy of education that empowers individuals with
a breadth of knowledge and transferable skills, as well
as a stronger sense of civic engagement.
The University of Malta Programme in the Liberal Arts
and Sciences offers a broad range of ‘stand alone’
Units in such diverse areas as archaeology, economics,
the art of wine-making, history, literature, culture,
conservation, philosophy, public policy, migration,
music, biology, medicine, earth systems, marketing, art,
astronomy, sociology, politics, chemistry, architecture,
law, photography, and more.
Students have the opportunity to study at their own
pace. PLAS is an innovative programme because
students get to choose their own topics for study from
the range of Units offered and the ‘bite-size’ approach
provides maximum flexibility in terms of attendance.
The Programme allows participants to use accumulated
units to achieve a Certificate, a Diploma, a Higher Diploma
and a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies, without any
limits of time. This allows the possibility for a person
to take on more Units at a less busy time in life and to
decrease the pace at demanding times. 30 ECTS credits
lead to a Certificate in Liberal Studies; 60 ECTS credits to
a Diploma in Liberal Studies; 120 ECTS credits lead to a
Higher Diploma in Liberal Studies, while 180 ECTS credits
lead to a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies.
JULY 2014
University of Malta
Lecturer on track for
SNEB Presidency
Dr Suzanne Piscopo recently returned from the US
where she took on the role of President-Elect of the
Society for Nutrition Education and Behaviour. SNEB is
the premiere international association fostering quality
research and effective practice in the field of nutrition
education and nutrition behaviour change.
In her new role Dr Piscopo will assist in developing and
directing policy for the organisation, as well as plan the
2015 Annual Meeting. In July 2015 she will then step into
the role of President; the first non-North American to
occupy this post.
Earlier this year Dr Suzanne Piscopo was also among
the first group of Europeans to receive the credential
of European Health Promotion Practitioner from the
International Union for Health Promotion and Health
Education. Her goal is to help other local graduates
obtain this credential through following a prescribed set
of undergraduate and graduate courses.
Dr Piscopo is a Nutrition, Family and Consumer Studies
Senior Lecturer within the Faculty of Education at the
University of Malta and active in schools and in the
community in promoting healthy, sustainable lifestyles.
She is the author of a series of children’s stories with an
educational theme and co-developer with her husband
Michael of the very popular fictional character Fonzu
l-Fenek who uses multiple channels to teach young
children about healthy, sustainable living (see www.
Dr Piscopo started her career as Home Economics
teacher, then pursued further studies in Canada and
England in Health Promotion, Community Nutrition and
Food Sociology. She is a Registered Nutritionist with
the Nutrition Society (UK) and co-founder of the local
‘Home Economists in Action’.
New Solar Research Lab for University
The University of Malta’s Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) is set to become a world-class centre of excellence in solar research thanks to the establishment
of a brand new solar research laboratory at its campus
in Marsaxlokk. The primary focus of the lab will be solar
materials research.
The project, led by Professor Luciano Mule’ Stagno, who has over 20 years’ experience in the field,
was made possible by a successful University bid
for EU ERDF funds amounting to 3.98 million euros.
The new lab will not only improve and expand the
research infrastructure within the ISE; it will also enable research groups from various University departments as well as from the private sector to make use
of state-of-the-art specialised equipment in order to
generate publications, patents and possibly business
start-ups. Collaboration will also extend beyond our
shore, with leading universities and solar companies
around the world.
The ISE offers a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy
that has attracted over 50 students in the last 4 years. The
project is consistent with EU 2020 goals as well as with the
National Framework, the renewable energy action plan of
which aims at reducing the Islands’ dependence on fossil
fuels and promoting cleaner energy sources.
The potential of photovoltaic energy in Malta is substantial, particularly if one takes into account the roofs
of private houses and buildings such as schools. On the
other hand, the limited space available restricts the
quantity of energy that can be produced.
The new lab will perform cutting edge solar materials research and enable researchers to study optimal
material choices and set-ups that are adapted to local
conditions, in order to improve the performance of PV
systems and boost their efficiency in terms of electricity generation. A recent paper revealed that average
industrial PV systems are currently performing 5 % to 6 %
below their optimal output capacity.
JULY 2014
Junior College Orchestra
Performs in Nice, France
Training for refugees and asylum
seekers at Argotti Botanic Gardens
A selection from the Junior College Orchestra recently
participated in “Le Printemps des Lycéens et Apprentis”, a renowned arts festival held in Nice, France. This
festival brings together students from all over France
and many other European countries. The Maltese students played a cover version of ‘Runaway’ by Jamiroquai, specifically adapted by Glen Montanaro, a college
student following Musical Studies. The students were
accompanied by Mro Manoel Pirotta, director of the
Junior College Orchestra.
Institute for European
Studies Survey
The Institute for European Studies has published the
findings of a survey distributed amongst alumni regarding their occupational status. This survey was carried out between April 4th and May 20th with the aim
of collecting information on the professional status
of the graduates of the Institute for European Studies
(formerly known as the European Documentation and
Research Centre – EDRC). Between 1992 and 2013, 516
persons graduated from the Institute - ‘alumni’ – at the
Diploma, BA, and/or MA levels. The full report can be
accessed here.
In the past months, the University section of the Argotti
Botanic Gardens has once again been hosting training
for refugees and asylum seekers. The HORTES II project,
short for Horticulture Training as a Means to Enhance
Skills of Refugees and Asylum Seekers aimed to do exactly what its title says – it endeavoured to teach refugees and asylum seekers the basics of gardening. This
project was funded by the European Union through the
European Refugee Fund.
The course was spread over three levels, from beginners’ to advanced, each taking approximately ten weeks
to complete. Refugees from all open centres were contacted, with the biggest number of participants coming
from one of the open centres in Ħal Far. Refugees and
asylum seekers staying at open centres were targeted
for this initiative because at this stage they would be
preparing to leave their centre and find a home to make
a fresh start. The acquisition of new skills enhances
their employability and helps them in their process of
This year, Evenings on Campus kicked off with a concert
by the Choir of Clare College,
Cambridge, at the Carmelite
Church, Mdina, earlier in July.
The full programme for 2014
includes an eclectic schedule of
film, music, drama, an event for
children, Café Scientifique, and
stand-up comedy.
Access the full Programme here. This newletter is published by the Communications and Alumni
Relations Office within the University of Malta.
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