LUMINARY Mutual Recognition of Degrees, Diplomas JUNE 2013

JUNE 2013
Mutual Recognition of Degrees, Diplomas
The Minister of Education Evarist Bartolo, has signed
a cooperation agreement for Mutual Recognition of
Academic Degrees and Diplomas with his counterpart
Minister Yuan Guiren of the People’s Republic of China.
This agreement is an important milestone to facilitate
and enhance student mobility between China and Malta
and to make Malta an attractive destination for Chinese
students seeking tertiary education abroad.
During discussions prior to the signing ceremony,
Minister Bartolo highlighted the importance that
Mrs Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner
for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, is
placing on enhanced Sino-EU cooperation in the field of
higher education, and particularly within the proposed
Erasmus for All programme. ‘The Commissioner has
taken particular interest in the agreement we signed
today between Malta and China, and has welcomed the
assistance that Malta can provide to further strengthen
Sino-EU cooperation in the field of Education’, the
Minister said.
The Rector of the University of Malta, Professor Juanito
Camilleri, who accompanied the Minister during the visit
to China, expressed his satisfaction as he believes this
agreement will be instrumental to increase the number
of Chinese students in Malta, but also to encourage
Maltese students to spend study-abroad periods in
China. ‘The number of world-class universities in China is
impressive and the growing number of excellent degree
programmes offered in English by Chinese universities
provides Maltese students with a wonderful opportunity
to study in China. Once Erasmus for All is introduced, the
opportunity for student exchange with China will be
further enhanced’, the Rector said.
The Minister was also accompanied by Mr Reno Calleja,
the President of the Malta-China Friendship Society and
the Ambassador of Malta to China, Dr Joseph Cassar.
During the various meetings scheduled for this first
official delegation to China of the current Government,
the possibility of enhanced cooperation between Malta
and China in various other fields of mutual interest is
being discussed.
Understanding the Self and Others
Gordon Sammut (University of Malta), together with
Paul Daanen (Argosy University), & Fathali M. Moghaddam (Georgetown University), has edited a new book
entitled Understanding the Self and Others: Explorations in Intersubjectivity and Interobjectivity. The discussions in this book aim to provide a better
understanding of how we come to know ourselves and
others. Bringing together a number of cutting edge researchers and practitioners in psychology and related
fields, this diverse collection of thirteen papers draws
on psychology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics, communications, and anthropology to explore how human
beings effectively come to understand and interact
with others. This volume is organised in three main sections to explore some of the key conceptual issues, discuss the cognitive processes involved in intersubjectivity and interobjectivity, and examine human relations
at the level of collective processes.
JUNE 2013
JC students participate in European Theatre Festival
A sixteen strong Maltese team of Junior College
students and lecturers recently participated in the sixth
edition of the European Theatre Festival organised
by ISMC (Institut Superieur Marseille Cadenelle) in
Marseilles, France.
This exciting and intense experience included
workshops and nine performances produced by the
participating European countries. These included
France, the host country, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Greece,
Malta, Norway, Romania and Spain. Plays were either
originals or adaptations. The Junior College students
produced an adaptation of ‘The Orchestra’ by French
playwright Jean Anouilh, directed by Roderick Vassallo.
The play in English was enriched with Devota Qalbiena,
a Maltese poem by Anton Buttigieg which fitted the play
perfectly. The Maltese performance was well received
by the jury and the public in general.
‘The Orchestra , a play for six women and one man, is
set on a concert stage. As the music is played, the ladies
of the brasserie orchestra and the solitary male pianist
reveal seething volcanoes under their placid exterior.
Jealousy, gossip, boasting and thwarted emotions
climax in one of the musicians, committing suicide offstage — ironically the orchestra played on.
Raphael Vella at Palazzo Bembo Art Exhibition
Artist and senior lecturer at the University of Malta
Raphael Vella has been invited to participate in
an exhibition called ‘Personal Structures’ which
forms part of the Biennale di Venezia, 2013.
The exhibition is being held at Palazzo Bembo
on the Canal Grande near the Rialto Bridge - a
venue that has housed important exhibitions
of contemporary art and architecture in recent
Curated by Francesca Crudo, Sarah Gold, Carol
Rolla and Valeria Romagnini, the exhibition is
spread around the whole palace building and
brings together works by many artists from
different parts of the world, including important
names like Gotthard Graubner, Yoko Ono, Roman
Opalka, Otto Piene, Arnulf Rainer and Valie
Export. Raphael Vella is being represented by a
large series of twelve recent drawings occupying
a whole wall. The exhibition opens to the public
on 1 June and runs until 24 November, 2013.
JUNE 2013
Coming Up
MOU between
A Memorandum of Understanding has
been signed between Shanghai University
of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM)
and the University of Malta (UoM).
Through this agreement, the two parties
have expressed an interest in establishing
bilateral cooperation in the setting up of an
education programme leading to a Master
Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine
and Culture. Vice President Professor Liu
Ping signed the agreement on behalf of
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, while Rector Professor Juanito
Camilleri signed on behalf of University of
Professional Dance:
Summer School
Malta. This meeting has been facilitated
by Mr Reno Calleja the President of
the Malta China Friendship Society and
by Professors from both universities.
His Excellency The Ambassador of the
People’s Republic of China was present at
the signing ceremony.
The parties will endeavour to sign a
Specific Framework Agreement within
a year, while both parties shall be
exploring the possibilities of other forms
of academic and clinical cooperation in
the field of acupuncture and traditional
Chinese medicine.
Junior College student Janice Valentina Bonnici, placed first in
the national 2012 Juvenes Translatores contest, a translation
competition organised annually by the European Commission.
Janice, a student of French and Maltese at Advanced level,
was invited to the awards ceremony in Brussels. She was
accompanied by Ms Claudine Borg, lecturer within the French
Department at the Junior College who coordinates the
competition and coaches the students.
The School of Performing Arts at the University of Malta is proud to
present its first Professional Dance summer
school with the renowned London-based
company Wayne McGregor | Random Dance.
In July 2013 dancers
from Wayne McGregor
| Random Dance will
lead a 5-day residency at
the University of Malta
Dance Studios in San
Gwann. More.
University of Malta
Gozo Campus
There are 194 students
studying at the University
of Malta Gozo Campus, following degree or diploma
courses in a wide variety
of subjects, including arts,
and inclusive education.
Courses in clinical nursing
practice, public accounting and Master of Science
in Sustainable Energy
This newletter is published by the Communications and Alumni
Relations Office within the University of Malta.
All Rights Reserved 2013
are offered via video
383 Gozitan students
following courses at the
University of Malta Msida Campus have been
given the opportunity
to sit for their May/June
session of examinations
in Gozo. Approximately
250 examinations will be
held in Gozo at the end
of the present semester.