THE LUMINARY UNIVERSIT Y OF MALTA ALUMNI NEWSLET TER OCTOBER 2013 The New Academic Year Opens The University of Malta academic year 2013-2014 started with a ceremony at Sir Temi Zammit Hall. Rector, Professor Juanito Camilleri, and Mr Thomas Bugeja, President of the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji KSU, welcomed freshers and delivered the traditional speeches. This was followed by the Opening of Freshers’ Week on Atriju Vassalli. The Inauguration Mass followed, celebrated by Fr Patrick Magro University Chaplain. The theme for the new academic year is: Between Vision and Reality…There’s You, Commitment, and Action. Rector encouraged the new students to dream of a future Malta and of the heritage they wished to pass on to their children. He invited the students to dream of new technologies, of an open and better educated society, of a sustainable environment, of the highest human values, and of a dyanmic economy, well placed in the global market. He wished for the students to be worthy of their Alma Mater through their hard work so that they could continue building on the foundations of their forefathers. Prof. Camilleri, once again, appealed for a method to be sought for the long term financing of the University, so that its sustainability and autonomy would be protected and strengthened. He stated that the funds invested in University placed great responsibility on its authorities to ensure that the financing was well managed and that the investment translated into a better standard of living for all the Maltese, whether directly or indirectly. Apart from referring to the University’s utilitarian function, Rector emphasized that pure research was also very important for future productivity, creativity and innovation. To this end it was vital, Prof. Camilleri said, for the University to have the financial and infrastructural means to create its own research programme. “One must avoid a situation whereby the funds that this country invests in research are controlled exclusively by outside prescriptive and restrictive pressures. This would hinder academic autonomy and limit progress in research,” he said. “Over the years, we need to continue working on our development plan, that is transforming this University into a modern third generation university based on the three pillars of teaching and training, research and innovation, and services to industry and to civil society,” he reiterated. “This must include the renewed commitment by the University to translate the fruits of its knowledge into entrepreneurship and added value for our country”, he said. Prof. Camilleri emphasized that according to its international vocation, the University must strengthen its academic profile so as to prove itself as a prestigious institution and attract an increasing number of students, researchers and academics from overseas. To this end the University has to enhance its post doctoral level by receiving and by generating the necessary resources and by building the required infrastructure so that it could employ academics on Research Fellowship projects of international excellence or of particular importance for Malta’s social and economic development. The University must generate work for tomorrow’s graduates through its research and innovation and in areas that are still to be created, Rector pointed out. Above all, he said, the University is measured according to its success in influencing the country’s direction in the social and economic spheres, so that as a member of the European Union, Malta would remain sovereign and sustainable, able to contribute significantly on the international front, and capable of facing future challenges. Rector spoke of the new Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation, the Knowledge CONT> THE LUMINARY OCTOBER 2013 Transfer Office, and the Business Incubator which should soon host new technology start-ups inspired by the students’ work. Prof. Camilleri explained that works on the two new floors of the Biomedical Sciences building were also at an advanced stage. These new floors, he said, would consolidate and expand the wet-laboratory facilities, to create the right environment to enhance the research programmes in genetics, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical sciences, complementing the development of the Life Sciences Park close to campus. Prof. Camilleri went on to speak of the continued embellishment of the Valletta campus as an international conferencing and graduate centre, of the plans to expand the facilities of the Gozo campus, and of the recent investment in the sports facilities and the new childcare centre at the Junior College. Rector also spoke on the progress made on a number of new projects which he said would hopefully address the operational and recreational space requirements 2 on the Msida campus, and which would provide the required infrastructure for research and innovation particularly at post-doctoral level. He described these as an unprecedented leap forward in the capacity and range of facilities available on campus in the coming years. Prof. Camilleri concluded that he was delighted that the University had recently managed to secure even more funding through European Regional Development Funds, allowing projects in the pipeline to be implemented. These funds and Government’s continued support were proving instrumental for the University to enhance its research profile, he pointed out. Referring to Malta’s presidency of the EU in 2017, and to Valletta the City of Culture in 2018, Rector said that both projects were of National and European pride, and he invited all Deans, Directors, and Heads to actively encourage their staff and students to lend a hand both in the run-up, as well as during the unfolding of these events. Come and Discover the University On Sunday 10 November, come visit University, see parts of campus you have never been to and learn about what goes on behind the scenes. From 1000hrs to 1700hrs join the tours, listen to the talks, and participate in sport activities. Canteen facilities will be available and parking offered at car park 6 by the main gate, on the side of Mater Dei Hospital. All the activities on Sunday are open to all: teenagers, adults and children, as well as University staff, students, and alumni. Drop in at the Marquee (Car Park 4) to visit the different zones, and listen to live music. Spend some time at the Engineering Pavilion. This year, the Faculty of Engineering is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the commencement of its first course. For this reason, the Pavilion in Atriju Vassalli will entirely be dedicated to the Faculty of Engineering. The Open Week, Discover University, is between 10th and 15th November. However, from Monday 11 to Friday 15 November activities are reserved for secondary school students and sixth formers. Activities will showcase the University’s many facets through a number of themes including: Courses; Research; Faculties & Departments/Institutes/Centres; Junior College; Student Life; Sports; Cultural Activities; The Library; Administration; Alumni; Malta University Holding Company; Malta University Press. The various events are aimed at attracting prospective University students, alumni and interested members of the general public who would like to find out how the University works and plays. The main large tent - the Marquee in Car Park 4 will have internal booths according to themes. Lecture rooms in the Mikiel Anton Vassalli Conference Centre and in other lecture centres, University House and the Sir Temi Zammit Hall will be utilised. Another Pavilion will be set up in the area in front of the University Library for academic, sports and cultural activities. There will also be planned visits to laboratories and to the Library. The well researched Renaissance Meal will be held on Friday 15 November 2000hrs at the Valletta Campus. Reservations by email to For more information visit discoveruniversity Discover University is sponsored by Middlesea, a member of the Mapfre group. THE LUMINARY 3 OCTOBER 2013 Ministry of Education Offers Support to UoMR University of Malta Racing (UoMR) is made up of a group of students from different courses, who have formed an association with the aim of designing and building a Formula style racing car. The car will be raced in 2014 in a competition organised by the Society of Automotive Engineers. This is where various universities from different countries will battle it out against each other. The team will be assessed on criteria which include engineering design and rule compliance, product marketability and the car’s outright performance in an endurance test. This reflects the innovative and end-user design philosophy which has to be adopted by entrepreneurs in today’s competitive market. The team’s participation in the competition is the second time for the University of Malta, the first time being in 2007. The Ministry of Education and Employment is one of the most recent supporters of this project. By taking the Gold Package it became one of the main partners of the association. Since this is a costly project, UoMR requires the backing of companies and organisations in order to purchase and manufacture the necessary parts required to build a competitive car. At this point in time, the design stage has been finalised, the major components purchased, and the fabrication of the spaceframe chassis has commenced. The assistance of the Ministry of Education and Employment, along with the other sponsors of UoMR has been fundamental in getting this project off the ground. UoMR has also partnered with other active University collaborators including OK Malta, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, RIDT and the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST). LIBRARY EXHIBITION Saint Augustine Lectures 2013 The University of Malta Library is currently hosting an exhibition of literary works of four Maltese authors – Charles Casha, Trevor Zahra, Rita Saliba and Leanne Ellul. Besides examples of their publications, the exhibition includes drawings, manuscripts and other interesting material relating to their literary output. His Eminence Cardinal Professor Prospero Grech OSA, from the Augustinianum in Rome, will be the main speaker. Cardinal Prospero Grech OSA is a very well known authority in the field of New Testament studies and scholarship, and has lectured widely in various academic institutions around the world. For several years, Prof. Grech was also Preside of the Augustinianum in Rome, the renowned academic institution for Patristic Studies. Cardinal Grech will deliver the first public lecture on Tuesday, 29 This newletter is published by the Communications and Alumni Relations Office within the University of Malta. All Rights Reserved 2013 October 2013. The event will take place in Hall E, M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre - Gateway Building (GW) at University of Malta, Msida Campus, at 1900hrs. Cardinal Grech will deliver another public lecture on Thursday, 31 October 2013 in lecture hall Saint Augustine, at the Augustinian Institute, Pietà (Gwardamangia Hill) at 1830hrs. The lecture will be in Maltese on the theme of Il-Kotba Mqaddsa f’idejn Santu Wistin: It-Tagħlim Nisrani (On Teaching Christianity).