THE LUMINARY UNIVERSIT Y OF MALTA ALUMNI NEWSLET TER DECEMBER The Malta Mediterranean Forum The Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) and the International Policy Leadership Institute (IPLI), Paris, France, on Friday 29 November held the first inaugural international panel of expert speakers on Mediterranean governance. The conference was held at the President’s Palace in Valletta under the auspices of his H.E. Dr George Abela, President of Malta and was attended by, among others, the Ambassadors of Spain, Britain, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Egypt, Italy and Germany, the Auditor-General, Malta’s Ombudsman, the Principal Permanent Secretary (OPM), Permanent Secretaries and local and international students. Speakers at this first Malta Mediterranean Forum included Dr Sinan Ülgen, Chairman of the Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), who spoke about the Turkish model, H.E. Ambassador Antonio Martins da Cruz, former foreign minister of Portugal, former ambassador to Spain, NATO and Chairman in office of the OSCE, who addressed Portugal’s experience of the reform of the state, H.E. Souad Gueblaoui, Ambassador of Tunisia, who spoke about current reforms in Tunisia and Dr Barah Mikail, Senior Researcher from FIDRE, Madrid, who addressed current issues in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially Syria. Professor Godfrey Pirotta (Director IPAM), convener of this Mediterranean Forum, spoke about the current challenges facing the Tunisian Public Service. His presentation was based on a research project carried out by IPAM and IPLI in Tunisia earlier this year. Mr Timothy Reno, Director IPLI, was the conference moderator. The conference was opened by a speech from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr George Vella who spoke about the need for collaborative action by Mediterranean states in pursuit of good governance. Awarded Title of Visiting External Professor During a ceremony, held at the Medical School Auditorium, Dr Joseph De Giovanni M.D., was recently awarded the title of Visiting External Professor of the University of Malta. In a brief oration, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Professor Godfrey LaFerla, said that Dr De Giovanni has distinguished himself in the field of paediatric cardiology and is highly respected both in Malta and abroad. His contribution to this area of study, continued the Dean, includes regular contributions to journals and lectures whilst he also undertakes clinical trials and runs charity workshops in various parts of the world. THE LUMINARY DECEMBER 2 Annual Biology Symposium Over 100 students, professionals and researchers attended the University of Malta’s Department of Biology 2013 Symposium, held recently. This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Biology Symposium which has been held annually since 1993. The Hon. Leo Brincat, Minster for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, Prof. Richard Muscat, Pro-Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Sammut, Dean of the Faculty of Science, and Dr Joseph A. Borg, Head of the Department of Biology, contributed to the opening session. Mr Brincat acknowledged that although negotiations and decisions concerning action to mitigate climate change remain difficult, science is guiding the goalpost. He emphasised that the future of biological research for the Maltese graduate is promising, as the Ministry intends to explore opportunities for stronger links with University, and to strengthen the national capacity for implementation of environmental objectives and bridge the gap between research and policy. As in previous years, the Symposium served to showcase undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (MSc and PhD) research projects undertaken at the Department. The research projects concluded in 2013 feature topics in aquaculture, botany, conservation biology, genetics, freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecology, and effects of plant extracts on biological systems, amongst others. Projects in genetics concerned the application of molecular genetics for phylogenetic analyses of elasmo branch species, genetics of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and a study of the hypervariable regions in mitochondrial DNA of the Maltese population. Within the area of terrestrial ecology and conservation biology, projects focused on the developing an index of naturalness for assessing coastal sites, use of the island of Comino by migrating passerines, ecology of freshwater pools, ecology of the Maltese Wall Lizard, use of the Golden Samphire Inula Crithmoides as an indicator of the coastal zone, population studies on the Maltese Everlasting Helichrysum melitense, characterisation of scrubland habitats in the Maltese Islands, and the effects of quarrying on biodiversity. Within the area of marine biology and aquaculture, projects concerned aspects of the population ecology of the Noble Pen Shell Pinna nobilis, biomorphometric features of local rocky shores, ecology of shoreline algal carpets, ‘tropicalisation’ of the Mediterranean Sea, ecology of cobble habitat, influence of anthropogenic moficiation of shore habitat on the associated flora and fauna, physical factors influencing Neptune Grass Posidonia oceanica meadows, characterisation of deep water seabed habitats around the Maltese Islands, aspects of the population ecology of the Posidonia prawn Palaemonxiphias, and the influence of light intensity and photoperiod on the White Sea Bream Diplodussargus. Other projects concerned the influence of biochar addition on the growth of Salad Rocket Erucasativa, the bioactivity of essential oil from the Mediterranean Cypress Cypressus sempervivens, an assessment of composting using invertebrates, and bioactivity of extracts of the microalga Arthrospira. Abstracts of these projects, which total 25, have been published in a booklet edited by Mr David Dandria, with a foreword by the Head of the Department of Biology, Dr Joseph A. Borg. Copies of the booklet may be purchased from the Department of Biology (Tel: 23402272). The 2013 Biology Symposium was partly sponsored by the Environment Protection Directorate of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. Several of the research projects were funded by the University’s Research Fund. THE LUMINARY 3 DECEMBER Unveiling of Commemorative Bust On 12th December 2013, the unveiling of the commemorative bust of Professor Elisabeth Mann Borgese, the Mother of the Oceans and the Founder of IOI, was held at the Arvid Pardo and Pacem in Maribus Study Area, University of Malta. This is an initiative of the IOI President to honour Prof. Elisabeth Mann Borgese’s contribution to the sustainable governance of the ocean and future generations. The ceremony was presided by Dr Awni Behnam, IOI President, and Prof. Alfred Vella, Pro Rector, University of Malta. Prof. Elisabeth Mann Borgese was born in Munich, Germany, on 24th April 1918, fifth of six children of Katja Pringsheim and Thomas Mann (Nobel Literature Laureate 1929). She completed her studies in SEASON’S GREETINGS Switzerland from Fries Gymnasium Zurich in 1937. In 1939, she emigrated to USA with her parents, married Giuseppe Antonio Borgese in 1939 and has two daughters, Angelica and Dominica. She was a Professor of political science and adjunct Professor of Law at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. Before moving to Canada, she was a senior fellow at the Centre for Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. It was there that she launched her ocean project, which led to the establishment of the Pacem in Maribus Conference and the International Ocean Institute (IOI). Prof. Mann Borgese was a member of the Club of Rome and the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, and an associate member of the Third World Academy. She has served as a consultant to UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO, and the World Bank. Among other honors, she has been awarded the United Nations Sasakawa Environment Prize, the Francis of Assisi Environment Prize, and the Order of Canada. Prof. Mann Borgese is the author of a dozen books and many research papers and editorials. She has been awarded several doctorates honoris causa. MEDAC reviewed in FAZ Leading German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine carries an extensive reportage on the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies and its students in the latest edition of its higher education magazine. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung also known as the FAZ, is a leading German newspaper founded in 1949. F.A.Z. has a circulation of almost 400,000 copies. It is the This newletter is published by the Communications and Alumni Relations Office within the University of Malta. All Rights Reserved 2013 German daily with the widest circulation abroad and has one of the world’s largest networks of correspondents. Six times per year, the FAZ publishes a magazine for professionals and students, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Hoschschulanzeiger (Frankfurter Allgemeine Higher Education Gazette).