Benefitting/Protecting the Environment Award for Research at the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development of the University of Malta Award Submission Form Graduates of the Master of Science degree at Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development are invited to submit their dissertation for this award. The applicants are to prepare an extended abstract of 500 words and submit it alongside this form and a digital copy of their dissertation. Closing date for submissions is 1st October 2016 The award will be based on (i) academic excellence and (ii) contribution and impact on society. Shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview in October-November 2016. Prizes will be given to the top three dissertations: 1st Place €1,500 2nd Place €1,000 3rd Place €500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please fill in below, sign it and submit it alongside the 500-word abstract and a digital copy of the dissertation (by hand) to Ms Romina Zammit at the Institute. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel: _________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Title of your dissertation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year of submission of dissertation: _________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________