a n n e x e st ot h e Gr e e nT r a n s p o r tPl a nf o r t h eMs i d aCa mp u s Un i v e r s i t yo f Ma l t a Annex One Terms of Reference Annex Two Traffic and Pedestrian Survey Results Traffic Counts AM Peak Site A Gateway entry-exit 07:15 - 07:30 360 07:30 - 07:45 367 07:45 - 08:00 1 140 08:00 - 08:15 1 85 08:15 - 08:30 1 138 08:30 - 08:45 2 118 11 08:45 - 09:00 1 132 27 09:00 - 09:15 1 103 09:15 - 09:30 2 1 1 16 09:30 - 09:45 115 21 09:45 - 10:00 80 27 1 1920 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 28 7 HGVs 1 77 TOTAL 1 LGVs Cars M’cycles Bicycles HGVs 1 2 1 161 1 2 6 HGVs 205 LGVs 07:00 - 07:15 OUT LGVs Cars M’cycles Bicycles IN AM Peak Site B Old University entry-exit 1 1 55 07:30 - 07:45 07:45 - 08:00 1 08:00 - 08:15 3 1 10 2 105 2 12 3 38 4 33 1 2 89 08:15 - 08:30 08:30 - 08:45 Cars 4 M’cycles 26 Bicycles 1 HGVs LGVs 07:15 - 07:30 Cars 07:00 - 07:15 OUT M’cycles Bicycles IN 2 17 1 4 1 25 1 08:45 - 09:00 1 40 1 17 09:00 - 09:15 1 17 2 17 1 09:15 - 09:30 30 2 14 1 09:30 - 09:45 24 2 1 25 1 11 507 20 09:45 - 10:00 TOTAL 3 1 1 1 1 10 1 2 15 4 1 1 15 1 3 136 6 AM Peak Site C Triq E Bernard entry-exit 07:15 - 07:30 1 5 1 16 2 55 07:30 - 07:45 24 07:45 - 08:00 21 08:00 - 08:15 11 25 1 08:15 - 08:30 5 13 1 08:30 - 08:45 5 28 2 08:45 - 09:00 9 19 2 09:00 - 09:15 1 3 HGVs LGVs 4 07:00 - 07:15 Cars M’cycles Bicycles HGVs LGVs OUT Cars M’cycles Bicycles IN 1 1 63 2 42 1 23 09:15 - 09:30 15 09:30 - 09:45 2 09:45 - 10:00 2 TOTAL 2 91 1 12 8 4 1 319 10 PM Peak Site A Gateway entry-exit 15:30 - 15:45 33 15:45 - 16:00 2 54 16:00 - 16:15 2 39 16:15 - 16:30 38 16:30 - 16:45 31 16:45 - 17:00 64 17:00 - 17:15 80 17:15 - 17:30 49 17:30 - 17:45 2 17:45 - 18:00 1 TOTAL 1 4 472 1 3 2 103 3 1 2 47 1 4 17 1 4 63 2 57 3 1 1 4 3 44 5 2 87 3 2 119 4 163 2 59 2 1 6 HGVs 1 LGVs 23 Cars 15:15 - 15:30 M’cycles 2 1 Bicycles 58 15:00 - 15:15 HGVs LGVs OUT Cars M’cycles Bicycles IN 1 1 1 6 14 760 2 1 20 11 PM Peak Site B Old University entry-exit 15:15 – 15:30 17 10 28 13 15:30 – 15:45 1 15:45 – 16:00 1 1 16:00 – 16:15 39 2 37 30 16 16:15 – 16:30 1 19 1 15 16:30 – 16:45 1 19 1 14 16:45 – 17:00 17:00 – 17:15 31 1 17:15 – 17:30 17:30 – 17:45 1 6 3 1 42 17:45 – 18:00 TOTAL 21 32 2 HGVs 35 HGVs 31 LGVs 15:00 – 15:15 LGVs Cars M’cycles Bicycles HGVs LGVs OUT Cars M’cycles Bicycles IN 1 22 2 20 9 8 8 5 312 1 7 209 PM Peak Site C Triq E Bernard entry-exit Cars M’cycles Bicycles HGVs LGVs OUT Cars M’cycles Bicycles IN 15:00 - 15:15 3 26 15:15 - 15:30 2 19 1 15:30 - 15:45 2 6 1 15:45 - 16:00 2 13 1 16:00 - 16:15 9 14 1 16:15 - 16:30 4 12 16:30 - 16:45 4 16 16:45 - 17:00 4 1 13 17:00 - 17:15 6 1 36 17:15 - 17:30 7 17:30 - 17:45 9 13 17:45 - 18:00 9 3 TOTAL 61 1 2 2 15 3 186 1 1 6 Pedestrian Counts AM Peak In Flow Only Site A Site B Site C Site D Site E 07:00 - 07:15 40 33 6 10 0 07:15 - 07:30 44 40 4 7 2 07:30 - 07:45 143 104 8 23 9 07:45 - 08:00 113 240 15 34 3 08:00 - 08:15 76 95 2 35 5 08:15 - 08:30 70 55 10 24 2 08:30 - 08:45 107 106 5 21 2 08:45 - 09:00 185 164 17 13 6 09:00 - 09:15 45 94 17 11 8 09:15 - 09:30 69 70 4 4 3 09:30 - 09:45 122 88 12 3 8 09:45 - 10:00 124 200 10 12 6 1138 1289 110 197 54 Site B Site C Site D Site E TOTAL Site A – Gateway Building entry-exit Site B – Old University entry-exit Site C – Triq E Bernard entry-exit Site D – Garden Centre entry-exit Site E – Wieq Għollieqa access PM Peak Out Flow Only Site A 15:00 - 15:15 149 253 27 26 9 15:15 - 15:30 19 56 2 8 2 15:30 - 15:45 22 47 3 3 0 15:45 - 16:00 75 75 3 9 3 16:00 - 16:15 80 183 10 15 7 16:15 - 16:30 27 77 9 6 2 16:30 - 16:45 34 76 12 4 2 16:45 - 17:00 147 90 9 4 8 17:00 - 17:15 136 112 6 22 10 17:15 - 17:30 9 40 8 2 1 17:30 - 17:45 6 30 1 2 3 17:45 - 18:00 20 60 4 5 5 724 1099 94 106 52 TOTAL Annex Three Accident Statistics Police Officer PS245 N/A N/A PS909 PS1373 PS1102 PS586 PS1373 PS1102 N/A N/A PS1575 PS909 PS909 PS513 PS1136 N/A N/A PS1136 PS1102 PS1575 PS513 PS513 PS635 N/A File Ref No. 6/M/84/2005 8/R/201/2005 6/M/435/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/927/2005 6/M/1373/2005 8/R/2907/2005 6/M/1675/2005 6/M/39/2005 6/L/577/2005 6/M/389/2005 6/M/785/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/1033/2005 6/L/3963/2005 6/M/2048/2005 6/M/1872/2006 6/M/1923/2006 6/M/2087/2006 6/M/823/2006 6/M/1001/2006 6/L/1887/2006 6/L/3734/2006 6/M/2057/2006 6/M/2249/2006 Msida Msida Gżira Gżira Msida Msida Msida Msida Msida Msida Gżira Msida Msida Msida Msida Sliema Msida Msida B’Kara Msida Msida Msida Msida B’Kara Bypass B’Kara Bypass Town December November October June June May November November October December October July June May March February January October August September June June March January January Month N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Wednesday N/A N/A N/A Thursday Sunday Thursday Friday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Thursday Day 22/12/2006 23/11/2006 26/10/2006 06/08/2006 06/07/2006 05/08/2006 27/11/2006 11/04/2006 27/10/2006 29/12/2005 30/10/2005 07/07/2005 24/06/2005 27/05/2005 14/03/2005 17/02/2005 01/07/2005 21/10/2005 18/08/2005 09/04/2005 21/06/2005 24/06/2005 22/03/2005 14/01/2005 13/01/2005 Date 13:15 20:45 08:45 07:30 14:15 09:45 14:35 00:15 16:30 08:15 01:45 20:15 23:00 23:25 14:30 05:45 08:10 22:00 14:40 05:45 18:30 23:00 21:20 08:15 22:45 Time N/A Msida Circus N/A N/A Near Epsens Tradings c/w Triq l-Isqof F.S. Caruana University Roundabout N/A N/A In front of Housing Project Nicca N/A N/A Near Wardens Regional Road Madonna Statue University Roundabout N/A Near Swatar Mater Dei Hospital N/A N/A Before Tunnels Opposite Keramit In front of New Hospital Landmark N/a Yes No No Yes Yes No N/a N/a Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Page 1 of 5 Accuracy No of Lanes 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 0 3 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 File Ref No. 6/M/84/2005 8/R/201/2005 6/M/435/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/927/2005 6/M/1373/2005 8/R/2907/2005 6/M/1675/2005 6/M/39/2005 6/L/577/2005 6/M/389/2005 6/M/785/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/1033/2005 6/L/3963/2005 6/M/2048/2005 6/M/1872/2006 6/M/1923/2006 6/M/2087/2006 6/M/823/2006 6/M/1001/2006 6/L/1887/2006 6/L/3734/2006 6/M/2057/2006 6/M/2249/2006 - Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet - - Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Road Condition - Dry Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Rain - - Sunny Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry/Sunny Rain Dry Dry Dry/Sunny Dry Dry Dry Dry Sunny Dry Weather Condition - Good Good - Good Good Good - - Good Good - Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Road Condition - Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt - - Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Surface - Lateral collision Collision with parked vehicle Rear collision Single vehicle accident no obstacle - Chain collision Collision with pedestrian Collision with pedestrian Frontal Collision Collision with Parked Vehicle Single Vehicle Accident with Obstacle Side by side Collision Side by side collision Single Vehicle Accident No Obstacle Rear Collision Collision with pedestrian Single Vehicle Acc No Obstacle Frontal Collision/Side By Side Collision Frontal Collision/Single Vehicle Acc No Obstacle Collision with Pedestrian Side by side Collision Collision with Pedestrian Collision with Pedestrian Single Vehicle Acc No Obstacle Type of Collision Page 2 of 5 Manoeuvre of Vehicle 1 Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead - Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Reversing Straight Ahead Straight Ahead - Stopped Straight Ahead - - - - Stopped Straight Ahead - - - File Ref No. 6/M/84/2005 8/R/201/2005 6/M/435/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/927/2005 6/M/1373/2005 8/R/2907/2005 6/M/1675/2005 6/M/39/2005 6/L/577/2005 6/M/389/2005 6/M/785/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/1033/2005 6/L/3963/2005 6/M/2048/2005 6/M/1872/2006 6/M/1923/2006 6/M/2087/2006 6/M/823/2006 6/M/1001/2006 6/L/1887/2006 6/L/3734/2006 6/M/2057/2006 6/M/2249/2006 - - - Straight Ahead - - - - - - Stopped - Straight Ahead Straight Ahead - Overtaking - - Straight Ahead - - Straight Ahead - - - Manoeuvre of Vehicle 2 - - - - - - - - - - Straight Ahead - - - - - - - Straight Ahead - - - - - - Manoeuvre of Vehicle 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Manoeuvre of Vehicle 4 Car Car Car Car Motorcycle Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car LGV Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Vehicle No.1 - Car HGV Car - Car Car Car - - Car Car Car Car - LGV - - Car - - Car - - - Vehicle No.2 Page 3 of 5 Injury Driver of Vehicle 1 S - - - G S - S - S G - - S - - - G - - G S G - - File Ref No. 6/M/84/2005 8/R/201/2005 6/M/435/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/927/2005 6/M/1373/2005 8/R/2907/2005 6/M/1675/2005 6/M/39/2005 6/L/577/2005 6/M/389/2005 6/M/785/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/1033/2005 6/L/3963/2005 6/M/2048/2005 6/M/1872/2006 6/M/1923/2006 6/M/2087/2006 6/M/823/2006 6/M/1001/2006 6/L/1887/2006 6/L/3734/2006 6/M/2057/2006 6/M/2249/2006 S S - F M F - - - M M M M M M M F M F M M M M M M Gender Driver 1 - - - - - S - - - - S - S - - - - - S - - S - - - Injury Driver of Vehicle 2 - - - M - F - - - - M - M M - M - - F - - M - - - Gender Driver 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - Injury Driver of Vehicle 3 - - - - - - - - - - M - - - - - - - M - - - - - - Gender Driver 3 Page 4 of 5 Type of Injury Passenger 1 - - - - - S - - - S - S - S - - - - S S - - - - - File Ref No. 6/M/84/2005 8/R/201/2005 6/M/435/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/927/2005 6/M/1373/2005 8/R/2907/2005 6/M/1675/2005 6/M/39/2005 6/L/577/2005 6/M/389/2005 6/M/785/2005 6/M/950/2005 6/M/1033/2005 6/L/3963/2005 6/M/2048/2005 6/M/1872/2006 6/M/1923/2006 6/M/2087/2006 6/M/823/2006 6/M/1001/2006 6/L/1887/2006 6/L/3734/2006 6/M/2057/2006 6/M/2249/2006 - - - - - F - - - - - F - F - M - - - M - - - - - Gender Passenger 1 - - - - - - - S S S - - - - - - G - - - G - G G - Type of Injury Pedestrian 1 - - - - - - - - - F - - - - - - M - - - M - F F - Gender Pedestrian 1 - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Type of Injury Pedestrian 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gender Pedestrian 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Total Injuries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Fatalities Page 5 of 5 Annex Four Bus Routes Locality Students Staff Total Type of Service Route Options Gozo 858 52 910 direct AE1 Mosta 557 115 672 direct ML31 Birkirkara 447 163 610 direct CL5 FL10 Attard 481 124 605 direct Cl5 FL06 Sliema 284 108 392 direct CL5 AE2 Naxxar 356 12 368 direct ML31 Żabbar 291 45 336 1 interchange ML91-AE2 ML91-AE1 Qormi 300 35 335 1 interchange ML61-AE2 ML61-AE1 FL12-AE1 Żebbuġ 256 63 319 1 interchange FL09-CL5 ML61-AE1 ML61-AE2 San Ġwann 261 45 306 direct FL23 Marsascala 242 61 303 1 interchange ML91-AE2 Siġġiewi 245 58 303 1 interchange FL09-CL5 Żurrieq 256 39 295 1 interchange ML71-AE1 Rabat 233 54 287 direct CL5 Fgura 218 39 257 1 interchange ML91-AE2 Żejtun 190 48 238 1 interchange ML81-AE2 Swieqi 197 35 232 1 interchange FL14-AE1 Msida 150 61 211 direct ML21 Tarxien 171 39 210 1 interchange FL26-AE2 San Ġiljan 155 50 205 direct CL5 Iklin 168 34 202 direct ML31 Balzan 141 54 195 direct FL06 Mellieħa 164 28 192 direct AE1 Birżebbuġa 161 26 187 1 interchange AE4-AE2 Sta Venera 141 40 181 direct FL25 Lija 101 44 145 direct FL06 Gżira 117 24 141 direct AE2 San Pawl il-Baħar 121 16 137 direct AE1 Ħamrun 105 28 133 direct FL25 Pembroke 95 26 121 1 interchange FL14-AE1 Paola 87 32 119 direct AE2 Mġarr 96 11 107 1 interchange ML23-CL5 Luqa 94 12 106 1 interchange FL20-AE2 Dingli 93 11 104 1 interchange ML52-CL5 Gudja 96 7 103 1 interchange FL35-AE1 Marsaxlokk 87 14 101 1 interchange ML81-AE2 Sta Luċija 83 16 99 1 interchange FL26-AE2 Kappara 72 24 96 direct FL23 FL23 ML71-AE2 ML22 ML23 AE2 AE1 AE4-AE1 CL5 FL20-AE1 FL35-AE2 ML62-AE1 Locality Students Staff Total Type of Service Route Options Għaxaq 81 14 95 1 interchange FL35-AE2 Ibraġ 62 26 88 1 interchange FL15-FL23 Qawra 68 14 82 direct ML31 Qrendi 71 11 82 1 interchange FL17-AE1 FL17-AE2 Mqabba 67 6 73 1 interchange FL17-AE1 FL17-AE2 Għargħur 51 17 68 1 interchange ML21-ML22 Valletta 40 27 67 direct ML31 San Pawl tat-Tarġa 33 30 63 1 interchange FL28-ML31 Madliena 47 12 59 1 interchange FL15-FL23 Buġibba 45 13 58 direct ML31 Kirkop 48 8 56 1 interchange FL17-AE1 FL17-AE2 Safi 44 10 54 1 interchange FL17-AE1 FL17-AE2 Pietà 34 18 52 direct ML22 Mtarfa 37 13 50 1 interchange ML51-CL5 Ta' Xbiex 35 15 50 direct ML22 Kalkara 38 7 45 1 interchange ML103-AE2 Bormla 34 10 44 1 interchange ML103-AE2 ML102-AE2 Xgħajra 30 4 34 1 interchange ML103-AE2 Marsa 27 3 30 direct AE1 AE2 Floriana 21 8 29 direct ML22 ML31 Fleur-deLys 18 6 24 direct FL25 Baħar icĊagħaq 19 4 23 1 interchange FL05-ML31 Swatar 23 0 23 direct FL10 Mdina 14 6 20 direct CL5 Xemxija 16 4 20 1 interchange ML41-CL5 Baħrija 14 2 16 1 interchange CL6-CL5 Senglea 16 0 16 1 interchange ML103-AE2 ML102-AE2 ML101-AE2 Vittoriosa 16 0 16 1 interchange ML103-AE2 ML102-AE2 Burmarrad 10 4 14 direct ML31 Manikata 9 4 13 1 interchange FL02-AE1 Birgu 0 10 10 1 interchange ML103-AE2 ML102-AE2 St Andrews 9 0 9 1 interchange FL15-FL23 Mrieħel 5 3 8 direct FL25 Blata lBajda 5 0 5 direct FL25 Isla 0 3 3 1 interchange ML103-AE2 ML102-AE2 ML101-AE2 Wardija 3 0 3 1 interchange CL6-CL5 ML22 Locality Students Staff Total Type of Service Route Options Salina 2 0 2 1 interchange ML11-CL5 Buskett 0 1 1 1 interchange FL07-CL5 Paceville 1 0 1 1 interchange FL13-CL5 Data source: ML11-AE1 FL13-AE2 Office of the Human Resource and Development and the Registrar, University of Malta. Information about the network obtained from MITC (November 2010). Annex Five Travel Survey Questionnaire UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 1 of 55 Green Travel Plan The University of Malta is undertaking the development of a Green Travel Plan. This plan is linked to the recent developments at the University Msida Campus and also its projected growth to accept and deliver services to current and future students. The purpose of this questionnaire is to examine the needs of all at the University Msida Campus and look at positive and practical travel initiatives that are going to be of long-term benefit to all users. Through a Green Travel Plan the University will be able to develop cost effective, efficient, smart and attractive travel solutions. The objectives of this initiative are to improve the range and quality of travel choices for students, staff and visitors, support and encourage healthier lifestyles for those who choose healthier travel alternatives, reduce the carbon footprint of the University and to improve the overall environment of the Msida Campus. Through this plan, the University aims to set a positive example for the promotion of sustainable transport and encourage social responsibility. There are 91 questions in this survey About You Fields which are marked with an * are mandatory 1 Name Please write your answer here: This is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps the coordinators 2 Surname Please write your answer here: This is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps the coordinators 3 Email Address Please write your answer here: This is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps the coordinators 4 Contact Number Please write your answer here: This is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps the coordinators 5 Age Group * Please choose only one of the following: 18 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 + UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 2 of 55 6 Gender * Please choose only one of the following: Female Male 7 Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? * Please choose only one of the following: Yes No 8 Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? * Please choose only one of the following: Yes No 9 Home address where you live: Please write your answer here: This information is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps calculate the distances that staff and students travel to and from university as well as what travel options might be available. 10 Home locality where you live * Please choose only one of the following: Attard Balzan Birgu Birkirkara Bir ebbu!a Bormla Dingli Fgura Floriana Fontana G"ajnsielem and Comino G"arb G"arg"ur G"asri UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 3 of 55 G"axaq Gudja G ira #amrun Iklin Isla Kalkara Ker$em Kirkop Lija Luqa Marsa Marsaskala Marsaxlokk Mdina Mellie"a M!arr Mosta Mqabba Msida Mtarfa Munxar Nadur Naxxar Paola Pembroke Pieta' Qala Qormi Qrendi Rabat (Gozo) Rabat (Malta) Safi San %iljan San %wann San Lawrenz San Pawl Il-Ba"ar Sannat Santa Lu$ija Santa Venera Si!!iewi Sliema Swieqi Ta' Xbiex Tarxien Valletta Xag"ra Xewkija Xg"ajra &abbar UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 4 of 55 &ebbu! (Gozo) &ebbu! (Malta) &ejtun &urrieq 11 Summer Residence address where you live in summer: Please write your answer here: This information is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps calculate the distances that staff and students travel to and from university as well as what travel options might be available. 12 Locality where you live in summer: Please choose only one of the following: Attard Balzan Birgu Birkirkara Bir ebbu!a Bormla Dingli Fgura Floriana Fontana G"ajnsielem and Comino G"arb G"arg"ur G"asri G"axaq Gudja G ira #amrun Iklin Isla Kalkara Ker$em Kirkop Lija Luqa Marsa Marsaskala UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 5 of 55 Marsaxlokk Mdina Mellie"a M!arr Mosta Mqabba Msida Mtarfa Munxar Nadur Naxxar Paola Pembroke Pieta' Qala Qormi Qrendi Rabat (Gozo) Rabat (Malta) Safi San %iljan San %wann San Lawrenz San Pawl Il-Ba"ar Sannat Santa Lu$ija Santa Venera Si!!iewi Sliema Swieqi Ta' Xbiex Tarxien Valletta Xag"ra Xewkija Xg"ajra &abbar &ebbu! (Gozo) &ebbu! (Malta) &ejtun &urrieq This information is optional. This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps calculate the distances that staff and students travel to and from university as well as what travel options might be available. UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 6 of 55 13 Status * Please choose all that apply: Academic Non-Academic Student 14 Academic: What is your designation? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Academic' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Full Time TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 15 Academic: What is your Faculty/Institute/Centre? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Academic' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Faculty of Arts Faculty for the Built Environment Faculty of Dental Surgery Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Faculty of Laws Faculty of Medicine & Surgery Faculty of Science Faculty of Theology Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies International Institute for Baroque Studies Confucius Institute UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 7 of 55 Institute of Criminology Edward de Bono Institute Institute of Earth Systems Islands & Small States Institute Institute of Linguistics Institute of Maltese Studies Mediterranean Institute Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Institute for Physical Education & Sport Institute of Public Administration & Management Institute for Sustainable Energy Institute for Sustainable Development Centre for Communication Technology Centre for Family Studies Centre for Environmental Education & Research Centre for Labour Studies Centre for Literacy Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) European Centre for Educational Resilience & Emotional Health European Centre for Gerontology International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre 16 Non-Academic: What is your designation? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Non-Academic' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Full-Time Full-Time (Reduced Hours) Part-Time 17 Non-Academic: Specify reduced working hours: * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Full-Time (Reduced Hours)' to question 'Non-Acadmic-Designat and if you answered 'Non-Academic' to question 'status ] Please write your answer here: 18 Non-Academic: In which Faculty/Institute/Department do you work? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Non-Academic' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Faculty of Arts Faculty for the Built Environment Faculty of Dental Surgery Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Health Sciences UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 8 of 55 Faculty of Laws Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Faculty of Medicine & Surgery Faculty of Science Faculty of Theology Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies International Institute for Baroque Studies Confucius Institute Institute of Criminology Edward de Bono Institute Institute of Earth Systems Islands & Small States Institute Institute of Linguistics Institute of Maltese Studies Mediterranean Institute Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Institute for Physical Education & Sport Institute of Public Administration & Management Institute for Sustainable Development Institute for Sustainable Energy Centre for Communication Technology Centre for Family Studies Centre for Environmental Education & Research Centre for Labour Studies Centre for Literacy Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) European Centre for Educational Resilience & Emotional Health European Centre for Gerontology International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre Academic Programmes Quality & Resources Unit ACCESS - Disability Support Unit Campus FM Chaplaincy Communications & Alumni Relations Office Corporate Research & Knowledge Transfer Counselling Services Estates & Works Finance Office International & EU Office IT Services Legal Services Library MATSEC Office for Human Resources Management & Development Office of the Registrar Procurement Office Rectorate Sports Facilities Stipends Office UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 9 of 55 Students Advisory Services 19 Student: What is your Faculty/Institute/Centre? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Student' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Faculty of Arts Faculty for the Built Environment Faculty of Dental Surgery Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Faculty of Laws Faculty of Medicine & Surgery Faculty of Science Faculty of Theology Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies International Institute for Baroque Studies Confucius Institute Institute of Criminology Edward de Bono Institute Institute of Earth Systems Islands & Small States Institute Institute of Linguistics Institute of Maltese Studies Mediterranean Institute Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Institute for Physical Education & Sport Institute of Public Administration & Management Institute for Sustainable Development Institute for Sustainable Energy Centre for Communication Technology Centre for Family Studies Centre for Environmental Education & Research Centre for Labour Studies Centre for Literacy Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) European Centre for Educational Resilience & Emotional Health European Centre for Gerontology International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 10 of 55 20 Student: What year are you in? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Student' to question 'status ] Please write your answer here: 21 Student: You are registered as: * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Student' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Full-Time Student Part-Time (Day) Student Part-Time (Evening) Student 22 Student: Are you registered on a distance-learning programme at UoM? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Student' to question 'status ] Please choose only one of the following: Yes No UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 11 of 55 Working Days 23 Do you come to University everyday? * Please choose only one of the following: Yes No 24 Please select which days you normally visit the University Campus * [Only answer this question if you answered 'No' to question 'come2uni everyday ] Please choose all that apply: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 25 Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'come2uni everyday ] Please choose only one of the following: Yes No UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 12 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University everyday. 26 From Home to University [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus and if you answered 'Yes' to question 'come2uni everyday ] 27 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 13 of 55 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 28 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 14 of 55 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 29 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other 30 From University to Home [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] 31 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 15 of 55 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 32 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 16 of 55 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 33 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question if you answered 'Yes' to question 'same Visit Campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 17 of 55 Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 18 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University on Monday. These sections deal with your travel behaviour for every working day. Please fill in the details of your travel to and from University for each day individually. 34 From Home to University on Monday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] 35 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 19 of 55 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 36 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 20 of 55 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 37 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other 38 From University to Home on Monday [Only answer this question UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 21 of 55 -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] 39 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 22 of 55 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 40 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 23 of 55 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 41 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Monday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 24 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University on Tuesday. 42 From Home to University on Tuesday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] 43 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 25 of 55 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 44 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 26 of 55 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 45 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 27 of 55 46 From University to Home on Tuesday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] 47 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 28 of 55 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 48 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 29 of 55 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 49 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Tuesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 30 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University on Wednesday. 50 From Home to University on Wednesday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] 51 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 31 of 55 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 52 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 32 of 55 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 53 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 33 of 55 54 From University to Home on Wednesday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] 55 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 34 of 55 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 56 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 35 of 55 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 57 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Wednesday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 36 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University on Thursday. 58 From Home to University on Thursday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] 59 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 37 of 55 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 60 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 38 of 55 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 61 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 39 of 55 62 From University to Home on Thursday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] 63 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 40 of 55 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 64 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 41 of 55 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 65 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Thursday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 42 of 55 Your travel mode to and from University on Friday. 66 From Home to University on Friday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] 67 Departure time from Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 43 of 55 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 68 Arrival time at University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 44 of 55 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 69 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 45 of 55 70 From University to Home on Friday [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] 71 Departure time from University * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 46 of 55 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 72 Arrival time at Home * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: 0000 hrs 0600 hrs 0630 hrs 0700 hrs 0730 hrs 0800 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0930 hrs 1000 hrs 1030 hrs 1100 hrs 1130 hrs 1200 hrs 1230 hrs 1300 hrs 1330 hrs 1400 hrs 1430 hrs 1500 hrs 1530 hrs 1600 hrs 1730 hrs UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 47 of 55 1630 hrs 1700 hrs 1800 hrs 1830 hrs 1900 hrs 1930 hrs 2000 hrs 2030 hrs 2100 hrs 2130 hrs 2200 hrs 2230 hrs 2300 hrs 2330 hrs 0030 hrs 0130 hrs 0200 hrs 0230 hrs 0300 hrs 0330 hrs 0400 hrs 0430 hrs 0500 hrs 0530 hrs 0100 hrs 73 Transport Mode * [Only answer this question -------- Scenario 1 -------if you answered 'No' to question 'same Visit Campus -------- or Scenario 2 -------if you answered 'Friday' to question 'days on campus ] Please choose only one of the following: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 48 of 55 Your Travel 74 If you drive to University what are your main reasons? (you may choose more than one option) Please choose all that apply: I transport children as part of my journey I transport someone else as part of my journey It's convenient Shopping/sport/recreation (before, during and after work) I have access to free parking My car must be available for use by others at work I need a car during the day for work Sense of safety and security I work unusual hours Health reasons Too far to walk/cycle Public transport is not accessible near my home 75 What type of fuel do you use in your car? Please choose all that apply: Unleaded petrol LRP Diesel Electric/Hybrid Biodiesel Other: 76 If you drive to University, where do you generally park? Please choose only one of the following: Car Park 1 Car Park 2 Car Park 3 Car Park 4 Car Park 5 Car Park 6 Car Park 7 Car Park 8 Ring Road Other UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 49 of 55 77 What are the problems you encounter on your journey to University? (you may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply and provide a comment: By Car By Bus Walking Cycling 78 If you walk to University, which routes do you take? Please write your answer here: 79 On campus, which walkways do you mostly use? * Please write your answer here: UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 50 of 55 80 Do you always go directly home after University? * Please choose only one of the following: Yes No 81 How many times a week do you have intermittent stops between University and home? * [Only answer this question if you answered 'No' to question 'YT2g ] Please write your answer here: 82 Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? (you may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply: I already use public transport If existing bus services were more frequent If bus services were faster and more reliable If fares were discounted If bus stops were more conveniently located Better lighting at bus stops If time table information was easily available If dedicated/organised public transport was provided Nothing Other: UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 51 of 55 83 Which of the following statements would encourage you to walk to and from University? (you may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply: I already walk If I lived closer Improved directional signage More information about the benefits of walking If I had someone to walk with Information and discounts about walking equipment More pathways Nothing Other: 84 Which of the following would encourage you to cycle to and from University? (you may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply: I already cycle Improved directional signage If I lived closer If I had someone to cycle with Information and discounts on cycling equipment More cycle facilities (incl cycle lanes) Nothing If I could attend a cycle skills workshop Other: 85 Which of the following would encourage you to walk or cycle to University? (you may choose more than one option) Please choose all that apply: Showers Lockers Bicycle parking Covered bicycle parking 86 Which of the following would encourage you to car share? (you may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply: Finding a suitable car share partner Reserved parking for car share Guaranteed ride home Fuel cost sharing Nothing Other: 87 Which of the following would encourage you to use more sustainable forms of transport? (you UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 52 of 55 may choose more than one option) * Please choose all that apply: Cost saving Environmental reasons Health and Fitness Provide car/bus rides to travel outside the University during office hours Convenience Telework and reduce the need to travel to University Distance learning to reduce the need to travel to University Other: UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 53 of 55 Travel During Day 88 Where do you travel most for work-related or other trips outside University? (Address) Please write your answer here: This information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and used for the sole purpose of the Green Travel programme. Information provided helps calculate the distances that staff and students travel to and from university during the day as well as what travel options might be available. 89 Locality Please choose only one of the following: Attard Balzan Birgu Birkirkara Bir ebbu!a Bormla Dingli Fgura Floriana Fontana G"ajnsielem and Comino G"arb G"arg"ur G"asri G"axaq Gudja G ira #amrun Iklin Isla Kalkara Ker$em Kirkop Lija Luqa Marsa Marsaskala Marsaxlokk Mdina Mellie"a M!arr UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 54 of 55 Mosta Mqabba Msida Mtarfa Munxar Nadur Naxxar Paola Pembroke Pieta' Qala Qormi Qrendi Rabat (Gozo) Rabat (Malta) Safi San %iljan San %wann San Lawrenz San Pawl Il-Ba"ar Sannat Santa Lu$ija Santa Venera Si!!iewi Sliema Swieqi Ta' Xbiex Tarxien Valletta Xag"ra Xewkija Xg"ajra &abbar &ebbu! (Gozo) &ebbu! (Malta) &ejtun &urrieq UoM Surveys - Green Travel Plan 55 of 55 90 Which mode of transport do you use? (you may choose more than one option) Please choose all that apply: Car Driver Car Passenger Motorcycle / Scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Other Other: 91 How many times in a week do you have work-related trips during your time at University? Please write your answer here: Annex Six Leaflet Annex Seven Press Release Travelling Smart - Green Travel Initiative at the Msida Campus, University of Malta The University of Malta is proud to announce its initiative to develop a Green Travel Plan for its staff, students and visitors. Through a Green Travel Plan the University will be able to develop cost effective, efficient, smart and attractive travel solutions. The objectives of this initiative are to improve the range and quality of travel choices for students, staff and visitors, support and encourage healthier lifestyles for those who choose healthier travel alternatives, reduce the carbon footprint of the University and to improve the overall environment of the Msida Campus. Through this plan, the University aims to set a positive example for the promotion of sustainable transport and encourage social responsibility. Previously, the emphasis has been on the problems such as increased pressure on the University’s infrastructure resulting in congestion and emissions and on the limited number of parking spaces. This plan is aimed at looking much further than that. The plan intends to examine the needs of all and look at positive and practical initiatives that are going to be of long-term benefit to all University users. To find out more about the Green Travel Plan and about the survey which the coordinators will be asking you to fill in towards the end of October, access the dedicated website at www.um.edu.mt/isd/greentravel Annex Eight Travel Survey Results Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? ............................................................................ 2 Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? ................................................................... 3 What is your designation? ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Do you come to university everyday? ..................................................................................................................... 6 On which days do you visit the University Campus? .............................................................................................. 7 Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? ........................................................ 8 Duration to travel from home to university .............................................................................................................. 9 Mode of transport ................................................................................................................................................. 10 If you drive to University what are your main reasons? ........................................................................................ 12 If you drive to University, where do you generally park? ...................................................................................... 14 Do you always go directly home after University? ................................................................................................ 15 How many times a week do you have intermittent stops between University and home? ................................... 16 Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? .......... 17 Which of the following statements encourage you to walk to and from University? ............................................. 19 Which of the following statements encourage you to cycle to and from University? ............................................ 20 Which of the following statements encourage you to cycle/walk to and from University? .................................... 21 Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? ......................................................................... 22 Which of the following would encourage you to use sustainable forms of transport? .......................................... 23 To which locality do you travel most for work-related/other trips outside University? .......................................... 25 How many times weekly do you have work-related trips during your time at University? .................................... 26 Page 1 of 26 Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? Age Group 18 - 30 Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 + Total Locality Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Northern district Gozo Total Status Academic Non-academic Student Total Gender Female Male Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? No Yes 777 4 99.5% 0.5% 217 8 96.4% 3.6% 155 2 98.7% 1.3% 91 3 96.8% 3.2% 28 0 100.0% 0.0% 1268 17 98.7% 1.3% Total 781 100.0% 225 100.0% 157 100.0% 94 100.0% 28 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? No Yes 156 3 98.1% 1.9% 401 3 99.3% 0.7% 177 5 97.3% 2.7% 273 4 98.6% 1.4% 219 2 99.1% 0.9% 42 0 100.0% 0.0% 1268 17 98.7% 1.3% Total 159 100.0% 404 100.0% 182 100.0% 277 100.0% 221 100.0% 42 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? No Yes 256 7 97.3% 2.7% 244 2 99.2% 0.8% 768 8 99.0% 1.0% 1268 17 98.7% 1.3% Total 263 100.0% 246 100.0% 776 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements? No Yes 737 9 98.8% 1.2% 531 8 98.5% 1.5% 1268 17 98.7% 1.3% Total 746 100.0% 539 100.0% 1285 100.0% Page 2 of 26 Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? Age Group 18 - 30 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 + Total Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Northern district Gozo Total Status Academic Non-academic Student Total Gender Female Male Total Total 781 100.0% 225 100.0% 157 100.0% 94 100.0% 28 100.0% 1285 100.0% Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? No Yes 129 30 81.1% 18.9% 314 90 77.7% 22.3% 146 36 80.2% 19.8% 220 57 79.4% 20.6% 176 45 79.6% 20.4% 38 4 90.5% 9.5% 1023 262 79.6% 20.4% Total 159 100.0% 404 100.0% 182 100.0% 277 100.0% 221 100.0% 42 100.0% 1285 100.0% Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? No Yes 150 113 57.0% 43.0% 183 63 74.4% 25.6% 690 86 88.9% 11.1% 1023 262 79.6% 20.4% Total 263 100.0% 246 100.0% 776 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? No Yes 620 126 83.1% 16.9% 403 136 74.8% 25.2% 1023 262 79.6% 20.4% Total 746 100.0% 539 100.0% 1285 100.0% Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 31 - 40 Locality Do you have any minors or persons dependent on you for transport? No Yes 736 45 94.2% 5.8% 117 108 52.0% 48.0% 76 81 48.4% 51.6% 69 25 73.4% 26.6% 25 3 89.3% 10.7% 1023 262 79.6% 20.4% Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Page 3 of 26 What is your designation? What is your faculty/Institute/Centre? (Academic staff) Frequency Centre for Communication Technology 6 Centre for Environmental Education & Research 2 Centre for Labour Studies 2 Edward de Bono Institute 3 European Centre for Gerontology 2 European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) 4 Faculty for the Built Environment 14 Faculty of Arts 29 Faculty of Dental Surgery 2 Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) 31 Faculty of Education 33 Faculty of Engineering 25 Faculty of Health Sciences 36 Faculty of Information & Communication Technology 9 Faculty of Laws 7 Faculty of Medicine & Surgery 13 Faculty of Science 15 Faculty of Theology 8 Institute for Physical Education & Sport 1 Institute for Sustainable Development 1 Institute for Sustainable Energy 2 Institute of Criminology 8 Institute of Earth Systems 4 Institute of Linguistics 4 International Institute for Baroque Studies 1 International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre 1 Mediterranean Institute 8 What is your faculty/institute/centre? (Student) Frequency Centre for Communication Technology 13 Centre for Labour Studies 6 Edward de Bono Institute 4 European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) 16 Faculty for the Built Environment 22 Faculty of Arts 102 Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) 146 Faculty of Education 99 Faculty of Engineering 47 Faculty of Health Sciences 70 Faculty of Information & Communication Technology 44 Faculty of Laws 47 Faculty of Medicine & Surgery 41 Faculty of Science 49 Faculty of Theology 28 Institute for Sustainable Development 2 Institute for Sustainable Energy 4 Institute of Criminology 12 Institute of Earth Systems 8 Institute of Linguistics 2 Institute of Maltese Studies 3 Institute of Public Administration & Management 8 Islands & Small States Institute 3 Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies 3 Mediterranean Institute 6 Percentage 2.21 0.74 0.74 1.11 0.74 1.48 5.17 10.70 0.74 11.44 12.18 9.23 13.28 3.32 2.58 4.80 5.54 2.95 0.37 0.37 0.74 2.95 1.48 1.48 0.37 0.37 2.95 Percentage 1.66 0.76 0.51 2.04 2.80 12.99 18.60 12.61 5.99 8.92 5.61 5.99 5.22 6.24 3.57 0.25 0.51 1.53 1.02 0.25 0.38 1.02 0.38 0.38 0.76 Page 4 of 26 In which faculty/institute/centre do you work? (non-academic staff) Frequency Percentage Academic Programmes Quality & Resources Unit 2 0.78 Centre for Communication Technology 3 1.18 Centre for Family Studies 1 0.39 Centre for Labour Studies 3 1.18 Chaplaincy 2 0.78 Communications & Alumni Relations Office 5 1.96 Corporate Research & Knowledge Transfer 1 0.39 Counselling Services 1 0.39 Edward de Bono Institute 1 0.39 Estates & Works 11 4.31 European Documentation & Research Centre (EDRC) 2 0.78 Faculty for the Built Environment 4 1.57 Faculty of Arts 9 3.53 Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy (FEMA) 5 1.96 Faculty of Education 7 2.75 Faculty of Engineering 10 3.92 Faculty of Health Sciences 12 4.71 Faculty of Information & Communication Technology 6 2.35 Faculty of Laws 3 1.18 Faculty of Medicine & Surgery 12 4.71 Faculty of Science 15 5.88 Faculty of Theology 2 0.78 Finance Office 22 8.63 Institute for Physical Education & Sport 3 1.18 Institute for Sustainable Development 1 0.39 Institute for Sustainable Energy 1 0.39 Institute of Criminology 2 0.78 Institute of Earth Systems 2 0.78 International & EU Office 7 2.75 International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre 1 0.39 IT Services 19 7.45 Legal Services 2 0.78 Library 21 8.24 MATSEC 5 1.96 Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies 3 1.18 Mediterranean Institute 1 0.39 Office for Human Resources Management & Development 12 4.71 Office of the Registrar 22 8.63 Procurement Office 3 1.18 Rectorate 8 3.14 Stipends Office 1 0.39 Students Advisory Services 2 0.78 Page 5 of 26 Do you come to university everyday? Status Academic Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Non-academic Student Total Gender Female Male Total Locality Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Northern district Gozo Total Age Group 18 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 + Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you come to university everyday? No Yes 99 164 37.6% 62.4% 8 238 3.3% 96.7% 267 509 34.4% 65.6% 374 911 29.1% 70.9% Total 263 100.0% 246 100.0% 776 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you come to university everyday? No Yes 208 538 27.9% 72.1% 166 373 30.8% 69.2% 374 911 29.1% 70.9% Total 746 100.0% 539 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you come to university everyday? No Yes 50 109 31.4% 68.6% 103 301 25.5% 74.5% 51 131 28.0% 72.0% 79 198 28.5% 71.5% 79 142 35.7% 64.3% 12 30 28.6% 71.4% 374 911 29.1% 70.9% Total 159 100.0% 404 100.0% 182 100.0% 277 100.0% 221 100.0% 42 100.0% 1285 100.0% Do you come to university everyday? No Yes 195 586 25.0% 75.0% 78 147 34.7% 65.3% 60 97 38.2% 61.8% 27 67 28.7% 71.3% 14 14 50.0% 50.0% 374 911 29.1% 70.9% Total 781 100.0% 225 100.0% 157 100.0% 94 100.0% 28 100.0% 1285 100.0% Page 6 of 26 On which days do you visit the University Campus? Gender Total Locality Total Status Total Age Group Female Count Percentage Male Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern harbour district Count Percentage Northern Count harbour district Percentage South eastern Count district Percentage Western district Count Percentage Northern district Count Percentage Gozo Count Percentage Count Percentage Academic Count Percentage Non-academic Count Percentage Student Count Percentage Count Percentage 18 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 Over 60 years Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Number of weekly visit to University Campus 1 2 3 4 5 76 52 56 25 537 10.2% 7.0% 7.5% 3.4% 72.0% 41 40 69 22 367 7.6% 7.4% 12.8% 4.1% 68.1% 117 92 125 47 904 9.1% 7.2% 9.7% 3.7% 70.4% Total 746 100.0% 539 100.0% 1285 100.0% Number of weekly visit to University Campus 1 2 3 4 5 22 15 14 1 107 13.8% 9.4% 8.8% .6% 67.3% 33 18 37 15 301 8.2% 4.5% 9.2% 3.7% 74.5% 10 12 18 11 131 5.5% 6.6% 9.9% 6.0% 72.0% 26 22 25 9 195 9.4% 7.9% 9.0% 3.2% 70.4% 23 24 27 7 140 10.4% 10.9% 12.2% 3.2% 63.3% 3 1 4 4 30 7.1% 2.4% 9.5% 9.5% 71.4% 117 92 125 47 904 9.1% 7.2% 9.7% 3.7% 70.4% Total 159 100.0% 404 100.0% 182 100.0% 277 100.0% 221 100.0% 42 100.0% 1285 100.0% Number of weekly visit to University Campus 1 2 3 4 5 29 23 32 20 159 11.0% 8.7% 12.2% 7.6% 60.5% 1 3 1 3 238 0.4% 1.2% 0.4% 1.2% 96.7% 87 66 92 24 507 11.2% 8.5% 11.9% 3.1% 65.3% 117 92 125 47 904 9.1% 7.2% 9.7% 3.7% 70.4% Total 263 100.0% 246 100.0% 776 100.0% 1285 100.0% Number of weekly visit to University Campus 1 2 3 4 5 84 44 51 18 584 Total 781 10.8% 10 4.4% 15 9.6% 7 7.4% 1 3.6% 117 9.1% 5.6% 18 8.0% 16 10.2% 8 8.5% 6 21.4% 92 7.2% 6.5% 40 17.8% 19 12.1% 9 9.6% 6 21.4% 125 9.7% 2.3% 10 4.4% 14 8.9% 4 4.3% 1 3.6% 47 3.7% 74.8% 147 65.3% 93 59.2% 66 70.2% 14 50.0% 904 70.4% 100.0% 225 100.0% 157 100.0% 94 100.0% 28 100.0% 1285 100.0% Page 7 of 26 Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? Age Group 18 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 + Total Gender Female Male Total Locality Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Northern district Gozo Total Status Academic Non-academic Student Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? Yes No 320 266 54.6% 45.4% 123 24 83.7% 16.3% 71 26 73.2% 26.8% 52 15 77.6% 22.4% 12 2 85.7% 14.3% 578 333 63.4% 36.6% Total 586 100.0% 147 100.0% 97 100.0% 67 100.0% 14 100.0% 911 100.0% Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? Yes No 328 210 61.0% 39.0% 250 123 67.0% 33.0% 578 333 63.4% 36.6% Total 538 100.0% 373 100.0% 911 100.0% Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? Yes No 73 36 67.0% 33.0% 194 107 64.5% 35.5% 86 45 65.6% 34.4% 123 75 62.1% 37.9% 84 58 59.2% 40.8% 18 12 60.0% 40.0% 578 333 63.4% 36.6% Total 109 100.0% 301 100.0% 131 100.0% 198 100.0% 142 100.0% 30 100.0% 911 100.0% Do you always use the same transport mode and travel at the same times? Yes No 115 49 70.1% 29.9% 222 16 93.3% 6.7% 241 268 47.3% 52.7% 578 333 63.4% 36.6% Total 164 100.0% 238 100.0% 509 100.0% 911 100.0% Page 8 of 26 Duration to travel from home to university District Southern harbour Northern harbour South eastern Western Northern Gozo Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Northern district Count Percentage Gozo Count Percentage Less than 30 minutes 0 .0% 19 9.7% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% Duration to travel from home to university 1 hour 2 hours 30 30 30 minutes 1 hour minutes 2 hours minutes 38 30 5 0 0 52.1% 41.1% 6.9% .0% .0% 160 14 2 0 0 82.1% 7.2% 1.0% .0% .0% 26 44 16 0 0 30.2% 51.2% 18.6% .0% .0% 82 33 8 0 0 66.7% 26.8% 6.5% .0% .0% 45 34 5 0 0 53.6% 40.5% 6.0% .0% .0% 6 0 1 4 5 33.3% .0% 5.6% 22.2% 27.8% 3 hours 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 2 11.1% Less than 30 minutes 0 .0% 23 11.9% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% Duration to travel from home to university 1 hour 2 hours 30 30 30 minutes 1 hour minutes 2 hours minutes 42 25 3 0 0 60.0% 35.7% 4.3% .0% .0% 151 17 2 0 0 78.2% 8.8% 1.0% .0% .0% 32 48 18 0 0 32.7% 49.0% 18.4% .0% .0% 90 33 7 0 0 69.2% 25.4% 5.4% .0% .0% 40 31 8 0 0 50.6% 39.2% 10.1% .0% .0% 3 0 0 6 8 15.0% .0% .0% 30.0% 40.0% 3 hours 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 3 15.0% Page 9 of 26 Mode of transport Transport mode Car driver Car passenger Motorcycle / scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Transport mode Car driver Car passenger Motorcycle / scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Transport mode Car driver Car passenger Motorcycle / scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Gender Male 287 76.5% 55 14.7% 13 3.5% 35 9.3% 15 4.0% 65 17.3% Academic 178 87.3% 18 8.8% 5 2.5% 13 6.4% 6 2.9% 23 11.3% Southern harbour district 71 71.7% 14 17.1% 1 1.0% 0 0.0% 2 2.0% 23 23.2% Female 317 63.1% 131 26.1% 3 .6% 50 10.0% 4 .8% 161 32.1% Academic Status Non-academic 112 78.9% 29 20.4% 0 .0% 5 3.5% 0 .0% 12 8.5% Northern harbour district 188 64.4% 70 24.0% 7 2.4% 45 15.4% 6 2.1% 73 25.0% Student 314 59.1% 139 26.2% 11 2.1% 67 12.6% 13 2.4% 191 36.0% Locality South eastern Western district district 88 146 73.9% 77.7% 27 40 22.7% 21.3% 2 3 1.7% 1.6% 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 1 4 .8% 2.1% 30 38 29.4% 27.6% Northern district 106 68.0% 32 20.5% 1 0.6% 7 4.5% 4 2.6% 52 33.3% Gozo 12 52.2% 3 13.0% 2 8.7% 4 17.4% 2 8.7% 10 43.5% Page 10 of 26 Car driver Car passenger Motorcycle / scooter Walk Bicycle Bus Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 18-30 years 274 55.5% 150 30.4% 8 1.6% 64 13.0% 11 2.2% 185 37.4% 31-40 years 143 87.7% 12 7.4% 3 1.8% 9 5.5% 2 1.2% 17 10.4% Age Group 41-50 years 111 90.2% 10 8.1% 3 2.4% 6 4.9% 3 2.4% 10 8.1% 51-60 years 59 83.1% 11 15.5% 1 1.4% 6 8.5% 2 2.8% 8 11.3% >60 years 17 65.4% 3 11.5% 1 3.8% 0 .0% 1 3.8% 6 23.1% Page 11 of 26 If you drive to University what are your main reasons? Gender Reasons I transport children as part of my journey I transport someone else as part of my journey It is convenient Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Shopping/sport/recreation (before, Count during and after work) Percentage I have access to free parking Count Percentage My car must be available for use by Count others at work Percentage I need a car during the day for work Count Percentage Sense of safety and security Count Percentage I work unusual hours Count Percentage Health reasons Count Percentage Too far to walk/cycle Count Percentage Public transport is not accessible Count near my home Percentage Total Count Reasons I transport children as part of my journey I transport someone else as part of my journey It is convenient Shopping/sport/recreation (before, during and after work) I have access to free parking My car must be available for use by others at work I need a car during the day for work Sense of safety and security I work unusual hours Health reasons Too far to walk/cycle Public transport is not accessible near my home Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Male 48 11.6% 56 13.6% 317 76.8% 85 20.6% 130 31.5% 2 .5% 134 32.4% 66 16.0% 88 21.3% 8 1.9% 164 39.7% 89 21.5% 413 Female 67 14.8% 51 11.3% 332 73.5% 150 33.2% 106 23.5% 5 1.1% 118 26.1% 68 15.0% 48 10.6% 11 2.4% 190 42.0% 104 23.0% 452 Academic 59 24.7% 22 9.2% 175 73.2% 50 20.9% 68 28.5% 1 .4% 109 45.6% 22 9.2% 50 20.9% 5 2.1% 82 34.3% 55 23.0% 239 Status Non-academic 32 15.6% 37 18.0% 150 73.2% 73 35.6% 71 34.6% 2 1.0% 28 13.7% 28 13.7% 20 9.8% 4 2.0% 88 42.9% 42 20.5% 205 Student 24 5.7% 48 11.4% 324 77.0% 112 26.6% 97 23.0% 4 1.0% 115 27.3% 84 20.0% 66 15.7% 10 2.4% 184 43.7% 96 22.8% 421 Page 12 of 26 Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Age Group 18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years 9 55 41 10 2.2% 27.0% 28.5% 12.3% 54 27 14 11 13.1% 13.2% 9.7% 13.6% 324 146 99 61 78.8% 71.6% 68.8% 75.3% 125 50 40 17 30.4% 24.5% 27.8% 21.0% 111 46 42 28 27.0% 22.5% 29.2% 34.6% 4 0 1 2 1.0% .0% .7% 2.5% 95 64 66 22 23.1% 31.4% 45.8% 27.2% 86 27 9 9 20.9% 13.2% 6.3% 11.1% 56 40 22 16 13.6% 19.6% 15.3% 19.8% 5 7 3 4 1.2% 3.4% 2.1% 4.9% 188 81 46 29 45.7% 39.7% 31.9% 35.8% 86 38 36 24 20.9% 18.6% 25.0% 29.6% 411 204 144 81 Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Southern harbour district 15 13.6% 15 13.6% 84 76.4% 39 35.5% 34 30.9% 0 .0% 28 25.5% 17 15.5% 15 13.6% 2 1.8% 53 48.2% 17 15.5% 110 Reasons I transport children as part of my journey I transport someone else as part of my journey It is convenient Shopping/sport/recreation (before, during and after work) I have access to free parking My car must be available for use by others at work I need a car during the day for work Sense of safety and security I work unusual hours Health reasons Too far to walk/cycle Public transport is not accessible near my home Total Reasons I transport children as part of my journey I transport someone else as part of my journey It is convenient Shopping/sport/recreation (before, during and after work) I have access to free parking My car must be available for use by others at work I need a car during the day for work Sense of safety and security I work unusual hours Health reasons Too far to walk/cycle Public transport is not accessible near my home Total Northern harbour district 39 15.1% 26 10.0% 194 74.9% 63 24.3% 69 26.6% 1 .4% 82 31.7% 42 16.2% 39 15.1% 8 3.1% 67 25.9% 54 20.8% 259 Locality South Western eastern district district 14 25 11.2% 12.0% 18 33 14.4% 15.8% 93 156 74.4% 74.6% 32 57 25.6% 27.3% 29 51 23.2% 24.4% 1 3 .8% 1.4% 29 63 23.2% 30.1% 20 32 16.0% 15.3% 16 41 12.8% 19.6% 1 5 .8% 2.4% 59 107 47.2% 51.2% 27 55 21.6% 26.3% 125 209 >60 years 0 .0% 1 4.0% 19 76.0% 3 12.0% 9 36.0% 0 .0% 5 20.0% 3 12.0% 2 8.0% 0 .0% 10 40.0% 9 36.0% 25 Northern district Gozo 22 15.1% 14 9.6% 112 76.7% 40 27.4% 49 33.6% 2 1.4% 42 28.8% 23 15.8% 22 15.1% 2 1.4% 63 43.2% 35 24.0% 146 0 .0% 1 6.3% 10 62.5% 4 25.0% 4 25.0% 0 .0% 8 50.0% 0 .0% 3 18.8% 1 6.3% 5 31.3% 5 31.3% 16 Page 13 of 26 If you drive to University, where do you generally park? Parking Car Park 1 Car Park 2 Car Park 3 Car Park 4 Car Park 5 Car Park 6 Car Park 7 Car Park 8 Ring Road Other Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Academic 15 9.0% 10 6.0% 10 6.0% 3 1.8% 11 6.6% 53 31.9% 9 5.4% 4 2.4% 29 17.5% 22 13.3% 166 100.0% Academic status Non-academic 40 24.5% 6 3.7% 8 4.9% 1 .6% 9 5.5% 47 28.8% 1 .6% 3 1.8% 28 17.2% 20 12.3% 163 100.0% Student 89 17.7% 29 5.8% 17 3.4% 6 1.2% 28 5.6% 168 33.3% 22 4.4% 13 2.6% 77 15.3% 55 10.9% 504 100.0% Total 144 17.3% 45 5.4% 35 4.2% 10 1.2% 48 5.8% 268 32.2% 32 3.8% 20 2.4% 134 16.1% 97 11.6% 833 100.0% Page 14 of 26 Do you always go directly home after University? Locality Southern harbour district Northern harbour district South eastern district Western district Northern district Gozo Total Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Do you always go directly home after University? Yes No 80 79 50.3% 49.7% 204 200 50.5% 49.5% 91 91 50.0% 50.0% 145 132 52.3% 47.7% 118 103 53.4% 46.6% 19 23 45.2% 54.8% 657 628 51.1% 48.9% Total 159 100.0% 404 100.0% 182 100.0% 277 100.0% 221 100.0% 42 100.0% 1285 100.0% Page 15 of 26 How many times a week do you have intermittent stops between University and home? Southern harbour Northern harbour South eastern Western Northern Gozo Males Females Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage How many times a week do you have intermittent stops between university and home? Once Twice 3 times 4 times At least 5 times 20 21 16 9 10 26.3% 27.6% 21.1% 11.8% 13.2% 40 62 42 23 25 20.8% 32.3% 21.9% 12.0% 13.0% 20 28 20 5 13 23.3% 32.6% 23.3% 5.8% 15.1% 26 45 35 15 8 20.2% 34.9% 27.1% 11.6% 6.2% 13 42 23 10 13 12.9% 41.6% 22.8% 9.9% 12.9% 12 6 3 1 1 52.2% 26.1% 13.0% 4.3% 4.3% Count Percentage Count Percentage How many times a week do you have intermittent stops between university and home? Once Twice 3 times 4 times At least 5 times 66 78 50 23 42 25.5% 30.1% 19.3% 8.9% 16.2% 65 126 89 40 28 18.7% 36.2% 25.6% 11.5% 8.0% Page 16 of 26 Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? Gender Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? I already use public transport Count Percentage If existing bus services were more Count frequent Percentage Male 149 28.3% 254 48.2% Female 214 29.6% 360 49.7% If bus services were faster and more reliable Count Percentage 322 61.1% 468 64.6% If fares were discounted Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 103 19.5% 144 27.3% 34 6.5% 170 32.3% 237 45.0% 86 16.3% 158 21.8% 207 28.6% 40 5.5% 199 27.5% 355 49.0% 79 10.9% If bus stops were more conveniently located Better lighting at bus stops If timetable information was easily available If dedicated organised public transport was provided Nothing Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? I already use public transport Count Percentage If existing bus services were more Count frequent Percentage If bus services were faster and more Count reliable Percentage If fares were discounted Count Percentage If bus stops were more conveniently Count located Percentage Better lighting at bus stops Count Percentage If timetable information was easily Count available Percentage If dedicated organised public Count transport was provided Percentage Nothing Count Percentage 18-30 years 216 28.3% 385 50.5% 482 63.2% 158 20.7% 211 27.7% 40 5.2% 220 28.8% 368 48.2% 94 12.3% 31-40 years 79 36.9% 106 49.5% 138 64.5% 58 27.1% 63 29.4% 17 7.9% 66 30.8% 100 46.7% 25 11.7% Age Group 41-50 years 45 29.2% 73 47.4% 103 66.9% 26 16.9% 46 29.9% 8 5.2% 47 30.5% 71 46.1% 18 11.7% 51-60 years 18 19.6% 38 41.3% 51 55.4% 14 15.2% 25 27.2% 7 7.6% 28 30.4% 45 48.9% 22 23.9% More than 60 years 5 17.9% 12 42.9% 16 57.1% 5 17.9% 6 21.4% 2 7.1% 8 28.6% 8 28.6% 6 21.4% Page 17 of 26 Which of the following statements would encourage you to use public transport to and from University? I already use public transport Count Percentage If existing bus services were more Count frequent Percentage If bus services were faster and more Count reliable Percentage If fares were discounted Count Percentage If bus stops were more conveniently Count located Percentage Better lighting at bus stops Count Percentage If timetable information was easily Count available Percentage If dedicated organised public Count transport was provided Percentage Nothing Count Percentage Academic 74 28.8% 113 44.0% 162 63.0% 49 19.1% 70 27.2% 18 7.0% 79 30.7% 119 46.3% 37 14.4% Academic Status Non-academic 70 29.4% 117 49.2% 141 59.2% 46 19.3% 64 26.9% 9 3.8% 58 24.4% 105 44.1% 39 16.4% Student 219 29.0% 384 50.8% 487 64.4% 166 22.0% 217 28.7% 47 6.2% 232 30.7% 368 48.7% 89 11.8% Page 18 of 26 Which of the following statements encourage you to walk to and from University? Which of the following statements would encourage you to walk to and from University? I already walk Count Percentage If I lived closer Count Percentage Improved directional signage Count Percentage More information about the Count benefits of walking Percentage If I had someone to walk with Count Percentage Information and discounts about Count walking equipment Percentage More pathways Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage Which of the following statements would encourage you to walk to and from University? I already walk If I lived closer Improved directional signage More information about the benefits of walking If I had someone to walk with Information and discounts about walking equipment More pathways Nothing Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Which of the following statements would encourage you to walk to and from University? I already walk Count Percentage If I lived closer Count Percentage Improved directional signage Count Percentage More information about the Count benefits of walking Percentage If I had someone to walk with Count Percentage Information and discounts about Count walking equipment Percentage More pathways Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage Gender Male 67 13.0% 322 62.6% 17 3.3% 8 1.6% 65 12.6% 12 2.3% 110 21.4% 87 16.9% 18-30 years 85 11.4% 510 68.3% 18 2.4% 10 1.3% 104 13.9% 14 1.9% 145 19.4% 111 14.9% Female 76 10.6% 494 69.1% 12 1.7% 9 1.3% 95 13.3% 14 2.0% 125 17.5% 110 15.4% 31-40 years 33 15.2% 139 64.1% 5 2.3% 4 1.8% 26 12.0% 5 2.3% 43 19.8% 34 15.7% Academic 31 12.4% 148 59.4% 5 2.0% 5 2.0% 30 12.0% 4 1.6% 42 16.9% 54 21.7% Age Group 41-50 years 13 8.8% 99 67.3% 3 2.0% 1 .7% 16 10.9% 4 2.7% 25 17.0% 23 15.6% Status Non-academic 22 9.4% 156 66.7% 4 1.7% 2 .9% 25 10.7% 10 4.3% 46 19.7% 43 18.4% 51-60 years 10 11.0% 56 61.5% 3 3.3% 2 2.2% 11 12.1% 3 3.3% 16 17.6% 18 19.8% More than 60 years 2 7.4% 12 44.4% 0 .0% 0 .0% 3 11.1% 0 .0% 6 22.2% 11 40.7% Student 90 12.1% 512 68.6% 20 2.7% 10 1.3% 105 14.1% 12 1.6% 147 19.7% 100 13.4% Page 19 of 26 Which of the following statements encourage you to cycle to and from University? Gender Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle to and from University? I already cycle Count Percentage Improved directional signage Count Percentage If I lived closer Count Percentage If I had someone to cycle with Count Percentage Information and discounts on cycling Count equipment Percentage More cycle facilities, including cycle lanes Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage If I could attend a cycle skills workshop Count Percentage Male 6 1.2% 25 4.9% 176 34.2% 26 5.0% 31 6.0% 199 38.6% 213 41.4% 28 5.4% Female 16 2.3% 33 4.7% 265 37.4% 52 7.3% 53 7.5% 276 38.9% 261 36.8% 45 6.3% Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle to and from University? I already cycle Count Percentage Improved directional signage Count Percentage If I lived closer Count Percentage If I had someone to cycle with Count Percentage Information and discounts on cycling Count equipment Percentage More cycle facilities, including cycle lanes Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage If I could attend a cycle skills workshop Count Percentage Academic 2 .8% 17 6.7% 89 35.3% 13 5.2% 15 6.0% 98 38.9% 102 40.5% 8 3.2% Status Non-academic 4 1.7% 8 3.4% 82 34.7% 10 4.2% 20 8.5% 85 36.0% 99 41.9% 18 7.6% Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle to and from University? I already cycle Improved directional signage If I lived closer If I had someone to cycle with Information and discounts on cycling equipment More cycle facilities, including cycle lanes Nothing If I could attend a cycle skills workshop Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 18-30 years 14 1.9% 34 4.6% 268 36.2% 56 7.6% 49 6.6% 286 38.6% 287 38.7% 50 6.7% 31-40 years 7 3.3% 10 4.7% 77 36.2% 9 4.2% 13 6.1% 88 41.3% 77 36.2% 6 2.8% Age Group 41-50 years 1 .6% 8 5.2% 62 40.3% 9 5.8% 12 7.8% 62 40.3% 52 33.8% 9 5.8% Student 16 2.2% 33 4.5% 270 36.7% 55 7.5% 49 6.7% 292 39.7% 273 37.1% 47 6.4% 51-60 years 0 .0% 5 5.6% 26 29.2% 4 4.5% 9 10.1% 28 31.5% 45 50.6% 7 7.9% >60 years 0 .0% 1 3.7% 8 29.6% 0 .0% 1 3.7% 11 40.7% 13 48.1% 1 3.7% Page 20 of 26 Which of the following statements encourage you to cycle/walk to and from University? Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle or walk to and from University? Showers Count Percentage Lockers Count Percentage Bicycle parking Count Percentage Covered bicycle parking Count Percentage Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle or walk to and from University? Showers Lockers Bicycle parking Covered bicycle parking Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Which of the following statements would encourage you to cycle or walk to and from University? Showers Count Percentage Lockers Count Percentage Bicycle parking Count Percentage Covered bicycle parking Count Percentage Gender Male Female 196 254 65.8% 62.3% 194 214 65.1% 52.5% 126 193 42.3% 47.3% 147 238 49.3% 58.3% 18-30 years 291 64.4% 254 56.2% 183 40.5% 255 56.4% Academic 79 62.7% 84 66.7% 61 48.4% 62 49.2% 31-40 years 69 54.8% 75 59.5% 69 54.8% 68 54.0% Age Group 41-50 years 55 67.1% 54 65.9% 42 51.2% 43 52.4% Academic Status Non-academic 89 65.9% 72 53.3% 70 51.9% 73 54.1% 51-60 years 28 82.4% 21 61.8% 19 55.9% 14 41.2% More than 60 years 7 58.3% 4 33.3% 6 50.0% 5 41.7% Student 282 63.4% 252 56.6% 188 42.2% 250 56.2% Page 21 of 26 Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? Gender Female 370 52.5% 253 35.9% 303 43.0% 242 34.3% 167 23.7% Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? Finding a suitable car Count share partner Percentage Reserved parking for car Count share Percentage Guaranteed ride home Count Percentage Fuel cost sharing Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage Male 259 49.8% 170 32.7% 209 40.2% 174 33.5% 134 25.8% Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? Finding a suitable car Count share partner Percentage Reserved parking for car Count share Percentage Guaranteed ride home Count Percentage Fuel cost sharing Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage 18-30 years 378 50.9% 271 36.5% 308 41.5% 265 35.7% 183 24.7% Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? Finding a suitable car Count share partner Percentage Reserved parking for car Count share Percentage Guaranteed ride home Count Percentage Fuel cost sharing Count Percentage Nothing Count Percentage Academic 126 49.6% 74 29.1% 103 40.6% 76 29.9% 68 26.8% Which of the following statements encourage you to car share? Finding a suitable car share partner Reserved parking for car share Guaranteed ride home Fuel cost sharing Nothing Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern harbour district 90 58.4% 61 39.6% 63 40.9% 56 36.4% 33 21.4% 31-40 years 109 50.2% 74 34.1% 97 44.7% 74 34.1% 52 24.0% Age Group 41-50 years 88 57.9% 43 28.3% 63 41.4% 42 27.6% 32 21.1% Academic Status Non-academic 125 53.6% 80 34.3% 103 44.2% 81 34.8% 57 24.5% Northern harbour district 187 48.7% 131 34.1% 166 43.2% 120 31.3% 92 24.0% 51-60 years 41 47.7% 30 34.9% 34 39.5% 29 33.7% 26 30.2% > 60 years 13 46.4% 5 17.9% 10 35.7% 6 21.4% 8 28.6% Student 378 51.2% 269 36.4% 306 41.5% 259 35.1% 176 23.8% Locality South Western eastern district district 98 127 57.3% 47.7% 66 77 38.6% 28.9% 81 106 47.4% 39.8% 57 87 33.3% 32.7% 38 78 22.2% 29.3% Northern district Gozo 110 51.9% 76 35.8% 83 39.2% 82 38.7% 48 22.6% 17 44.7% 12 31.6% 13 34.2% 14 36.8% 12 31.6% Page 22 of 26 Which of the following would encourage you to use sustainable forms of transport? Which of the following would encourage you to use more sustainable forms of transport? Cost saving Count Percentage Environmental reasons Count Percentage Health and fitness Count Percentage Provide bus rides to travel outside the Count University during office hours Percentage Convenience Count Percentage Telework and reduce the need to Count travel to University Percentage Distance learning to reduce the need Count to travel to University Percentage Which of the following would encourage you to use more sustainable forms of transport? Gender Male 332 62.3% 309 58.0% 223 41.8% 129 24.2% 282 52.9% 127 23.8% 88 16.5% Female 443 60.1% 434 58.9% 317 43.0% 160 21.7% 445 60.4% 187 25.4% 136 18.5% Age Group 41-50 years 91 59.1% 91 59.1% 64 41.6% 39 25.3% 77 50.0% 42 27.3% 27 17.5% Count Percentage Environmental reasons Count Percentage Health and fitness Count Percentage Provide bus rides to travel outside the Count University during office hours Percentage Convenience Count Percentage Telework and reduce the need to Count travel to University Percentage Distance learning to reduce the need Count to travel to University Percentage 18-30 years 460 59.6% 448 58.0% 317 41.1% 179 23.2% 460 59.6% 204 26.4% 137 17.7% 31-40 years 142 63.4% 134 59.8% 103 46.0% 48 21.4% 134 59.8% 38 17.0% 44 19.6% Which of the following would encourage you to use more sustainable forms of transport? Cost saving Count Percentage Environmental reasons Count Percentage Health and fitness Count Percentage Provide bus rides to travel outside the Count University during office hours Percentage Convenience Count Percentage Telework and reduce the need to Count travel to University Percentage Distance learning to reduce the need Count to travel to University Percentage Academic 161 61.7% 161 61.7% 110 42.1% 55 21.1% 136 52.1% 57 21.8% 39 14.9% Academic Status Non-academic 148 61.2% 130 53.7% 98 40.5% 52 21.5% 147 60.7% 61 25.2% 41 16.9% Cost saving 51-60 years 64 69.6% 54 58.7% 44 47.8% 19 20.7% 45 48.9% 25 27.2% 12 13.0% More than 60 years 18 64.3% 16 57.1% 12 42.9% 4 14.3% 11 39.3% 5 17.9% 4 14.3% Student 466 60.8% 452 58.9% 332 43.3% 182 23.7% 444 57.9% 196 25.6% 144 18.8% Page 23 of 26 Which of the following would encourage you to use more sustainable forms of transport? Cost saving Environmental reasons Health and fitness Provide bus rides to travel outside the University during office hours Convenience Telework and reduce the need to travel to University Distance learning to reduce the need to travel to University Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Southern Northern harbour harbour district district 101 236 63.9% 59.1% 90 241 57.0% 60.4% 75 184 47.5% 46.1% 35 88 22.2% 22.1% 94 212 59.5% 53.1% 41 99 25.9% 24.8% 33 61 20.9% 15.3% Locality South Western Northern eastern district district district 108 178 137 59.7% 65.7% 62.3% 110 156 126 60.8% 57.6% 57.3% 78 106 84 43.1% 39.1% 38.2% 40 61 56 22.1% 22.5% 25.5% 119 145 134 65.7% 53.5% 60.9% 40 71 53 22.1% 26.2% 24.1% 38 53 33 21.0% 19.6% 15.0% Gozo 15 36.6% 20 48.8% 13 31.7% 9 22.0% 23 56.1% 10 24.4% 6 14.6% Page 24 of 26 To which locality do you travel most for work-related/other trips outside University? · Locality Attard Balzan Birgu Birkirkara Birżebbuġa Bormla Dingli Fgura Floriana Għargħur Għaxaq Gudja Gżira Hamrun Iklin Kalkara Kirkop Lija Luqa Marsa Marsaskala Marsaxlokk Mdina Mellieħa Mġarr Mosta Msida Frequency 25 9 3 46 8 3 4 1 26 4 3 4 7 14 8 6 4 5 10 14 7 6 1 2 6 27 37 Percentage 3.8 1.4 0.5 7.0 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.2 4.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 1.1 2.1 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.8 1.5 2.1 1.1 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.9 4.1 5.7 · Locality Mtarfa Nadur Naxxar Paola Pembroke Pietà Qala Qormi Rabat Safi San Ġiljan San Ġwann San Pawl il-Baħar Santa Luċija Santa Venera Siġġiewi Sliema Swieqi Ta' Xbiex Tarxien Valletta Victoria Xewkija Żabbar Żebbuġ Żejtun Żurrieq Frequency 1 1 14 11 8 7 1 7 7 1 23 22 18 5 7 6 51 11 4 2 121 5 3 3 7 7 11 Percentage 0.2 0.2 2.1 1.7 1.2 1.1 0.2 1.1 1.1 0.2 3.5 3.4 2.8 0.8 1.1 0.9 7.8 1.7 0.6 0.3 18.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.7 Page 25 of 26 How many times weekly do you have work-related trips during your time at University? How many times in a week do you have work-related trips during your time at University? No trips Count Percentage 1-2 trips Count Percentage 3-4 trips Count Percentage 5 or more trips Count Percentage How many times in a week do you have work-related trips during your time at University? No trips 1-2 trips 3-4 trips 5 or more trips Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Gender Male 89 29.4% 112 37.0% 63 20.8% 39 12.9% Academic 35 24.5% 63 44.1% 24 16.8% 21 14.7% Female 130 30.7% 156 36.9% 78 18.4% 59 13.9% Academic Status Nonacademic 42 31.1% 48 35.6% 26 19.3% 19 14.1% Student 142 31.7% 157 35.0% 91 20.3% 58 12.9% Age Group How many times in a week do you have work-related trips during your time at University? No trips 1-2 trips 3-4 trips 5 or more trips Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage Count Percentage 18-30 years 138 31.0% 153 34.4% 92 20.7% 62 13.9% 31-40 years 38 29.2% 44 33.8% 27 20.8% 21 16.2% 41-50 years 24 28.6% 38 45.2% 15 17.9% 7 8.3% 51-60 years 17 33.3% 24 47.1% 4 7.8% 6 11.8% More than 60 years 2 12.5% 9 56.3% 3 18.8% 2 12.5% Page 26 of 26