The Quiet Sun TSI During 2009 by G.A. Chapman, A.M. Cookson and D.G. Preminger San Fernando Observatory Department of Physics and Astronomy CSU, Northridge 91330 1 Abstract The extended solar minimum of 2008-2009 provides a period of time of few sunspots and very low solar activity including faculae and network. Comparing facular indices with the SORCE TIM/TSI we are able to determine the quiet sun (QS) irradiance with less interference from solar activity. We find a multiple regression analysis gives an R2 of 0.60 and a QS TSI of 1360.62±0.04W/m2 . The complete regression equation is given by Eq. 1. T IM = 1360.62±0.042+(205±43.3)10−5 DEF + (74±6.4)10−6 ΣN K (1) 2 Abstract (continued) Images are from the SFO Cartesian Full Disk Telescope no. 2 (CFDT2) which has 2.5” x 2.5” pixels. The time period is from 6 May 2009 through 30 November 2009 giving 98 days of data. The index, DEF, is the sunspot deficit. It is the sum over all sunspot pixels. The coefficient for the sunspot deficit is 5 times its error. The facular signal is represented by ΣN K . It is the sum over all pixels on a K-line contrast image. Its coefficient is 11 times its error. The subscript NK represents the narrow K-line filter (BP=0.3 nm). Both indices are in parts per million of the quiet sun. We will compare the QS TSI determined during this interval with the QS TSI during more active times. This research was partially supported by NSF Grant ATM-0848518. 3 Space-based radiometry measures the Total Solar Irradiance, without hindrance from the earth’s atmosphere. Most radiometers are not able to image the sun and thus are unable to determine the sources of variability. Ground-based photometry, on the other hand, can image the sun but can only obtain relative changes in brightness. Properly calibrated images can be a useful complement to space-based measurements of TSI. For example, Ground-based photometry can bridge periods when a spacecraft anomaly occurs (Lee et al. 1995, Chapman et al. 1996)∗ . However, an important, simplifying assumption is that the irradiance from the non-magnetic sun is contant over time. The unusually low level of solar magnetism during the past minimum provides a chance to examine more carefully the quiet sun. ∗ See poster by Cookson et al. 4 Photometry at the San Fernando Observatory produces images on a daily basis using two telescopes, CFDT1 and CFDT2. Images are calibrated (Walton et al. 1998) and analyzed to produce photometric indices representing sunspots and faculae and network. For sunspots the photometric deficit is calculated pixel by pixel for all sunspots. A sunspot pixel is one with a contrast equal to or less than -8.5%. The photometric deficit is defined as DEF = X ci(µ) × Φ(µi ), (2) i where ci(µ) is the contrast of pixel i and Φ(µi ) is the observed quiet sun limb darkening at pixel i. For faculae and the network, an index is calculated from K-line images. It is defined as 5 ΣK = X c(µ) × Φ(µ), (3) all where the sum is over all pixels on a contrast image. This index will measure the contribution of faint, bright pixels. summer 2009 TIM vs. DEF2, Sigma_NK 1361.1 calc. TIM/TSI (W/m^2) 1361.05 obs. 1361 1360.95 1360.9 1360.85 1360.8 1360.75 06-May-2009 06-Jul-2009 Date 26-Aug-2009 03-Nov-2009 This figure shows the fit of CFDT2 data from SFO with the latest SORCE/TIM (version 10) for the time period 6 May 2009 through 30 November 2009, a period of very low solar activity. The calculated points are given by Eq. 1. The observed points are from TIM. During the middle period, there appears to be approximately 0.25 to 0.3 W/m2 of excess emission from the faculae and network based on the quiet sun irradiance of 1360.6 W/m2 in Eq. 1. 6 1362 TIM@21h vs. SFO CFDT2(pfifa,d2r) 1361.5 1361 W/m^2 1360.5 1360 1359.5 1359 1358.5 1358 1357.5 1357 jun-01-03 sep-09-03 dec-18-03 mar-27-04 jul-05-04 oct-13-04 date TIM def2+pfifa2 Shown is the fit to TIM/TSI during a very active time in 2003. The regression (R2 = 0.9547, N = 345) of TIM to CFDT2 data is given by T IM = 1360.76±0.11 + (1358±40)10−6 DEF +(1631 ±19)10−6 P F IF A.(4) 7 The index PFIFA is defined in Chapman et al. (1996). (The TIM data are from an earlier version.) References Chapman, G.A., Cookson, A.M. and Dobias, J.J. 1996, J.G.R. 101, 13541. Lee, R.B.III, Wilson, R.S., Thomas, S., and Gibson, M.A. 1995, J.G.R. 100, 1667. Walton, S.R., Chapman, G.A., Cookson, A.M., Dobias, J.J. and Premiinger, D.G.. 1998, Solar Phys. 179, 31. 8