JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104, NO. E6, PAGES 14,169-14,178,JUNE 25, 1999 Ganymede's ozone-like absorber: Observations by the Galileo ultraviolet spectrometer A. R. Hendrix, C. A. Barth, and C. W. Hord Laboratoryfor Atmosphericand SpacePhysics,Universityof Colorado,Boulder Abstract. We reporton UltravioletSpectrometer observations of Ganymedefrom four orbitsof the Galileo primary mission. During 12 observationsequences, regionson Ganymede'sleading, trailing,andanti-Jovianhemispheres were observedat severallatitudesandvaryingobservational geometries.The measurements showan ozone-likeabsorberconcentrated in the polarregionsand near sunriseand sunsetat low latitudes,with a clear correlationbetween ozone abundanceand so- lar zenithangle.The absorptionmaximumis shiftedto the red of the gaseousozoneabsorption maximum (near2600A), confirming disk-integrated observations by otherresearchers. Ganymede'sabsorber maybe ozonetrappedin theice lattice,whichwe proposeis dueto chargedparticle bombardlnentof the surface. At high Sun(small solarzenithangles),the ozone-likeabsorber is destroyed.The ozonein the polarregionsis likely to be long-lived,on accountof the largesolar zenith angles. 1. Introduction ing the magnetometeron board Galileo [Kivelson e! al., 1996; Gurnett et al., 1996]. Field lines at Ganymede'spolar regions We discuss disk-resolved observations of Jupiter's icy are open to Jupiter's magnetosphericplasma, while closed moon Ganymede by the Galileo ultraviolet spectrometer field lines, covering•_30ø-45 ø in latitude, shield the equato(UVS). The datareveal a complicateddistribution of an ultrarial regions. Polar caps on Ganymede,extendingdown to lativiolet absorberon Ganymede,which may be related to its tudes of 40ø-45ø, were discoveredby the Voyager spacecraft newly discoveredmagnetosphere[Kivelson e! al., 1996] and [Smithet al., 1979]; the Galileo Near-InfraredMapping Specto the oxygen chemistrythat occurs in the icy matrix of the trometer (NIMS) found that while water ice is present all over surfacedue to photolysis. We first discusswhat is already Ganymede'ssurface,there is less ice in the equatorial regions, known aboutGanymede'ssurfacefromspacecraftand groundand the water ice in the polar regionsis finer grained [Carlson based observations. et al., 1996]. Early ground-basedmeasurements showed that Ganymede Featuresat 5773 A and 6275 A were detectedon Ganydisplays a hemisphericalbedo dichotomy,where its trailing mede's trailing hemispherein ground-based measurementsand hemisphere(centeredon 270ø W, where 0ø W longitude alattributed to electronic transitions in pairs of oxygen moleways facesJupiter)is darker than its leading hemisphere(cencules [Spenceret al., 1995; Calvin et al., 1995]. The bomtered on 90ø W) [Millis and Thompson, 1975]. The albedo bardmentby corotating magnetosphericplasma is likely the dichotomyhas been attributed to enhancedbombardmentby sourceof the molecularoxygen [Reimann et al., 1984], on the Jupiter's corotating magnetosphereon the trailing hemibasis of the longitudinal variation in the absorption band sphere. An additional leading/trailing differencewas noted depth [Calvin et al., 1996]. Condensedpure oxygen is not by the InternationalUltraviolet Explorer (IUE) [Nelsonet al., stable at Ganymede'stemperatures,so it was suggestedthat 1987]: Ganymede'strailing hemispherewas found to have an the oxygenis trappedwithin the surfaceice (defect trapping or absorber centeredshortwardof 2800 A. This absorption feaadsorption)[Calvin et al., 1996]. Additional spectrafromthe ture was noted to be different from Europa's trailing hemiHubble Space Telescope (HST) Faint Object Spectrograph sphereabsorber, whichis centered near2800A andis thought (FOS) and images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera to be due to implantationof sulfur fromthe magnetosphere in(WFPC) showedthat the oxygen absorptionis concentratedat teractingwith the surfacewater ice [Lane et al., 1981; Noll et low latitudes[Calvin and Spencer,1997]. al., 1995; Hendrix et al., 1998], creatingan SO2-1ikeabsorpLater measurements by the HST FOS [Noll et al., 1996] tion. Nelsone! al. [1987] suggestedthat an absorberin addiidentified ozone on Ganymede'strailing hemisphererelative tion to SO2 is present on Ganymede's trailing hemisphere; to the leading hemisphere. They indicate that the cross secthey suggestedozone,causedby magnetospheric oxygen ions tion of Ganymede'sozone is broadened and shifted somewhat being implantedinto the icy surface. fromgaseousroom-temperature ozone, as it is present in the The arrival of the Galileo spacecrafthas revealed that Gasurfaceice. The molecularoxygenandozoneare likely related. nymede is even more complicated than Earth-based observaJohnson and Jesser [1997] describe a process by which 02 tions have shown. A magnetospherehas been discoveredusand 03 "microatmospheres" are formedwhen magnetospheric ions impact and destroythe surface,creatinga void or bubble, where a small 02 atmosphereforms. Ozone may also form in Copyright1999by theAmericanGeophysical Union. these bubbles through photolysis, and it was suggestedthat photolysisis a source of the ozone on Ganymede[Nol! et al., Paper number 1999JE900001. 0148-0227/99/1999JE900001 $09.00 1995]. Possibly connectedto the charged-particle-induced 14,169 14,170 HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER oxygen chemistryis the discoveryof hydrogenatoms escaping from Ganymede's surface, as detected by the Galileo UVS [Barth et al., 1997]. Barth et al. [1997] also suggestedthat UV irradiation of water ice may be the sourceof the escaping hydrogenand the oxygen chemistry. An alternative to having molecularoxygen in ice bubbles was proposedby Fidal et al. [1997] and Baragiola and Bahr [1998], who performedexperimentsto replicate the visible wavelength range in 4.33 s, with 0.006 s integration time at each channel. Theseobservations were performedduring the primarymission of Galileo, between June 1996 and November 1997; they cover a variety of terrain types and latitudes and longitudes on Ganymede,at severalspatialresolutions.Plate 1 shows an imageof GanymedefromGalileo/Voyager and depicts the regions coveredduring each observationsequence.Table 1 dewavelength oxygen featuresseen by Calvin and Spencer scribeseach observationsequence,including the approximate [1997]. They found that the condensedmolecular oxygen on latitude and longitude covered during the observation. In Ganymede's surface must exist in regions at temperatures this paperwe deal primarily with the higher resolution obsermuch lower than reported Ganymede surface temperatures, vations but use the lower resolution observations(GLOBAL) suchas in permanentlyshadowedregions,cracksin the ice, or to supplementour higher resolution results. Plate 1 shows the size of one field of view (FOV)during the GLOBAL sehigh-albedo locations. A connection between the newly discovered magneto- quence,near 0ø N, 140ø W (this is the "standard" region dissphereand Ganymede'spolar capswas suggestedby ,Johnson cussedlater). The central locations of the other FOVs during [1997], who thought they might be due to charged-particle the GLOBAL sequenceare shown in Table 1. bombardment. In addition, Pappalardo et al. [1998] find that the open field line regions correspondwith the polar caps of 3. Photometric Corrections Ganymede. Thermal segregationhas also been suggestedas a source of the caps [Purves and Pilcher, 1980], although this The initial step in the analysis of the UVS Ganymedespecidea was challenged by Hilllet et al. [1996] through photra was to determine the measured reflectance. This was done tometric analysis. Sieveka and ,Johnson[1982] suggestedthat by averaging 14 spectra(60.67 s total). The averagebacka combinationof sputtering and thermalprocessingformsthe groundradiation noise was subtractedfrom the resultant specpolar caps;they noted that on the trailing hemisphere,darker trum, which was then divided by the calibration curve and by presumablyas a result of charged particle bombardment,the a solarspectrum.The solarspectrumusedwasmeasuredby the cap boundary is at a higher latitude than on the brighter leadSolar-StellarIrradiance ComparisonExperiment(SOLSTICE) ing hemisphere.This may be becausefrost formationis inhib[Rottman et al., 1993] and was double boxcar smoothedto ited in darker regions. matchthe UVS spectralresolution. In this work, we use additional UVS measurementsto ex- plore further the processesoccurring at Ganymede's surface, especially those that may affect oxygen chemistry, to understandthe distributionof 02 and O3 on Ganymede'ssurface. 2. Observations The Galileo ultraviolet spectrometerwas built at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physicsand was describedby Hard et al. [1992]. The observations discussedin this paper were performedusing the F channelof the UVS, which coversthe 1616- 3231 A wavelength range. The calibration is described in Hendrix [1996]. The observationswere performedin "full-scan" mode, where the grating was stepped over the 528 channels covering the The first step in correcting for photometricvariations in brightness was to understandhow Ganymede's UV reflectancevaries with phaseangle. We divided all UVS observations of Ganymede (both disk-resolved and disk-integrated) into leading(0ø - 180ø W) and trailing (180ø - 360ø W) hemispheredata. Including UVS data not discussedin this paper, we used a phase angle range of 10.4ø - 81.8ø for the leading hemisphere,and a phaseanglerangeof 1.3%86.7ø for the trailing hemisphere. We found that the single-lobed HenyeyGreensteinphasefunction [Hapke, 1993] with an asymmetry parameterof g=-0.35 adequatelyfits the UVS Ganymededata at all wavelengthsin both longitude bins. However, the phase curve is not a perfect fit; this is becauseindividual terrain types behavedifferentlyphotometrically. In spite of this, we use this simple phase curve for all observedregions, aware ¸ 0.6 o ] [ ! ! ! 0.6 0.4 o 0.4 ¸ _o 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 200 220 240 260 280 300 wavelength(nm) 320 340 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 wavelength(nm) Figure 1. Albedosfrom threedifferentlocations(seePlate 1). (a) Standardregionalbedo,(b) averagealbedos from PTAH and DRKLIT regions;DRKLIT albedohasbeenoffsetby 0.05 for clarity. Statisticalerror bars are shown. HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER that the correction may not be perfect but assumingthat the phase curve does not vary significantly with wavelength. Thereforethe magnitudesbut not the shapesof the derived albedosare affected. In the analysisof the resultant albedos, we focus not on variations in brightness but in variations in albedo with wavelength,which can indicate the presenceof absorptionfeatures. Ganymede's UV phase curve will be stud- 14,171 2.0 o ied further in future work. The next step in the photometriccorrectionwas to solve for the single-scatter albedo00(30of eachregionusinga simplified version of the Hapke photometric function [Hapke, 1993, p. 233], where we ignored the opposition effect and multiple scattering. Multiple scatteringmay be assumedto be negligible at these wavelengths. The opposition effectterm at ultraviolet wavelengthsis unknown for any terrain type; this will be investigatedin a future study. To account for macroscopic surface roughness, we use the terms from Hapke [1993, pp. 344-345] with 0=32 ø, which is consistent with the visible results from Domingue and Ferbiscer [1997]' the surface roughnessparameteris not expectedto vary with wavelength. This photometriccorrectionis very simple and is not expected to accuratelycorrectfor photometricvariations in all observations. However, in this studywe are concernedprimarily with shapesof albedo ratios (discussed below), which should be unaffectedover this short wavelength range by variations in photometricparameters. 4. Results 4.1 A!bedos 0.5 I 2OO 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 wavelength(nm) Figure 2. Albedo ratio: PTAH averagealbedo/standardregion albedo. which is not presentin the standardregion, and it absorbsbetween 2600 and 2800 A. 4.3 Comparisons With Ozone Cross Section We follow the methodof Noll et al. [1996] and compareGanymede's ultraviolet absorption band with ozone, which ab- sorbsstronglynear2600 .X,. The crosssectionof gaseous ozone [DeMote e! al., 1994] is shown in Figure 3a. When we shift this cross section 197 .X, to the red and broaden the full width at half maximum (FWHM) from- 400 .X,to - 950 .4, The method described above was used to determine the al- bedo of each observedregion. Figure 1 displaysthree of these albedos,binnedinto 15 .X,bins to reducescatter. The albedos shownare the averagealbedo measuredduring three observation sequences,of three differentterrains and have distinctly different shapes.The southern polar PTAH region is brighter than the other regions, particularly at longer wavelengths. The albedo of the standard region (describedbelow) is lower than PTAH's and is flatter at longer wavelengths. The DRKLIT albedo, corresponding to a leading hemisphereregion, is flatter than the albedos of the other regions. Generally, leading hemisphereregions have albedo that are rela- tively flat longward of-2900 .X,;this is also seenin UVS spectraof regions on Europa's and Callisto's leading hemispheres. This spectral characteristicwill be investigated and discussedin a later report. 4.2 Albedo Ratios We display the variation in albedo fromplace to place on the surfaceby ratioingthe albedoof eachregion to the albedo of a "standard" region (part of the GLOBAL sequence). The albedoof the standardregionis shownin Figure l a. We have chosen this as the standard albedo as it was observed with relatively low spatialresolution,so it is not the albedo of any particular, and possibly anomalous,region; the albedo was measuredwhen the solar and emission angles were approximately equal. Furthermore,the standard region covers an equatorial portion of the leading hemisphere,near 140ø W longitude,so it is an appropriateregion to which to compare trailing hemisphereand polar data. The albedoratio of one region (PTAH) to the standardis shown in Figure 2. The ratio indicates that an absorber is present in the PTAH region which is similar to the FWHM of solid O3 [Faida e! al., 1989], we obtain the "ozone-like" cross section also shown in Figure 3a. For this cross section we have also normalized the magnitudeof the absorptionmaximumto correspondwith that of gaseousozone. As was noted by Noll e! a/. [1996], the shifting and broadeningof the O3 crosssection may be caused by the presenceof O3 in water ice. We note that in deriving the ozone-like cross section, the shift to the red is greater than the shift required to fit the HST data of Noll e! al. [1996]. This is simply due to the albedo ratio used: No// e! al. [1996] ratioed the disk-integrated trailing hemispherealbedo to the disk-integrated leading hemispherealbedo; we are using disk-resolved albedos and have somewhat arbitrarily chosen a leading hemispherestandard region. Using a differentleading hemispherestandardregion (or a leading hemispheredisk-integratedalbedo) would likely resultin a different shapefor the crosssection. This is why we refer to the absorber as "ozone-like": we are utilizing it mainly to quantifythe relative amountof absorptionacrossthe surface. Laboratory measurements of ozone in ice under Ganymede's conditionsare neededto understandabsolute quantities of the absorber. We use this derived cross section in Beer's law to deter- mine the column densityof the ozone-like absorberat each observed location. Figure 3b displays the ratio of the PTAH albedo to the standard albedo, along with a model fit to the albedo ratio: model=A exp(-oN), where A is a constant derived to fit the ratio magnitude, csis the ozone-like cross section, and N is the column density derived to fit the absorption band;N includesthe slant angle to the location of the observation, 1/g+l/go. For the PTAH region we obtained a best fit column density of 4.7x10•6cm-2. 14,172 HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER b i 1200 i 1000 8OO / / 6OO i i /• i 2.0 A \\\\ \ / _ \ ,x ...... 1.5- A=1.92, N=4.7e16 ,x - o \ _ o iI 4OO Q iI 2OO 1.0- _ - _ 0.5 o 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 ...... 200 220 240 wavelength(nm) 260 280 .500 .520 .540 wavelength(nm) Figure3. (a) Laboratory-measured crosssectionof gaseous ozone(solidline)versusozone-likecrosssection derived usingGalileoUVS Ganymede albedo ratio(dashed line),(b) PTAH/standard albedoratiocompared to modelfit withcolumndensity N=4.7x10 •6cm-2. 4.4 Distribution of Ozone-Like Absorber tude,with a possible dependenceon amountof water ice present as may be indicated by visible brightnessof the region. We investigatethe presenceand strengthof the ozone-like To demonstratethe trends in albedo shapewith latitude and absorptionfeatureat all observedregions on Ganymede. longitude, we display a"typical" albedo ratio from each reWhenthe albedoof eachregionis ratioedto the albedoof the gion observed in Figure 4, and explain the featureshere. standard region,we findthatthe absorptionfeatureappears to Whenwe apply a similar analysisto all observedregionson be related,in a complicated way, to both latitude and longi- Ganymede,we find that some regions are fit well by this o) DRKLT(37N, 106W) I 2.0 ! I ! I A b) MEMPHIS(12N,140W) I ,0 i ! i i A-0.90, N=0 1.5 i i N= 2.0e 1.5 1.5 o - o 10-• ' .,'•½.. zx.z•,,.,wvv•____ _,•,• __.,,•%_../•zx, - 1.0 0.5 I 200 i 220 240 I 260 I 280 i 300 0.5 i 320 340 ...... 200 220 wavelength(nm) 1..5- 280 500 520 540 d) NIPPUR(25N, 184W} ...... i 2.0 i A- 1.57, N=1.Se16 o 260 wavelength(nm) c) SIPPAIR(-19N, 182W) 2.0 240 az• i i A=0.93, - l 1.5 A o "'""---.-.4•.'-'•as i N=2.0e16 o 1.0- - 1.00.5 200 220 24-0 260 2ao 500 wavelength (nm) 520 540 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 wavelength (nm) Figure4. Albedoratiosfromseveraldifferentregionsto showhow the absorptionfeatureis distributed across thesurface.Alsoshown is themodelfit to thealbedo ratio,indicating thebestfit parameters (N is col- umndensity in cm -2)in themodel, where model=A exp(-oN). (a)DRKLIT region, (b)MEMPHIS region, (c) SIPPARregion,(d) NIPPURregion,(e)NORTHPOLE region,(f)NORTHPOLE region,(g) TAMMUZregion,(h) AMONregion, (i) NORTHPOLEregion, (j) NORTHPOLEregion,(k) BRITRLregion,(1)HILAT region. HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE 2.0 a ...... A A A -•'•=-• o - 1.0- - 220 AA --•• o 1.0- - 0.5 ...... 200 240 260 280 300 320 ....... 200 340 220 240 o 2.0 ...... 0.5 A=1.57, - 220 ••r•• 1.5 260 280 300 320 a A ...... 200 340 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 ,wavelength(nm) j) NORTHPOLE(62N, 225W' i) NORTHPOLE(65N, 201W) 2.5 ...... A N=2.Se16 A wavelength(nm) 2.5 540 a 1.0 - 0.5 240 520 o ...... 200 500 ....... N=2.6e16 1.5-• A A A 1-0- z• 280 h) AMON(55N, 225W) g) TAMMUZ(12N, 230W) A=1.28, 260 wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm) 2.0 A=1.75, N=2.5e16 ...^ 1.5- -- -• 0.5 ...... A•t•, A=1.63, N=1.6e16 • 14,173 f) NORTHPOLE (64N, 178W) e) NORTHPOLE (55N, 174W) 2.0 ABSORBER ...... AA A=2.05, N=5.1e16 A=2.50, N=5.7e16 A A A AAA o o 1.5- 1.0 200 2.0 •x•AA A _ 2.0- •xAAA - 1.0 ...... 220 240 260 280 300 320 ...... 200 340 220 1.,5 A=1.57, A=0.60, 1.0- 520 540 1.0- N=l.0e16 A o A A A 200 500 ...... N=1.Se16 o 0.,5 280 I) HILAT(41N, 550W) k) BRITRL(26N, 301W) A...... 260 wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm) 2.0 240 0.0 ...... 220 240 260 280 500 520 540 200 A ...... 220 240 260 280 500 wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm) Figure 4. (continued) 520 540 14,174 HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE i I I " I •' I' I ABSORBER I .... I ! .... ß : ,•.. •., ß • o 0 o ß 0 0 .! HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER 14,175 quantities(not as muchas in the 180ø-240 ø W reozone-like cross section, with varying column densities, and moderate gion). At higherlatitudesnear330øW(HILAT observation, someare not. Model fits are shown comparedto albedo ratios Figure41), the absorptionfeatureis not very strong. fromeach observedregion in Figure 5. Plate 1 displays the column densities mappedout on a Galileo/Voyager image of Ganymede. Table 1 also displays the best fit columndensity 4.5 Variations in Ozone-Like Absorber with Solar Angle of the ozone-likeabsorptionfor the averagealbedo of each obThe derived columndensitiesshownin Figure 4, while not served region. stronglyrelatedto latitudeor longitude,do havea distinct On the leading hemisphere(east of-120 ø W), where the correlationwith solar zenith angle. The ozone-like column DRKLIT and BRILED observationsequenceswere performed, density increases with solar zenith angle. In Figure 5 we the albedo ratios (Figure 4a)are generally blue, both at high show the derived ozone-like column density versus solar zeand middle latitudes; the highest latitude observed in this nithangle(angleto the Sunmeasured fromthenormal).The 2 9 longituderangeis 37ø N. The blue albedoratio indicatesthat no ozone exists in these locations. pointsin Figure5 correspond with the observations shownin Plate 1 and Table 1. The ozone-solaranglerelationshipis par- The MEMPHIS region (middle latitudesnear 120ø-150ø W) showsno absorption,making the albedoratio flat (Figure 4b). This is also where the standard region is, although the MEMPHIS observationwas performedwith a higher spatial resolution. Near 180øW, the absorption feature is present in small amounts at low latitudes (SIPPAR and NIPPUR observations,Figures4c and 4d); at higherlatitudesthe amountof the absorbervaries (NORTH POLE observations,Figures 4e and 4I). Moving slightly closertoward the centraltrailing hemisphere,the PTAH region(190ø-200øW)at high southernlatitudesshowsthe highest quantities of the absorber,as shown in Figure 3b. In the 200-240øW longitude region, the lower latitudes (TAMMUZ observation,Figure4g) show the absorptionmore stronglythan at similar latitudesnear 180øW; the higher latitudes(AMON observation,Figure 4h) have an even stronger absorption,while the high northernlatitudes(NORTH POLE observations,Figure 4i and 4j) show a very strong absorp- ticularly strongin the 150ø-240 ø W longituderange,where the most UVS observationsexist. The two trailing hemisphere (largeplusandsmallopencircle)observations alsofollow the trend. The leadinghemispherelocations(large square,large opencircle, and large asterisk)show negligible amountsof ozonedespitesolarzenithanglebeinglarge. We thusdetecta strongrelationshipbetweensolar zenith angle and derived ozone-like columndensity; this relationship is clear on the anti-Jovianand trailing regions,in contrastto the leading hemisphere, whereno ozone-likeabsorber is measured. 5. Discussion The UVS results clearly show a relationship between derived ozone-like columndensity and solar angle, suggesting that the ozone is destroyedby photolysis: 03 + hv•>O2+ O(1D). (1) The creationof the ozone-likeabsorberat Ganymedeis less tion. At middle latitudes near the central trailing hemisphere (BRITRL observation,Figure 4k), the absorberis present in clear. It is likely that the ozone is related to the molecular oxygendetectedby Calvin and Spencer[1997]; we speculate hereon the possiblecreationmechanisms of this oxygenchemistry. ? 5 4- 3c- 2- 1- 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 solor ongle Figure 5. Ozone-like columndensity versussolar zenith angle. Smalldiamondsand solid circle,GLOBAL; small plus, PTAH; large cross,small and large asterisks,and smalltriangle, NORTH POLE; small circle, HILAT; large diamond, AMON; small square,NIPPUR; large plus,BRITRL; large triangle,TAMMUZ; small cross,SIPPAR; large circle,DRKLIT; large square,BRILED; mediumasterisk,MEMPHIS. A possiblesourceof boththe ozoneand the molecularoxygen is chargedparticle bombardment[Noll et al., 1996; Calvin and Slvencer,1997;dohnson,1998.]. The evidencefor this is that the ozone-like absorber appearsmore on the trailing hemispherethan on the leading hemisphere,as displayed throughthe albedoratios,wherethe standardalbedois a leading hemisphereregion. Other leading hemisphereregionsdo not display the absorption feature. This leading-trailing asymmetryin ozonewas first detectedby Noll et al. [1996]. Other evidence for bombardmentby the corotating plasma is the molecularoxygenfound on the trailing hemisphere[Calvin and Spencer,1997], as well as Ganymede'salbedodichotomy,whereits trailing hemisphereis darkerthan its leading hemisphere[Millis and Thompson,1975]. Chargedparticle bombardmentof water ice produces H, OH, O, H2, 02, and H [Johnson,1998]; this was discussedas a possible sourceof the escapingatomic hydrogen detectedat Ganymede[Barthet al., 1997]. It has been suggestedthat the 02 exists in the ice lattice, where bombardmentproduces defects in the ice, and movementof the defects(annealing) forms larger bubbles in which 02 can accumulate(from oxygen atoms) [Johnsonand Quickenden,1997]. At low temperatures, molecularoxygennot only is formedlessefficiently,but small voids (bubbles) are created,producing a scatteringsurface. Thereforethe lack of annealing at high latitudes results in shorterphotonpath lengths,so the weak 02 absorptionbands 14,176 Table HENDRIX ET AL.' GANYMEDE'S OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER 1. Disk-Resolved Sequence Observations Longitude* Latitude * Phase Solar Zenith Angle,deg. GLOBAL ++ Number of Obser- Derived Column Angle,deg. vations + Density, cm'2 140ø W 0øN 29 13 1 none 152 ø W 0ø N 29 1 1 none 162 ø W 5ø S 29 9 1 6.2e 15 171 ø W 8øS 29 19 1 9.8e15 180 ø W 11ø S 29 28 1 1.0el 6 189 ø W 13 ø S 29 37 1 1.9e16 199 ø W 16ø S 29 47 1 2.3e16 210 ø W 18ø S 29 57 1 3.0e16 220 ø W 20 ø S 29 68 1 4.0e 16 151øW 48 ø N 29 49 1 2.0e16 169 ø W 41 ø N 29 45 1 1.6e16 180 ø W 37 ø N 29 46 1 2.0e 16 191 ø W 33 ø N 29 50 1 2.0e16 202 ø W 29 ø N 29 56 l 2.1 e 16 213 ø W 27 ø N 29 65 1 2.4e16 225 ø W 24 ø N 29 74 1 3.2e 16 ISIS-PTAH 190 ø - 201 ø W 67øS 24 68 4 4.7e16 NIPPUR 175ø-185 ø W 250-29 ø N 25 32 10 2.0e16 MEMPHIS 116 ø -162 ø W 90-22 ø N 29 12ø-52 8 2.0e15 AMON 220 ø 227 ø W 320-34 ø N 24 64 5 2.8e16 NRPOLE 157ø-244 ø W 540-66 ø N 29ø-32 57ø-84 19 1.6-3.7e 16 TAMMUZ 2270-238 ø W 13 ø N 26 66ø-77 9 2.6el 6 176ø-191 ø W 8ø-19 ø S 31 25ø-37 11 1.5e16 DRKLIT 51ø-136 ø W 260-38 ø N 10ø-19 26ø-71 25 none BRILED 680-85 ø W 0ø-13 ø S 22ø-25 34ø-51 11 none BRITRL 296ø-305 ø W 26 ø N 73 28 5 1.5el 6 HILAT 327ø-333 ø W 41 ø N 64 54 3 1.0el6 SIPPAR *Latitudeand longituderangesare for entireobservationsequence for all observations exceptGLOBAL; for GLOBAL, geometriesshown are for individualobservations within the sequence, andlatitudeandlongitudeshownarethe FOV boresightlatitudeandlongitude. +Eachobservation is anaverage of 14 spectra. ++TheGLOBALobservation centered at 0øN, 140øW,wasusedasthe"standard" regionin thisstudy,to whichotherregions werecompared. are not seen easily. An alternative to 02 accumulating in bubbles in the ice was suggestedby Baragiola and Bahr [1998], who find that the 02 must exist only in very cold regions of Ganymede'ssurface,suchas in cracksor other regions not exposed to sunlight. Like the molecular oxygen at Ganymede's surface, the ozone is probably created by chargedparticle bombardment. However, chargedparticles are unlikely to produceozone directly. Rather, 02 accumulatesin the ice, and subsequentradiolysis produces ozone [Johnson and Quickenden, 1997]. Laboratory experimentshave shown that the ozone-like absorptionseenat Ganymedeby the UVS can be reproduced. R. Baragiola(personalcommunication,1998) bombardedan 02 + I-I20 ice mixturewith 100 keV H+ ions and foundthe ozonelike absorptionfeaturein the laboratoryreflectancespectrum. This suggeststhat charged particle bombardmentof Ganymede's trailing hemisphereproduces02 in the ice; further bombardmentproducesO3 in the ice. Complicating mattersof chargedparticle bombardmentis the fact that Ganymede does have its own magnetosphere, which shields the low-latitude surface from some particles [Kivelsonet al., 1996]. Particles that are energeticenough to crossthe closedfield linesincludeS+ (of at least400 keV) and O+ (of at least800 keV)(J. Cooper,personalcommunication, HENDRIX ET AL.: GANYMEDE'S 1998) and makeup a significantportion of the trappedparticlesat Ganymede'sorbit [Ip et al., 1997]. Electronsand protons are not energeticenough to crossGanymede'sclosed field lines and are deflected around Ganymedeor follow the openfield linesintothe polarregions. It is difficultto understandGanymede'shemisphericasymmetries when accounting for this magnetosphere; as was shownby Pospieszalskaand dohnson[1989] and discussed by Calvin and Spencer[1997], the low-energy(cold) ions are thought to be responsiblefor leading-trailing asymmetries, whereasthe high-energy(hot) ionsaffect both the leading and trailing hemispheres.We do not yet know enough about Ganymede'smagnetosphere to fully understandwhat causesthesehemisphericasymmetries. Furthermore,the amountof ice lattice damagedue to particles of varyingenergiesis notclearandmayaffectthe amountof 02 andO3 formedat high and low latitudesby the particlestraveling alongthe openfield lines and the particlescrossingthe closedfield lines. Calvin and Spencer[1997] suggestedthat Ganymede'smagnetosphere maynot be constantin strength, allowingfor hemisphericasymmetries to build up. OZONE-LIKE ABSORBER 14,1'77 Observationscoveringprimarilythe 150ø-240 ø W region indicate variations in the amount of the ozone-like absorber; this distributionis displayedin Plate 1 as well as in Table 1. Figure5 showsa strongcorrelationbetweenthe derived ozonecolumndensityandthe solarzenithangle,wherebyless ozoneis presentat smallsolarzenithangles. We haveproposeda combination of chargedparticlebom- bardment andphotolysisfor the creationand destruction of the ozonedetectedby the UVS. Chargedparticlebombardment,constrainedprimarilyto Ganymede'strailing hemisphereandpolarregions,creates ozonein the ice. At lowlatituderegionsthe ozoneis convertedby photolysisinto molecularand atomicoxygenduring the day (particularlyat smallsolarzenith angles);polar ozoneis likely long-lived. The ozonecolumndensitythusdependson longitude(moreis createdon the trailinghemisphere wherethereis morecharged particlebombardment), andis inverselycorrelated with solar angle,wherethesolarangleis measured fromthe localnormal (moreozoneexistsat large solar zenith angles: at the poles, andat lowerlatitudesat night,andearlyandlate in the day). Other mechanisms to consider are the roles of solar radia- tion and sputteringby chargedparticles. Ultraviolet photons may break up the water ice molecules,producingmolecular oxygenand ozone,althoughthe penetrationdepth is not as great as with ions. A longitudinal variation in molecular oxygenand ozonesignatures is not expectedif solarradiation were the primarysource,unlesssomeother processdestroys the oxygenandozoneonly on the leadinghemisphere.Possible methodsof destructionof leading hemisphereoxygen and ozone include micrometeorite bombardment [Calvin and Spencer, 1997] and sputtering. Acknowledgments. Theauthors thankR. Baragiola, T. 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