JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 103, NO. E9, PAGES 20,149-20,158, AUGUST 30, 1998 Galileo ultraviolet spectrometer observations of Jupiter's auroral spectrum from 1600-3200 A o WayneR. Pryor, 1 Joseph M. Ajello,2 W. KentTobiska, 3 DonaldE. Shemansky, 4 GeoffreyK. James, 2 CharlesW. Hord,1 SmartK. Stephens, 3 RobertA. West,2 A. Ian F. Stewart, 1 WilliamE. McClintock, 1 KarenE. Simmons, 1 AmandaR. Hendrix,1andDeborahA. Miller1 Abstract. In 1996 and 1997 the Galileo UltravioletSpectrometer (UVS) obtainedthe first meas- urements ofJupiter's nightside midultraviolet (MUV)polarauroral spectrum from1620to3231/• at13/• resolution. ThereduceA polarspectra, afterremoval ofoff-axis scattered radiation fromthe sunlitdaysideof Jupiter,containa spectrumthatmatcheslaboratoryspectraof theH2 continuum in the a-b dissociative emissiontransition.This is thefirst directidentificationof the H2 a-b tran- sitionin astronomy. Thea-bemission isexcited byelectron impact exch .ange reactions withH2 thatpeakin crosssectionnear 15 eV. The emissionthresholdis at 1216 A, andthe continuum peaks inintensity inthe2000-2500 3.range. Jupiter's observed wavelength-integrated MUVH2ab emissions (1620-3231/•) haveaphoton flux-8 times smaller thansimultaneously observed wavelength-integrated far-ultraviolet (FUV)H2band emissions (1230-1650 3.).Because theFUV H2 emissionshavean emissioncrosssectionthatpeaksat higherenergiesnear50 eV, this FUV/MUV brightness ratio is diagnosticof the secondary electronenergydistributionandis consistent with a "warm" distribution of electrons. the HST Wide Field PlanetaryCamera2 (WFPC-2) FUV images that have some sensitivity to the MUV [Clarke et al., 1996]. Jupiter'saurorahasbeen extensivelystudiedwith sounding The hydrocarbons and aerosolsthat darkenthe FUV polar imrockets,spacecraft,and ground-based telescopesin the X ray, agesand modify the auroralspectraare probablyproducedfrom extremeultraviolet(EUV), FUV, andinfrared(seethereviewby methaneby the polar auroras.The aurorascontainmore energy Ajello et al. 1998, [this issue]).Part of the energy deposited for methane dissociation than is available in sunlight for by particle precipitation is reemittedin photons producedin methaneLyman ot photolysisin the polar regions[Hord et al., transitions in H, H2, CH4, C2H2, C2H6, H3+, andother gases. 1979; Pryor and Hord, 1991]. Emissions in the 500-1200 3, EUV and 1200-1700 3, FUV TheMUV auroral spectrum from1700-3200/• wasprevispectralregions are dueto electron and ion impact excitation ously unexploredbecausereflectedsunlight from Jupiter's atof H2 and H. Recent Galileo ultraviolet spectrometer(UVS) mosphereoverwhelms the auroralemissions as seen from the FUV Jupiterauroralspectraare remarkably similar to nearly vicinity of Earth. This is not true in the EUV and FUV because simultaneouslow-resolution Jupiter FUV auroral spectraobthe solarflux is severalordersof magnitudeweaker than in the tainedby J. Clarke with the Goddardhigh resolutionspectro- MUV andbecausethe H2 emissionsare brightest in the EUV graphon the HubbleSpaceTelescope(HST) [Ajello et al., this and FUV. Galileo's uniqueability to observeJupiter'sdarkside issue).GalileoEUV and FUV auroralspectraare differentfrom hasnow producedthe first MUV auroralspectra.This paperdean opticallythin laboratoryspectrumof electronsbombarding scribestwo typesof MUV darksidespectra. H 2 becauseof self-absorption effectsin H2 gas, absorptionin 1. Darksidespectraof Jupiterobtainednear90ø phaseangle CH4 (methane) and C2H2 (acetylene), and absorption from that contain off-axis scatteredradiation from Jupiter'sdayside, but couldbe obtainedwith a long integration period to obtain larger hydrocarbonsand from aerosols[Ajello et al., this isreasonable signal-to-noise. sue].Away from the auroralregions,the polesare quitedark in 2. Darkside spectra of Jupiter's southern aurora obtained from within the shadowof Jupiter that contain less off-axis scatteredradiation from the dayside, but have low signal-to1. Introduction noise. As we will show, the 90ø phase angle MUV polar auroral spectra from the nightside have a distinct wavelengthJetPropulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Califomia. dependentemission that is not dueto off-axis scatteredradiaFDC/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Catifomia. Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Southem tion from the dayside.The MUV auroralspectrumis consistent with laboratorymeasurements of the H2 a-b continuumradiaCalifomia, Los Angeles. tion obtainedby Jameset al. [this issue] in electron impact experiments.Simultaneous FUV/MUV spectraobtainedwithin Copyright1998by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Jupiter'sshadowclearlyshowbrightFUV aurorabut provedinconclusivein the MUV due to shortintegrationtimesand a low Papernumber98JE00787. 0148-0227/98/98JE-00787 $09.00 signal-to-noise ratio. Laboratory forAtmospheric andSpace Physics, University of Colo- rado, Boulder. 20,149 20,150 PRYOR ET AL.' GALILEO UVS JUPITERAURORAL SPECTRUM1600-3200A 2. Instrumentation Referencereflected .•,•)lurspectrum 1996-548 The Galileo UVS instrument[Hord et al., 1992] consists of a Cassegraintelescopeand a Fastie-Ebertspectrometer.The spectrometerusesa scanning grating drive to obtain spectra with three different photomultiplier tubes. FUV spectra are measuredwith a "G" tube with a CsI photocathodein second 6 order from1133to 1921/• at 6.7 /•resolution. MUVspectra are measuredfrom 1620 to 3231 /• with 13.6 /• resolution in first order using an "F" tube with a CsTe photocathode.Near- ultraviolet (NUV)spectra from2820to 4320 /• aremeasured with13.6/• resolution in firstorderusingan"N"tubewitha KCsSbphotocathode. The G andN slits have the samefield of view, measuring0.1 by 1.0ø on the sky.The F slit usedfor the MUV spectradescribedhere is shorterin one dimension,measuring 0.1 by 0.4ø. The centersof all threeslits are boresighted, that is, they all look in the samedirection. It requires4 1/3 s to obtain an F-channelor G-channelspectrum,including a 1/3 s deadtime for large grating motions and a 4 s interval in which smallergrating stepsoccur528 times 7.57 ms apart. Actual data integrationlasts6 ms on each7.57 ms step.EachF channel stepis spectrally displaced by 3.1 /•, andsamples lightfroma rangeof wavelengths 13.6 /• widefull-width at half maximum (FWHM). The F-channel recorded counts for each step are always log-compressed into 8-bit numbersby the UVS electronics.We have adoptedthe in-flight stellar calibration of the F-channeldescribedby Hendrix [1996]. 90 De9ree phase dark side auroral spectrum 1596-304 The data collection system can be configuredinto two modes. The recorded mode was used for observations obtained with Galileo insideJupiter'sshadow.In recor• modeeach8bit element of data is storedseparatelyfor eventual transmission to Earth, allowing accuratereconstructionof the uncompressedtube counts at low count rates. Recordedmode is resource-intensive,requiring about 1 kbit of data to be downlinked for each secondof recording. A secondmode, called real-time science (RTS), was developed in-flight when it becameapparentthat Galileo wouldbe limitedto low dataratesby the failureof the highgain antenna deployment.RTS useson-boardsummationof the instrumental datato greatly reducethe amountof downlink telemetry. For the F-channeldatathe generalapproachwasto sum the logcompresseddata at each wavelengthin the spacecraftcentral computer,transmitit to the ground, and then divide by the numberof integrations, decompress the data,andmultiply by the numberof integrations.This algorithm is satisfactoryif the sourceobservedin one integration is of constant brightness. The U'VStelescopehas an external sunshadeand an extensive baffle systemfor rejection of off-axis light. The U'VSresponse is reducedfrom the on-axis responseby a factor of -10,000 for a point source0.25ø off-axis in the directionorthogonalto the long slit, and by a factor of-30,000 at an angle of 0.5ø [Hard et al., 1992]. The off-axisrejectioncurve dictatesa strategyfor UVS MUV observations of observingJupiter's auroraon the planetarydarksideas far from the terminator as possible.In practice,this meansobserving the aurorasa few slit widths(a few tenthsof a degree)from the terminatoron Figure 1. Galileo UVS F- and G-channelfields of view illustratedfor two typical Jupiterobservationsnear 90ø phaseangle. The F-channel field of view is smaller and nested inside the G-channelfield of view. (a) The observing geometryfor the referencereflectedsolar spectrumobtainedon 1996 day 348 06:36-07:36 that wasusedin our modelingto represent off-axis scatteredlight. (b) A darkside auroral observation from 1996 day 304 07:38-08:07. These observations were generallydoneas far on the darksideas possible to minimize off-axis scatteredlight from Jupiter'sdayside. wason-axis forthereference spectrum contributes -0.3 R//• of off:axis scatteredradiation to a darkside spectrum obtained thedarkside.For example,thedaysidereflectedlight spectrum 0.5ø away. hasa brightness of 9 kR/]•atthe2250]• peakof theH2 a-b continuumfor the geometryin Figure la. (The spectrumob- 3. Observations tainedat that geometrywasselectedas a "reference spectrum" 3.1. Observations From Near 90ø Phase Angle to representthe off-axis reflectedsunlight in our reduction Table 1 lists the near 90ø phase angle MUV observations process.)At an angle of 0.5ø the off-axis responseis reduced by a factorof 30,000, so that the regionof the daysidethat examinedhere.Thesewerereal-timeobservationsinvolving PRYORET AL.: GALILEOUVSJUPITERAURORALSPECTRUM 1600-3200 A 20,151 Table 1. ChannelF/G ScanObservations FromNear90ø PhaseAn[le SCE Day StartTime Observation Day Record Target EndTime (UTC) SystemIT[ Latitude Longitude (UTC) 1996 173 176 00 h07m14' 04 • 14m25' 173 176 00h36m33' 04• 16m27' j0cd._glaura02 g01a_aurmap01 248 304 00h44m23' 01 • 13m49' 02 • 14m29' 03• 15m09' 04h 15m49' 05• 16m29' 06h 17m09' 07h38 m02' 08h08 m22' 08h38 m42' 248 304 00h50m27' 02h 13m28' 03• 14m08' 04• 14m48' 05• 15m28' 06h 16m08' 07h37m01' 08h07m21' 08h37"•41' 09h08m01' g02a_aurmap01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura01 g02c_c3aura02 g02c_c3aura02 g02c_c3aura02 09h38 m21' gO2c_c3aura02 03h 17m28' 20h24m52' c03a_aurmap01 c03c_e4aura02 20 • 25 m52' 20 h 55 m 12' c03c e4aura02 20 • 56 m12' 21 h25 m32' c03c_e4aura02 21 • 26 m32' 21 h 55 m52' c03c e4aura02 21 • 56 m52' 22 • 27 m12' 23h27 m52' 22 h26 m 12' 23 • 26 m52' 00h27m32' c03c_e4aura02 c03c_e4aura02 c03c_e4aura02 02 h 31 m54' 03 • 32m34 , 03 h 31 m33' 04h 32 m 13' c03c e4aura03 C03C e4aura03 04 • 33 m14' 05h32 m53' c03c_e4aura03 05 h 33 m54' 06 h 33 m33' c03c e4aura03 09 h09m02 ' 308 347 347 348 03h06m21' 19• 25 m12' 308 347 348 06 • 36 m35' -53.8 200.4 2 s_term 3 2 0 1a 2a 3 4 s_day s_day off planet eq_night eq_night eq_night eq_night 5b s_night -55.9 19.2 0 1 s_night s_night -57.0 45.8 -54.4 55.8 2 s_term -54.4 64.7 3 s term -55.3 76.8 2 s_day 0b 1b 2b 3b 4b n_night n_night n_night n_night n_night 5 6 1 -55.3 53.0 -55.5 323.9 -1.7 264.0 -0.2 285.2 -1.4 308.7 -2.2 334.5 -52.6 82.7 1.4 120.9 65.2 203.1 62.6 186.5 62.5 193.5 62.2 199.2 n_night 61.2 204.7 n term 61.4 221.3 off planet 2b 3b s_night s_night 4 5e 2 s_night s_day s_day -54.8 -55.4 91.1 -53.9 359.1 57.6 35O.5 61.7 37.5 -54.8 -54.8 70.2 84.4 103.0 07 h36m14' c03c_e4aura03 351 11h33m19' 351 11h35m20' e04a_aurmap01 049 11 • 43m07 ' 049 12 h 43 m47' e06a e6aura02 12• 45 m48' 13h45m27' e06a_e6aura03 2 0 n_night n_night 13 • 46 m28' 14 • 46 m07' e06a e6aura03 1 n term 60.4 25.8 01h 18m04' 01h48m24' e06a_aurmap01 e06a_aurmap01 0 1 s_night s_night s_night s_night s_mght n_night n_night n_night s_day n_day s_day s_night s_night -56.6 100.8 -56.5 124.6 58.4 s_term -64.8 333.7 n_day n_day 59.2 205.7 58.6 157.9 61.0 179.1 1997 050 092 00h57m51' 01h 19m05' 14• 13m10' 15h 17m52' 050 092 16• 49m46' 17h21m14' 129 177 179 17h51m34' 18h21m54' 05•05m36' 07• 06m28' 07• 27m42' 08h38m07' 09h08m27' 129 177 179 14h42m29' 15h47m12' g07a._g7aura02 g07a_fixtmd01 1b 1 17h20m13' 17h50m33' g07a_aurmap01 g07a_aurrnap01 0 1 18h20m53' 18h42m07' 06h35m36' 07• 26m41' 07• 52m58' 09h07m26' 09• 37m46' g07a_aurmap01 g07a_aurrnap01 g08a._g8aura04 c09a_aurmap03 c09a_aurmap03 c09a_aurmap04 2 3 1 0 1 1 c09a_aurmap04 2 n_day -55.0 94.3 -55.6 74.7 195.9 56.2 181.8 -67.1 149.6 56.2 160.1 -64.4 64.4 -67.8 357.7 -61.7 3.9 Here n_day,northerndayside,s_term,southernterminator,eq_night,equatorialdarkside.All latitudesare planetocentric. aIncludedin thedarksideequatorial sununed spectrum of Figure7. b Included inthedarkside polarsummed spectrum ofFigures 5, 6, and8. c The selectedreferencereflectedsunlightspectrum, fromthe southpolardayside. altemate4 1/3 s MUV (F-channel)and4 1/3 s FUV (G-channel) spectralscans,called F/G scans.Someobservationswere darkside observations of the auroras that contain off-axis contami- consumespacecraftfuel. Observationsat lower phase angles providedtoo smalla view of Jupiter'sdarkcrescentto separate the MUV aurorafrom the off-axis scatteredlight from the dayside. Lower phaseangle auroralobservationsfocusedon the G nation from Jupiter's dayside.Someof the observationsconrainedJupiter'sdaysideandproducedreflectedsunlightspectra. channel(FUV), wherethe weakersunlightdoes not overwhelm Theseobservations wereall obtainedduringtheperiodon each the aurora.The latitudesand longitudeslisted are for the center orbit when the spacecraftwas drifting past Jupiter at about 90ø of the slit. If the centerof the slit fell off the body, no latitude phase angle. Observationsfrom higher phase angles usually and longitudeare given.In a few cases,two pointings occurred requirespacecraftturnsto see Jupiter and are rare becausethey within a singledata record,both of which are given in Table 1. A datarecordis onereadout (flush)of thespacecraft RTSdata C3 Dork %•de1996-314,•/05'48 buffercontaining (inourMUV RTSdatasets)a singleF anda singleG summedspectrum. Thegeometry of theauroral ovalsisnotsymmetric between northandsouth; thenorthern ovalcontains themostequatorwardsegment of theauroralarcs,nearlongitude 180ø. Thusthe maximumangulardistanceof the northernoval from the north poleviewedfromGalileois largerthanthemaximum angular distance of thesouthern ovalfromthesouth pole.Thisimplies thatthemostfavorable MUV observations maycomefromthe north,when180ø is nearthedarklimb,providing thelargest anglebetweenthe terminatorand the auroralemissionsin or- der to minimizeoff-axislight.Figurelb illustrates theobserv- inggeometry fora typical darkside observation near90ø phase angle. 3.2. Observations From WithinJupiter'sShadow On 1996day314 duringthe "Callisto3" (C3) orbit, the Galileospacecraft wasturned to observe Jupiter's darkside from within Jupiter'sshadow.UVS-recorded observationswereob- tained for66m 44 s during thisturn,although onlyhalfof this wasreturned dueto downlink limitations. TheUVSobserving .3 Dc]rkSide 1996- 3147•-0•' .54 strategyselectedfor the southpolarobservationsinvolvedal- b ternating 4 1/3 s spectral scans of theF (MUV)andG (FUV) tubes, of which12m 8 s werereturned. Figure2 showstheobservinggeometryfor the southpolarobservations. The F- channel slitobserved darkside emissions from100-130 ø SystemIII longitude. TheFUVandMUVtotalcounts perspectrum asa functionof timeareshownin Figure3. The FUV count rates peak when the slit was near the central meridian on the darkside, dueto auroral emissions. TheMUVcountratespeak at thebeginning of theobservation, whentheslit waspointed at the planetarylimb. Figure4 showsthe summedFUV and MUV spectra for this period.TheFUV spectrum showsthe usual H2 bandemission pattern seen inUVSlabspectra of electronimpact onH2 [Hordetal., 1992]andUVSJupiter spectra [Ajelloetal.,thisissue]. TheMUV spectrum agrees wellwitha leastsquares fit spectrum formed froma solarspectrum [Van Hoosieret al., 1988]multiplied by the instrument calibration. Weconclude that the MUV spectrum seenhereis dueto for- ward-scattered sunlight.A similarfit is obtained if a dayside Jupiter spectrum fromUVSisusedinstead of a solarspectrum. Because theG slitislongerthantheF slit, it is possible that the observed FUV emissionsoriginatedoutsidethe field of viewof theF slit.This low signal-to-noise datasetis consis- tentwiththeabsence of anMUV aurora andshows thatany MUV aurorais considerably weakerthantheFUV aurora. Better MUV auroral observations wereobtained at90øphase thatallowusto quantify theFUV/MUVbrightness ratio.North polarobservations during theC3 turnobtained by alternating theN (NUV) andG channels didnotdetectauroralemissionsin eitherchannel,confirmingthat thenorthernauroraloval was notin thefieldof viewdueto a latetrajectory update. AdditionalNUV darkside observations from withinJupiter's shadow were obtained on orbit C10. Figure2. Viewinggeometryfor the F- andG-channelfields- of-viewduringtheC3turnsouthpolarobservations of Jupiter on 1996 day 314 05:48-06:01. Galileo was in Jupiter's shadow. TheIo torusauroraloval andthemorepolarreference auroraloval (thoughtto be the sourceof the emissions)are shown(J. Clarke,personalcommunication, 1996). The geometryis shownat (a) the start(05:48), (b) the midpoint (05:54), and(c) nearthe end(06:00)of the observation. C.5[•(]rkS,de 1996 ,314•/•-•00 PRYOR ET AL.: GALILEO UVS JUPITERAURORAL SPECTRUM 1600-3200A C3 Turn G-Channel 200 Counts + 150 • • •• + • •+ + + • +•+ • 20,153 H2(XlZg+) + e ->H2(a3Zg+) +e (1) H2(a3Zg+) _>H2(b3Zu+ ) +hv (2) + 100 +t ,• H2(b 3Zg+)-> 2H(ls) + 50 0 52 50 48 54 56 58 60 62 Minutes after 1996 Day 314 5:00 C3 Turn F-Channel Counts 4OO 350 • • 300 • Two-photon continuumemission [Osterbrock,1974] from metastableH(2s)atoms (lifetime against decay=0.12 s) producedby dissociativeexcitation of H2 is not consideredhere becauseof rapid quenchingby atomic and molecularhydrogen ions, by electrons, and by neutralsin the auroral deposition region.In this two-photo,n system,the probabilityof a 2s H •+ • •,+ • + atom becominga ls H atom by emitting a photon is symmet- + ric around theemission peakat 2431 /•. Bound-free andfree- 250 free emission continua in H are also present in hot H, 2OO 48 (3) 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 Minutes after 1996 Day 314 5:00 Figure 3. Total countsin each 4 1/3 s spectrumobtainedin the C3 turn south polar observations indicated for (top) the FUV G channel and (bottom) the MUV F channel. Instrument backgroundhas not been subtracted. 3.3. Laboratory Spectra Since Jupiter's atmosphereis mostly H2 gas, we compare the JupiterMUV auroralspectrumto the MUV spectrumemitted by electronsbombardingH2 gas. Ajello et al. [1988, 1989] constructedan electron gun with magnetic collimation. The electronbeam is crossedwith a low-pressuregas beam, exciting variousmolecularand atomicemissions.James et al. [this issue]usedthis instrumentwith H 2 as the target gas and obtained calibrated emission spectrain the wavelength range [Osterbrock,1974] but are probablyrelativelyweak emissions on Jupiterbecauseof the low H/I-I2 ratio expectedat auroralaltitudesand temperatures. 4. Comparisonof 90ø PhaseData and Model We now describethe process of separating the nightside auroralspectrumfrom the somewhatbrighter off-axis scattered radiationfrom Jupiter'sdayside.Inspectionof the data set suggeststhat darksidespectraare generally similar to the dayside reflectedlight spectra, but the darkest darksidepolar spectra have a somewhatdifferentspectralappearance,suggestingthe presenceof an auroralcomponent.To improve the signal-tonoise ratio, we summeddarksidepolar observations that had relatively small radiation backgroundand off-axis scatteredradiation signatures.Figure 5 shows the stun of the north and southpolar darksideMUV spectraobtainednear 90ø phase to date, with the selection criterion that the count rate in channel 420at2910/!,,nearthepeakof theJupiter dayside spectrum, was below 50 counts/s. Nine records of data met this criteria 1750-5300/• usingelectron energies of 14, 19, and100eV. Jameset al. identified the emissions from 1600 to 3200 /• as the H2 a-b continuumbandsystemthat radiatesat wavelengths longerthan1216/• [AjelloandShemansky, 1993].TheH2 C5 Turn G-Channel Spectrum 40 triplet a 3Zg+ state isexcited fromsinglet ground state X •Zg+ by the only efficient mechanismfor populating the triplet structure,electron exchange collisions with low-energy free electrons. Thea 3Zg+ statemaybeexcited directly fromthe -', 20 10 groundstate,or by excitationof higher triplet states(also by electron exchange) thatsubsequently cascade to thea 3Zg+ state.Thethreshold energy forexcitation of thea 3Zg+ is 1200 5OO 1800 in (1).Theexcited a 3y•g+ stateradiates in anelectric dipole 400 C3 Turn F-Channel Spectrum 600 transition to therepulsive b 3Zu+state,producing H2 a-bcontinuum emission longward of 1216/•andtwofastH(ls) atoms 200 each with a few eV of kinetic energy. The combined (direct + lOO (7 eV FWHM). The emission cross section has a maximum 1600 Wavelength(Angstrams) 11.82 eV. Below 20 eV electron impact energy, electron exchangeis the most likely processfor excitation of the a state cascade) emission cross section to theb 3Zu+is rathernarrow 1400 sag 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 ,5000 ,5200 Wavelength(Angstrams) valueof 5.0 x 10-17cm2 (1.73+_0.85 x 10-17cm2 dueto direct excitation and3.3x10'•7 cm2 dueto cascade) at an electronim- Figure 4. pactenergyof 15.5 eV [Ajello andShemansky,1993], in the range of values characteristicof secondaryauroral electrons [Opal et al., 1971]. At higher energiesabove 50 eV the cross sectionfallsas 1/E3. Primaryauroralparticles havetypicalenergiesof tensor hundredsof keV. At theseenergies,the primaries have negligible cross section for excitation from the X Summedspectrafor the C3 turn southpolar observationsshown(top) for the FUV G channeland (bottom)for the MUV F channel.The G-channelspectrum,shownas counts perwavelength step,shows H Lymanat(1216/!,)andH2 band emissions.The F-channelspectrumis very similar to a solar spectrumthat has been multiplied by the instrumentin-flight calibration [Hendrix, 1996]. A substantial instrumental back- groundis alsopresent.To obtainreasonableF-channelsignal- 1Zg+ toa 3Zg+ state. Thedirect excitation andemission processto-noise,countsfrom 10 neighboringwavelengthstepshave canbe summarizedas follows [Ajello and Shemansky,1993]: been co-added. 20,154 PRYORET AL.: GALILEOUVS JUPITERAURORALSPECTRUM1600-3200 A Examinationof a summeddarksideequatorialMUV spectrum (Figure 7)reveals no obvious pattern other than the off-axis daysidespectrum.The samereferencereflectedsolar spectrum 55OO _.. 19 eV e- on H2 and Jupiter Day Side .-, 5OOO fitsthisspectrttm with a reduced Z2 of 1.17. In thiscase,add- __ 14 eV eon H 2and Jupiter Day Side •. I' , ing the 14 eV or 19 eV componentsto the regressiondidnot ß 500 .. Jupiter Day Side •/ [- -1 __Polor Night Side -J "' !1 ':.. •"i u 4OOO 3500 2000 2500 3000 change thequalityof fit Z2 significantly: 'the newfits also haveZ2 of 1.17.Weinterpret thelackof a 14 eV or 19 eV componentin the equatorialspectrumas furtherevidencethat the high-latitudedeviationin the MUV spectrumfrom the offaxis daysidespectrumis a phenomenoncausedby the polar auroras.We also experimentedwith usingother daysidespectra asthereferencesolarspectrum.While thereweresubtledifferencesbetweendaysidespectra,the choice of spectrumdid not affect the conclusionthat an MUV aurorais present at high latitudes. The significanceof the MUV polar auroraldetectioncan be discussed in severalways. The presenceof a large off-axis reFigure 5. SummedF-channel (MUV) darksidenorth and flected solar contribution in the spectrumraises the issue of southpolar spectrumfrom 90ø phase.Three multiple linear regressionfits are also shown: (1)a fair fit using just a back- potential systematicerrors.The presenceof a polar H2 a-b in the dataand its absenceat the equatoris plausiground-subtracted Jupiter polar daysidespectrttmto represent component ble in terms of our FUV auroralexperience.Anotherpossible the off-axis light contribution; (2)a better fit using the offaxis contributionanda 14 eV e- on H2 laboratoryspectrum; concernis variations in the reflected light spectrum.We adand (3) a similar fit usingthe off-axis contributionand a 19 eV dressedthese issuesby varying the referencesolar spectrum e- on H2 laboratoryspectrum.To obtain reasonableF-channel andcontinuedto find the H2a-b componentin the data.An adsignal-to-noise, counts from 10 neighboring wavelength ditional questionis the behavior of the insmnnentoff-axis. stepshave beenco-added. We recently studiedthe UVS engineering model spectral responseas a function of angle by placing Hg andD2 lamps at the focusof a collimator to producea plane wave at the UVS instrument.Spectraobtainedwith the UVS aligned with this beam (on-axis) and at an off-axis angle of 0.6ø wereremarkaand are so marked in Table 1. This summedspectrumhas a spectralwavelengthdependencewith relativelymore emission bly similar in relative spectralintensity.Featuresdid not shift at wavelengths below2800]k thandoesthedayside spectrum. in wavelength.The off-axis spectrumis much dimmerthan the We examined multiple linear regression [Berington, 1969] models of this spectruminvolving various regressioncomponents that included a wavelength-independentbackground,a MUV Auroro referencedayside spectrum, and laboratory electron impact 400 '- ....... ...•00I-- ' • I _ OorkSide- Scoled OoyS,de spectra.First, we fit the summedspectrumwith only a referencedaysidespectrum,where the solar reflectedlight is domiõ lOO nant and has high signal-to-noise. This regression in the o 0 softwarepackageInteractive Data Language(IDL) producesa Wovelength(Angstroms) o "reduced andweighted" Z2 of 1.13,butis a fairlypoorfit, with -100 -200 thismodel larger than the data at the shortest wavelengthsand 2000 2500 smaller thanthedatain thewavelengths near2300J• where H2 emissionis expectedto be visible. If the fitting function is a good approximation to the parent function, then the value of M UV Au ro ro 400 throughout thespectrum witha reduced Z2 of 1.02. A regres- õ o - ' - ' • T.-.-• _ pork Side - Scoled Ooy Side lOO o 0 -100 -200 2000 sion with both the referencedaysidespectrumand a 19 eV laboratory spectrum(multiplied by the UVS responsecurve) produces a somewhat worsefit, witha reduced Z2 of 1.06. The .... 300 thereduced Z2should be approximately 1. Next,wetrieda regressioninvolving both the referencedaysidespectrumand a calibrated 14 eV laboratory spectrum(multiplied by the UVS responsecurve). This model producesa visually appealing fit 3000 Wovelength(Angstroms) 2500 3000 Wovelength (Angstroms) 14 eV and 19 eV laboratoryspectraare sufficientlysimilar that the regressionprogram by itself could not meaningfullyassess their relative contributions.Figure 6 shows the summeddarkside spectrumafter subtraction of (1) the solar component when the 14 eV specmnnwas the other componentin the regressionand (2) the solar componentwhen the 19 eV spectrum was the other component. The nonsolar component of the darksidespectrumstronglyresemblesthe 14 and 19 eV laboratory spectra,with a somewhatbettermatch for the 14 eV spec- Figure 6. Jupiterdarksidepolar MUV spectrumfrom Figure5 after subtractionof the solar contribution, leaving just the auroralcomponent.In the upperpanel,the solarpart of regression (2) just describedhas been subtractedandis comparedto the 14 eV e-on H2 laboratory spectrum[Jameset al., this issue]andin the lowerpanel,the solarpart of regression(3) just describedhasbeen subtractedand is comparedto the 19 eV eon H2 laboratoryspectrum[Jameset al., this issue].The fit in the upperpanel is slightly superior. Again, countsfrom 10 neighboring wavelength steps have been co-added.The statistical uncertainty in the 10 grating step wide bin is trum. shown. PRYORET AL.:GALILEOUVSJUPITER AURORALSPECTRUM 1600-3200 A 6000 20,155 catesthatvaluesof F• > 10.8have a less than 0.001 chanceof occurringby chancewhen the numberof degreesof freedomis large.We concludethat the additionalterm, the 14 eV H2 a-b _.. 19 eV e- on H2 ond Jupiter Day Side laboratory spectrum,is significant. 5500 __ 14 eV e- on H2 and Jupiter Doy Side .. 5000 Jupiter Doy Side 5. MUV and FUV Brightnesses __ Equotorlol Night Side '--'-•"1• ••"'"'L""""•R• • The near 90ø phaseangle data wereusedto find the relative brighinessof the FUV and MUV auroras.Figure 8 shows the summedFUV polarspectrumobtainedsimultaneouslywith the ........... 4500 summed MUV polarspectrmn of Figure5, ThisFUV polarspectrumis similar to a 100 eV e-on H2 FUV spectrumobtained with the UVS in the laboratory [Ajello et al. 1988]. Below 4000 about1400/•, thespectra differdueto methane absorption 2000 2500 5000 Wovelength(Angstroms) Figure 7. SummedF-channel (MUV) darksideequatorial spectrumfrom 90ø phase.Three multiple linear regressionfits are alsoshown:(1) a fair fit using just a Jupiterdaysidespectrum to representthe off-axis light contribution,(2) an identical fit usingthe off-axis contributionand a 14 eV e- on H2 laboratoryspectrum,(3) an identicalfit usingthe off-axis contributionanda 19 eV e- on H2 laboratoryspectrum.To obtain reasonableF-channelsignal-to-noise,countsfrom 40 neighboring wavelengthstepshave been co-added. from gas located above the auroral emissionsand due to differencesin the electronenergy distribution[Ajello et al., this issue]. DeliberatelyexcludingLyman or,we find the total number of G-channel (FUV)countsbetween1230 and1650 ]• (after backgroundsubtraction) is 40,839. The total number of F- channel (MUV) counts (after subtractinga wavelengthindependentbackgroundand the off-axis daysidescatteredradiation contribution) is 5836. To estimate the relative emission rates requiressome assumptions,becausethe G-channel slit is longerthan the F-channelslit. If the two fields of view arefilled, the wavelength-integrated signal in the G-channel (hererestricted to 1230-1650•) is 5.8 kiloRayleighs (kR), andin theF-channel (1616.5-3227.9 ]•)is 1.8kR. In reality, on-axisspectrum[Hord et al., 1992].The lab work and the polar/equatorialcomparison provideconfidencein our dataset. The statisticalsignificanceof the detectioncan be discussed in two ways. First, how many standarddeviations is the detection? The summedpolar F-channelspectrumcontains230,772 counts, including solar reflectedsunlight, instrumentalbackground,and any signal. There are 5836 excess counts in the summedpolar spectrumattributedto the H 2 a-b continuum. This leads to an estimated12-13detection. A secondapproach to assessingthe significance of the detection involves the Ftest [Bevington, 1969]. This techniqueaddressesthe following question:given a dataset that can be fit by two components (here, the instrumentalbackgroundand the reflectedsolar spectrum)or by three components(addingin the H2 a-b continuum),how significant is the third component? Define thegoodness-of-fit criterion Z2fora datasetwithN datapoints the auroralarc is probablyquitenarrow(-200 km) in width and fills a small fraction of each slit. The actual G-channel/F- channelbrighinessratio in the arcis better approximatedby (5.8/1.8)(1.0ø/0.4ø)=8.1, where 1.0ø and 0.4ø are estimates for the effectiveslit lengthsof the G and F channels,respectively. This correctionis invalidif part of the emissionoccursin portions of the G-channelslit that extendbeyondthe region of overlap with the F-channel slit. In the calibrated 14 eV e-on H2 laboratory spectrum the brighiness ratio between G- channel(1230-1700/•)and F-channel (1616.5-3227.9 wavelengths is 1.3, at 19 eV the ratio is 2.25, and at 100 eV •2oo •ooo (N=528 here), Yi, andmodelpoints, ymi, andstatistical stan- dard deviations 0.• 800 Z2=i=l • 0'/2 1...•_[y i_Ymi ]2 !i: i' ..Lob 100 eV e-on H 2 •• 600 i.. • 400 and the degreesof freedomv=N-n-1, for a fit to a function with n coefficientsplus one constant term. Then the F-test for the validity of an additionalterm is defined as 200 - 1200 FZ X2(n) I(N- n-1) For the comparisonof the two-term fit to the three-termfit (with a 14 eV • a-b spectrum)for the summedMUV polar 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Wovelength(Angstroms) Z2(n-1)-Z2(n) Figure 8. The JupiterdarksideFUV summed auroralspec- trum obtained simultaneouslywith the dimmer MUV auroral spectrum in Figure6, compared to the UVS laboratoryspectrumof 100 eV e- on H2. Short-wavelength differencesareattributedto CH4 absorption in Jupiter's atmosphere andto electron energy effects.Note the absenceof reflected solar contri- spectrum, wefindF• 59.9.Berington[1969,TableC-5]indi- butionsto the FUV spectrum. 20,156 PRYORET AL.:GALILEOUVSJUPITER AURORALSPECTRUM 1600-3200 A the ratio is 9.9. The ratio at 100 eV is lower than that expected from the (a-b) modelof Ajello and Shemansky[1993]. The un- bution differences,and the effect of hydrocarbonabsorption on the FUV auroraloutput. We also calculatethe photon flux expectedlystrong H2 (a-b)spectrumat 100 eV can be explained by (1) a large numberof low energy secondaryelectronstrappedin the collimatingmagneticfield that efficiently excite the continuumor/and (2) a very strong cascadechannel from the many upper-lying triplet states that contains a large singlet-triplet mixing. The arc-width estimate of 200 km comes from imaging of the spatially resolved arc by the Galileo solid state imager (SSI)in visible and near-infrared wavelengths(A. Ingersoll et al., Imaging Jupiter's auroraat visible wavelengths,submittedto Journalof GeophysicalRe- ratioFUV Lyman(1500-1650 ]i)/•UV (1616.5-3227.9 ]i) because theFUVabove 1500/•haslesshydrocarbon absorption search,1998).TheF-channel regionfrom1616.5to 3227.9]i ratioFUVLyman(1500-1650]i)/MUV(1616.5-3227.9 ]i)is comprises-75% of the photonsemittedin the whole H2 (a-b) 3.2, very close to the dataratio of 3.9. Table 2 summarizes [Ajello et al., this issue]. In this case, we find the theoretical ratio of 1.1 and the data ratio of 3.9. The detected MUV emis- sion is less than expected. A 27-eV Maxwellian electron distribution improves the FUV spectral shape for some auroras [Ajello et al., this issue].Convolving this proposedhotter 27eV distribution with the crosssectionsgives an FUV (1230- 1650]i)/MUV(1616.5-3227.9 ]i) photonfluxratioof 7.5, very closeto the measuredratio of 8.1. The 27 eV photon flux system (1216-oo ]i) if thespectrum is dueto 14 eV electrons theseratios for the Opal et al. [1971] distribution, and27 eV, striking H2. 50 eV, and 100 eV Maxwellian distributions, showing the bandratios have a large sensitivity to the electron temperature. The Opal distxibutionis referredto as "cold", and the 100 eV monoenergeticor Maxwellian is "hot". We concludethat the FUV/MUV ratios are consistent with the presenceof a "warm" auroral electron distribution, with a temperaturenear [this issue]representation f(E), the flux of secondary electxons 27 eV. Becausethe slit lengthsare different and the crosssec- The measuredratio of FUV/MUV brightness can be comparedto theoretical expectations.The secondaryelectron energy distributionmeasuredin the laboratoryincreasesat lower energiesand can be representedas a sum of 4 Maxwellians [Opal et al., 1971; Ajello et al., this issue].In Ajello et al.'s tions still have uncertainties near a factor of 2, this result is of energyE in unitselectrons eV4 s'l, canbe represented as not yet decisive, but is suggestiveof the presenceof warm 4 electrons. fiE)= Y.Cn *(E/En)*exp(-E/En) 6. Discussion with coefficientsC, for Maxwelliansof temperatureT, and energy E,=kT, wherek is Boltzmann'sconstant.The coefficients To the bestof our knowledge,Galileo UVS has providedthe first special observationof the H2 a-b continuumemissionin any astrophysicalobject. The H2 a-b band systemmay be an important processfor (1) heating outer planet atmospheres, areC•=2.21,C2=0.406, C3=2.84x10 -2,andC4=9.84x10 -4.The correspondingtemperaturesin K are T•=3.25xl04, T2=l.13x105, T3=4.58x105, andT4=2.09x106. Thisequationmolecular clouds in fits dataon secondaryelectronsin H• with energiesof 4-1000 eV and shouldnot be usedfor lower energies. The secondary electron spectrumshapeis generally independentof primary particle energy,provided one considersejectedelectronswith energiesconsiderablylessthan half the primary energy [Opal et al., 1971]. Computing the expectedbrightness ratio is a matter of convolving the relevant absoluteemissioncrosssections with the expected secondaryelectron spectrum. Direct electronexcitationof the B andC statesof H2 responsiblefor the FUV B-X Lyman and C-X Werner band emission systems has a peak crosssectionfor electronswith energiesnear 50 eV [Liu et al., 1998]. The a state, responsible for the H 2 a-b continuum, with its narrowly peaked electron excitationcross section of 15.5 eV [Ajello and Shernansky, 1993], samples somewhatlower energy electrons. The convolution procedure involving model a-b crosssectionsleadsto an expectedFUV (1230-1650 ]i)/•UV (1616.5-3227.9 ]i)photonfluxratioof 2.5. The measuredratio of 8.1 is close enoughto supportthe claimeddetection. Discrepanciesmay reflect the differentslit lengths,crosssectionuncertainties,secondaryelectrondistriTable 2. Model emission the interstellar medium, and stellar atmos- pheresof cool stars and (2) measuringthe secondaryelectron energies.Fast atomic hydrogenH(ls) atomsmade in the a-b transitionwith characteristicenergiesof 3 eV (23,000 K) will heat Jupiter'satmospherethroughcollisions. Diagnosingthe secondaryelectronspectrumis also of importancebecausethe secondariesare responsiblefor most of the emissions[Rego et al., 1994]. It is not too surprisingthat the MUV auroralspectrum resemblesthat of H2 excitation by elect•ons with 14 eV impact energy. H2 is the most abundantgas in the Jupiteratmosphere.The manifoldof triplet statesof H2 has large excitation cross sections for the a, b, c, d, e states in the threshold regionnear 15 eV [Ajello and Shemansky, 1993; Khakoo and Trajmar, 1986]. The triplet states(c, d, e.... ) with higher excitation energy than the a staterelax by dipole allowed radiative transitionsto the a state, followed by an allowed transition to the b state. MUV spectraldata are sensitive to electron energiesnear 15.5 eV, the peak in the a-b emission crosssection. Simultaneouslymodelingthe FUV and MUV brightnesseshas providedan important test of the secondaryelectron distribution, with the surprisingresult that a warm elect•on distribu- ratios from different electron dis- tributionscomparedto UVS dataratio. Photon Flux Ratio FUV(1230-1650 30/ o FUV(1500-1650/[)/ MUV (1616.5-3227.9A)MUV (1616.5-3227.9/•) GalileoUVS polardata 2C•aldistribution eV distribution 50 eV distribution 100 eV distribution 8.1 2.8 7.5 16.9 43.7 3.9 1.3 3.4 7.5 19.5 PRYORET AL.: GALILEOUVSJUPITERAURORALSPECTRUM 1600-3200 A tion with energiesnear 27 eV is consistentwith the brightness ratio. The GalileoUVS JupiterMUV spectraagreewith the laboratory dataon electronimpacton H2 quite well. However, in the FUV, substantialhydrocarbonabsorptionsmodify the auroral spectrumsubstantially [Ajello et al., this issue]. Reflection from below may also be important. Yung et al. [1982] estimatedthata -20% enhancementof the FUV Lyman bandsoccursdue to reflectionof downwardflux by Rayleigh scattering of H2. 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