GEOPHYSICALRESEARCHLETTERS,VOL. 24, NO. 17,PAGES2147-2150,SEPTEMBER1, 1997 Galileo ultraviolet spectrometerobservationsof atomic hydrogen in the atmosphere of Ganymede C. A. Barth, C. W. Hord, A. I. F. Stewart,W. R. Pryor, K. E. Simmons,W. E. McClintock Laboratoryfor Atmosphericand SpacePhysics,Universityof Colorado,Boulder J. M. Ajello, K. L. Naviaux, and J. J. Aiello Jet PropulsionLaboratory,California Institute of Technology,Pasadena Abstract. Atomic hydrogenLyman alpharadiation(121.6 nm) has beenmeasuredin emissionfrom the atmosphere of Ganymedewith the Galileo ultraviolet spectrometer. An exosphericmodel with the following parametershas beenfit to the observational data:atomic hydrogendensity directlyabovethe surface(radius2634 km) equalto 1.5 x produced andthatsomefractionof themshould escape from the gravitational field of Ganymede [Yungand McElroy, temperature 450 K. A model calculation of the photodissociation of watervapor from surfaceice at 146 K is usedto obtain the photodissociation rate necessary to supply the hydrogenatoms that are escapingfrom the exosphereof Ganymede. The calculatedescapeflux of [Lanzerottiet al., 1978]. 1977]. There has also beenthe suggestion that charged particlebombardment of the surface of Ganymede should produce sputtering of watervaporfromthe surface ice and produce a watervaporatmosphere with a partialpressure 104 atomscm'3 scaleheight2634 km, exospheric thatmay be comparable to that produced by sublimation Observations The Galileoultravioletspectrometer (UVS) consists of a atomic hydrogen is7 x 108atoms/cm 2 sec. TwoalternateCassegrain telescope anda Fastie-Ebert spectrometer [Hord but speculativesourcesof the atomichydrogenescaping et al., 1992]. For the observations describedin this paper, from Ganymedeare photodesorptionof water ice by the field-of-viewis 0.1 x 1.0 degreesand the grating is ultraviolet photonsin the wavelengthrange 120.5-186.0 stepped through16 stepsup anddownthroughthe atomic nm andsputteringof watericeby Jupiter'smagnetospherichydrogen Lymanalphaline at 121.6 nm. Approximately ion plasma. equalamountsof time are spentmeasuringthe emission line andthe background.In the analysisof the data,the slit functionwas fit to the observationaldata using a least squares fit procedure.Thistechnique successfully separates Introduction the emissionline from the radiationnoise that is produced tubesby the chargedparticlesin Atomichydrogenis presentin theupperatmospheres of in the photomultiplier Jupiter's magnetosphere. the Earth,Venus,andMars. Its presence hasbeendetected During the Galileo flyby of Ganymedeon June 27, by measuringLymanalpharadiationfromthe Sun that has scannedthe atmosphere been scattered by hydrogen atoms in the Earth's 1996, the ultravioletspectrometer above the limb for seven minutes starting whenthe field-ofatmosphere [Kupperianeta!., 1959],in the atmosphere of view was 2400 km above the limb and ending a•er the Venus[Barthet al., 1967],and in the atmosphere of Mars [Barthet al., 1971]. For thesethreeplanetarybodies,the field-of-viewhad crossedonto the disk of Ganymede. At sourceof the atomichydrogenis, directlyor indirectly,the that time, the rangeto the limb was approximately5700 dissociation of watervaporin theatmosphere.For all three km and the solar zenith anglewas 60ø. The sub-solar planets,atomichydrogenis escapingfromthe top of the pointwasjust southof the equatorat a longitudeof 170ø. atmosphere by a varietyof mechanisms includingthermal The limb crossingtook placeat a latitudeof 2 IøS and a longitudeof 226øW. The atomichydrogenLyman alpha or evaporative escape. Since Ganymedehas water ice on its surface,it is line was measured44 timesduringthis sevenminute limb period. Sincethemeasuremeres wereaveraged expected thattheremay be watervaporin the atmosphereobservation in groupsof four,the emissionratewas determinedevery above the water ice as a result of sublimation and that the distance(distancefrom the watervapor will be photodissociated by solar ultraviolet 225 km from a planetocentric radiationproducinghydrogenatoms. A model calculation centerof Ganymede)of 5000 km down to the limb (the of the photochemistry of a watervaporatmosphere on radius of Ganymedeis 2634 km). Figure 1 shows the Ganymedeshowsindeedthat hydrogenatomsshouldbe emission rate in kiloRayleighs as a function of planetocentric distance.TheLymanalphabackground of a nearbyregion of the sky (ecliptic latitude -31ø, ecliptic longitude345ø) was measuredseveralminutes after the Copyright 1997bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. limb observation and determined to be 0.61 kR with a statisticaluncertaintyof 0.04 kR. Using this measuremere and a model [Pryor et al., 1996], the emissionrate of the Papernumber97GL01927. 0094-8534/97/97GL-01927505.00 2147 2148 BARTH ET AL.: ATOMIC HYDROGEN Lyman alpha sky backgroundin the directionof the limb observations (eclipticlatitude-21o,eclipticlongitude305ø) was determined to be 0.58 kR. Exosphere Model Sincethe densityof theatmosphere of Ganymede is low, the analysisof datarequiresthe use of exospheric theory. An exosphere is the regionof planetaryatmosphere where collisionsbetweenthe neutralconstituents essentially do not occur. The theoryof the densitydistributionfor a spherical atmosphere hasbeendeveloped by Chamberlain [1963;ChamberlainandHunten,1987]. Figure 1 showsthe resultof an exosphere model fit to ON GANYMEDE least-squares fit procedure (correlation coefficient0.46). As is shownin Figure 1, the 1/r functionfits the observations aswell asthe exosphericmodel. Sincethe observations of theLymanalphaemissionrate aremadeby viewing the exosphere transversely fi'omthe outside,it is necessary to take into accountthe geometryof thespherical exosphere. As partof the development of the exospheric theory, Chamberlainhas evaluatedintegrateddensityfunctions for ballisticandescapeorbits. Usingthe functionsgiven in Tables IX.2 and !X.3 in Chamberlain andHunten[ 1987],we calculatea volumedensityof 1.5 x !04atoms cm'3atr = 2634kmdirectly above thesurface. Escape Flux the Lyman alpha limb observations. This model was Thosehydrogenatomsthat havea velocitygreaterthan generatedusing an exospherictemperature of 450 K and a the escapevelocity for Ganymede,2.74 km/sec, and are scaleheightof 2634 km. The figurealsoshowsthe Lyman moving upwardhave the opportunityto escapefi'omthe alphasky background of 0.58 kR. This model exosphere gravitational field of Ganymedeif they do not undergoany was fit to the datausinga leastsquaresfit procedure which further collisions. If the collision cross-section between the gavea correlationcoefficientof 0.42. One result of this fit hydrogen atoms and the major constituent of the is that the slant column emission rate at r = 2634 km (directlyabovethe limb) is 1.14kR with an uncertaintyof 0.20 kR. Subtractingthe 0.58 kR Lyman alpha background,the column emission rate attributedto the atmosphere of Ganymedeis 0. 56 kR. Using • emission atmosphere is takento be3 x 10-•5cm2, thenthecritical level occurswhere the column density of the major constituentis 3 x l0 TMcm'2. This critical level is the exobase and the collisionless region above is the exosphere.The escapeflux of hydrogenatoms fi'omthe ratefactor of 6.06x 10'5photons/sec-atom, a slantcolumn exosphereis a functionof thehydrogenatomdensityat the densitythroughthe sphericalatmosphere is determined to be 9.21 x 10TMatoms cm'2. The emissionrate factoris criticallevel, the mostprobablevelocityof the atoms,Vm, and the energy parameter,)•c, which appearsin the calculated using a measurement of the Lyman alpha solar exponentof the escapeflux equation [Chamberlainand flux at 1 AU by the SOLSTICE instrumenton UARS Hunten, 1987]. Using the parameters that were usedto fit (Rottman et al., 1993)of3.02x 10TMphotons/cm 2 sec. the atomichydrogendistributionon Ganymede,T = 450 The assumptionis madethat the flux in the centerof the K, )•c = 1, Vm = 2.74 km/sec, and assumingthat the solarlineis 3.02x 10• photons/cm 2 secJr. Thisfluxis criticallevelis at r = 2792 km wherethe atomichydrogen adjustedto themeandistanceof Jupiterat 5.205 AU. We density is 1.2 x 104 cm'3 theescape fluxof atomic also fit a 1/r functionto the observational data using a hydrogen iscalculated tobe7 x 108atoms/cm 2sec. Photodissociation and Photodesorption ..... 0.8 • • ' _ , , , [] I 'i • I / ' I A likely sourceof the hydrogenatomsin the atmosphere of Ganymedeis the photodissociation of watervaporby solar ultravioletphotonsof wavelengthshorterthan 242 nm whichproduceshydrogenatomsandhydroxylradicals. A possiblesourceof watervaporin the atmosphere is the sublimation of waterice on thesurface.Duringthe Galileo flyby of Ganymede, the photopolarimeterradiometer instrument (PPR) measured the 17-gm brightness T temperatureof the surface and found the maximum temperatureto be 152 K [Orton et al., 1996]. The Galileo near infiared mapping spectrometer(NIMS) which 0.4 ., •. i .... , .... • .... •, ,},, • .... 2500 3000 3S00 4000 4S00 5000 SS00 PlonetocentricDistonce(kin) Figure 1. Observedemissionrate of atomic hydrogen Lyman alphaemissionfromthe atmosphere of Ganymede as a functionof the distancefromthe centerof Ganymede (squares).The errorbarsthatareplottedonthedatapoints show the statisticalvariationdue to the signal and the radiation noise. The observations are fit with an exospheric model that has a temperature of 450 K (solid line). Also plottedis a 1/r fit to the observations (dotted line) andthe Lymanalphasky background (largedashes). The scatterin the datapointsis most likely causedby the radiationenvironment in Jupiter'smagnetosphere. measured the depthof the waterice 2.0-gm band showed thatwaterice is non-uniformlydistributedoverthe sin'face of Ganymedewith more ice presentin the polar regions (seeFig.7, Carlsonet al., 1996). Extensiveanalysisof thethermalproperties of theiceonGanymede suggests that theicetemperature maynot be 152 K, but may be as low as 112 K [Spencer,1987]. Ice at thesetemperatures would not have a vapor pressurehigh enoughto provide a photodissociation rate large enough to support the calculated escape rate. A calculation using a photodissociation fi'equency of 1.7x 10-7sec 4 [Yttt•g and McElroy, 1977] shows that 146 K is the lowest temperature wherethe photodissociation rate exceedsthe calculated escape rate. For a modelat 146 K, the vapor BARTH ET AL.: ATOMIC HYDROGEN ON GANYMEDE 2149 pressure ofwateris 2 x 104mb,thecolumn density of of atomic hydrogencalculatedfrom the Galileo UVS of atomichydrogenwith the outwardflow of watermolecules is 5 x 10•smolecules/cm 2,theexobase is observations measured by the Galileo at an altitudeof 125km (r = 2792 km) andthe escapeflux hydrogenions from Ganymede is 7 x l0 g atoms/cm 2 sec. plasma instrumentation(PLS) [Frank et al., 1997]. to Ganymede,the PLS measured a A speculative sourceof the hydrogenatoms in the During the approach ofhydrogen ionswitha density of30ions/cm 3 exosphere of Ganymedeis the photodesorption of surface coldplasma water ice. Since the atmosphereis thin, the solar flowingoutwardat a velocityof 80 km/sec. This outward ultraviolet radiation strikes the surface unattenuated. In the flowofhydrogen ionsof 2 x 10gions/cm 2secis similarin wavelengthrange 120.5-186.0 nm, the solar flux at magnitude to thecalculated escape flux of hydrogenatoms, 2 sec. Oneof the suggestions forthe Ganymede is 1.4x 10• photons/cm 2sec.Photons in this 7 x l0g atoms/cm wavelengthrangehaveenergiesbetween6.7 and 10.3 eV. sourceof the coldhydrogenionsis ion impacton the water If 0.5% of the incidentuv photonseject atomichydrogen iceson the surfaceof Ganymede[Frank et al., 1997]. If of the surfaceice of Ganymede from the ice lattice, there would be a sufficientflux to indeedthe ionbombardment supply the calculatedescapeflux of atomic hydrogen. is the sourceof hydrogenions flowingoutward,then it is Laboratoryexperimentson photodesorption show that plausibleto suggestthat this sameion sputteringmay be water molecules are photodesorbedfrom water ice by producinghydrogenatomswith a similaryield. Thereare Lyman alphaphotons(energy10.2 eV) with a yield of no laboratoryexperimentsthat have measured hydrogen by ion sputtering. 0.7% at a temperatureof 100 K [Westley, 1995]. ionsbeingejectedfrom icy surfaces Laboratoryexperiments on the bombardment of water ice by low-energy electronsshow that atomic hydrogen Oxygen (actuallydeuteriumwasusedin the laboratoryexperiment) If the escapinghydrogenatomsare producedby the is desorbedfrom the ice startingat a thresholdenergyof photodissociation of waterin theatmosphere, thehydroxyl 6.5 eV and that the yield of hydrogenatomsis largerthan radicals thatareproduced maystickto thesurface ice. The the yield of watermolecules[Kimmeland Orlando, 1995]. sticking coefficient of OH on icehasbeenmeasured in the Whetheror not photonsin the 6.7 to 10.3 eV energyrange laboratoryand foundto be 0.03 [Cooperand Abbatt, produceatomichydrogendesorptionis not known. 1996]. On Ganymede, the OH radicalswouldhavemany collisions with the surfaceandgraduallyaccumulate in the ice. If thehydrogen atomsaredirectlyejected fromthe ice, Ion Sputtering thehydroxylradicals wouldremainin the ice andhavethe SinceGanymede'sorbit lies within the magnetosphere opportunityto reactand form variouscompounds of of Jupiter,the surfaceis constantlybombardedby the oxygenandhydrogen The amountof ice that is lost magnetospheric plasmathat is corotatingwith Jupiter's because of theescape of atomichydrogen maybe calculated magneticfield. Using datafrom Voyagermeasurements,using the escaperate determinedfrom the Galileo the erosionrate of waterice fromthe surfaceof Ganymede ultravioletspectrometer measurements of atomichydrogen. hasbeencalculated[dohnson et al., 1982, dohnson,1990]. Takingintoaccount theday-nightcycleon Ganymede, the Usingthe assumption that oxygenionsarethe principal averagethickness of watericethatis lostis 1 m peryear. constituent of themagnetospheric plasma,the flux of water Sincehydrogenatomsareescaping, it is oxygenin some molecules fromthe surface of Ganymede is 1 x 10•ø formthatis accumulating in the ice. It may be notedthat molecules/cm 2 sec. This is the sameflux that occursfrom molecularoxygenand ozoneare observedin the ice of sublimation of anicy surfaceat 125 K (Fig. 5, dohnson et Ganymede[Spencer et al., 1995;Calvinet al., 1996;Noll al., 1982). Thus,if ion erosionwerethe principalprocess et al., 1996]. Theremay be a small amountof molecular producing a watervaporatmosphere, the partialpressure oxygenin theatmosphere of Ganymede.A columndensity wouldbe 2 x 10-1•mb. Photodissociation of sucha water of(1-10)x 10•4oxygen molecules cm'2hasbeeninferred vaporatmosphere wouldbeseveral orders of magnitude too from an analysisof HST observations of the ultraviolet low to accountfor the calculatedescapeflux of atomic airglowof Ganymede[Hall et al., 1997]. hydrogen. Another speculativesourceof the hydrogenatoms Uncertainties escaping fromGanymede istheejectionof hydrogen atoms The calculationof the escapeflux is model dependent. directly from the surfaceice by the impinging The valueof 7 x l0 g atoms/cm:sec was calculatedfor a magnetospheric plasmaions. Jupiter'smagnetospheric model in which the hydrogenatoms are producedby plasmawas measured by the energetic particlesdetector photodissociation in an atmosphere with a temperature of (EPD) onthe Galileospacecraft [Williamset al., 1992]. A 450 K and the atmospheric densityis sufficientlyhigh to calculation based onthese observations •gives an ion sputtering rateof 4.8 x 10• molecules/cm sec[W. Ip, form an exobaseat 125 km. If the hydrogenatoms are ejectedfromthesurface with excess kinetic energy, thenthe 8 2 escapeflux maybe greaterthan7 x 10 atoms/cmsec. For eithermechanism, the densityof the neutralatmosphere is theimportantparameter sinceit determines whetheror not thehot atomsequilibratebeforeescaping. privatecommunication]. Laboratory experiments on ion sputtering of watericehaveshownthatin additionto water moleculesbeing eroded,molecularoxygen, molecular hydrogen, andatomichydrogenare also ejectedfromthe icysurface [Bar-Nunet al., 1985]. If the sputtering yield of atomichydrogenis high enough,then ion sputtering Summary may be a viablesourceof the atomichydrogenthat is Atomic hydrogenhasbeenmeasured in the atmosphere escaping fromGanymede. For furtherspeculation, we may compare the escape flux of Ganymede.The densitydirectlyabovethesurfaceis 1.5 2150 BARTH ET AL.' ATOMIC HYDROGEN X 104atomscm-3 The altitudedistribution may be ß ON GANYMEDE Hall, D. T. et al., The Far-ultravioletOxygenAirglow of Europa and Ganymede,Ap. ,I. Letters,in press,1997. describedby a scale height that correspondsto a Hord, C. W. et al., Galileo UltravioletSpectrometerExperiment,Space temperatureof 450 K. A possiblesourceof the atomic ScienceReviews, 60, 503-530, 1992. hydrogenis the photodissociation of watervapor that has Johnson, R. E., Energetic Charged-Particle Interactions with sublimed from the ice on the surface. Using the water Atmospheres andSurface,Springer,Berlin, 1990. Johnson,R. E., L. J. Lanzerotti,andW. L. Brown,PlanetaryApplications vaporatmosphere model,the escape flux of aztOmic of Ion Induced Erosion of Condensed-Gas Frosts, Nucl. Instrum. hydrogen is calculated to be 7 x l0s atoms/cm sec. Methods, 198, 147-157, 1982. However,to supplythis amountof atomichydrogenfrom Kimmel, G. A. and T. M. 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J. Aiello, JPL,4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena,California 91109-8099 (ReceivedMarch 6, 1997;revised June20, 1997; acceptedJune30, 1997.)