1. Select the Course Documents area where you want to
deploy the Assignment.
2. Click Edit Mode ON.
3. From the Assessment drop down menu select Turnitin
4. Select the Assignment Type.
 The Paper Assignment is the default and the base
assignment for all other assignment types.
 The PeerMark Assignment allows students to
read, review, and score or evaluate the papers submitted by their classmates.
 Revision Assignments are used if the instructor would like students to submit multiple drafts
without overwriting the previous submissions. These assignments are duplicates of the ‘parent’
assignments, including the options and settings, but may have new dates.
5. Enter the Assignment Title and the Point Value. The Point Value for the Assignment is optional,
however if you do enter a value this value will appear in the Gradebook column associated with the
Turnitin Assignment.
6. Choose Date and Time restrictions.
 Start date: The date and time the assignment opens, when students can submit the
 Due date: The date and time the assignment is due. Depending on whether or not the
assignment allows late submissions, this can also be the cutoff date.
 Post date: The post date is the date and time student can begin viewing the comments and
grades instructors have left on their papers in GradeMark.
1. Select the Optional Settings and make the appropriate selections.
 If desired enter any special instructions for the assignment.
 Instructors have the option to allow submissions after the due date. If they select Yes students
will be able to submit an assignment after the due date if they have not previously submitted. If the
instructors select No then the students will not be able to submit after the due date.
Blackboard 9.1
California State University, Fresno
Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT)
Blackboard Resource Center – 559-278-7373
1. Choose whether or not you would like Originality Reports generated. The Originality Report will
compare this paper to a number of data sources for similarities between them.
Generate Originality Report for student submissions
o Immediately (first report is final)
o Immediately (can overwrite report until due date): New reports will be generated in
about 24 hours.
o On due date
Exclude bibliographic materials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment?
Select Yes if you want to exclude the text appearing in the bibliography, works cited, or
reference sections of student papers when generating Originality Reports.
Exclude quoted materials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment?
Select Yes if you want to exclude all the text appearing in the quotes from being checked for
matches when generating Originality Reports.
Exclude small matches?
The instructor is able to exclude matches that are not of sufficient length. This length is
determined by the instructor and they may select by Word Count or Percentage.
Allow students to see Originality Reports?
Select Yes or No depending on whether or not you would like student to view the Originality
Reports for the Assignment submission.
Reveal grades to students only on post date?
Select Yes if you would like your students to only see papers using the GradeMark feature once
you have them graded.
Submit papers to:
o Student paper repository: Compares the currently submitted paper against all
papers that have ever been submitted to the Turnitin database.
o Current and archived Internet: Compares the currently submitted paper against
approximately 4.5 billion current and archived web pages.
o Periodicals, journals, & publications: Compares the currently submitted paper
against a vast collection of books and journals available from this subscription
Blackboard 9.1
California State University, Fresno
Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT)
Blackboard Resource Center – 559-278-7373
Attach a rubric/form to this assignment?
o Instructors have the ability to create a rubric/form using the built in feature in
Turnitin. Students will be able to view the attached rubric/form prior to submitting.
Enable grammar checking using e-rater® technology?
o When this setting is enabled, submissions viewed within GradeMark will also contain
feedback options for grammar and other writing traits. Instructors will need to select
the appropriate ETS® handbook and the desired categories and default options.
Note: Turnitin for iPad® doesn't currently support ETS® e-rater®. All viewing and management
of ETS® e-rater® results must be completed through Turnitin directly.
Instructors have the ability to save all options as default for future assignments.
Blackboard 9.1
California State University, Fresno
Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT)
Blackboard Resource Center – 559-278-7373